Steel steam and flame

Chapter 685 Red Deadly Agent (6)

The armor body was submerged in flames and lightning, and immediately lost power. The arm embedded in the giant single-edged sword naturally lowered and landed on the ground two or three meters away from Cassia.

All the weight of the body was placed on the legs, and the two feet seemed to be tied with thick iron chains. Every step of Cassia's running was extremely difficult. The vibrations on the ground and the sound of heavy objects falling were like bullets aimed at his head, causing Cassia's violently beating heart to suddenly stop. I instinctively felt the danger, but I couldn't think of any way to deal with it. Apart from human anatomy, the remaining knowledge that can be considered proficient is about steam power and some mechanical knowledge. Cassia had some contact with things related to electricity, but it was just an introduction.

At this moment, Cassia couldn't think of any way to avoid it. In other words, even if he understands the knowledge about electricity, what he brings to him at this moment will not be hope, but a deeper despair.

The electric current that had not yet been completely introduced into the ground by the phosphorus tube suddenly spread on the giant single-edged sword, and the dazzling arc crackled on it, splashing countless sparks and dazzling folded light. Cassia's body, which was still running hard, also suffered a heavy blow at this time. An arc of electricity instantly connected the air between him and the giant single-edged sword. The point where it landed on the body exploded directly, and the scales there collapsed several times. The flesh underneath was completely burnt black. All movements stopped at the same time. The blood on the black scales was being heated and steam was rising. In less than a second, there were only lumps of mud-like objects stuck together after the blood was thirsty.

After staying in place for a few seconds, Cassia's body gradually curled up, and when her fingers were almost twisted and deformed, she fell heavily to the ground.

The countless shining arcs on the body also disappeared at this time, leaving only pieces of flames still burning, but the momentum had begun to decrease. The gray armor plates were completely destroyed and ablated into pitch black color by the electric current, and the remaining pieces of debris were stuck to the body. A big hole melted out of the head, and the molten metal poured into the body below like freezing ice, with a piece of burnt material behind it. White smoke also emitted from the ground in a small area, which was water vapor evaporated from the soil heated by the electric current.

Thick black smoke gradually replaced the burning flames and rose into the night sky under the pale moonlight. The evening wind blew a little bit at this time, and the thick smoke drifted slightly into the distance. The alloy plate heated by the current on the body quickly turned dark red, until finally it completely returned to its original color. It's just that the surface is no longer bright and dark, but has become rough like sandpaper, with patches of slight ridges or depressions.

Silence and quietness enveloped this place for some time. Apart from the sound of steel breaking from the machine body from time to time, there was only the inaudible "rustling" sound in the evening breeze.

The armor body became completely silent, and there was no movement from Cassia who fell on the ground. Both of them seemed to be trying their best to endure something, trying hard to protect the rare sense of tranquility after the roar.

Perhaps after a few minutes, the thick smoke on the aircraft became only a few wisps. Under the darkness, a red light spot suddenly jumped out in the cab. After a few seconds, multiple indicator lights gradually lit up in their proper colors. A sharp sound came from the silent machine again. Several streams of steam gushed out from its back, and the super vapor compression device restarted. , delivering the initial steam to the high-pressure tank. The gears in the differential engine are meshing again, and the emergency programs inside are being issued one after another.

The harsh sound of the buzzer joined in at this time. In the cab, the unconscious Ovelia was hung there by a seat belt and numerous sensing devices. The left and right sides of her neck were illuminated by two green beams, and then two needle-tipped probes poked out from both sides of the cab and stabbed her neck accurately. The body's functions were forcibly awakened, and the beating heart visible on her chest was waking her up from her coma.

Cassia, who was next to the giant single-edged sword, also twitched a few times, and the black scales on it began to tremble one by one. Most of that tail has disappeared now. When the tail was completely hidden into the body, Cassia opened her eyes, and the cross pupils dimmed a little. He opened his mouth and blew out a cloud of black air, taking a deep breath.

He reached out and touched his abdomen. The burning smell had not disappeared, and the stiffness there made him understand the severity of the injury. There is already a dull pain in the body that has been transmitted to the brain, and the scaly state is about to disappear.

Cassia struggled to stand up with her body, her head was in a daze, her steps were unsteady, and she almost fell down again.

At this moment, there was a rumble in the distance, the sound of a heavy truck running on the ground.

"Could it be the remaining enemies?" Cassia looked around, with only a blur in his eyes. Outside the silence, there was only endless night and nothing left. "We need to get out of here quickly." He thought, before walking forward a few steps. As he stepped further, a "chichi" sound came from behind him. Cassia knew very well that it was the sound of steam being refilled into the copper pipes. The machine next to him was also waking up from the dead silence. The bright indicator light in the cab made him think for the first time that he no longer wanted to resist.

The giant single-edged sword next to him was raised up reflexively, but the strength was insufficient. The single-edged sword was less than a few dozen centimeters above the ground before it fell to the ground again. Then something on the body cracked, and a stream-like sound passed into Cassia's ears. He turned his head and saw that under the cold moonlight, the lower half of the machine had been dyed a strange dark red. Hot blood flowed from the gap between the alloy plates of the machine's head and upper body. At the bottom of the big hole where the head was melted, Cassia believed that she indeed saw writhing muscles-like substances. They were slowly expanding and squeezing out.

There was a ferocious smile on his face that he had never noticed. His body seemed to be out of control, but it truly carried Cassia's own will. Turning around, Cassia instinctively walked towards the armor body in front of her step by step. Under the regularly flashing lights, Ovelia opened her eyes at this moment. Cross pupils burst out from inside, and the first image that caught his eyes was Cassia's figure walking towards her.

Feeling panicked, Ovelia moved her fingers with difficulty, breathing heavily and suppressing the painful heartbeat in her chest due to the violent beating. At the same time, she ignored the damage warning from the differential machine and forcibly controlled the triangle combination on her arm. The barrel of the gun was pointed at Cassia and fired.

After several "bang bang" sounds, the triangular combination gun barrel exploded directly, but a few bullets were still fired.

Cassia caught the few bullets flying towards her, but it was extremely difficult to just move forward. It was already impossible to avoid them. Subconsciously narrowing her eyes, Cassia concentrated all her remaining energy and controlled her body to tilt to the side in an attempt to avoid it.

When the bullets flew over, the black scales on his body were beyond his thoughts. The shaking speed suddenly accelerated. Under the sound of "cluck", there was something invisible that was about to hit Cassia's body when several warheads were about to hit it. At that moment, it was like a film without any shape or color, blocking the path of the bullet.

Seeing the ballistic line approaching her body, Cassia was ready to bear the impact. But I just felt a larger vibration. After a spark-like light flashed, mud fountains rose from both sides of my body. A few bits of molten metal liquid also splashed around, fell into the ground, and disappeared in a short moment. .

"It bounced off?" Without the time or energy to think about it, Cassia stabilized her body, and the smile on her face became more ferocious and terrifying. Under Ovelia's horrified eyes, he climbed onto the mechanical arm embedded in the giant single-edged sword, and then followed the arm step by step to the head of the machine.

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