Steel steam and flame

Chapter 641 Convergence (7)

"What about Cassia?" After a few breaths, Iyeta asked as if he remembered, "In my memory, although Adelaide is slightly stronger than Ovelia, but It is still impossible to solve Cassia by one person, right? After all, he is a person full of mysteries. "

"We relied on the effect of solid red mercury to enter the second stage of the operation in a short time, and there was also a suppression tube. I knew that Cassia's system would definitely be very special, but since there was no solid red mercury, the suppression tube was more It is a terrifying twenty-four, and there may be more. But it can also reach the same stage of surgery as us in the same time. With such a result, no matter who it is, there will be more thoughts in their hearts, right?" Yeta's words were taken as a matter of course.

Hai didn't object, but now his mind didn't seem to be focused on this aspect.

"Mr. Cassia is very good. He never went on the mission from the beginning. Ye Jielin has other plans. This is also the information I will tell you in detail later." Hai and Yieta drove a limo in the car. Speeding on the road in the rain, he was driving towards another more luxurious hotel, "I was thinking about Adelaide. Could it be that his coming here was just a coincidence and he was just passing by?"

"How can there be so many coincidences? Since you think he came here, he must have his own will. He is also a person like Ovelia, and no one knows what kind of thoughts are in his head." Yiye Ta said as if commenting on the dishes. Hai nodded in front, quite agreeing with this statement.

During the rest of the journey, Hai compiled the recent information and highlighted a few key points to tell Ieta.

When the two of them actually arrived at the lobby of another hotel where they were resting, Hai had just finished speaking about the recent information.

It's not raining much outside, and it may continue until tomorrow morning. Ieta put the suitcase aside and was packing up a light pink umbrella and placing it in the umbrella tube next to the hotel door.

"Since Adelaide did not catch his target Cassia, it is also the right choice for him to go back immediately. Cassia escaped from the mission and became a huge variable. No matter where he is placed, it is an unmanageable trouble. . At this time, Ovelia has been restrained. As an emergency measure, Adelaide should quickly go to the place where Cassia appeared." The two booked multiple rooms at the front desk as a disguise , walking into the elevator, Ieta analyzed the information that he had learned not long ago. This was also the opinion of others that Hai needed.

"But he has come to us now." Hai smiled and said, "I also really hope that Mr. Cassia will come to us, but this is definitely impossible. Then Adelaide just doesn't believe that I will clean it up. You were worried, so you came to my side?"

"No matter how you look at it, it won't develop like this, and the reason is too simple." Hai said when the elevator protective door opened, "And by doing this, he doesn't seem to worry much about Ovelia. Ruoka Mr. Xia's matter has been dealt with, and the chance that the next target will be Ovelia is very high. Coupled with Ye Jielin or other members, it is enough to pose a certain threat to Ovelia. Ye Jie Several of Lin's teams rush over, and the single-body strength gap during the operation stage will be infinitely reduced to nothing."

"In other words, with Adelaide's head, he is very clear about the situation that Ovelia will face. It's just that there is information that we, Cassia and Ye Jielin don't know. Does this allow Ovelia to ensure absolute safety even without Adelaide's help?" Hai raised another possibility. In the elevator, he suddenly remembered what his mother said when he came to see him not long ago. Those words come.

Iyeta tried hard to search for various information about Ovelia in his head, but could not find any information that could be linked to this. She has been separated from her family for a long time.

"This can be seen as a possibility." Ieta finally said, "The Astus family values ​​her potential and future very much, and it is conceivable that they will take protective measures to a certain extent. But for now , we still can’t guess what this protective measure is.”

"My thoughts are roughly the same as yours." Hai agreed as he entered the room.


Puno returned to the hotel room. The window was not closed, and the wind blew the curtain high. A little rain drifted in, and now the ground was wet.

Putting the black cloth bag wrapping the long sword on the table, Puno walked over and closed the window. When he turned around, there was already a slightly stronger person in the room. Compared to Puno's own thinness, the other person's standard figure also looked unusually strong.

"Mr. Adelaide, have you finished it?" Puno asked at this time, because he had only met Adelaide not long ago, and there was not a complete conversation between the two.

"It's all in vain. There is only the disguised bait. The real prey is elsewhere, and there is still the possibility of turning into a hunter." Adelaide is Ovelia's older brother. The age difference is less than one year. He has a nice face, with a gentle glow that attracts women. Sounds that have not been specially processed also have extraordinary magnetism, like a melodious violin.

"It involves bad news, I hope you are mentally prepared." He observed Puno's expression, "Miss Dellin has determined that she cannot be contacted."

Puno frowned, it was indeed bad news. Because the meaning of the representative cannot be contacted, except for rare possible special circumstances, it is death. He wanted to believe that this was a special situation, but Adelaide's face didn't say so.

"I know." Puno nodded in reply. After sitting down, he kept looking at his sword, waiting for what Adelaide wanted to say.

"Hope it's just a special situation." Adelaide added later, as if to comfort.

"What was your intuitive feeling after seeing Hai?" Adelaide asked about unrelated questions.

"Generally there is only danger and disgust arising from unknown places in the heart. On the outside of the extreme area, I have met several people from the Hill family, and they are all mentally unstable people. The atmosphere of their family seems to have been there since childhood. It will distort the character and mentality of a large part of the clan. At least so far, the number of people from the Hill family that I have met can be regarded as normal, less than two."

"Indeed, outsiders' evaluation of the Hill family is generally the same." Adelaide said, "Mr. Puno," the voice became solemn, and Puno stared at Adelaide's face.

"The original intention of coming here is just to give Hai a warning and let him restrain himself from this incident. I will leave immediately and set off back to Ovelia. Mr. Puno, you can choose to go with I can go together, or I can stay here and continue to monitor Hei's actions. But I think it is too dangerous. Ovelia and I have never figured out Hei's attitude towards Ieta. Once there is a mistake, the price paid will be It's going to be huge." Adelaide made it very clear.

But Puno finally chose to stay and did not leave with Adelaide. On the one hand, the trust between him and Adelaide is not enough, and on the other hand, Puno is confident in his own strength. If he is not unable to run away, that is the lowest bottom line for him to recognize his own strength.

"Then please try your best to create the illusion that I am still here. You may have guessed that I am here. This may delay a little time." Adelaide requested earnestly.

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