Steel steam and flame

Chapter 598 Freshmen at School (9)

After sending Selmer and Mond away, Cassia thought about tomorrow again before opening the borrowed books. Because of Lina, Cassia chose to learn the language of the Flame Alliance first. There is no difference in the order. By the second stage of the surgery, basic learning abilities have improved many times. In one afternoon, Cassia had the simplest understanding of the language of the Flame Alliance.

"I still have problems with pronunciation, and I will have to borrow some listening materials soon." In the evening, Cassia closed the basic book on language learning, read a few cultural and national materials about the Flame Alliance, and closed his eyes to rest. .

The next morning, I got up around early in the morning. At this time, it was less than three days before the military school started. Except for those fourth and fifth grade students, most of the other students were almost all back. There is a lot of life inside the school. When the semester starts, more than 100,000 students will come to the military school again, and it will be even more lively.

Cassia and Selmer had breakfast and set off from the military school. They separated on the way, Selmer led the team to ambush, while Cassia and Mond brought their own equipment to the train station.

Noon passed quickly, and Cassia and Mond did not wait for Hessler and the others in front of the train station. There was no sign of the third batch of returning personnel from the main exits. Not far away, the limo car in which the Webley family came to pick up the third group of people was parked. Like Cassia and the others, they also did not wait.

Until the bustling and crowded train station became quieter, Cassia put on a black hat, dressed up a little, got off the car and entered the train station.

According to the timetable, the train Hessler and the others were on was about to start again. Cassia looked several times at several possible leak spots in the train station, but there was no sign of the target.

At this time, Mond in the car contacted Cassia using a portable communicator.

"The Webberley family's limo is about to leave, but no one is getting on it." Mond said, "Do you want to follow?"

"Wait for me, I will come out of the station in about ten seconds." Cassia said as he walked quickly out of the train station.

In front of the station, as soon as he came out, he saw the Webley family's ceremonial car driving past. Through the window glass, except for the driver and one related person, there was only silence inside.

The two of them followed in the car, and the limo's return route was exactly as they had originally imagined. Soon after, he left the central edge of Manoma and drove towards the headquarters of the Webley family. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before they meet Selmer and the others who are lying in wait.

I spoke with the captain on Selmer's side and found that the situation there was still the same. There were not many vehicles coming and going, but in the eyes of several observers, the faces of Hessler and the other third batch of returnees were not seen.

"Mond and I will be at your place soon." Cassia replied, her head a little confused.

"Hessler probably didn't come back on this train." Cassia closed her eyes and leaned on the passenger seat and said. Mond drove the car and after listening to Cassia's words, he thought for a moment and said: "Based on Dellin's experience last time, Hessler and others may have known most of the information about this place while they were still on the train. Okay. Maybe I got off the train at the previous station, got in the limo and drove all the way back to the family residence in Webley."

"The result may be better this way. But they did this not to return to the family camp secretly, but for other things. The situation would be very bad. I don't know Hessler's attitude. If they didn't form an alliance with Delin, they would You can do whatever you want. But if they have discussed it on the way or in the extreme area. Hessler's current position has become dark, and the actual number of the third group of people is not yet clear. It becomes more complicated." Cassia is worried about this. "The strength of this group of people is at least starting from the second stage of the operation. It's easy to say that the team that met us had detailed planning and the cooperation of the team members. Our surgical stage may be a little lower, but at least it’s not irreparable.”

"For fear of encountering him alone, if Hessle continues like this and does not return to the family base, we will have another hidden danger factor that is completely beyond our control." Mond said in conclusion, with a dry smile, not knowing how to evaluate it.

Cassia nodded, then moved his body and sat up straight, looking at the endless road ahead, spreading and being gradually swallowed up by the surrounding wilderness. The speed of the car is very fast, and the surrounding scenery becomes fluid. If you don't concentrate, the surgeon's dynamic vision is very good, and he will ignore some details above.

"Slow down the speed a little." Mond was driving steadily when he heard Cassia say in a serious tone. He couldn't feel anything yet, but his heart was beating suddenly, and the breath of Cassia beside him became obviously unfamiliar. In Mond's impression during these times, Cassia was the kind of person who was easy to get in touch with. Although he hardly spoke at several alliance meetings, as a major member of Ye Jielin's side, his identity and status were almost equal to Ye Jielin's.

As soon as he reached out to the air valve switch, he felt a hand pressing on his head. The body instinctively wants to resist, but the power of that arm is very huge, and his strength is not equivalent to it. His head and entire upper body were affected by the power of this hand, and they were all pressed toward the steering wheel.

"Touch" The next moment Mond's body collided tightly with the steering wheel, his hand pressed the car's horn button, and a harsh sound instantly roared in his ears. It was an unreal experience. Mond felt like there was strong wind blowing on his face, and sitting in a limousine, the blaring of the horn had never been so strong, and it shouldn't have been.

There were other things mixed in with the sound of the horn, the harsh friction between steel, and glass shards falling down, hitting Mond in the face.

Feeling the power in his head disappear, Mond instantly raised his head and subconsciously stepped on the brakes. The window glass in front of him was all shattered, and the entire roof of the limo disappeared the moment his body was pressed down. Looking at the sharp cut on the car door next to him, Mond's heart beat a few more times and sweat broke out on his body. The ceiling of the limousine was obviously cut open by some kind of sharp weapon. If the hand hadn't been holding down his body at that time.

Mond didn't dare to think about it. At this time, the wind hitting his face quickly decreased with the speed of the limo. It wasn't until the limo stopped that he felt his heartbeat slow down. He looked beside him, and Cassia turned her head to look behind the car.

His eyes immediately turned around, and Mond discovered that a person had been standing on the roadside for some time, and the cut-off roof of the limo was on the ground not far from the man.

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