Steel steam and flame

Chapter 575: Networking (3)

The other people in formal attire were a little slower. They followed behind the person in charge and also rushed over. The circle of armed soldiers immediately formed a defensive posture, and the people who were close through the woods were already firing in the direction of the sound. The branches were broken by bullets and fell in large pieces. Most of the people behind them who had returned from extreme areas got into the limo again at extremely fast speeds. Only a few hid behind the damaged limo, looking at the mist-filled front. .

The person in charge had already reached the foot of the big tree. The armed soldiers immediately ceased fire, and half of them moved forward to the other people in charge.

"You stay here, there may be others hiding! Find them!" The person in charge left these words behind, followed the row of obvious traces in the woods, chased after them, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight. .

On the big tree, a pair of obvious footprints could be seen, and the thick trunk was broken, revealing the fresh wood fibers inside. People standing under the tree can clearly simulate in their minds the scene of the shooter using his feet to crush the thick branch in an instant.

Two bullet casings that were still warm were found at the foot of the tree. The last trace of gunpowder smoke nestled in the shells dispersed when they were picked up.

At the same time, the roar of a limousine came from the side, followed closely by the sharp sound of brakes. Ye Jielin and Atuohuan just arrived here at this time.

The remaining leaders in formal clothes looked at Ye Jielin getting out of the car with a sneer, and their expressions suddenly became a little excited.

"Ye Jielin, you..." In the end, they only said these few words. They also returned to the highway and came to several construction bulldozers, pointing at Ye Jielin, wanting to say something. , but it was all stuffed back into his stomach. The person in charge is not here now, so they don't seem to have any advantage against Ye Jielin. Even though their status in the family is indeed higher than that of Ye Jielin, they know in their hearts that it is a negligible height.

The two corpses fell limply in a pool of blood, the heat was still rising, and the surroundings were filled with the rich fishy smell of blood. Ye Jielin stared at the two corpses for a few seconds, then looked around, and had a rough estimate of the situation here.

"Isn't Chief Wolff here?" Ye Jielin asked the person in front of her politely.

"We're already chasing the person who fired the gun." The person who answered said angrily. "Wait a minute and explain what's going on here to Chief Wolf. Your subordinate will never escape."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke with half-gnashed teeth: "Ye Jielin, when you return to the family, you will always have to pay the price for this. Stopping this fight among the successor candidates is the intention of the elders meeting! "

"You don't have to worry about me." Ye Jielin turned around and replied lightly. She walked to her car, passing the four limousines that had changed their shape on the way, and instantly scanned the faces of everyone else and remembered them all in her head.

Sitting back in the car, Ye Jielin and Atuohuan decided to wait here for the return of Chief Wolf. Of course, the main purpose is to determine what happened to Cassia as soon as possible.


Woolf's neat dress was torn and full of holes torn by fragments of the steel-cased bomb. Dozens of pieces of shrapnel were still embedded in his body. As he moved violently, they were constantly rubbing against the fresh blood and flesh under his skin. The pain stimulated Woolf's nerves, and the speed of his feet increased a little at this time.

The white shirt underneath his clothes was almost dyed red, and blood was still seeping out of his body. As long as the shrapnel is pulled out, the wound will scab and heal quickly. At Woolf's current stage of surgery, basic healing power is enough to accomplish these things. But he didn't have the time or energy at the moment. He felt trouble just by chasing the person in front of him.

His head was also cut open by shrapnel, and blood flowed down Woolf's face, making his rough face look even more ferocious. I feel so embarrassed that I fell into such a simple trap. But I have to admire the person in front of him. He had a good grasp of his mind at that time. Steel-cased bombs were placed in all directions and there were no blind spots covered by shrapnel. No matter how he avoided it, Woolf finally became what he is now.

He was now catching up at his fastest speed, but he still felt that the distance between himself and his goal was getting farther and farther.

Woolf couldn't believe this fact. Although his strength had been stuck in the late second stage of the surgery for a long time, he had never broken through to the third stage. But over the past few years, he has made progress. Because after passing the first stage of the surgery, you can start to develop various basics for the surgery, and the body's various abilities can be specialized and strengthened again at the original increase.

For several years, Woolf spent all her time, resources and money on this. Speed ​​is one of his latest developments. The development of this surgery has not been started for long, but it is already bearing fruit. The muscle fibers in his legs have begun to change, and the linear muscle fibers have begun to proliferate in the form of duplicates, which makes his legs slowly become particularly thick.

And this is just the early stages. Soon, his legs will swell to about three times their original size, and he will look like a monster at that time. But that won't last long. The replicated and proliferated muscle fibers will remain for one to two weeks, and then these muscle fibers will begin to twist around each other, just like twisting a rope, and several muscle fibers will re-aggregate into one thread in a spiral shape. At that time, not only strength, but also strength and toughness will increase several times in a very short period of time.

At this time, the benefits of a large family began to appear. Faced with the development of something as dangerous as surgery, which is always accompanied by surprises, it is full of uncertainties. It can be satisfying, but it can also bring disaster. Biological interference is far from simple. But there are always compromise security methods, relying on the computing power of super analytical machines and the massive amounts of data collected. Each major force has its own database.

It's certainly not just limited to surgical development, it includes a lot of things. Surgery is only one important part.

There are many safe surgical development methods in the database. The specific development process involves equipment, drugs, hormones, various tools, a rough time frame, various problems that will be encountered, and their solutions. These things were converted into type for use by people within various families or factions.

For people like Woolf, all they need to do is follow the rows of type. The risk will be reduced to almost nothing. Just like his current leg muscle fiber changes, when the development is truly completed, another development must be coordinated. That is to re-strengthen the leg bones. Otherwise, with the strength of the muscle fibers after development, the leg bones will not be able to withstand that kind of force. As long as the strength exceeds the upper limit, the result is generally that the leg bones are squeezed into pieces by the muscle fibers. This is like using a thousand-ton forging machine to press an ordinary mechanical watch.

His current legs are much thicker than those of ordinary surgeons, and the power they bring is several times that of ordinary surgeons. The speed of pushing his body is extremely fast. But he still couldn't catch up with the person in front of him, and the distance was gradually widening.

In a sense of frustration, Woolf ran wildly in the woods, the strong wind generated pulling up all the dead leaves around him.

The trees in front began to become sparse, and Woolf rushed over in a few steps and stood at the edge of the grove. There was a wilderness in front of him. An off-road vehicle with steam spewing from its body was in front of his field of vision. At this time, it crashed through the guardrail of another highway in the distance. After driving onto the road, it immediately disappeared from his eyes.

Woolf panted, his mood was hard to describe. He had not even seen the whole person.

Turning around and leaving, Woolf prepared to go back to the team. But the body suddenly stopped in place. Something on the ground attracted him. It must have been footprints. He thought, but the shape was completely incompatible with human beings.

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