Steel steam and flame

Chapter 500 Information (6)

After changing his clothes, Cassia tied the leader's hands and feet with his original clothes and completely dislocated his hands. Then he hit him hard on the back of the neck, hoping it would last longer than the time he fainted. Then he picked up the steel can, lowered his head slightly, and quickened his pace to catch up with the three people who were already farther away.

Behind the end of the passage is a world made of concrete. The storage warehouse is a space dug out inside the mountain, with a circular dome-like building above it, reinforced by steel bars. The shape below is roughly circular, but several train lines have cut it into a crescent shape.

There was a standard imperial heavy train parked there, no different from what Cassia had seen in the small town. The black iron steel plates welded to the body are like scales, neatly arranged on the body. The corrosion situation is more serious, which may also be related to the climate of this mountain range.

The remaining space in the circular area was divided into several large areas by high square walls. As one of the storage warehouses of the former Xuefeng Base, the size of the space is indeed the largest Cassia has ever seen. It is dozens of times the size of the factory he once bought in Manoma.

It seemed very empty inside. Cassia followed the three people carrying the steel can and observed the surrounding situation. In the huge space, you can count the items that can be called cargo piled up one by one with your fingers. The large amount of goods piled together are all standard arms used by the imperial military, and the boxes have bright numbers on them. They are placed in various categories surrounded by high walls.

Standard firearms have the largest amount of ammunition, with ordinary ammunition accounting for the vast majority, and there are also a lot of platinum bullets. Porters like him were carrying boxes and boxes of things to the heavy train parked at the unloading platform. As if in a hurry, the forklifts and cranes standing nearby were all activated, and the scream of the steam valve closing could be heard far away.

If we hadn't come down here from the ruins of Xuefeng Base, this place would really be a busy and lively port-like area.

I also saw a large number of artillery and packaged heavy machine gun parts, and Cassia also saw a lot. Sniper rifles of different light and heavy models are also counted by the number of boxes. Steel-cased bombs have become the most common items, similar to high-explosives, and a limited number of fully assembled tanks and armored vehicles can also be seen in the cargo boxes with a hatch opened. More people were there using chains to help secure them.

Someone was standing on a high platform, using a loudspeaker to direct the transporters to hurry up. The entire tractor-trailer was four sections in length. Four weak columns of steam smoke slowly floated up. The steam furnace inside had entered the preheating stage in advance.

"Hurry up, wait until the above matter is over, Lord Norenter comes down and sees this progress, you will be the ones suffering at that time!" The sound coming out of the loudspeaker was processed by electronic sound and reached Cassia's In my ears it sounded like the quacking of a duck that was about to die of old age. They were not worried about the outcome of the battle above. As a standard military warship, with complete equipment and ammunition, they had great confidence in it.

The commander's words had some effect. The "Lord Norunter" he spoke of had a deterrent effect, and the speed of the group of transporters also accelerated a lot. The goods piled up like a mountain beside the queue, and most of the cargo boxes in each section of the queue were still empty. Even if the current speed can be maintained, it may take the afternoon to deliver all the goods.

The list of additional items that she had just seen in that house not long ago was heard, and there was also a time limit. Cassia followed silently while carrying a half-ton steel can. He was thinking about things in his head, and then he remembered the words of the captain and other veterans in the twelfth team when they were chatting, and he recalled that the top management of the Volcano Base was purged a few years ago.

"It's a pity that all the mercenary teams that were originally left here are dead, otherwise we wouldn't be allowed to do these things." Walking behind, when they were about to reach the re-listing container, the three people in front listened to the commander words, said something.

"I originally thought I was here to clean up the battlefield and the mess, but I didn't expect it to be this mess." Someone answered, "The entire freight volume is just in time for New Year's Eve, so today is a bit tough."

"And there are no rewards. In the past, we could get some small bits and pieces every year."

"When something like this happened, the adults at the top must be thinking about how to reduce the losses. Why are there still scraps sent to us this year? It's better not to pin the cause on us." He was quite helpless. In a tone of voice, "What on earth is this thing? Even a solid steel can can't be so heavy, right? It feels heavier and heavier. Damn it."

Cassia, who was following behind, said nothing and walked slowly while listening to the three people's words, looking around to collect more information.

Quickly walked to the rear line. These steel cans are special items, and their storage locations on the list are also somewhat special. It is a professional sealed cargo box. They added a layer of alloy plates about ten centimeters in length to the cargo box and spliced ​​it together to seal it. Some are like large mobile cold storages.

An entire cargo box was used to store these steel cans. The ones Cassia and the others are carrying seem to be the last few. Inside the cargo box, the same items were neatly placed on both sides of the aisle, and someone else was using shelves and soft rubber mats to secure them in place. He lowered his head and followed the three people in front of him to place the steel can next to the cargo box. Cassia's eyes followed the cargo box with a hatch opened on the heavy train. It was a very long heavy train. The end of the train was at His eyes had become very small.

At this time, the other three people also clapped their hands to sign that they were done.

"Leader, how about we find a place to rest and smoke a cigarette?" Before the three of them could bring their heads together, Cassia had already cleverly avoided the sight of the three of them.

He nodded and waved his hands, acquiescing to the three people's suggestions. Not noticing anything unusual, the three of them were a little excited. They took a careful look at the high platform in the distance, and then walked towards the load-bearing pillars on the side of the row. It seemed that they had found a good resting position.

Only then did Cassia turn her head and look inside the cargo box in front of her, where there were several refrigeration equipment.

At an unbiased time, at this moment, those who fixed the steel cans also walked out of the cargo box and came to pick up the last few cans placed on the unloading platform. There were five people in total, and their eyes met Cassia's at this moment.

Although Cassia wore a light white mask, it could not cover her eyes. If you are familiar with it, you can immediately tell something is wrong with the "leader" in front of you if you look closely.

Cassia's whole body stiffened at this moment, and her heart beat faster, but it was suppressed by him the next moment. He was actively thinking about the next countermeasures in his mind, how to deal with it if he was recognized. Because he has realized that things in the ruins of Xuefeng Base are not as simple as he imagined.

The five people carrying them walked toward Cassia. The clothes they wore also looked a bit bloated and light gray, but they did not have the masks covering the mouth like Cassia and the others. Maybe it was because the nature of the work was different. He also wore a safety helmet, but in Cassia's opinion it was a dispensable item. Most of the people's faces were exposed, a little pale under the cold light.

Cassia quickly turned her face away at this time, and her hand had already touched the tactical knife under her clothes. Once an accident occurs, he thinks that with all his strength, he can get rid of the five people in a very short time, at least without letting them make too much noise to attract the attention of the people around him.

But after the five people glanced at Cassia's face, they all nodded indifferently, without speaking or making any other expression. They showed no interest in Cassia's face.

Just when Cassia felt really lucky, five people also walked up to him, picked up the steel cans and got into the cargo box. He also took this opportunity to see clearly the complete faces of the five people.

There was a strange feeling rising from his heart at this moment. Because the face of one of them was very familiar to him, as if he had seen it briefly somewhere.

At this time, he walked to another carriage in the queue to help carry other goods. While doing what I was doing, I thought about it carefully for some time. Then, he finally woke up, it was the sniper he had met on the way to the volcano base!

"Did they sneak in too?" Cassia put down what she was holding and hurriedly walked to the cargo box pretending to be casual. But the cargo box door had been closed tightly, and the five people were nowhere to be seen.

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