Steel steam and flame

Chapter 498 Information (4)

Her footsteps and body became lighter at the same time, and Cassia tried her best not to let the sound of her footsteps spread. The sound of printing is still continuing, as if it is a very long message. It will take a little longer to be completely converted into ink text.

The height of the house is not very high, only five floors, a decent height. But the area is quite huge, excluding the small concrete open space where Cassia is walking, which is about a few hundred square meters. The layout follows the style of the volcano base, with a regular circle of trees surrounding the house. However, the growth situation is not very good, either due to lack of sunlight or because there is no way to take care of it. There is no decent leaf, and many of the branches that stick out are dead on the tree.

They have a strong sense of life and are the kind of people who live together on a large scale. A group of people who like to smoke, Cassia said. In the corner of the concrete, I saw many half-stubbed cigarette butts, all of which were brands that were recognizable in the empire, just like Webley Company's reputation in the arms trading market. In addition, there are a larger number of wine bottles, all with the logo of a sailing ship on them, which are also very expensive brands in wine.

And whether it's cigarette butts or wine bottles that have been piled up and left uncollected, there are traces of age on them. The time span is very long, and it is not just piled up in the last week or two.

"It's almost as I judged. Sure enough, the development of things will never be controlled by us soldiers." Cassia thought as she approached the first floor of the house where the sound came from. With its back against the solid wall of the room, the paint and powder applied on it were slightly opened by bullets, revealing Cheng Liang's steel plate inside. The balled up bullets were trapped inside.

There was a battle here, and one of the parties was the enemy. This can be guessed. Cassia began to think about these things in his head. Who is the other party?

He followed the sound to a window. It was all tempered glass, but it was all shattered. Under Cassia's feet was a pile of sputtering bullets and stuck glass fragments. He took out the fragment of mirror he had always carried with him and carefully peered into the room from a hidden corner.

There was no one in the room used to store communication tools, and there was only black and red dried blood on the ground. The printing sound comes from the machine in the corner of the room, which is in a blind corner of the room and is not damaged. At the printing port there, several sheets of snow-white printing paper were being spit out in an orderly manner.

Cassia walked into the room and walked over in a few steps. The transformation of the information was just completed. He picked up the warm paper. He had no expectations, but surprisingly, all the information on it was in the imperial language, and the information recorded was not very simple.

Specifically, this document can be regarded as a less formal order and an additional order. It is impossible to tell what the specific goods are, and the product names are all replaced by numbers like code words. The first few lines of text are warning words, reminding that the goods must be set off smoothly before the set time in the afternoon. No matter how much sacrifice is made, this requirement must be met.

The next few pages are filled with additional lists of products replaced by numbers. There is no signature, and there is no specific place where the products are sent. It is just a simple order, and no more useful information can be found. Cassia folded the papers and put them back to their original positions, as if no one had touched them.

"Huh..." He took a breath, his head continuing to heat up, "This seems to be used as a trading place? Or a storage warehouse? And this house is where the people who handle the transactions live. Moving, protection, signing, The specific delivery process requires people.”

He thought to himself in his head: "Then who will be the boss here?" After looking around, he saw standard rooms and standard machines, but he couldn't draw anything specific. And on the way here, he didn't see anything that looked like a commodity in the vast ruins of the base, except for large buildings covered with moss or big trees and shrubs.

"Are the goods in the original storage warehouse of Xuefeng Base?" Thinking of the layout of the volcano base, Cassia thought of this possibility, "When I was in the twelfth team, the captain and other veterans seemed to have mentioned this. Some things about Xuefeng..." He remembered something interesting.

While I was thinking, there was the sound of rapid footsteps coming from the half-open door. At first glance, you can tell they are hard-soled shoes.

Cassia immediately hid behind the door, drew out the tactical knife, and reduced her body movements a little, trying to integrate herself with the surrounding walls as much as possible.

But in the eyes of the enemies, this was already unnecessary caution. In Cassia's eyes, the metal door was knocked open and hit the wall hard. Fortunately, Cassia, who was hiding in the innermost corner, immediately retracted her body and was not hit by the steel door.

",,,,," ",,,,,"

There were conversations, all in the language of the Far Sea Commonwealth. Because I heard words with the same pronunciation in the cave a few days ago. Judging from the sound of footsteps, there were only two people. Then there was the sound of paper being picked up, and Cassia believed they couldn't understand it. Compared with learning another country's language and training to improve one's strength, the latter is more tempting.

In less than a few seconds, there was the sound of paper being thrown down, and an angry tone that didn't make sense. The footsteps began to move away at this moment, and Cassia then opened the door and followed them quietly.

Finally, he stopped in front of another more spacious room. It's the lounge, and there's a sign on the door. The people inside were discussing something in unintelligible words. Cassia leaned outside the door and judged how many people were inside through different timbres. The strength is just as Cassia imagined, not that strong. So far, no one has noticed that there is someone standing outside the door waiting for them to come out.

After a while, a loud explosion sound came from the side, and the mountain shook faintly. The two airships finally used cannonballs to blast away the ruins in the middle. After waiting for a long time, Cassia finally heard a commotion in the room. He used a small mirror to look through the crack in the door to see what was going on inside. A total of four people gathered around the window, holding binoculars to look at the specific situation at the fighting site from the branches of the woods.

Although she didn't know why these people were left here, Cassia felt that she didn't have time to think about it. He has some more important things to do.

So he picked up the gun, quietly stepped into the lounge, shot four people in the head, then took a lot of ammunition piled up in the corner of the room, turned around and searched other rooms.

"Is there some reason why this house was built in this location?" He checked room by room, considering various possibilities. Things will not happen for no reason. He has always believed that, just like a precise clock, it relies on the cooperation of numerous gears and shafts and ingenious structures to make every step extremely precise.

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