Steel steam and flame

Chapter 361 Help (Part 2)

Most of them have life-saving trump cards in their hands, and the benefits brought by the big family are continuous, and they can provide them with the best assistance at every stage of their growth. Regarding the development and utilization of surgery, Cassia believes that such a family force will definitely actively guide the heirs who are being trained when it can be carried out.

In the Webley family, Ye Jielin will definitely be one of them.

I never felt that one day I would be on the same starting line as people like Ye Jielin, Hai and Ovelia. Just chasing the falling footsteps has already consumed a lot of energy. If you are a little dazed, the gap between you and them will gradually widen. It is usually invisible, just like a fatal disease in ordinary people. When it reaches the point where it can be intuitively felt, it is probably the point where death is imminent. That is to say, you can no longer catch up with the faster and faster pace of others, and you will always look at the footsteps of those in front of you. There is no shortage of hard-working people here, everyone is training hard, and sweat is always the cheapest bargaining chip.

Both Ye Jielin and Cassia can get a lot of benefits from continuous training of comparable strength. Among the students of the same batch, both of them are now at the top. But whether it is surgery or experience, all students who have just entered school are still in the beginning stage. The gap between them is not big, and it is not an insurmountable gap. Now, as long as you can calm down and make a wooden board that is not too long, you can easily cross it.

They will be screened batch after batch in the next few years. There will definitely not be many people who make it to the end. This is a conclusion witnessed and proven by history. It is almost impossible for high-level surgeons to exist at the same time. There is a large base of surgeons, and others have either written their names into history, or their talent and efforts are not enough, and there is no possibility of the operation breaking through the fifth stage.

Cassia left the military school and did not use the communicator to contact Delya, but went directly to the factory to find her.

The industrial park was losing its vitality. In a short period of time, several steam factories could no longer sustain their losses and declared closure. The road was bustling, with long lines of trucks pulling back manufacturing machines.

Just waiting for news from the production line, the recruitment of Knights members is not something that can be completed immediately. Delya has been free recently and has been training herself intensively in the factory.

"Several factories came to me and asked us to buy their factories. They said so sincerely." Delya said, "What's the situation over there?"

"We have to wait a little longer. It's just a matter of time. It can be said that all other aspects have been resolved. We just need time to get to that point." The main purpose of Cassia coming here is to explain the matter, and then she also came to see Del. Asia's situation and discussed with it the requirements for trading with solid red mercury and the Webley family.

"The entire firearms production line, as well as the gunpowder ratios of different bullets, it is best to bring them with the artillery. Artillery shells and aircraft bombs are too far away for us, but I think it doesn't matter if we add them. With these, the carrier It’s also a problem. It just so happens that the steam locomotive technology of Webley Giant Company is also top-notch, so let’s take it together. In this way, materials and power seem to be involved, so why not..."

Cassia regretted discussing this matter with Delya. Perhaps it was because I was in a military school, and when I went out to do missions, all the equipment was made of top-notch products made by the imperial military, and I didn’t have much contact with inferior products. Compared to Delya, who lived in Brino before, she struggled to survive in the early stage. After using weapons leaked from unscrupulous merchants and small workshops, she realized the quality of the firearms of the giant Webley company.

After exchanging the information they had recently obtained, Cassia returned to school again, and the intensity of training increased. However, as Ye Jielin said, the improvement had begun to approach saturation and the training had stagnated.

Most of the training places are training grounds for practicing swordsmanship, a training hall with eleven levels. The temperature on the first floor remains at minus fifteen degrees all year round. Cassia still remembers that she used to practice sword stabbing with others here. She was a two-star academy student named Kelson at the same time and was a mercenary orphan. That was also the period when he was often beaten to the ground by Ye Jielin.

Although the corresponding level given on the description is that at the end of the first stage of surgery, you can go to the training hall on the eleventh floor. But now when I go to the training hall on the 11th floor, I still feel like my body can’t support it. The temperature there is close to the limit for ordinary people, and a step further is the lowest level of cold current in the Blanco Mountains.

Occasionally I go to the training hall on the first and second floors. Since the first mission, regular training life has been completely disrupted, and Cassia has never seen Kelson come again. I spent time squatting in front of the cold weapons training hall, but to no avail.

Ye Jielin said, why don't you wait until Atuohuan comes back and ask him to help you find it. After all, in terms of intelligence capabilities, Cassia may not even know how the intelligence network works. Or just go directly to the Logistics Department and apply for investigation of Kelsen's information. Students at Samsung Academy have a lot of hidden powers. Even if they can't do it, it's just a matter of words to ask the coach Bie for help.

The second approach was chosen. Sometimes I want to know something and can’t wait for even a little bit of time.

It’s just information, you don’t have to wait long at all. Cassia just finished filling out the application form and handed it to the person in the logistics department. With a hard knocking sound, what she wanted came out.

It's just the size of a piece of printing paper, and it can be said to be simple information. There aren't even a few lines of words. Except for a color serious headshot photo that is the most eye-catching, the rest is mostly blank under the paper. He died on the first mission, so there was nothing to put on paper. The cause of death given was common firearm injury.

"It's a very common thing. You are also doing a task yourself." Ye Jielin said as a comforting word.

Cassia replied knowingly, but the sigh and sadness in her heart could not be eliminated in a short time. At least it was the first death of someone closer to him. Even if "closer" is just his personal opinion.

More or less, we understand why Selmer's injury had such a negative impact on Ye Jielin. Being a minor league boss is one reason. But fundamentally, it may be that the members of an alliance have connected with each other unconsciously, which is an emotion that all thinking creatures have. Even after becoming a surgeon, other aspects have not changed except that this body is gradually breaking away from the human category. This is a good thing. The reason for wanting to become stronger is not just to compete for power.

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