Steel steam and flame

Chapter 285 Beginning (Part 2)

The noise in the square below drowned out the sound of the gunfire, and failed to let the sound of the gunfire reach anyone's ears.

Then several people wearing the same clothes as the dead snipers quickly climbed up from the edge of the Black Fort. They took out the black bags containing the corpses, packed all nine corpses and quietly dropped them on the Black Fort building, with complete movements. Hidden in the shadows. There are also attention-grabbing performances not far away, helping this covert operation.

Below stood people who had been ready to take care of them. They easily caught the corpses and stuffed them into the large suitcases behind them. They pretended to be packed with customers and left the square. They gathered the corpses at the black castle. There are several large trucks outside.

There were many people of all kinds hurrying towards the same large truck. Cleanup work outside Black Fort had begun with an order from a radio representative.

The first is the sniper team that has to be noticed. They are very good at placing cold shots on people's backs. All the equipment set up here are heavy sniper rifles, and the Imperial Mining Company, which does not skimp on ammunition costs, has equipped them with a full set of special bullets. Among the various equipment in the square now, almost none of them can withstand the power of special sniper bullets.

Within a few seconds after those nine snipers died, a disguised sniper from the Holy Emperor Hall came up to take their place. The communications were hacked and eavesdropped by professionals not long ago. Now in the ears of Imperial Mining Company, the information transmission via radio is still in a normal state on the surface. Facing the giant Holy Emperor Hall, which was already a powerful force in the empire, the quality of their manpower was still a little behind in some aspects.

The squad leader of the garrison shouted into the communicator, reminding the snipers at several points to pay attention to those directions and to report immediately if something happened.

Several "received, understood" signals came from the electronic sound. The team leader nodded to himself, not noticing anything unusual in the sound, and put away the communicator. Those replacement personnel are all experts and have undergone strict training. And they have conducted surveys on the sniper teams at various locations, and they will not make the slightest mistake in imitating the sounds.

The garrison troops at several posts continued to walk towards the place where the chariot was moving. Their clothes are very eye-catching, and people around them can immediately identify them through their clothes and the muskets in their arms.

The crowd remained slightly in awe of them. Not wanting to run into an iron plate on what was supposed to be a happy day, they wanted to make way for the garrison to pass easily. But the crowd that was originally crowded and now like a steady river exploded with the power of a flood that swallowed everything.

The specific point of force in the crowd could no longer be verified. Everyone felt that someone was pushing them forward. This force is irresistible, even hundreds of people gathered together cannot stop this force.

The bodies that stood firmly leaned forward, and people tried hard to maintain their balance and prevent themselves from being swallowed by the flood. But in the end they bumped into each other.

The narrow passage that had been opened by the crowd to allow a dozen garrison troops to pass through also closed at this time. At this moment, the garrison became a reef on the coast, and the waves turned into waves of countless people crashed on them with huge force.

The garrison placed firecrackers in front of themselves to resist the people who were rushing towards them. They roared, warning those around them to stay away from their bodies. At this time, the crowd also burst out with dissatisfaction with the people pushing behind them, and the air above the group of people became hot.

But the words roared by the garrison couldn't even reach a single person's ears. The warning was doomed to be covered up by the increasingly chaotic sounds around it before it was uttered.

The garrison who entered the center of the crowd wanted to evacuate. They hugged the muskets in their arms tightly. Just when they turned around with difficulty, they felt severe pain in their chests.

Something happened inside the crowd, quietly piercing their hearts. As for what it was, they couldn't figure it out until their consciousness completely fell into the abyss of darkness. When they lowered their heads and looked towards their chests, there was nothing there except other people's bodies tightly squeezed towards them. They can't even see where their feet are.

Someone walked over and hugged their bodies. After dragging them out of the crowd, they immediately packed them into prepared suitcases. Someone in the crowd also took off his coat at the right time, revealing the same blinking garrison uniform.

The team leader looked outside at the wave of people in front of him, and something was wrong in his heart finally broke out. He took out the communication machine, pressed the button, walked to a place with few people, and waited for the voice to come from there, reporting that the current situation was completely abnormal.

A human voice finally came through the communicator, and the team leader hummed a few words excitedly. This usually short wait made him feel a little panicked.

"Hey!" he shouted hurriedly.

"Don't panic, just speak slowly." came the response from the other party. The squad leader stiffened when he heard the voice, because he felt that the voice did not come from the communicator, but came directly into his ears from behind him. inside.

His body remained stiff, with only his head and waist turning, looking behind him.

As soon as his eyes touched the scene behind him, a brief dizziness appeared in the captain's head. This was a symptom of a large amount of blood rushing into the brain in an instant. He felt like he was looking in the mirror now. The person standing behind him seemed to be himself in the mirror.

The other "self" also held a communicator and was looking at the team leader himself with a smile.

"Good evening, sir." The team leader's other "self" said, and a jet-black dagger was thrust into his heart at the same time. After twisting a few times, he pulled it out neatly.

Two people walked out on both sides, one holding the squad leader's body that was about to collapse. They were talking and laughing, as if old friends they hadn't seen for many years were having a cordial conversation with him. The other person was dragging a standard large suitcase, but the color had been changed to another one.

There is no time gap in their cooperation, and the connection is very appropriate.

The squad leader's body was dragged away for a certain distance, and then in a shadow, in less than a blink of an eye, it was stuffed into a suitcase as if it were stuffed into air, and transported elsewhere.

The same scene is happening all the time in the huge square. The huge garrison was quickly reduced, and the surgeons mixed in the crowd were also found.

The operation against the surgeon was not as smooth as that against the garrison. Many people escaped the assassination. They requested communication from the security department responsible for the party, and found that the communication system had been invaded and taken over by unknown enemies and could no longer be used.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, they all looked at the black castle beside them. The huge building still looked quiet and peaceful under the black sky.

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