Steel steam and flame

Chapter 257 Vehicles

"Yes." The uncle driver said, "It wasn't like this when I came here before. Things were still reserved back then. Everyone was not as showy as they are now. They were very cautious. But now I can't keep up with Bruno. Changed.”

As he spoke, the vehicle blended into the surrounding convoy while still slowing down. The sound of wind carried by the truck and the huge roar of the engine were in Cassia's ears. There was rich lubricating oil and the special smell of unused firearms in the air.

Entering the large group of vehicles, all the vehicles slowed down, and people on many large trucks opened their welded sunroofs and climbed out for some air. Suffocating in the cargo box, smelling lubricating oil and engine oil that is insensible to them, will make people feel uncomfortable all over the body after being stuffed in it for a long time.

Looking at these people who came out for air, one can tell from the different styles and thicknesses of their clothes that they come from different regions in the empire. There was a bullet chain wrapped around his body, and a long chain of gold shone under the light of the street lights and surrounding car lights. There are also different pistols hanging around the waist, but even if the models and styles are different, they still have almost the same thing in common, that is, the caliber is surprisingly large.

The bullets exceed the caliber of .10, and there is no flame suppressing technology on the muzzle. The appearance is mainly rough and ferocious.

"Except for the aborigines who have developed there for decades, no one living in Brinoli is living in the dark world." The driver explained, "In the dark world, almost everything can be solved except money. In addition, another thing that can simplify things is the gun they carry. Therefore, shocking the enemy with the appearance of the gun is also a commonly used method in that world. Of course, this meaning is for people like them. In other words, people of your background may be completely different from them, and may have a different style of behavior. The two have different concepts and environments. Everyone there also carries a gun, maybe It is possible to have bombs and wine bottles placed under the counter of a hotel at the same time. Just like reading and writing when you were young, the use of firearms is a skill that children there must learn as they grow up."

Cassia said "hmm" thoughtfully to indicate that she understood, and continued to observe the surrounding situation.

This place is very close to Blino. Cassia and the others, who are still driving slowly on the road, can already see the dots of lights on a gentle slope ahead under the dark sky. That is a corner of Brino, a gray area that is still growing rapidly.

The vehicle moved slower and slower as it went backwards, and when the first ray of light broke through the cirrus clouds in the early morning, it almost stopped moving forward. The surrounding large trucks were already filled with people who came out to get some air. They began to complain to the vehicles in front of them. There were also many people who drew out their pistols and fired into the sky to heat up the atmosphere. Perhaps because they saw the buildings built in a short period of time by Brino in front of them, many people began to secrete adrenaline vigorously, and they became very excited.

Someone nearby moved a machine gun and fired bullets at the sky. The shining trajectory was shot under the still dark sky. Several bullet casings bounced into Cassia's car.

Picking up the few bullet casings that were still warm, Cassia and the driver uncle looked at each other, and both saw the helpless smiles in their eyes.

"The bullet casings of the light machine gun are filled with ordinary gunpowder. The craftsmanship is quite good. In the dark trade, it can be regarded as a finished product above the ordinary standard line." The uncle glanced at the few bullet casings and said, "This is the norm in the gray area. The law It's just a piece of waste paper. It's used to wipe their butts and they don't like the words on it. The empire's biggest constraint on them may be to prevent them from having large-scale exchanges of fire and harming the indigenous residents here at will. . This is also the biggest role of the Three Primary Color Group and the Imperial Mining Company. After all, the people who support the operation of this city are ordinary people who are unwilling to use firearms."

The vehicle barely moved forward as he spoke, and the slowly rising white steam from a large group of vehicles quietly enveloped the entire wide road. Taking a breath, it was filled with warm water mist and cold water vapor, which just cheered up Cassia and the driver, who were a little tired.

It wasn't until it was completely dark that they were able to see some buildings on the side of the road. The vehicles began to flow out of the area where the road was entrenched, and the congested traffic finally eased. The front gradually became clearer, and because the number of large trucks decreased, there was more light.

As we walked further, there were more and more pedestrians. There are shops on the roadside that open early. The owners are very enthusiastic, with morning-spirited smiles on their faces, and sell fresh breakfast food. The aroma of food wafts far away, stirring the stomachs of those who smell the aroma. Cassia looked over a few times and saw hot water vapor running up along the sign in front of the store. The pretty waitress smiled sweetly on the side, and the light mist made her The face has a vague beauty from a distance, with a plain, quiet and gentle look.

If Cassia's keen eyes hadn't seen the pistol under the waitress's white apron, the rapid-fire machine gun under the breakfast cabinet, and the bullet chains piled directly on the ground. Otherwise, Cassia would really be attracted by such a scene that she was used to seeing in a small town.

Looking back, Cassia looked at the white-gray sky, laughing in her heart that she was still too naive.

The life here seems very peaceful, but it is too easy to destroy such a peaceful life. Every place is a powder keg, and a spark can ignite them all.

After walking on a street for a long time, there are still fresh signs of hasty construction on the buildings on both sides. The greening of the area is not very good. Bullet craters can be seen everywhere on tree trunks, walls, and the ground, with too many bullets embedded in them to count. On the street, in shops, etc., bullet casings can be piled up with fresh vegetable leaves, or they can be disposed of as ordinary garbage. The tables and chairs in roadside shops are all covered with doorways. They are made of bulletproof materials and are composite molded. They look much thicker than ordinary table boards and can be directly used as bulletproof boards in the event of a firefight. People throughout the city have adapted to this environment and found their own ways to live in it.

While lamenting these methods and living conditions in their hearts, Cassia and the others headed towards the center of Brino. But they didn't really reach the center and were still in a transition zone, so they found a satisfactory hotel to stay at.

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