Steel steam and flame

Chapter 253 Company

"Yes, it's something like a color palette, or it's a color palette in art, and it's also the logo of a company." The middle-aged driver said, "That's one of the seven giant companies in the empire. Three Primary Color Group, you have never seen it, but I think you should have heard of its name. It may not be highly relevant to our lives. It is not as important as the arms giant Webley Company, which takes arms manufacturing as its main industry, but it also takes care of both. All aspects of the automobile industry are well known to ordinary people in the empire. Not to mention the Golden Bank, it is a huge company that is closely related to us. Even in reality, most people cannot afford to apply for that simple bank card Cards, but depositing and withdrawing money through account passbooks is also something everyone does. Speaking of Golden Bank, I think almost everyone will deal with it to some extent."

"I think it is Golden Bank, but Webley Company is also very famous. I have seen their industry in many places." Cassia said, "It is the eye-catching bullet logo, a sign that has to be noticed. , the kind that’s on the tires of this off-road vehicle.”

The driver nodded firmly in agreement, and the speed of the car also slowed down a lot. As far as the eye can see ahead, the road conditions have become worse. The uncle's driving skills are very good, but once Cassia came here and was not in a hurry, and now they are chatting, he stopped fighting for this little time.

"Among the seven giant companies, the remaining five companies may be much more low-key than them. It may be due to the nature of the company itself, or it may be related to the production they engage in and the specialization of the products they sell. The other five companies may be much more low-key than them. Although every giant company can be named by everyone, not many people really know it and can come into contact with it. Then when these people are integrated into the empire's huge population base, the proportion is simply negligible. Just like Like you surgeons, just speaking of a number feels very huge, but divided by a basis, the proportion is pitifully small. People who know the Three Primary Color Group and have been in contact with it can also apply the same concept."

"I think most of the people who will come into contact with the Three Primary Color Group will also be surgeons." Cassia asked, her eyes still following the huge tire marks, and she didn't know what she was thinking about at the moment.

"It should be similar to what you said. I'm not very familiar with the Three Primary Colors Group. I just heard an elder who took me say it before." The uncle driver was not so sure, and the thinking time in his words began to become longer. "Three Primary Colors Group is in the energy business. When the empire was first established, it relied on its first boss to dig coal mines everywhere. As you know if you have studied history, electricity was later invented and researched by the scientists in Avalon. was proposed and formally applied. At that time, the Three Primary Colors Company had already become a huge company relying on its almost monopolistic coal mining business. Later, it timely boarded the technology ship thrown by Avalon and successfully transformed. Electricity and coal mines, as well as increasingly mature steam furnace technology, like several other companies, have relied on the efforts of dozens of generations to become what they are now."

"Is it a phosphorus tube that represents electricity?"

"Fiber tube is just one of their main industries now. There are many things related to energy. With their steam furnace technology, I think they can occupy a place in the empire. As long as the madmen in Avalon don't say anything, the three primary colors The group's technology in that area is unmatched by anyone. After all, although electricity also has good driving power, its practicality is not very strong and it is too restrictive. Finally, some bulky machines, like the one just now Giant trucks still have to rely on these scorching steam. There is no substitute." The uncle driver continued, while also thinking about the big truck in his head, "And the Three Primary Colors Group is not like the Webley Company. As independent as the Golden Bank is, its existence to this day is also the result of interdependence and mutual assistance with other companies. Otherwise, other people in power in the empire would not let go of something as important as energy. But when they wake up When we came here, the Three Primary Color Group had become an existence that could not be shaken. Even now, other forces also have their own energy projects running, developing, and starting up. After all, all kinds of machines cannot operate without energy. In order to Not controlled by others, every huge force is constantly researching and developing things in all aspects. In terms of science and technology, there is no such thing as 'too much'."

"The relationship between the seven giant companies seems not as simple as I imagined." Some lamented.

"This is a matter of course. In the huge interests, almost every force will take part. And a giant company like the Three Primary Colors Group is tied to another giant company like sisters. If you want to be in the empire To shake its position, one must be prepared to face two giant companies at the same time. And there must be protection agreements among the seven giant companies. They are unrelated competitors, but they are in the same position. Otherwise, just like the Twenty-Third Grand Duke's Family, the Holy Emperor's Hall, and the King's Faction, they will not leave this piece of fat uneaten." The uncle driver shook his head and said, the speed of the car slowed down again and again, and the road was covered with puddles of sticky The thick mud makes it difficult for off-road vehicles to drive on it. "But they have been fighting among themselves for hundreds of years, but there is still no result. War always comes at critical moments, which consumes them internally and points their conflicts outward at the same time."

"This can be considered a good thing among bad things. No one will be better off if the empire is destroyed." Cassia said in a somewhat comforting tone to the driver.

"As you said, I hope this is a good thing." The uncle forced a smile, "I also came up from the ranks of civilians. I have experienced everything I should have experienced, and I also know a lot. Now I am afraid of the future. The empire is really destroyed, but our lives will be better. The isolation in the empire is too strong. Although this isolation is not necessarily a bad thing, after a long time, it will make people feel inevitable depression. You are still young, and you may not feel anything about it at all. I have lived for so long, and sometimes I can feel that layer of transparent film, which is suffocating."

"Birds in a huge cage cannot see the iron pillars of the cage, but they feel their existence." Cassia said a suitable metaphor.

"Excellent statement, that's it." The driver smiled and nodded.

The off-road vehicle continued to drive forward, and the sky quickly darkened. The mountains in the distance turned into black paper-like maps, each piece glued to the end of the horizon, exuding an uneasy smell. The nearby hillside alternates between gentle and steep, and the shadows of the grass are like the grave grass growing in a deserted cemetery. They are messy and swaying like floating souls. Although both Cassia and the driver do not believe in the existence of gods, it is indeed a heart-wrenching thing for them to be the only car driving in the entire huge mountain range of black, green and yellow.

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