Steel steam and flame

Chapter 248 Search

My mother has such a character. In these ten years of life, even when my father was still alive, she basically did not enjoy a quiet life. There are many things that keep her busy every day. After finishing one thing, the next thing is already waiting behind. Looking up, more things have been lined up there. They seem to be the most ardent fans of my mother, and they are always there no matter the wind or rain.

I can no longer relax physically and mentally in a short period of time. Cassia doesn't know how her mother has come through step by step in the past ten years, so that these things have become a habit deeply embedded in her mother's body. Wanting to get rid of them completely is no longer as simple as It's as simple as drinking warm water down your stomach.

Without thinking a few steps away, Cassia quickly recalled all the episodes of living with her mother and sister Lilia in the small town in her mind.

I once heard those old professors say that compared to purposeful thinking, the speed of sudden thoughts is endless. Thinking consumes necessary energy in the brain, and as thinking upgrades and the capacity to think about things increases, their demands on the bottom line of various brain functions also increase exponentially.

But thoughts are in another state. A moment of thought may complete someone's life, or it may handle too many things in that short period of time. Thoughts are somewhat similar to dreams, but in essence they are completely different forms of things from dreams. Dreams are connected intermittently, and thoughts seem to be able to break down time infinitely, reaching a state of near eternity.

At this time, the picture in his head returned to the reality in his eyes. Cassia had a deep understanding of the above words and sighed as he looked at the neatly paved stone slabs on the road ahead.

Now is the time of year when summer transitions to autumn. There are still a few months before the annual winter vacation and Cassia needs to go there every day. In his life in the small town, Cassia had no concept of vacation at all. Whether it was the winter or summer vacation of the school there, or every weekend break, he almost always stayed in the steam factory in the small town. Life had become monotonous five or six years ago, and that habit allowed him to adapt well to life in the military school.

When we arrived at the library door, there was no one who looked like a student except for the administrators who had long been infected by the atmosphere and had become lazy. Everyone regards the exercise related to surgery as the most important course in learning life. After completing the necessary theoretical courses perfunctorily, only a very small number of people can come to the library.

Kasia did not say hello to the managers, and the managers did not even look at Kasia. The two seemed to be in different worlds, with nothing in common that could be called intersection.

Follow the search catalog to find maps related to your destination in rows of bookshelves. I originally thought it would be a very simple thing, just open the book and find quick jobs in the relevant area based on the address name. But an hour or two later, Cassia expanded the scope of the search again and again until it extended to the entire empire, but still did not see the words Grote said.

"This is troublesome." Cassia touched her soft earlobe, which was red and hot. "The time when Grote was alive was almost a thousand years ago. Is the place name he mentioned still the same? It’s a question. And whether the place name he mentioned has been changed to other names in history is also something I need to find information to confirm.”

It is very likely that the place name has changed, and Cassia has almost confirmed this idea in her mind.

So from here on, Cassia completely gave up on looking for maps, and instead focused on historical classified books. But there is only one place name, and trying to find the answer you want in the endless bookshelf is tantamount to an impossible task.

Cassia wants to use the search mechanism of the analytical machine to complete this tedious task. There is a super analytical machine in the military school, which stores a large amount of data. Relying on the calculation function of the analysis engine itself, the search will become simple.

But Taranto's death gave him a signal. Someone was very interested in what Grote left behind. The Holy Emperor's Hall was extremely powerful, and there must be someone in the military school who got involved. Considering his current special status, Cassia decided that in the next mission, it would be more complete to borrow machines from other places to search for what he wanted.

After finalizing the idea in her mind, Cassia read the information in other areas for a while, and finally borrowed a few books on the use of steam machinery. After registering with the administrator, she left the library.

The sky has darkened, and all the street lights in the school have been turned on one after another very early. The street lamps emit soft light, illuminating a small area. In the temperature collection hut set up on the grass, the scale on the thermometer is still the same as yesterday, neither high nor low. But Cassia still feels that today is a little colder than yesterday.

The summer in Manoma is coming to an end, and then comes the short fall, and then comes the fierce and extremely cold winter. As long as the gloomy clouds press over Manoma from the other side of the Blanco Mountains, winter will be announced and people will not be given any time to relax and prepare. Every year the clouds are thick and dark, like moldy quilts, with several overlapping layers covering the sky, making people breathless.

The small town should be entering the transition period before winter, right? The winter in the Clark area is earlier than that in Manoma, and there is almost no obstruction from the clouds, which can easily completely wrap up the small town. The lead-gray clouds were so low that they seemed to be within reach. The thick black smoke from the boiler factory will deepen the lead-grey color in the future, turning it into a cover that blocks the sun and dominates the entire town for a month or two. Cassia was walking under the street lights with a book in her arms, thinking about these things. Before passing by the cafeteria, he checked the time, wandered in place several times, and finally went in to have dinner before returning to the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory and putting down the book, Cassia leaned on the desk and wondered how to fill out the application form for weapons and equipment.

Without any clear clue, he put the mission information aside in front of him, looked at the detailed introduction about this mission, and looked at the lines of type on the paper to see if he needed to prepare special weapons.

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