Steel steam and flame

Chapter 230 Breaking Free (Part 1)

It was someone else, Keshan judged based on the unmasked footsteps. The sound of the woman stepping on the ground was very distinct and could be said to be special. When she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, another man walked out from behind the opened door. Like the woman, he was already a regular visitor here.

The light from the lamp was very effective, but it was extremely pale, which made Buck feel a different kind of depression. It seems that I have seen this kind of environment somewhere, and I have also seen this kind of pale white light.

Looking at the two people in front of him whose status had changed again, Buck searched for something similar to this place in his mind as he walked over. Why were the places so similar? It actually gave me a strong sense of familiarity and déjà vu, and there was an obvious resistance in my heart. This environment was something he instinctively rejected.

What will it be? he thinks.

By the way, Buck suddenly realized in his heart, it was the morgue!

This is the environment in the morgue, with temperatures reaching freezing point and lights that are so white that they can dazzle people. Even the depressing atmosphere I felt when I came in was exactly the same.

"What a hellish place!" He cursed in his mind, "It wasn't like this a few times before. What on earth did that lunatic Savina do during this time?"

Walking past the long table, Buck glanced at the various utensils neatly arranged on the table. Most of the hemostatic cotton has become stiff due to the coagulation of blood on it, and no longer looks soft. Less than half of the reddish coagulated blood has turned dark red, and due to the lighting, a faint light is reflected on some water chestnuts.

He didn't like this environment in his heart, and Buck didn't want to stay here even for a little longer. The smell of the potion mixed with the aroma of wine stimulated his sense of smell. Almost every time I come here, my nose will subconsciously twitch several times.

"His condition is very bad, and it is very likely that he has begun to undergo a withering reaction. If the inhibitory tube is not implanted back, he will really die from internal consumption." Keshan looked at standing in front of the square table Buck said, "It should be one of your mission requirements to ensure that we survive until the end of the mission. If you don't think of a way, let that woman do whatever she wants. He will really die."

Seizing the rare opportunity, Keshan also noticed the difference between the man and the other woman when he came in and out of the house these few times. Although they are all enemies, in terms of his attitude towards them, the man in front of him is obviously focused on completing the mission.

"Shut up! You know what your identity is now. Please be more conscious, my beautiful lady." Buck looked over indifferently, "I know what to do, you don't need to tell me. Say one more word If you come, it will reduce my favorability towards you."

With that said, Buck still cautiously approached the corpse-like Cassia in front of him.

Sensations that emanate from the past are no more tangible than Keshan's. What the eyes saw and what the ears heard indicated that the young boy in front of him was already in a corpse state.

I couldn't feel any breath, except for the cold that was getting lower and lower. The person with his head buried in front of him had become a dead thing.

"What did that lunatic Savina do!" Buck cursed. He reached out and grabbed Cassia's short hair, lifted his buried head, and wiped the carotid artery with his other hand. at.

"Fortunately, the heart is still beating." He also breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. He raised the hand on his neck and placed it over his eyes, opening Cassia's tightly closed eyelids, revealing the black and white eyes inside, and observing Looking at the pair of pupils that have dilated.

When the light shines in, the dilated pupils shrink like an instinctive reaction. Buck knew basic medical knowledge, but because both hands were in use, he could not remove them. So at this moment, I could only tilt my head to block the light coming from me.

The shadow of Buck's head was cast on Cassia's face, and the white light shining into his eyes suddenly disappeared. But the pupils that were supposed to become dilated again did not appear. The solid pupils were still solid and became sharper at this moment. Cassia's eyes rolled, and there was a surprised face printed in the dark eyes that Buck himself might not have noticed. Later, the mixed black and white color was completely infected by blood red, and there was a sneer inside.

Almost at the same moment, Buck felt an indescribable panic in his heart. The air around him was changing, and he seemed to be escaping from here. Then his brain realized that this was not because the air was escaping, but because the temperature of the boy in front of him suddenly increased a lot. What escaped was the heated air and the evaporation of what little sweat remained on his body.

Buck's body subconsciously moved back. The person in front of you is in extreme danger. This is the result of the brain's instant judgment. What is the source of the danger? There is no need to think about it now. As long as you keep the distance and rely on the binding effect of the soft steel cable, it will be enough to give yourself enough time to think.

But he was already a step behind in preparation. Buck tried to make up for it by relying on his body's instincts that he had developed over a long period of time, but his speed was still a little slow. As his body was going backwards, a "crackling" sound came from his ears. What happened next was completely in a fuzzy state and he didn't see it clearly. Afterwards, his fragmented consciousness did not support him to think about other things.

All he knew was that the eyes in front of him suddenly turned blood red, and when he stepped back, a shadow had occupied his entire field of vision. Then there was a heavy muffled sound in his brain, like the clock chiming every noon on the clock tower. It was transmitted from the outside, but it seemed to have directly acted on his brain without passing through the ear. The sound turned into waves, echoing in Buck's brain, and his thoughts were completely confused. Moreover, the severe pain on the side of his forehead near his temple could not be accepted by his confused brain at the moment.

The sound like the exploding blue and silver bullets completely occupied the space in the room, constantly passing through the walls, and the echoes could not disappear in a short time.

Buck's body stood still for a few seconds, then began to lean back. His feet instinctively staggered backwards to maintain his body, which was about to lose its balance. After taking a few steps back, his body leaned against the long stainless steel table, but his knees were already bending downwards, his upright body was teetering, and the final strength to support him was about to disappear.


He wanted to say something or call someone in the hall, but it was too late after all. A terrifying pit appeared on one side of his forehead, where the bones collapsed under Cassia's collision just now. Facing the harder frontal bone, Buck, who had no sense of defense, had no chance to fight back. When Cassia chose the collision site, he didn't choose the location randomly. He also avoided the hardest part of Buck's head.

At this time, Buck's nose and eyes were all bleeding out, and one eye also had an unnatural protrusion due to the horrific collapse of his skull. The brain that is impacted by a huge force will also appear in a state of death after a short period of time.

Keshan on the side witnessed the entire process that was completed in an instant, with a look of disbelief on her face, as well as an unbearable and disgusting look on Buck's face. As people who came out of the Holy Church training school, their training was mostly about how to become excellent housekeepers and maids.

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