Steel steam and flame

Chapter 224 Taking Out (Final)

The person who came here was a little taller than Cassia. In terms of body length distribution, those legs seemed to be loved secretly. With just a little more, they were in the perfect state they are now.

But the focus of attention is not on the legs. The eighteen-year-old boy also has a strong physical restraint ability, and the environment he is in has given him a good assistant, and now is not the time to admire those legs. Almost staring at the shoes on the pair of legs, under the dim light, Cassia's eyes became the most aggressive thing.

Just as he had guessed, they were not high-heeled shoes, but very ordinary high-top shoes, similar to soft patent leather shoes. It has a light brown color and is made of high-quality leather. After passivation treatment, no obvious light can be reflected at all. This makes this pair of shoes look very ordinary in the eyes of many people. It is so simple that it makes people feel uncomfortable. Unable to raise his guard, he turned his attention to the thighs with fair and smooth skin above the shoes. The owner of these shoes happened to be wearing shorts, so it's anyone's guess whether she also had this idea.

The only difference is that the soles of the shoes are obviously soft soles, designed to reduce the sound of walking footsteps. Especially in the environment that Cassia is now in, it will be easy for a sound to be captured by the operator's ears after natural amplification in the closed space. But even though they were soft soles, the woman in front of her felt like hard leather shoes when she stepped on them, as if there was a steel plate hidden in the soles, leaving "clang" knocking marks.

"It seems that we still underestimated you too much. We originally thought about how to wake you up later, but now that we can avoid all these preparations. But I think it is better for you to be in a coma." The woman in front of me Said briskly. She placed several knives in her hand on the long table, and in her other hand she carried a small box containing simple medical equipment.

This should be a first aid kit, Cassia thought, and her eyes followed the words of the woman in front of her and moved to her beautiful face. No attire, black hair, standard length, expression not indifferent, looking at herself with undisguised interest. At this moment, Keshan who was beside her was completely regarded as nothing by her, and she never even looked at her.

Except for the sentence just now, there was no conversation between the two people from beginning to end. Cassia didn't speak, and looked up and down at the person in front of her. She didn't know what was going on in her head at the moment. Savina was also busy preparing her own things, not paying attention to the prey in front of her whose eyes were about to solidify.

There is a quiet feeling of rapport between the two.

Soon, there were multiple subtle footsteps coming from behind. They were still well controlled at the front, but then they lost patience for some reason and turned into a "dong-dong" sound that struck people's hearts.

Two other people appeared in Cassia's eyes again. The worry and panic on his face was completely relieved when he saw Cassia's bright and clear eyes.

"I'm just saying that you still have this hobby in your heart." Savina said, listening to the movement behind her. She was now using the strong wine she brought to briefly disinfect a few knives. The fragrance soon drifted around Cassia. He moved his nose and sniffed, and then focused his eyes on the long table in front of him again.

"Compared to you, the person in front of you is much calmer." Savina said with a smile, not forgetting to glance at Cassia. She had made the final preparations at this moment, "Do you want to stay here for me?" Assistant, I used to be the chief surgeon in the hospital for a few months." Her tone was somewhat mocking, but Buck and Jerbo did not believe her words in the end.

"I hope you know where the boundaries are. The mission is not your business alone. We will come back later." The two of Buck ignored Savina's tone, feeling helpless and unable to vent their anger.

In the end, only Savina was left in the room.

"I want to ask a question." Cassia asked calmly as she watched the woman in front of her prepare carefully.

"Yes, I can tell you anything I can answer." Saivina said, walking forward with a small boning knife.

"How are the other two people with me, the saint you call me, and the ordinary communications officer?"

"They are all still alive and well, and their lives are not in danger now. I wonder what the answer is?"

Cassia felt relieved

At the same time, the sharp tip of the knife had cut through Cassia's clothes, revealing his muscular body.

"You should be the one who killed Julien, right?" Cassia lowered her gaze and asked, looking at the knife that was modified from a boning knife and resembled a surgical tip.

"That failed work? It can be considered to be from my hands, but not all of it." Savina took back the sharp knife and pressed her white fingers on Cassia's body, determining the position of something, " Most of the parts were performed by me, and the rest was done by another person. He acted as my assistant at the time, and the cooperation between us was still very good. You should have met that person? "

"The one who used biological agents?" Cassia said with a smile on her face, "I have indeed seen him before. But it is a pity and a pity that he is dead. The body may still be in the trash can."

"Don't think about irritating me. I don't have any feelings for him. It's just a sigh after the tool is broken." Saivinalu looked at Cassia's face and said, "Then I felt that no one was there to help me now. What you have to do next will become cumbersome and complicated.”

As she spoke, she had a look of surprise on her face, and the touch from her fingers was completely different from what she expected. So the fingers returned to Cassia's chest, pressed down and moved towards the abdomen. There was an inappropriate bulging feeling on her fingers again, and Savina's expression froze, and then she became more and more excited.

"It seems that your physique is a little more special than I imagined! It is not unreasonable for Doikh to die in your hands." Savina looked at Cassia's expressionless face and said, "You seem to Do you know what I want to do?"

"You won't find what you want on me. A simple knife wound is dispensable to me. The pain will not trigger the fear and despair in my heart." Cassia looked at the woman in front of her silently. , looking at each other, they can see their respective shadows reflected in each other's eyes, "There used to be someone who was as interested in my body as you, and then..."

"Then he died." Savina interrupted Cassia.

"I know." She said, "Don't use words to test or irritate me. This will not have any substantive effect except making my emotions and mood more exciting and uncontrollable. "

As she spoke, the sharp knife in her hand pinpointed the location of a suppressor tube and fell smoothly, cutting the skin.

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