Steel steam and flame

Chapter 205 Error

After ordering four breakfasts in advance and delivering them to her room, Cassia obtained the permission of the counter staff to use the communication equipment on the side of the hall.

The empty hall seemed much more spacious than usual. In the silent environment, the air was vibrating like ripples. In this atmosphere, Cassia sent a receiving signal to Taranto for the third time, but waited for the other party's reply amid the electronic sound in the microphone.

"It's a little too early in time, and they are still in the rest time I gave them." Cassia said, staring at the radio communication equipment in front of her.

It's not something that needs to be rushed. Would you like to call me later? Just when this idea appeared in Cassia's head, the noise on the other side of the microphone disappeared, replaced by Taranto's somewhat distorted voice, but it did not look like he had not woken up.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Cassia. As a correspondent, you should be with the communication equipment at all times." Taranto apologized, "So far, there has been no news from the Holy Emperor's Hall. I think They thought we were on the train and had not arrived at Oriya. Maybe they were also waiting for our reply before issuing follow-up orders. Are we going to contact them in advance?"

"No, on the contrary, it may need to be postponed for a while." Cassia said into the microphone, looking at the more and more mobile vehicles outside the main entrance of the hall, "The things here are not finished yet, and it will take a while. , you can continue to rest or go shopping in the Oria area. By the way, is Mr. Julien with you? I have some questions that I need to ask him."

"Okay, I'll call you over right away." There was a voice from the other side that put down the microphone. After waiting for a while, Julien's similarly distorted voice came out. The first was his inappropriate morning greeting.

Cassia explained what she wanted him to do.

There may be another situation on Doris' side, and she needs to wait for a while. But I don’t understand the true attitude of the Holy Emperor’s Hall towards this matter, so I can’t just be perfunctory when it comes to reporting to them. At least the time scale should be close to the train batches, and strive to be reasonable and perfect.

So I asked Julien to re-plan a reasonable time route, so that the people at the Holy Emperor's Hall really thought that they were still on the train.

"If we got off the airship and didn't rush here in such a hurry, but followed the speed of ordinary people, and even had a more lazy attitude, then the most suitable and reasonable time would be to arrive at the upper level tomorrow morning area. During that time period, I don’t think there will be any problems.” Julien said on the other side that with his rich travel experience, he can calculate and grasp time quite well.

"Okay, let Taranto contact the Holy Emperor's Hall at noon tomorrow. The time is when we get off the train and find the hotel." Cassia said, "If the Holy Emperor's Hall contacts you on the way, you'd better follow the train time. Please tell me if you have arrived or are on the train. I hope you are ready for this."

"No problem. There are relevant recording equipment on the market, and everything will become real inside the microphone." An affirmative reply came from the other side.

After cutting off contact and returning to her room, Cassia sat on the chair to rest again. By the time breakfast was served, Doris had already finished washing and was sitting in the room looking out the window at how busy the day was.

"Good morning, Mr. Cassia!" Doris's petite body jumped down from the chair and said with a smile on her face. It seemed that she had recovered from the excitement last night.

"You can have a good rest today. Do you want to go out and hang out? I'm staying in the church. I don't think there will be much time to go out."


On the top floor of the hotel, it can become a landmark building, where you can see most of the central area of ​​Oriya city. High service and high quality have always been synonymous with high prices. But the five people from Savina no longer have the concept of numbers when it comes to small amounts of money. The account reimbursement amount on their golden bank cards is enough for them to stay here for many days.

The gramophone is inlaid with hand-polished brass craft patterns. The regular movement of the stylus drives the information recorded on the black film below. The gently rotating disc gives people a soothing feeling like quicksand in the water. The golden loudspeaker retains the atmosphere of ancient craftsmanship. There was music playing that made people sweat unconsciously.

Things that can already be put on display in museum glass cabinets along with gas lamps can play music that cannot be played by current playback devices controlled by small differential engines. Simple machines were transformed in the hands of mechanical technicians in miraculous ways.

But not everyone likes to listen to music that makes people sweat and want to exercise in the summer, even if the room is air-conditioned around the clock and the temperature is just right.

"Sevena, turn off that thing, otherwise I will really turn it into a historical relic, completely." This was Onna's voice. Without Buck's endurance, she was lying on the bench with her thighs basking in the sun. She finally couldn't read the book in her hand, and now she was pointing her pistol at the expensive gramophone.

"Miss Onna, you really should go out with Jerbo and the others to take care of the mission." Savina walked over and turned off the gramophone and fell silent, "Since you like to bask in the sun so much, you should go out and really Experience the heat of the light instead of lying here reading.”

"There is nothing to take care of. Didn't the Holy Emperor's Hall already tell you the Saint's address the night we came here? Just prepare transportation, ammunition and firearms. I think dressing up and disguise can be avoided. Go out and have your makeup done. I put on makeup for an hour or two, but no one is looking at it, so I don’t want to waste my energy on it.” Onna picked up the book again and read it.

Disapproving, Savina returned to the glass table, poured herself a glass of wine, and responded: "But it was clearly stated in the Holy Emperor's Hall that that was news almost a day ago. I still don't understand why this time Every piece of information about the mission needs to be reviewed by someone. Don’t they know that one of the most important factors of information is real-timeness. A small gap may have serious consequences, let alone the time span this time. Saint The person next to you is not very likely to be one of the experienced people, or one of them. Will they stay in the same position for so long? I think the other person's head is different from yours."

"Who knows, they can't escape anyway." Onna kept her eyes on the book, "Also, I won't take that last sentence as your provocation. I hope you will pay attention to it in the future."

There was no answer from Davina. Buck on the side just listened quietly to the conversation between the two. Finally, he chuckled, closed his eyes again, and basked in the sun filtered by the glass window. There is still some time until evening, when you should be enjoying yourself, you must not think about the task. This is his opinion.

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