Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 592 Hatred

How does it feel to sit and smoke on the corpse of your enemy?

Malashenko had never considered or even thought about this issue before, but now, at the moment, Malashenko was sitting on the body of Lieutenant Colonel Dubler, holding a cigarette on his fingertips with his right hand trembling slightly. Breathe slowly.

"You shouldn't be so anxious to kill him. Maybe we can get some useful information from him."

The slightly regretful words from Commissar Petrov echoed in Malashenko's ears. Malashenko exhaled the last puff of smoke and then extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand on the top of the forehead of the corpse below his buttocks.

"People have the right to live, but there is no need for scum. There is a kind of German who is immersed in his own world and can't recognize the reality. They never want to repent, no matter how much you talk nonsense, I generally think of this kind of German He is called a German stick."

The corpse with dilated pupils had a large gunshot wound between the eyebrows that penetrated the entire forehead. It was lucky that the Tokarev TT33 pistol did not smash the person's head into a rotten watermelon when it was fired at close range.

Time went back to three minutes ago. Malashenko, who risked his life to block everything and fought with the German troops who broke into the village, finally won a heavy tactical victory.

Next to a destroyed Panzer III tank that luckily did not catch fire or explode, several furious Red Army soldiers pulled the half-dead German armored soldiers out of the tank like a dead dog.


After a period of study and accumulation, Malashenko can now ask some simple questions in German in a slightly lame tone without the help of a translator, facing the man who was pulled out of the tank. This was the case when Lieutenant Colonel Dobler was employed.

Lieutenant Colonel Dubler still hasn't figured out why there are so many Soviet heavy tanks in this barren village. What's even more bizarre is that this heavy tank unit, which is at least the size of a regiment, has only A bunch of militiamen attached.

If it weren't for the genuine Soviet Guards logo that was right in front of him, Lieutenant Colonel Dubler wouldn't have believed that the unit in front of him that defeated his offensive was actually the most elite Guards tank unit of the Soviet army. It's so nonsense.

"I have no obligation to answer your questions."

Malashenko, who speaks German at best, only briefly understood a few key words in Lieutenant Colonel Dubler's words, but this did not prevent Malashenko from understanding the specific meaning of the entire sentence. After all, the other party What was in his mind was clearly written on that extremely disdainful face.

Malashenko, who frowned slightly, said nothing and seemed noncommittal to Lieutenant Colonel Dubler's disdain.

He tilted his head and looked at the corpses of Red Army soldiers that had not yet been covered with shrouds lined up beside him. Malashenko could tell at a glance that two of the corpses were his capable men: Major Maxim, the bearded battalion commander, and Platoon Commander Andre, who died of excessive blood loss.

Andre's face was as pale as snow on a cold day because of excessive blood loss and failed resuscitation, and there was no possibility of blood transfusion.

Major Maxim, the bearded battalion commander who was lifted up by Malashenko, had a hole as big as the mouth of a bowl opened in his chest, which looked extremely shocking.

A German Panzer III tank took advantage of its maneuverability and circled around wildly in the narrow fighting background in the village. Finally, it used a Type 40 sub-caliber tungsten core armor-piercing bullet to penetrate the side armor of Major Maxim's car.

The tungsten-core armor-piercing body pierced the chest of Major Maxim before the crew in the vehicle could react. The major battalion commander who was extremely loyal to Malashenko died on the spot in his own tank.

The battle damage rate of the entire Guards First Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment has so far exceeded 70%. Malashenko estimated that he only has eight tanks available now.

Countless loyal tank soldiers died on the battlefield in this deserted small village. The losses were so great that Malashenko, who was almost red-eyed, didn't know how to vent the negative emotions in his heart. He no longer knew the meaning of self-control. Immediately after opening his mouth, he blurted out again to Lieutenant Colonel Doubler who was being held in front of him.

"Did you kill him?"

Following the direction of Malashenko's finger, he glanced at the two cold corpses lying on the ground. Lieutenant Colonel Dubler, who had never looked directly at the Russian boy in front of him, burst out with a strange and sinister smile, extremely disdainful. Then he spoke again.

"If you ask if I did it, I can answer you that I gave the order. I ordered my troops to kill all you stubborn Russians. But what's the point? Kill him and let me We feel honored because we came to this land to be conquerors, and there is only blood and no flowers at the feet of the conquerors!”


Malashenko couldn't quite understand what the German armored lieutenant colonel in front of him, who was almost an old man, was saying. The long list of words spoken at a very fast speed obviously exceeded the limit of Malashenko's understanding of German.

Sasha, who survived the battle and had been standing beside Malashenko, saw this and immediately stepped forward to translate. The death of battalion commander Maxim also made the young commander feel angry.

Under Sasha's accurate translation, Malashenko understood what the German armored lieutenant colonel in front of him had just said. He also understood how much the old German man wanted to see Comrade Lenin and confess in person.

"Have a good trip, Kraut, and I hope you can be forgiven by Comrade Lenin."

As soon as Sasha's translator finished speaking, Malashenko, who had already held the Tokarev TT33 gun tightly in his hand, raised the muzzle of the gun and immediately pulled the trigger.


After a deafening gunshot, Lieutenant Colonel Dubler, who looked a little surprised that Malashenko dared to kill a prisoner of war, leaned back and instantly fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief.

Malashenko, who looked expressionless and indifferent, did not stop there. His size 45 shoe stepped on the chest of the corpse of Lieutenant Colonel Dobler, who had been headshot. He raised the Tokarev TT33 pistol twice and continued Fired, it took only a few seconds to use up all the remaining bullets in the magazine.


The sound of the firing pin emptying out of bullets was very strange. Malashenko, who had fired all the bullets in the gun at the corpse, raised his hand and glanced at the weapon with smoke coming from the muzzle in his hand.

With a look of despair, he inadvertently slipped the gun he was holding tightly onto his feet and fell to the ground. Everything no longer mattered to Malashenko, who simply sat down on the bloody corpse. He took out half a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one of them and lit it slowly.

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