Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 513 War clouds gather

Malashenko did not know what happened between the big shots. At this moment, Malashenko, who was on the front line in Kharkov, only cared about one thing, and that was when the Germans on the opposite side would come over, and also Or when our side will suddenly attack according to the established historical trajectory.

In this historical timeline that has been subtly changed by himself, Malashenko asked himself that he could no longer use the original historical development trajectory to predict what was about to happen now. There were too many uncertain factors and his own butterflies. The effect has taken history away from its original development trajectory.

What exactly happens next? Malashenko asked himself for a long time but could not get an accurate answer and had to shake his head.

Just as Malashenko was sitting in a chair in a daze, a full cup of hot water was unexpectedly handed to him from behind.

"How long have you been holding that glass of water in your hand? It's already cold. Are you still going to drink it?"

Subconsciously, he looked back following the sound and found that it was his partner, Commissar Petrov, who was kindly reminding him. He glanced at the already cold water cup in his hand and couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm obsessed again. I don't know what's wrong with me lately."

Seeing Malashenko put down the cold glass of water in his hand and took the hot water offered by him, Commissar Petrov, who had seen every move of Malashenko recently, couldn't help but sigh.

"You haven't been normal since we were transferred to the Southwest Front Army. You sit in a daze or look sad all day long. What's wrong with you? Did something happen that I don't know about?"

Facing Commissar Petrov's well-intentioned and concerned questions, Malashenko, who had hidden things in his heart that were as high as mountains, really didn't know how to answer.

"I'm fine, I mean I'm fine, Comrade Political Commissar."

Seeing that Malashenko obviously did not mean what he said, the somewhat helpless political commissar Petrov immediately raised his hand and pulled a bench and sat down next to Malashenko.

"This is not an option for you to continue like this, Malashenko. The comrades are waiting for you to lead, and the upcoming battle also requires you to lead the team. You know better than me what to do. This is not like you at all. You should look like you, where are you with that high spirit of fighting?"

Political Commissar Petrov's aimless guessing obviously failed to predict Malashenko's true thoughts. Malashenko, who was afraid that history would continue to play out according to its original trajectory, had been worried about the Battle of Stalingrad.

If that unprecedented battle, which caused heavy casualties to both the Soviet and German armies, broke out as scheduled, Malashenko was almost certain that he would be involved.

No matter how much he thought about it, he felt that it would be difficult for him to survive that cruel battle like a meat grinder. Malashenko, who racked his brains and couldn't come up with a good countermeasure, had to beg Zhukov to give his loving father some words. Can be used at the top.

As for Marshal Timoshenko, Malashenko only thought that he acted impulsively at the time. How could the superior leaders who met him for the first time believe his words.

"Damn, I'm so stupid. How could I think of asking Timoshenko for help at that time!?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt extremely annoyed about his impulsive move. Malashenko wanted to slap himself right now. Maybe his impulsive move would really make Timoshenko’s first impression of him so bad that his grandmother would Go home.

He raised his head and looked at the political commissar Petrov sitting in front of him. Malashenko, who knew that the other party was well-intentioned and worried about him, thought for a moment and finally spoke slowly again.

"I'm just thinking about some problems at home. I'm really not in a good state recently. But it's okay now. I'm sure I can join the fight at any time."

Looking at Malashenko's absent-minded expression before he finished speaking, Political Commissar Petrov, who was quite suspicious but well-informed about people, slightly narrowed his eyes.

"Tell me you're not lying, Malashenko, look me in the eyes."


He did not expect Petrov's political commissar to say such a thing out of the blue. Malashenko, who was speechless on the spot, did not know what to say for a moment.

"How could I lie?"


As soon as Malashenko opened his mouth, the hurried call from the table next to him interrupted the tranquility in the room.

After the phone rang, he immediately reacted and looked at Commissar Petrov. Malashenko, who put away his frown, knew that now was not the time to continue sighing.

"Hello? Headquarters of the 1st Guards Tank Regiment."

"Lieutenant Colonel Malashenko, how have you been resting with your troops these two days?"

! ! !

Hearing the slightly familiar but more unfamiliar confident and vigorous tone coming from the other end of the phone, Malashenko almost subconsciously came over and straightened up immediately.

"Comrade Marshal, I am Malashenko. What are your instructions?"

After confirming that he had called the wrong person, Timoshenko seemed to be in a good mood in his front army headquarters. He tilted his head and glanced at the file handed over by the communications staff beside him and nodded to indicate that it could be implemented if approved. Once again Marshal Timoshenko, who put his head next to the microphone, continued to speak.

"I'm calling you because I have a combat mission to give you, Malashenko. The strategic deployment of the summer offensive has been finalized and completed. I have sent someone to send you the file in writing regarding the detailed order arrangements of your regiment. In the past, it should be in your hands within a few hours, no later than dark. "

Summer offensive? Strategic deployment? ? ?

Malashenko, who suddenly heard these two words, was so shocked that he shouted out. Since Timoshenko could give such an order, it could only mean one thing.

Comrade Lao Zhu's actions to persuade his loving father may have gone cold.

"Malashenko? Malashenko? Are you still listening?"

Malashenko, who suddenly lost consciousness, did not react until a series of repeated sounds came from the other end of the phone. Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Malashenko immediately grabbed the phone and spoke repeatedly.

"Comrade Marshal, are we going to launch a counterattack against the Germans?!"

I don’t know what Marshal Timoshenko said on the other end of the phone, but I have already guessed it from Malashenko’s unilateral words. Political Commissar Petrov, who frowned slightly, also wanted to take the initiative. A counterattack against the Germans was not promising.

"Yes, Malashenko! Supreme Leader Comrade Stalin has ordered that all Red Army soldiers and commanders must mobilize and be determined to overcome all difficulties and obstacles to repel the Nazi invaders who have occupied our motherland!"

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