Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 438 The annihilation of humanity

The fierce fighting of the fighter formations stained the sky with blood, but it could not stop the Soviet ground attack formations, which were also determined to die, from continuing to pour deadly firepower on the German ground troops.

The Soviet ground attack formations, moving through a chaotic formation of hundreds of fighter planes, took advantage of every opportunity. Any chance of an attack would be turned into an actual attack by these Soviet pilots whose eyes were fixed on the ground. .

The few remaining weapons mounted under the wings and belly of the aircraft continued to pour down on the exposed German anti-tank gun batteries. The aerial rockets, which were powerful enough to directly destroy the tank target with a blast, ruthlessly tore apart the German army. The soldiers' bodies, and the 100-kilogram aerial bombs specially prepared for attacking small ground targets, wiped the German artillery crew and their guns into a plume of smoke.

The formation of Soviet fighter jets, for which there was no word for retreat in the dictionary, was about to blow their minds. The German fighter pilots, whose adrenaline had soared to the extreme in the fierce air battle that stained the blood-stained sky, had no time to think about anything else.

Whenever German pilots had the slightest intention to attack those Soviet attack aircraft and bombers, they would be detected in time by the Soviet fighter jets in the fierce fighting and seize the opportunity to focus on interception.

Several attempts to attack those Soviet attack planes and bombers were fruitless. Instead, they were shot down by Soviet fighter jets that took the opportunity to bite their tails.

Realizing that they would not be able to engage in a lower-altitude battle without dealing with the lifeless Soviet fighter jets in front of them, the German fighter formations, which had a clear judgment of the battle situation in front of them, simply gave up the plan they had planned a moment ago without any hesitation, and then once again Concentrating all its strength into a fierce fight with the Soviet fighter formation.

Knowing that the comrades in the sky above his head were fighting for precious seconds of attack time with their lives, Malashenko, who knew that he had to race against time, stared at the German troops who were less than a hundred meters away with his gloomy eyes. position.

Despite the intensive incoming firepower from Soviet attack planes and bombers, they still fought to the death, relying on the broken small water pipe anti-tank guns in their hands to continue to do useless work against the Soviet tank group that was about to rush into the position.

Already able to clearly see the distorted and panicked faces of the German soldiers on the position, Malashenko, without any hesitation in his heart, poked the Somi submachine gun in his hand out of the edge of the open turret roof, and aimed at the Somi submachine gun that had already entered. The German soldiers within firing range pulled the triggers and poured out fiery fury.

With his upper body stretched out of the turret, Malashenko's firing sound was like an order ringing the death knell. In the last few dozen meters of charge, even the shaking mirror was enough to knock out those German anti-tank guns. The group was blown to pieces.

Iushkin, who was convinced that he was fully confident, instantly stepped on the firing pedal under his feet. The 57mm tank gun, which had been silent since it walked off the production line, immediately shook its muzzle and sprayed out a burst of dazzling muzzle flash, charging the gun with it. The 57mm high-explosive grenade, which was in pitifully small quantity but still caused devastating damage to the flesh and blood infantry, immediately rushed out of the gun barrel at high speed and crashed into the nearby target.

The makeshift German anti-tank team, which had fired at least a dozen armor-piercing projectiles at Malashenko's tank group, suffered an instant disaster. The flying hot shrapnel and powerful explosion flames completely destroyed the anti-tank guns and German soldiers.

The broken limbs, wrapped in blood and entrails, were blown away along with the anti-tank gun parts. The 57mm high-explosive grenade, which was not powerful enough but was still enough to destroy the body and shred the gun steel, turned into a cruel killing weapon.

A direct hit by an 85mm high-explosive grenade left almost no corpses, but the less powerful 57mm high-explosive grenade left some German soldiers on the edge half dead.

The German soldiers whose entire lower body was blown to pieces by the 57mm high-explosive grenade let out pitiful wails that were heartbreaking. The broken organs and large intestines extending along the broken bones of the pale and scarlet spine were mixed with blood and spilled on the floor.

The German soldier who failed to die on the spot waved his hands in vain, trying to stuff the broken organs back into his stomach.

He had just grabbed his intestines with his own hands and before he could do anything else, he felt the earth shaking enough to tremble all over. This German soldier, who had seen the Soviet T34 tank more than once, had never felt this almost indestructible steel. The giant beast, when viewed directly at an extremely close distance, can be so frightening and soul-trembling.

The T34 tank that was running over the broken position and rumbling toward him was so frightened that the German soldier, who did not care to stuff the bloody large intestine in his hand back into his stomach, immediately turned around and let go and crawled away.

The hands soaked in warm blood dug out bright red handprints on the white and cold permafrost snow, just like in the zombie movies of later generations. The difficult crawling failed to exchange for Malashenko who witnessed all this. No mercy at all.

Malashenko, who could have ordered Seryosha to immediately change the route and bypass it, did not do so. This life-and-death fight between opposing ideologies that is either your death or my death does not require any unnecessary mercy.

Two deep track marks were pressed out of the snow layer that was thick enough to cover the ankles, like the steps of the god of death, and the steel tracks directly ran over the half-dead body without any hesitation.

The steel body with a total combat weight of 28 tons instantly crushed the bloody and half-remnant body and splashed blood. The entire broken upper body exploded like an unopened milk carton crushed by a foot, and there was a shrill cry. The howl's death scream lasted less than two seconds, and then was overshadowed by the roar of the steel roaring diesel engine and disappeared in an instant.

The pieces of flesh and blood hanging in the gap between the track plates were still warm, leaving a long scarlet trail behind Malashenko's car. Malashenko, who did not feel any cruelty or guilt in his heart, continued to retaliate firmly. With calm eyes, he ordered and directed the battle. This cruel fight, grinding steel and blood, had already wiped out the last bit of humanity on both sides.

As the T34 tank group advanced all the way, it finally broke into the mottled and broken German positions. Commander Yakov, who was standing outside the tank and suffered heavy losses along the way, was already full of anger.

He once killed more than one Japanese soldier with a Mosin-Nagant rifle with a bayonet attached. Not long ago, he also carried the latest Bobosha submachine gun and swept through German soldiers like a death captain.

Apart from the army, there was no place where he could legally kill people. Lieutenant Colonel Yakov, who had a contradictory combination of desire to kill and firm belief, immediately jumped off the tank and raised his arms and shouted.

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