Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 430 Contact Support

Yakov, who stalks here like a black bear, is the best guarantee of the combat effectiveness of his troops.

Division Commander Tyyashenko, who looked down on the poor equipment of the Siberian Military District troops, had to admit one thing, that is, the combat effectiveness and tenacious will of this group of soldiers who came from extremely cold and dangerous places were generally much stronger than those of other Soviet military districts.

After arriving at the front line in Moscow, the Siberian troops fought several battles with the Germans one after another. They showed amazing combat effectiveness. The Siberian troops were ready to fight to death if they caught the Germans. This illustrates the terrifying battle in which either you die or the whole army is destroyed. will.

Compared with other Soviet troops who often surrendered one after another in the early days of the Great Patriotic War, this group of Siberian "barbarians" even the German opponents themselves were a little panicked, so much so that they gave the Red Navy a "striped devil" when they came ashore. After the nickname, this group of Siberian troops who were accustomed to fighting on sleds wearing white cloaks was given the nickname "White Devil".

With Malashenko's personal introduction and guarantee, Division Commander Tyashenko, who was almost bleeding from his heart for his few remaining troops, finally solved a major matter.

"In this case, there is no problem. Comrade Malashenko, when do you plan to launch the attack? There is still less than half a day left before dark."

The sunset in winter always comes earlier than in summer. It is naturally very clear to Malashenko what the implication of Mr. Diyashenko's words is.

Rolling up his sleeves, he raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch. Malashenko, who was mentally estimating how much time he had left to attack, quickly gave an answer.

"We have twenty minutes to prepare the troops. After twenty minutes, I will lead the leading tank troops to attack the German position on the opposite side. Commander Yakov's troops will follow me in the attack like tank knights. Tyashenko The division commander’s large force only needs to follow up and be ready to expand the results at any time.”

As the main offensive force, Division Commander Tyyashenko, who was waiting for Malashenko's support force, couldn't help but lose face after hearing this. As the main offensive force, he followed Malashenko's support force and even the group of Siberians. The barbarians launch an attack from behind. This kind of tactical arrangement that makes people blush is only one step away from hurting their self-esteem.

However, the problem before us is always stronger than the people. We always need to stand up and face it bravely. The tragic situation of more than half of the casualties in the battle really does not allow Division Commander Diyashenko to stand up and steal the main attack task.

After shaking his head for a moment, he temporarily put aside these fleeting worries, and determined to deal with the main German armored division in front of him first. Commander Diyashenko immediately spoke again.

"Comrade Malashenko, the divisional artillery regiment of our division may not be able to provide effective artillery preparation support before the attack. Now they have been bombed by German planes and only have a dozen guns left. It is especially difficult to move. The heavy artillery was basically destroyed. Do you have any good solutions to this problem? "

Commander Tyyashenko, who faced a bad battle situation, threw one problem after another to Malashenko. Fortunately, Malashenko, who had anticipated this situation, had already prepared corresponding solutions.

"I think this should not be a problem! After the attack begins, the German artillery is expected to conduct reverse artillery suppression on our tank troops. The German artillery without the suppression of our field artillery will always do this."

"But this time with the support of our air comrades, we will no longer face the situation of being passively beaten. After the air supremacy is regained, the attack aircraft units will clean up the German artillery and suppress their position defenses, creating a favorable situation for our ground attack. ”

"So this attack can temporarily allow the artillery comrades to take a break. Comrade Diyashenko, it's time for those German guys to experience the feeling of being bombed by planes."

After hearing Malashenko's reply, Commander Tyashenko wanted to argue. He asked whether his own fighter aviation unit could regain air supremacy in the theater from the German Air Force. After all, his own fighter jets were chased away by German fighter jets. Diyashenko, who is experienced in many battles, has seen the chase scene many times.

But before he could say the words, Commander Tyashenko felt his cuffs being pulled by someone. The scheming political commissar Zelinkov kept hinting with his eyes that he had no more words to say. These are necessary.

At this point, the battlefield command power has almost completely fallen into the hands of Malashenko. This is obvious both from the current reality and from the fact that Malashenko is a popular person next to General Zhukov. prove this point.

Already suffering heavy casualties, it could only play a supporting offensive role and was only an infantry division with an ordinary designation. Political Commissar Zelenkov felt that there was no need to question these things that were already destined.

Basically, he copied the battle plan that he had already prepared on the way, and within two steps of walking out of the field command post, Malashenko saw Iushkin, who had been waiting at the door for a long time. , Iushkin, who had finished handling the tasks assigned by Malashenko, was walking forward with a second lieutenant whose uniform was obviously different from that of a tank soldier.

"Comrade Commander, the troops have been equipped and ready for action. In addition, Second Lieutenant Konylov has just received a communication signal from his superior, asking when air support will be dispatched to the Tula theater. They have been prepared and are on standby at the airport. ”

The second lieutenant whom Iushkin called Konylov was the aviation liaison officer who had been assigned to Malashenko from the front headquarters under Zhukov's order.

All battlefield linkage calls for air support are handled by specially trained Second Lieutenant Konylov. He will be responsible for coordinating the aviation group on standby at the rear airport and the frontline ground troops to launch a three-dimensional air-ground offensive.

Malashenko, who learned about the situation from Iushkin's mouth, did not think much about it. The last twenty minutes of pre-war preparation time, which had already begun to pass by, must be accurately grasped every minute and every second.

"Comrade Second Lieutenant, please contact your superior immediately and tell him that the ground offensive in the war zone of Tula City will be launched in twenty minutes. Please ask the fighter planes on standby at the airport to take off to the war zone immediately as planned to provide support. Remember when contacting him We must use code words, red stars, black witches, matryoshka dolls, remember these code words to be used, and no matter what, we must ensure that the Germans cannot judge our accurate plan of action within twenty minutes. "

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