Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 421 Asking for help

Although some things may sound easy in words, they are actually two completely different things in practice. At the moment, what Malashenko is talking about to solve the problem of replenishing tanks and crew members is actually exactly the same thing.

The war has reached this point, and the Soviet and German armies are almost clenching their teeth and holding on to the last breath.

As the defender, the Soviet army wanted to grit their teeth and persevere until the German army could no longer endure in this bitterly cold ice and snow, and was finally completely defeated. On the other hand, the German army as the attacker also had the same idea, trying to grit their teeth and survive this unbearable winter. On the orders of the Führer, a grand victory celebration was held in Moscow.

Malashenko, who is well aware of this situation, knows very well that at this special time, let alone finding some experienced backup crews to drive the recovered "zombie tanks", even with the Guards on his head, As someone who enjoys priority in equipment selection and material supply, it is an open question whether he can obtain some of the most basic tank supplies to replenish battle damage and restore full strength.

Malashenko, who knew the course of the Great Patriotic War, knew very well that even the Soviet tank force, which was famous for its mass tactics of steel torrent piles, was almost at the end of its rope by the end of 1941. Not to mention those brand-new KV1 heavy tanks that have just come off the production line, Malashenko even doubts that he can't even get the T34 supplies that he usually looks down on.

"Damn it, they say that children who cry are fed by milk. I'm going to find Comrade Lao Zhu to cry!"

With such thoughts in his heart, Malashenko dropped the cigarette butt in his hand and stamped it out in the snow at his feet. In order to get the follow-up tank supplies as quickly as possible under such circumstances, he headed towards Zhukov, who serves as the commander of the Western Front, is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment to reach out.

"You continue to deal with the arrangements here, Lavery. I have to go back to the regiment headquarters now. If it's late, our new tank may be taken away by other bastards!"

Lavrinenko, who had no idea what Malashenko was thinking in his heart at this moment, mistakenly thought that Malashenko was going back to the regiment headquarters to quickly report the victory of the battle, then quietly nodded.

"Don't worry, let me take care of the things here, and you can handle the things on your side."

After getting a rough understanding of the damage, he immediately said goodbye to his deputy Lavrinenko again. Malashenko, who was filled with all kinds of miscellaneous things, now just feels a little inexplicably overwhelmed, burdened by so many worrying things. This is the first time since the record was broken.

"Oh, I hope the process of applying for a tank can go smoothly."

Malashenko, who ordered Seryosha to drive back the same way, soon appeared in his tent at the field regiment headquarters. After lifting the curtain and entering, the first thing that caught his eye was a man lying awkwardly in front of the table. Commissar Petrov in writing with one arm.

"You're back so soon? I thought you would have to wait at least two or three hours. But just in time, this is the battle report document I just wrote. The specific numbers of casualties have not been filled in yet. Please fill in these numbers. We discussed that if there are no problems, we will report it to the front army headquarters immediately. Comrade Zhukov just called an hour ago to ask about the progress of the war. It seems that they are more anxious than us. "

Malashenko, who had no time to be too polite with Commissar Petrov, immediately reached out to take the manuscript and read it at a rapid speed.

Not long after, Malashenko, who had read the entire article in less than half a minute, raised his head and spoke.

"I plan to ask Comrade Zhukov for additional tanks and backup crews. The losses in this battle are much greater than I expected. Now we have less than thirty tanks left that can still fight, and we have lost a total of More than half of them have been killed! The exact number of casualties has not yet been calculated, but it will definitely not be good. If we continue to fight like this, our group will be wiped out in a few days!"

The honorary title of Guards on his head also means that he will shoulder the most arduous combat tasks. Commissar Petrov, who prides himself on being prepared, heard the shocking numbers spit out from Malashenko's mouth. I was still a little dazed and stunned. It was too shocking that the 1st Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which went out in the name of the elite, wiped out more than half of its troops in one battle.

"How could the loss be so great? What exactly happened to you?"

Political Commissar Petrov, who was unable to go to the front line in person due to physical disability and was sitting in the rear, did not know how indescribably tragic the steel battle that had just been grinding flesh and blood was, and he only regarded it as a battle to attack a position. Political Commissar Petrov did not expect that the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment, which attacked in the first battle, would have such a bad start.

"These details are a long story. After the snow stopped, the Germans threw everything they could on our heads desperately. A large part of the tanks were destroyed by the German air raids. I’ll tell you the other details later when I have time.”

He casually found a pencil thrown on the desk and began to quickly fill in the blanks on the manuscript paper. Malashenko, who was obviously a little impatient, continued to speak with non-stop movements in his hands.

"I have read this battle report and there is generally nothing wrong with it. I will send it to the front army headquarters immediately. Leave the matter of requesting tanks to me personally. Get the phone ready. I want to talk to Commander Zhukov personally. ”

At the same time, far away in the busy Soviet Western Front headquarters, the commander of the Western Front, General Zhukov, who had hardly slept all night, was discussing the war situation with his staff think tank.

"After the snow stopped, we immediately took off a reconnaissance aircraft to conduct battlefield reconnaissance. It has been found that except for the direction of Istria, several other German units that were active have not made any substantial progress. Judging from the aerial reconnaissance results, It cannot be ruled out that some of the German forces in several directions are just feint attacks to attract our attention. At present, only the battle in the direction of Istria has not made substantial progress. "

Zhukov, who had just finished listening to the report from the staff around him with his arms folded and a slight frown on his chest, was about to say something when an orderly soldier who ran quickly interrupted Zhukov's thoughts.

"Comrade Commander, we have just received a telegram from the direction of Istria. Our troops have repelled the German army clusters on the outer edge of Istria and regained part of their positions. Approximate troop casualties have also been sent. In addition, There is a call waiting for you."

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