Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 416 Rescue

The KV85 heavy tank, which was speeding all the way, arrived at its final destination at a speed that could hardly be called racing. Political Commissar Petrov, who was left behind at the regiment headquarters, had learned all the situation through the on-board radio. The medical team directly under the regiment headquarters of the First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment under Malashenko is on standby in the cold wind.

Looking at the No. 177 heavy tank with less than 100 meters left in front of him but still speeding at full speed, Political Commissar Petrov, who was full of concern and extremely worried about his little nephew, couldn't help but turn around again. Turning around, he asked the old military doctor standing next to him for the last time with almost the same words that had been repeated for the ninth time.

"Comrade Zhuskov, are you sure you can rescue Kirill? This is not a question raised as a superior. I only hope you can give me a truthful answer."

As early as when Malashenko contracted malaria in Leningrad and almost died in that city shrouded in despair and hunger, he relied on the last medicine in his hand to fight the war that swept the entire Russian land more than ten years ago. The experience of malaria delayed Malashenko's death at the most critical moment until he was finally transferred to Moscow to receive better treatment and fully recovered.

The military doctor Ruskov, who calmly accepted Iushkin's sincere apology, finally accepted Lavrinenko's invitation and took a plane to Moscow with everyone from the magnificent holy city that still stood despite the crazy German offensive. Under the city, and finally joined the newly formed First Guards Heavy Tank Breakthrough Regiment with great gratitude for Malashenko's personal appearance.

Now, the military doctor Zhuskov, who personally pulled Malashenko back from the hands of death for more than half of his body, is faced with a problem again. It has been nearly half an hour since he was shot and fell into coma. The terrible situation is really... It was difficult for the military doctor Zhuskov to issue a military order and make a guarantee to the political commissar comrades beside him.

"If it were ordinary Red Army soldiers, I might comfort them with kind words, but Comrade Political Commissar, it has been half an hour since your nephew Kirill was shot and fell into coma, and the area where he was shot is still the worst. The dangerous upper body and torso. Based on my past experience, just this description is enough to cause death from excessive blood loss. Please understand that I really have no way to guarantee you now."

Although he had expected such a final result, after hearing these desperate words, Political Commissar Petrov still couldn't help but reveal a rarely seen sad look.

"Kirill is his mother's only son, and the only child in the entire family. Based on my status as a soldier, I should say such words as very honorable, but there are some things I believe you can do, Ru Comrade Skov, after all, you personally rescued Comrade Malashenko who was suffering from malaria. This is an almost impossible miracle in itself, isn’t it?”

Before he finished speaking, the KV85 heavy tank, which had already traveled just a few meters in front of him and braked precisely, had come to a complete stop. I didn't know what words to use to reply to Commissar Petrov, an uncle who cared about his nephew. He was stopped by Hu Xiaohan. Under the lenses blown by the strong wind, only a pair of eyes that did not appear cloudy were firm and determined.

"Let's go, comrades, to rescue our hero alive!"

The severe winter of 1941 had already recruited almost all the young and middle-aged men in Moss City to the front line. The Red Army's medical support force, which was severely undermanned, had to appoint young girls who could not do heavy work on weekdays to shoulder the front-line duties. braved the flames of war to rescue the wounded.

Fortunately, these young girls who also grew up under the red flag and had faith performed better than expected. Apart from being unable to take up arms and go into battle to kill the enemy because they have not received weapons training, these young and beautiful girls in the medical force have indeed done every job they have done conscientiously.

Before the car could come to a complete stop, he had already reached out his hand and pushed open the turret hatch above his head. He was furious in his heart, fearing that Kirill's life would be completely ruined in his own hands because of the avoidable delay. .

Holding the weightless body that had completely lost consciousness in his right arm, he used one arm to hold on with his left hand and suddenly climbed out of the turret. Just as he was about to call someone, Malashenko saw those who were standing next to the tank. A face waiting for its arrival.

"Comrade Malashenko, quickly, pass the wounded to us!"

Zhuskov, an old military doctor in his fifties, was the first to climb onto the tank regardless of his poor physical fitness, and headed towards Malashenko, who had already leaned half of his body out of the turret. He took the initiative to stretch out his hands.

Malashenko, who looked up in the direction of the voice, immediately saw the anxious face in front of him. Malashenko, who recognized his savior at a glance, did not hesitate at all, and immediately used his right hand to hold him in his arms. Kirill was pushed forward slightly into the waiting hands of military doctor Zhuskov.

"Shala, Anya, catch him, slow down, be sure to hold him tight!"

The young girls who were temporarily recruited into the medical unit were obviously a little unfamiliar with their movements. With slightly unconfident and trembling hands, they took over the rather heavy body and carried it in their hands according to Zhuskov's order.

Military doctor Zhuskov, who didn't know the extent of Kirill's injury, jumped out of the car and reached out to look at Kirill's wounds.

After careful observation, Ruskov, who roughly determined from the shape of the wound that the warhead should not be rolling when it entered the body, nodded slowly, and Malashenko pressed the wound with a gauze bandage. Kirill came and looked like he still had a chance of survival.

"Pressure the wound and continue to stop the bleeding, Anya. The others will immediately put the stretcher on the stretcher and transport it to the field hospital. Surgery must be performed immediately to remove the bullet. Hurry!"

Malashenko, whose hands were already covered in blood, did not bother to wipe the sticky marks on his hands and jumped out of the car. Commissar Petrov, who also stepped forward, saw the already embarrassed Malashenko. After the incident, he did not make any unexpected moves.

Looking at Kirill, who was getting further and further away from his field of vision and had been carried away to the field hospital, Commissar Petrov, who had mixed feelings in his heart, immediately stopped Malashin who was about to follow. Ke called him aside.

"Tell me how Kirill was injured, Malashenko. The wound on the back is a bullet mark. I saw it clearly just now."

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