Stay away from Conan

Chapter 750 A luxury liner trip through Hokkaido

"Why are you so anxious...that bad old man Camu actually wants to use such a terrible virus weapon?"

After leaving the organization's biological laboratory, while sitting in Gin's favorite car, the "Porsche 356A", Vodka, who was driving the vehicle in the driver's seat, couldn't help but wonder.


In response, Gin snorted coldly and mocked ruthlessly:

"Of course he is anxious. For something that he could not win twenty years ago, even after all this time, his desire has not diminished at all... But the financial path that he has guarded for more than ten years has now been cut off from the source by the Department of Narcotics Control. …

"Having lost an important bargaining chip, it is not that simple for him to want to go further now! In addition, after 'Shirley', even 'Juneric' defected, resulting in the project he led only getting one The semi-finished product, 'Rum' is very unsatisfactory!

"Furthermore, 'Juneric' was killed by the killer he sent, which means that it is impossible to find anyone to help him complete the project in the short term. Therefore, he urgently needs other chips!"

"But... over in Hokkaido, isn't there another task that he is responsible for? If that task is completed, the credit will be considerable!"

Vodka asked still a little confused.


With a sneer, Ginjiu said indifferently:

"That mission, even that adult doesn't think it can be completed... How can someone like 'Kamu' bet his money on it? Anyway, when the luxury cruise ship docks at Muroran Port, it will be done Knowing the kind of 'virus' he is looking forward to, can it give him a chance...

"Otherwise, the 'Louis' he trained with his own hands will personally destroy his expectations when the cruise ship docks!"


Hearing this, Vodka couldn't help but sweat broke out on his face, and he was a little surprised——

"The luxury liner will sail from Tokyo Port for two days and then stop at Muroran Port. In two days, if the entire passenger ship cannot be infected with the virus as 'Blackbeard' said, , then there is no need to wait until three days later, 'Blackbeard' will need to pay the price for this action!"

"But, in this case..."

Clearly understanding the implication of "Blackbeard" needing to pay a price, Vodka was shocked——

"That's right. If you wait another three days, it will be too late for the passenger ship to depart from Muroran Port and sail to the high seas. There will be too many variables. Some people don't want 'Camu' to succeed. As long as they judge that the mission has failed, they plan to directly Cut off 'Camu''s hand in the biological laboratory, and we will not give him another chance..."

With a sneer, Gin said this, and then mocked with disdain:

"Oh, these people..."

"Huh? How many days are you going to Hokkaido?"

A week after the Abedo Art Museum was bombed, after school one day, Xiao Ai couldn't help but asked in surprise after hearing Gao Yuan tell her that he would be out working on a case for a few days.

"Yes, because it is a relatively important commission, so I have to go away for a few days to handle it. I will be back in no more than five days at most."

Gao Yuan explained this.

"What do you mean by important?"

Because Gao Yuan had never been on a business trip alone for several days before, Xiao Ai couldn't help but asked with some concern.

So Gao Yuan took out a check, handed it to Xiao Ai, and said:

"Because the commission fee paid by the other party is very high and it was introduced by lawyer Feili Li, I really can't refuse."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai took the check and looked at the title of the check which said "Siling Bank". Then she was immediately attracted by the denomination written on it——

"One, ten million!"

Surprised, Little Ai read out the denomination written on the check, then raised his head unexpectedly and hurriedly asked:

"What kind of commission would pay such a high price?"

In his words, he seemed to be worried instinctively.

"It is said that it is about the will of the consortium... You know, the rich in this world are relatively generous, and it is difficult for ordinary people to spend even a little bit. Just look at Suzuki Sonoko's family. And she is a concubine. Lawyer Miles introduced it, so I couldn’t hold it back anymore so I continued..."

With a wry smile, Gao Yuan looked at the check and said without any reason to refuse:

"Moreover, this is only an advance payment of 10% of the entire commission. If the matter is completed, there will be another 90 million balance payment. Even if the commission is not completed within the specified time limit, this 10 million will be used as the entire commission. The confidentiality fee... As long as I don't leak the contents of the commission, this ten million will not be recovered..."

Saying this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but recall the situation during the day——

At that time, I was rushing around the house, planning to write out the communication protocol code I wanted as soon as possible. But at that time, my doorbell rang.

Through the surveillance outside the door, Gao Yuan saw a black "Toyota Century" photographed by "Sapporo" parked in front of his house, and a dignified middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was ringing the doorbell at his door. .

In this regard, Gao Yuan couldn't help being surprised when this unknown person came to his door, so he first asked about the other person's identity and purpose of visit through the intercom at the door.

The answer was that the other party called himself Hayama Hayato, and it was Fei Yingli who introduced him here, indicating that he had a commission and wanted Detective Akechi to investigate on his behalf.

Therefore, after learning about this situation, Gao Yuan did not go out to greet her immediately, but first called Fei Yingli to verify this——

Then after confirming that it was indeed the case and learning that the other party was Fei Yingli's senior and now the chief legal advisor of a certain consortium, Gao Yuan went out, welcomed the other party into the house, and started chatting with him face to face. A matter of commission.

In the end, facing the commission fee of 100 million yen offered by the other party, Gao Yuan could not refuse, so he accepted the commission...

His thoughts returned to the present, listening to Gao Yuan's explanation of the origin of the huge commission fee, Xiao Ai was a little puzzled, folded his hands in front of him, and asked:

"Lawyer Feili? Who is it?"

In this regard, Gao Yuan then remembered that Xiao Ai had never seen Feili, so he explained:

"She is Xiaolan's mother, the wife of Detective Maori, but she is currently separated from Detective Maori."

"Detective Mori's wife..."

Hearing this, Xiao Ai frowned slightly, looking even more confused, and asked:

"In that case, for such a large commission, why was it introduced to you instead of introducing it to Detective Maori?"

"I've asked this question too."

Gao Yuan had already had the same doubt, so he had already verified it beforehand and informed Xiao Ai of the result:

"It seems that Hieiri's side does not know the specific circumstances of the commission, and Hayama Hayato's side does not want to find a well-known detective like Mouri Kogoro. It seems that they are worried that once a well-known detective like Mouri Kogoro comes forward to investigate, it will affect the entire consortium. His reputation has been affected... So after considering various considerations, lawyer Feili introduced me to the other party..."

"That's what happened..."

After listening to Gao Yuan's explanation, although she was still a little uneasy, Xiao Ai no longer had any doubts, and then she couldn't help but say:

"That's just right, I also have something to tell you. Tomorrow our whole class will board the luxury liner 'Ektorina II' departing from Tokyo Port to participate in the event hosted by the world-famous child star Ava Porter on the liner. New movie preview. Then, the ferry will dock at Muroran Port in Hokkaido two days later, where we will disembark and take the bus back to Tokyo..."

Saying this, Xiao Ai stretched out his hand to smooth his hair, turned his face away, and said lightly:

"How about it? Since you are also going to Hokkaido, why don't you... accompany me?"

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