Stay away from Conan

Chapter 390 Yukino’s request for help

Chapter 390 Yukino’s request for help

"And judging from Miss Yun's attitude, she doesn't seem to want too many people to know about this matter."

Xiaolan explained.

"Then let's go up and have a look."

After listening to Xiaolan's words, Sonoko thought about it and felt that it made sense. After all, Miss Izumo Yukino came to Xiaolan to discuss it. It would not be good if she brought outsiders there again.

So, the two walked into the elevator from the apartment lobby and arrived at the door of Room 404 according to the address.

As soon as Xiaolan pressed the doorbell, Izumo Yukino rushed over and opened the door——

"Thank you, you are really here!"

When Yukino saw Xiaolan and the others, she smiled from the bottom of her heart and said happily.

"I'm sorry to bother you."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi lowered their heads together and greeted politely.

"Please come in quickly!"

Seeing this, Yukino stretched out her hand to make an invitation gesture and welcomed the two of them in. The two followed Yukino's footsteps into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

There are burgundy fashionable curtains hanging in the living room, Persian carpets on the floor, and an electronic clock and a doll placed on the Western antique cabinet.

“What a beautiful room!”

Xiaolan admired Yukino's room and praised it with some envy.

"Actually, it's not as good as you said!"

Yukino's voice came from the kitchen, sounding a little shy.

After a while, Yukino returned to the living room with the brewed black tea. Xiaolan and Sonoko drank the black tea while listening to Yukino talk about what happened——

What Yukino told them shocked both of them beyond belief.

"Did that gentle Kubo-sensei use violence against Yukino-san?"

"I can't believe it either..."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other, and both saw puzzled expressions on each other's faces.

"I know it's really hard to believe."

Yukino lowered her head and said in a low tone, and then her expression became solemn——

"But everything I said is true."

Yukino said, rolled up the sleeve of the sweater on her left hand, and stretched out her arm in front of the two of them——


Seeing the green marks on Yukino's arms from being beaten in several places, Xiaolan and Sonoko screamed together.

"What terrible scars!"

Yuanzi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and sighed with some shock.

"Not just here, there are many other scars on my body."

Xue Zhi finally couldn't control it, and her tears were like broken pearls, sliding down her cheeks and falling down.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at the scars on her body and fell silent.

With a trembling voice, Yukino went on to recount her horrific experience——

"I was so scared at night that I couldn't sleep. Even when I fell asleep, I would have nightmares. After I woke up, I would suddenly feel uneasy. It would always remind me of the scene when I was beaten by Kubo."

"This...this is probably a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder."

Xiaolan's expression became more serious.

"That's right."

Yuanzi agreed, his expression similar to Xiaolan's.

"Won't you report him to the police or the court?"

Sonoko seemed to be unable to control her anger and said——

She really didn't expect that the man she liked would turn out to be a duplicitous, rough and despicable person. For this reason, Yuanzi was extremely shocked, and a feeling of betrayal arose spontaneously——

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Akechi is indeed better.

"I have thought about suing him many times, and actually walked to the door of the police station several times, but every time Kubo would cry and promise me that he would definitely change, and I forgave him again and again. he."

Choking, Yukino cried.

"But in the end, he still hasn't changed, right?"

Xiaolan said seriously.

"Yes. I'm probably too naive. But, I still can't report the one I love!"

Xueno lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly, but tears fell on her knees drop by drop.

"But if you don't sue him, the matter will not be resolved."

Xiaolan said:

"In the past, a woman who was abused by her boyfriend came to my father for help. In the end, her boyfriend was ordered by the court to ban him from approaching her for six months."

"Actually... I came to ask you for this purpose..."

Speaking of this, Yukino carefully leaned out and asked:

"Miss Xiaolan's father is a detective, right?"


Xiaolan replied, and then couldn't help but regret that she didn't tell Gao Yuan about Yukino when she was at Akechi's house just now.

"Please let me talk to him!"

Yukino pleaded seriously.

"My dad has been quite free recently, so now we can just go to the office to find him!"

Xiaolan couldn't help but say.

"Thank you, but if you go to the office, maybe..."

Although Yukino showed a happy expression for a moment, the melancholy immediately returned to her face.

"Hey? Why can't you go to the office?"

Xiaolan said unexpectedly.

"Kubo seems to have been monitoring my actions. If girls like you come here, he won't say anything, but if my going to the Mori Detective Agency is exposed, I don't know what will happen next. treated.”

Yukino, who was holding the handkerchief tightly, could not suppress the trembling of her body.

"I see, but my father generally won't accept a commission unless he meets directly. He said that if it's just a phone call, there's a risk of being pranked."

Xiaolan said with some embarrassment.

"That's it..."

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Yukino felt disappointed from the bottom of her heart.

"Can Uncle Maori be accommodating on this matter? This is a matter of life and death!"

Yuanzi asked anxiously.

"let me see……"

Seemingly enveloped by the current atmosphere, both Xiaolan and Yuanzi became a little anxious and their thoughts were confused——

"Although it is not a direct meeting, is it possible to meet with the Maori detective through computer video software?"

Yukino asked, looking at the computer on the table.

"Video software?"

Xiaolan's expression became a little hesitant about this.

But Yuanzi, who was sitting next to her, suddenly reflected:

"Yes! You can do that! If you use video software, although you don't meet directly, you can see the other person's face! This way you can avoid Mr. Kubo!"

"Let's put it this way..."

Xiaolan still looked embarrassed:

"But my dad doesn't know how to use a computer at all!"

"what are you talking about!"

Yuanzi couldn't help but said:

"As long as Xiaolan teaches uncle how to use the video software..."

As he said that, Yuanzi suddenly realized something, and immediately stood up from the sofa and said loudly:

"That's right! Why do you have to find your uncle? We know more than just uncles as detectives! Why don't we also need Mr. Akechi!"

Because the previous conversation between Xiaolan and Yukino was about the Maori detective, so for a while, no one thought that there were other options to help Miss Yukino!

"Yes! Mr. Akechi!"

Xiaolan also suddenly noticed:

"If you are Mr. Akechi, you will definitely use video software!"

"But...the Mr. Wise you are talking about is..."

Yukino asked confused about the conversation between the two.

"His name is Akechi Gaoyuan, and he is also a detective who is as good as my father!"

Xiaolan explained.

Listening to Xiaolan and Sonoko's introduction to Gao Yuan, Yukino's expression was a little solemn at first, but in the end her expression suddenly brightened——

"Then, let's go notify Mr. Akechi, and then at the agreed time, Miss Yukino will meet and chat with Mr. Akechi via video chat!"

As Yukino agreed to this suggestion, Sonoko couldn't help but say.

"So what time is it set for?"

Xiaolan asked Yukino for advice.

"How about ten o'clock tonight? Kubo said that he will attend a dinner party with people from the TV station today and will be back very late!"

Looking at the electronic clock placed on the cabinet, Yukino said...

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