Stay away from Conan

Chapter 360 Stranger ten years later?

Chapter 360 Stranger ten years later?

As if he was still awake, Miyano Shiho slowly walked down the stairs with his eyes slightly squinted and a little sleepy.

Although her expression looked slightly sleepy, combined with her stunning appearance, she showed an indescribable cold beauty.

"Good morning."

Miyano Shiho responded lazily, yawned, opened his eyes, and looked at Gao Yuan in the hall downstairs. Then, when he saw Gao Yuan looking at him at the moment, he was stunned without moving. .

Seeing this, Miyano Shiho, who was still going downstairs, couldn't help but stop, blinked his eyes, and felt a little confused, then lowered his head slightly and looked at his current outfit——

The blue suit uniform of Didan High School, with a pair of black cotton socks that don't reach the knees...

Therefore, Miyano Shiho pursed his lips slightly and said with a half-smile:

"Ah. Do you need to be so surprised when you see me in my high school uniform? Or..."

As he spoke, Miyano Shiho couldn't help but raise his right hand wearing the "lover" bracelet, brushed his hair, and showed a smile:

"Have you, who have been single with me for ten years, finally fallen in love with me, now a high school student?"

Hearing Miyano Shiho's slightly teasing words, Takato turned away from his somewhat hot face, closed his eyes, and couldn't help but sternly retorted:

"What are you talking about!"

After saying this, Gao Yuan turned back, but he still didn't dare to look directly at the other party:

"However, it does suit you quite well. It looks very good..."

With that said, Gao Yuan immediately changed the topic:

"Okay, hurry up and have breakfast! It's almost cold!"

Having said that, after Gao Yuan put breakfast on the dining table, he walked towards the bathroom on the first floor with an expressionless face——

ten years? High school student? How is this going?

Didn’t you remember that you had just returned home after solving the “bandage monster incident”? how……

Could it "Strangers Ten Years Later", I am dreaming!

But what is it about such a real feeling?

With this thought in his mind, Gao Yuan walked into the bathroom in a daze, turned his eyes to the mirror on the sink, and prepared to see what he looked like in the mirror at the moment.

But something surprising is that my appearance in the mirror has not changed at all...

It was indeed a dream.

Thinking like this, Takato walked out of the bathroom and returned to the dining table, where Miyano Shiho was already sitting at his seat eating breakfast.

Regarding this, Gao Yuan realized that he should be dreaming, and his mood was not as complicated as before. He calmly sat down and ate breakfast in silence with Miyano Shiho——

However, in this way, the "Miyano Shiho" in front of me should actually have grown up for ten years, and still has the identity of Haibara Ai!

While he was thinking about it, Miyano Shiho had already finished the very small amount of food, then stood up and took the empty dinner plate into the kitchen sink to wash it.

When he walked out again, Miyano Shiho walked to the study room and walked out with a portable schoolbag. When he was about to go to the entrance to change his shoes and go out, Miyano Shiho suddenly walked back to the hall. , said with a slight smile:

"Hey, today is my first day of high school, why don't you give me a ride?"

Hearing this, Gao Yuan swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Miyano Shiho... No, it should still be Haibara Ai.

He blinked at her, looking slightly confused, but without thinking much, he nodded in agreement.

After quickly finishing the food on his plate, he put the plate into the kitchen sink for soaking. Gao Yuan naturally walked to the cabinet in the living room and picked up the car key. Haiyuan Ai turned towards He walked to the garage, and Gao Yuan followed.

However, as soon as he opened his legs, Gao Yuan couldn't help but hesitated again. He opened his right hand holding the key and looked at this car key, which had a completely different feel from the round key of the "MINI" car——

This is a rectangular car key, with an unfolded wing-shaped logo in the middle, and in the middle of the logo is the letter "B".

Seeing this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but sigh with a wry smile——

Although I dreamed that changing a car ten years from now would not be a big deal, but...

After arriving at the garage and looking at the four-seater convertible with a light blue body and a burgundy soft top, Gao Yuan still couldn't help but want to complain——

The four-seater convertible of "Bentley" is too exaggerated to even dream about. How can I have the money to buy such a car? And in comparison, if I have the money in the future, I will definitely buy a more practical "E-Class" or "8 Series" four-seat convertible.

Is this a dream that has everything?

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan naturally opened the door and got into the left-hand drive cab, while Haihara Ai also naturally sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Fastening his seat belt, without saying anything else, Gao Yuan started the vehicle, and the automatic door of the garage opened smoothly. Gao Yuan drove Haiyuan Ai out of the villa and drove towards Didan High School.

Along the way, looking at the strange yet familiar streets, Gao Yuan couldn't help but sigh. This was exactly the same as the plot Conan dreamed of in the original "Strangers Ten Years Later"——

After ten years of changes, even the buildings and greening on both sides of the road have changed. This dream is too real.

Soon, when Gao Yuan was driving to the gate of Didan High School, Haiyuan Ai suddenly reached out and turned on the vehicle's convertible switch——

Just like that, when the vehicle stopped at the gate of Didan High School, the uniformed high school students who were about to enter the school couldn't help but focus on Gao Yuan and Haibara Ai who were sitting in the convertible.

Just like that, Haihara Ai walked out of the passenger seat with an indifferent expression.

In response, many boys couldn't help but stop when they looked at Haiyuan Ai's appearance, and stopped to look at the brown-haired girl from the same school, showing a look of surprise——

"Hey - it's just your first day in high school, are you too high-profile?"

At this moment, a boy who looked exactly like Kudo Shinichi passed by the car. He was some distance away from Haibara Ai. He didn't deliberately approach Haibara Ai, and he didn't speak to Haibara Ai. He just said this abruptly - Listen The voice is exactly the same as Kudo Shinichi, but the only difference is that this boy wears glasses——

Conan ten years later...

Seeing this, Gao Yuan looked helpless.

And Haiyuan Ai did not turn to look at Conan, but just replied calmly:

"At least this way, we can save a lot of trouble, right..."

With that said, Haiyuan Ai started to walk towards the school, and Conan also rolled his eyes at Haiyuan Ai's back before helplessly walking into the school gate.

In response, Gao Yuan sighed and did not stay too long in front of the school gate. He closed the convertible and drove away from the school gate, preparing to return home and quietly waiting to wake up from this weird dream——

However, while Gao Yuan was driving on the road, a cell phone ringtone rang from the car's Bluetooth speaker.

Naturally, Gao Yuan pressed the button on the steering wheel and connected the phone through the car's Bluetooth. Then, the voice on the other end of the phone rang in the car——

"Brother Mingzhi, aren't you at home now?"

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