Stay away from Conan

Chapter 212 The wise and lofty man who loves lying

Chapter 212 The wise and lofty man who loves lying

"That's right."

After listening to Gao Yuan's words, Elena Miyano said with some emotion, and looked at the girl in her arms more tenderly.

"But it's really unexpected."

Miyano Atsushi looked at Gao Yuan and said, "You two college students are actually interested in my research!"

Seemingly very happy, Miyano Atsushi walked up to Gao Yuan and wanted to take Gao Yuan with him to discuss the details of the paper.

This development made Gao Yuan unexpected. Fortunately, Miyano Shiho wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes at this time, stood up from Elena Miyano's arms, walked to Miyano Atsushi, and began to discuss something Gao Yuan couldn't understand at all. professional content.

Because the content of Miyano Shiho's chat was very professional, Miyano Atsushi became interested and directly invited Miyano Shiho and Gao Yuan to enter his laboratory. He took out the research materials he was still conducting and discussed with them. , Elena Miyano also saw that Miyano Shiho seemed to be very knowledgeable about their couple's research, and also joined this academic exchange.

Naturally, Gao Yuan could not intervene in such a discussion, but in the middle of the discussion, Miyano Hiroshi excitedly asked Gao Yuan what he thought. In response, Miyano Shiho couldn't help but smile:

"Yes, Akechi-san, you forced me to learn this research together. You should have some ideas of your own, right?"

Seeing Takato's somewhat embarrassed look, Miyano Shiho smiled as if his plan had succeeded. In this regard, Gao Yuan couldn't help but feel helpless. After thinking about it, he could only say:

"Um...Professor Miyano, can your research allow biological individuals to return to their juvenile state?"

Anyway, Gao Yuan really didn't understand it at all, but since it was a dream, he could just say something casually.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Miyano Shiho suddenly frowned slightly and looked at Gao Yuan, his expression serious and full of thoughts.

After listening to Gao Yuan's questions, Miyano and his wife fell into thinking. Then, Miyano Hiroshi took his own research materials and began to check them over and over again, and was calculating something with a pen and paper.

"Maybe... it really works!"

Seemingly a little fanatical, Miyano Hiroshi looked at his research materials and said.

"Inducing gene-controlled apoptosis to achieve autonomous cell death, and then increasing cell proliferation through telomerization activity. When apoptotic cells and proliferating cells reach a certain ratio...maybe it can really be achieved!"

"But how should this ratio be controlled?"

Miyano Shiho asked, "Generally speaking, it is possible that before the cells proliferate to a certain number, they may die first due to organ failure caused by massive apoptosis of cells."

"This is indeed the most troublesome point in this idea."

Nodding, Miyano Hiroshi confirmed Miyano Shiho's doubts.

"But if we can analyze the tailoring based on specific genes, we may be able to control the proportion."

Elena Miyano said, "Husband, haven't you done research on our genes before?"

Speaking, Elena Miyano rummaged through the drawer and found a bunch of information.

"Perhaps, we can find a way to start from this aspect first."

Hearing this, Miyano Hiroshi sighed helplessly:

"However, if you want to start research in this area, the current funds are really stretched."

"Don't worry, husband."

Elena Miyano put a hand on Miyano Hiroshi's shoulder and comforted: "Xiao Mingmei and I will support you."

After saying that, Elena Miyano realized that there were two outsiders present here at this moment, and she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. At this time, the sound of a child crying was heard outside the house, so Elena Miyano walked out of the laboratory with some embarrassment, picked up Miyano Akemi, who was only two or three years old in the crib, and began to comfort her.

Looking at the Miyano couple in front of him, as well as Miyano Akemi who has not yet grown up, Miyano Shiho couldn't help but smile happily - this was the warmth he had never felt since he was born.

While flipping through the information that Elena Miyano had just taken out, Miyano Shiho glanced slightly at Takato next to him - even in a dream, Akechi Takato, thank you!

Next, Takato and Miyano Shiho stayed in Miyano Hospital until late at night. After Miyano Shiho read a lot of Miyano Atsushi's research materials, he left because the Miyano couple also needed to rest.

Takato and Miyano Shiho were walking on a deserted street at night. Because there was no public transportation running, the two of them walked in a tacit understanding, not knowing when they would wake up from this dream.

But after walking for a while, Miyano Shiho suddenly stopped. Gao Yuan couldn't help but stop, looked back at Miyano Shiho who seemed to be struggling, and said doubtfully:

"What's wrong?"

"Haiyuan...what does it mean?"

After thinking for a long time, Miyano Shiho suddenly asked this question.

"This is... a name I said casually, don't mind it."

Gao Yuan couldn't help but smile bitterly at this - at that time, because he felt that it would be difficult to explain Miyano Shiho's name directly in front of the Miyano couple, so he simply subconsciously said a pseudonym, but in the end he read it directly The surname "Haiyuan" came out.


With a faint smile, Miyano Shiho walked a few steps forward and came to the front of Gao Yuan. He put his hands behind his back and turned his head slightly to look at Gao Yuan - the evening breeze blew her brown slightly curly short hair, and the moonlight shone on her beautiful face. , showing a charming smile:

"Mr. Akechi, you really love lying. Hanada Masaru and Haibara didn't hesitate at all when talking about their pseudonyms."

"Of course."

Faced with Miyano Shiho's narrative, Takato smiled faintly.

"Because I am a detective, so wise and lofty!"

With that said, the two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to walk on the road.

"By the way, Mitarai-kun, did you set the fire at the scene of his death?"

Perhaps because it was a dream, Miyano Shiho calmly asked the "wise and lofty" person in the dream in front of him for advice on his doubts.


Nodding, Gao Yuan admitted generously - it was a dream after all, and he didn't lie.

"So, Miss Miyano, do you know who killed him?"

Gao Yuan asked without any burden.

"Unfortunately, I don't know."

A little disappointed, Miyano Shiho said.


Seeing that the other party didn't know the answer, Gao Yuan was a little surprised, but he didn't think too much about it and asked another question, "Cointreau, do you know there is such a person in the organization?"

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho stopped and said thoughtfully:

"I have seen this name in the notes left by my parents. He should be the researcher who studied drugs with my parents. But now there seems to be no person with this code name in the organization. I don't know what happened specifically... …”

While talking, the two of them suddenly found that their vision began to blur, and even their voices began to be unclear. Gao Yuan realized that it seemed that he was about to wake up from this dream.

Although there are still many things I want to ask, it seems it is too late——

The cold feeling suddenly woke Gao Yuan up, and he found himself lying on the floor in the living room. The cold ground was so biting that Gao Yuan shivered.

I was about to get up, but in an instant, a pain suddenly spread throughout my body - the "demon" effect took effect!

Thanks to AXLADM for the tip

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