Stay away from Conan

Chapter 607 Any answers to questions?

Chapter 1477 Any answers to questions?

"S and W both mean direction, so does this code tell us to go from south to west?"

Ten years ago, next to the flagpole on the roof of the Mihua District Office's dispatch office, Xinyi and Xiaolan faced the last code they had received. It was very simple, Xiaolan understood.

"That being said, where exactly are we going?"

Dr. Ali, who had led them all the way, faced this situation and believed that the analysis of "from south to west" should be correct. However, the conditions given by this code were too few and it was impossible to analyze more clues.

In this regard, Shinichi couldn't help racking his brains when facing this code, thinking that since there was no clue about the specific location, could it simply mean looking from the south to the west?

In that case, over there...

Thinking like this, Shinichi looked towards the west, and what he saw was the setting sun that had moved to the western horizon and was about to disappear. The setting sun dyed the sunset red——

"Wow! So beautiful!"

And looking at the sunset on the horizon and facing such a scenery, Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh like this.

"Really beautiful."

In this regard, Dr. Ali seemed to be infected by today's sunset.

In response to this, Shinichi was infected by the atmosphere at the moment. He stared blankly at the scenery in front of him and listened to the sighs of the two people around him. Suddenly, Shinichi showed a confident smile and said:

"I see, that's what happened!"


Immediately, as soon as Shinichi said this, Xiaolan and Dr. Ari were stunned, not understanding what Shinichi meant by this.

In this regard, Shinichi confidently explained:

"I know! Who is the author of this code!"

"Yes, who is it?"

Hearing this, Dr. Ari looked surprised. He obviously went through the entire decryption process with Shinichi and the others, so why didn't he think of it at all?

But Shinichi said very confidently at this moment:

"It's my dad! Dad must have asked one of his friends to give me this code in order to guide us here to watch the sunset...


"Maybe it's because I've been staying at home and reading a book lately, so I wanted to take a walk..."

"But the man you met who gave you the code was not until you accidentally went to school at night after you heard the rumors about monsters, right?"

In this regard, Dr. Ali still felt a little strange when he said this.

"Sonoko said she heard this from an uncle who delivered new books in the library."

At this time, Xiaolan had a further explanation of the cause of this incident.

After hearing this, Shinichi's expression became more determined and he said:

"Then that uncle is probably the man who was in school at night!"

After hearing this, Dr. Ali finally nodded and had to admit:

"It turns out that as long as you tell Xiaolan's friends about this, it will reach your ears one day, and then Shinichi, who likes mysterious events, will definitely go to the school to check it out, and he will naturally encounter it. "

"That's right."

Xinyi nodded, leaned on the railing and said helplessly:

"In other words, we are all being played around by daddy!"

"But that's nice, isn't it?"

Xiaolan was very happy with this result and said:

"You can see such a beautiful sunset like this."

"Yeah...although I'm a little reluctant, I think so too, Xiaolan..."

Speaking of this, Shinichi had a slightly embarrassed expression on his face, then realized something, and quickly explained:

"Ah! Sorry, Maori..."

Because he had never directly called "Xiaolan" before, Shinichi seemed very embarrassed.

"Just call me Xiaolan!"

However, hearing Shinichi call her that, Xiaolan had a slightly embarrassed expression on her face, but she still said seriously:

"Just call me Xiaolan!


Speaking of the last part, Xiaolan asked Shinichi a little nervously.

Seeing this, looking at Xiaolan's expression, Xinyi quickly turned his head in embarrassment, no longer looking at Xiaolan, but staring at the sunset in the distance, pretending to be calm, and said:

"You... you say yes, that's fine... I, I don't have any objections."

With a nervous tone, Shinichi looked at the sunset on the horizon and blushed.

"Really? That's great!"

At this point, Xiaolan seemed very happy to hear what Shinichi said, so she stepped forward and hugged Shinichi's shoulders and laughed.

In this regard, facing Xiaolan's enthusiasm, Xinyi was at a loss——

"Shinichi, why are you face so red?"

"No, it's because of Sunset!"

At this time, Dr. Ali, who was watching this scene from behind, also smiled happily while listening to their conversation...

"Wow! So romantic!"

After listening to the whole story, Ayumi said with complete envy.

"Haha, 'it's because of the sunset'..."

At the same time, after Yuanzi heard these words, she patted her legs happily:

"I can't believe that guy Shinichi would be so embarrassed to say such a thing!

"So, from that day on, your relationship has taken a further step."

As he said this, Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan, with an expression of relief in his eyes.

In this regard, when Xiaolan heard what Yuanzi said, she couldn't help but smile with nostalgia, and then slowly talked about the origin of the piece of paper that the children had written on that they found in the library of Didan Elementary School today. ——

"Because of this incident, Shinichi and I were very grateful to the uncle who gave us the password, so we wrote down our feelings and put them in the wallet he gave us, and then put them in the "Phantom Thief Gentleman" he had read before. "behind.

"I just didn't expect that after so many years, this wallet would still be in the library..."

Xiaolan said this with great emotion.

"It's a really great story!"

Mitsuhiko also said with an envious look, and looked at Ayumi for a moment, and then seemed to feel some inexplicable regret because Xiao Ai did not follow.


But Yuantai was puzzled by this:

"Where I found the wallet, there was another book..."

"This is probably because the placement of books has changed in the past ten years."

Teacher Xiaolin explained this, and then said with a slight regret:

"But it's a pity that it turns out that the other party didn't come back to get the wallet again. to put it, the person who came up with this secret code seems to have exhausted his talents."

Teacher Kobayashi, who was very concerned about this story because of the secret code, could not help but feel this way about the truth of the story.

"Ah? Why?"

In this regard, Xiaolan, who was still looking nostalgic because she was looking back on the past, couldn't help but asked with some confusion when she heard Teacher Xiaolin's comments.

"Because...the secret codes in the middle are all very interesting. Although the answer to the penultimate secret code is unknown, judging from the answer, it must be very complicated. But in the end, the secret code just used letters indicating the direction plus An arrow just to illustrate looking west is too simplistic.

"Besides, if you're just looking to the west, just a 'W' is enough. There's no need to write an 'S' specifically, right?"

In this way, Teacher Xiaolin expressed his opinion——

"However, it was already very good for the children at that time. I want to think about it...should we also hold such an activity in the class?"

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