Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 10: Cannon Counterattack

"You mean the Great God of Heaven?" I immediately understood who Rose meant.

"You won't know if you look at it." The gold coin sat in front of the communicator and operated the connection image. "A mosquito reconnaissance is about to enter the city."

Everyone's attention quickly returned to the screen. The current communicator is directly connected to the receiver in the giant mosquito outpost. You can see from here

Each mosquito sent out was to detect signals from his wife. In the center of the picture is the signal sent back by the fastest mosquito, which is currently available through its perspective.

See the smoke barriers clearly.

The little mosquito quickly reached the city wall. The players who sent the whistle here were very serious. Unfortunately, they did not take the mosquito seriously. Scout slowly

Approached the smoke and plunged in. The smoke layer seems to be thick, and nothing is visible in the picture. The scout relies on inertia.

Fly directly forward. After passing through the smoke barrier for about ten meters, the picture suddenly opened up.

Bang. There was a loud noise in the conference room, and A Wei turned over his chair. Although the sound was sudden, everyone was not attracted to it because

We all know why. The scene in the picture is too shocking, we have guessed many times, but we did not expect it to be like this

A picture.

Hiroshima, this huge port city is ranked first among the Japanese cities in the game. But now, the central area of ​​the city has

After being demolished, there is a huge green vacant lot in the center of the city, and the empty lot that was actually demolished from the vacant lot to the city gate.

The buildings are gone. What was supposed to be a city building is now a wide avenue. In the city center, there is the most shocking

Something amazing.

It was a huge derrick, with criss-crossed steel beams and upright steel bars as thick as a bucket to form this huge support frame. These branches

The supporting derrick is obviously a temporary structure for the construction of large equipment. Similar equipment was used in the construction of thirteen Zerg castles in our guild. and

at this time. In the middle of this huge derrick, countless workers are busy.

The thing being built has a length of more than 600 meters, a width of more than 60 meters, and a height of not less than 70 meters. From its appearance, I only connect

Think of something-railguns. The Japanese are building class railguns with a caliber of over 20 meters and a long barrel length of 30 times.

Class railgun.

"How is this possible?" The general said. How to say people are also excellent generals, and they should have a thorough understanding of weapons and equipment. He knows how big things such as railguns can be. In reality, even if this thing is made, it can never be used, because steel's own

The weight is enough to deform the gun barrel to an inability to shoot.

Rose frowned and said, "Grandpa Wu may have forgotten that this is a game. The harder a magic material is many times harder than steel and the texture is similar

Much lighter. If necessary, you can even ask the magician to bless the defense to increase its hardness and toughness. "

Woma followed, "I didn't tell you about this. We have such cannons."

"What?" The dozen eyes in the room all focused on Woma.

"When did our guild make this kind of thing?" I asked Woma in surprise.

Woma whispered, "In fact, it was only recently developed. It is mainly because we look at Isinger as a big man, but his defense weapons are relatively

Small, so I want to develop a weapon that can match the size of Upper Isinger. So I went to the technical research department and asked for some materials.

The Tis family has a new formula with good quality materials, so we will use it. "

"How big is the gun in our guild?"

"It's a little bigger than this. But our guild's cannon is mounted on a hydraulic turntable. It can only rotate in place and cannot move back and forth. I should

Originally designed to be used as a long-range strike weapon land for Isinger. I did not expect the Japanese to have the same design. "

The general asked immediately: "What is the size of the guns in our guild? Have you tried them? How powerful?"

"The caliber is 23 meters, and the caliber is 32 times the caliber, which is 736 meters. We only designed a few shells, which are basically air explosions.

Throw a small projectile. The method of using guns to propel gunpowder is not connected with the warhead, and propellant can be loaded as needed. Weight per warhead

At around 213 tons, a large village can be bombarded with a single shot, and a city below the middle scale can hit only five or seven.

Basically finished, a large city like Sky City can withstand at most 30. "

"How far is this gun?"

"The minimum range is five kilometers. Using the magical aid of the wind system, and regardless of the wind direction, the maximum range can reach 600 kilometers.

If you want to prove the accuracy, it is better not to cross 400 kilometers. "

Hongyue exclaimed: "Isn't it possible to directly bombard Hiroshima from here? The straight line distance from here to Hiroshima is about 300 kilometers!"

Rose also immediately said: "Since our guns can directly hit Hiroshima from Nagasaki, although the Japanese guns have a smaller caliber, the range is not

Will be too much difference, 300 kilometers can definitely guarantee. So to say……? "

"The Japanese are going to bombard Isinger directly." Su Mei yelled at Rose's reasoning.

Rose nodded: "Such a huge railgun is very difficult to aim and reload. Combining these two characteristics, the Japanese target one

It must be a big thing, and the thing moves very slowly, or does not move at all. With these two points, the Japanese have only two goals left

It's gone. "

"Essinger Sky Fortress and the newly established Fulcrum City."

"Yes. However, the Japanese defense of Fulcrum City has not yet tried. They have been blocked by Isinger so far, so they want to eliminate them first.

It must be Isinger. "

The general immediately said: "Then the enemy is going to fight against us. We must take the initiative to fight, since we also have long-range artillery.

Then make people first, let's bombard them first, so as not to get suffocated. "

"Well, I agree with the general's point of view." I immediately said to Woma: "immediate shelling."

"This ...!" Woma said embarrassingly: "Although our guild has already made two doors out, they are all set up in Steel City. So big

The artillery needs to be equipped with an elevating chassis and movable protective armor on the Deck of Isinger, which are all time-consuming. "

"That means you can't use it for a while, right?"

"I think so. If there is nothing fixed, as long as one shot, the gun carriage will fly from the east to the west of the city."

"Look at the screen." Lark suddenly called everyone to watch the crystal screen.

Our eyes turned back again. The screen was the picture seen by a mosquito scout. The door is still in the picture, but it can be distanced

It's already close. We can clearly see who is working. At first I thought these people were installing cannons, but now they are close

It turned out that they were not installing cannons, but were removing scaffolding. The artillery is clearly complete, and the Japanese have built more land than we expected.

Much faster.

"What now?" A Wei asked.

"Destroy it," Hongyue answered affirmatively.

"The problem is how to destroy it." The gold coin clicked the screen a few times. "See who this is?"

There were many people standing beside the horrible cannon, but a few were clearly organized. Stand more prominent. I saw Matsumoto in there

He He Tanaka, and the legendary Tian Zhao clone. Now Tian Zhao is here. Then the situation is clear. Spider Fortress is definitely

He was shot down, the gun had not even been removed from the bracket, it could not be it, other things were not so powerful, only this Tianzhao. Japan

The player must have asked him to protect this cannon, and then use this cannon to attack us here. Although Japanese players have not yet known that Ai is in the cloud

Singh, but what a cannon. The loading of bombs or cloud explosions will definitely force things out of the clouds. This is the Japanese plan.

I stared at the avatar of Tianzhao Great God for a long time. The existence of this guy is really a major problem. Don't look at him only one person, he

Its destructive power is comparable to that of a Zerg Fortress, and may be even more powerful. Although we have thirteen Zerg strongholds, Tianzhao only sent one

Avatars, but they are still not bad. If an artillery is the same as a pistol, who are they better at fighting? answer

Obviously a flexible pistol. The Zerg Fortress has the same destructive power as Tian Zhao's clone, but Tian Zhao's clone has only one person. Our fortress

It is even bigger than battleships, which is obviously disproportionate.

Rose put her hand on the back of my hand on the table and I looked at her

past. We glanced at each other. Instantly understand the meaning of the other party. Let ’s turn to everyone at the same time and say the common decision in a synchronized voice

Ding: "Use Isinger and use weapons of mass destruction to erase Hiroshima from the map."

Everyone was surprised to see the two of us, but they quickly reacted. The eagle immediately said, "Yes, start Isinger right away.

The other side killed. "

The clouds over Nagasaki suddenly swelled, and the reporters around me immediately noticed this strange phenomenon, but no one knew what was happening.

I can only watch what is happening next, expecting something valuable.

Inside Isinger, thirty-six large-scale gravity resistance devices on three steering rings are activated at the same time.

There was a slight roar. The loud warning inside Isinger was played three times, and all players stopped moving to find a place to fix themselves. Turn

Unlike movement, it's not just about your ability to stabilize your body.

Thirty-six orbital steering gears blew air at the same time, and white high-pressure steam was sprayed from the wheels of the steering gear.

There was a click of neat steel collision, the locking bolt on the steering wheel flywheel bounced at the same time, and the fixing device was slowly driven by the huge gear.

Opening. The yellow warning lights on the bottom of the track machine turned on at the same time, and 36 tram-like track machines started at the same time in a burst of metal friction.


Steering machines are actually circular steel rails, and there are many magical moving rail cars with gravitational resistance on the tracks. After the gravity resistance device was activated

Can not do translation in the horizontal plane, so these trams will not move themselves after starting. But the force still exists, the car cannot move, that

Only the rails move. The rails and the urban support structure are connected, and driving the circular rails is actually driving the city to turn. This

Is Essinger's urban steering machine.

Huge metal friction sounds and flashing yellow warning lights jointly remind everyone that the turn is still going on, huge cities must be slow

Degree rotation is fine. In such a large city, if the speed is too fast, the centrifugal force will dismantle the entire city. The goal this time is Hiroshima, we just

It needs to be turned at an angle of 38 degrees. This process took about two minutes to complete. Before the city approaches the specified angle, the track machine has begun to brake.

It's slow to do anything in such a big city, and emergency braking is not fun. The brake just ends when the specified angle is reached and the city stops at the required

To ground angle. The yellow alarm light goes out, the steam unlocking device shuts down, and the force of the spring automatically returns the huge metal latch to its original position to turn the drive wheel

And flywheels all locked up. Then the city will not be disturbed. The crawler-type gravity reaction device at the bottom of the city is activated, and the gravity reaction on the track steering gear

The reactor is closed automatically. After a roar, Isinger shuddered. Then started moving towards Hiroshima.

The outside player quickly noticed that the big guy was moving. Although the cloud was moving very slowly, it was now noon.

The shadow on the ground can easily expose the movement of the city. So after half an hour, most people who are concerned about the situation on the battlefield know that Nagasaki is hanging above his head.

The strange cloud was moving.

Essinger's process of addition is very slow. But the degree is more obvious once it comes up, all

I also noticed that the movement direction of the cloud was pointing directly at Hiroshima. Observation posts in Japan are naturally not worse than eyesight. They have been in the cloud for a long time

The group approached Hiroshima.

"Emergency report." A player flew over to Matsumoto Masako and nearly knocked Matsumoto Masa.

Matsumoto supports this guy. "What's panic?"

"Moving, the cloud is moving."

"Move?" Tanaka too crowded over and grabbed the person and asked, "Which direction? How is it?"

"Come towards us, at about eight kilometers per hour, and slowly adding."

Immediately after hearing this, Matsumoto turned back and called to those who were busy on the gun rack: "How long will the ghost fire cannon be available?"

A technical foreman replied immediately: "The main body has been completed, and the angle can be corrected after removing the turret. If nothing unexpected, the big

It takes about two hours. "

"Speed ​​up."

On the other side of Essinger, I was asking Woma: "What is our land now?"

"Ten kilometers per hour."

"Increase the maximum torque to thirty kilometers per hour."

"This ... I'm afraid the machinery can't bear it."

Rose stood up and said, "We don't have time to seal the throne."

Awei asked, "Why don't we send the Air Force to destroy the artillery first?"

Before I even answered Su Mei, I said: "Last time we defended Japan, the other side attacked, but we were defeated. This time you let us advance

Attack them to defend. Isn't that more difficult to deal with? "

"But our equipment is more advanced than before, and there are more people!"

"But Tianzhao's clone is there. The Zerg Fortress can't play the role but will be smashed. The Spider Fortress has just returned. The injury

You also saw that the Zerg Fortress used to feed fish, meaning nothing. As for the air cavalry, it is an assault unit. It can be attacked and copied.

The attack on the key cities that are ready to be assembled by the big soldiers is also crowded. Even if the artillery can be destroyed, the Japanese battle is already a failure. "

Rose nodded and Su Mei said, "So we can only use Isinger and use weapons of mass destruction to determine the outcome. Tianzhao

The avatar's attack power is okay against the Zerg Fortress, and it is almost against Isinger. The Japanese ground forces also have little power to fight against Ising

It can cause substantial harm, so we just need to ensure that we can kill the gun before it is hit. "

"I see." A Wei just sank and suddenly cried, "How about we try Babelta?"

I shook my head: "Are you standing there that day Zhao came to visit? He is protecting that thing. Tian Zhao has a magical place to protect himself, Babel Tower Set

It is possible to try the attack. But now the energy is dissatisfied, it is definitely useless to play singles. If you don't believe it, let Woma fire a shot. "

A Wei still didn't believe it in the end, and Woma really helped him test once. In the scene of scouting mosquitoes returning. Drag a long tail like a shooting star

The red light mass fell from the sky. Just before the light group was about to hit the cannon, Tian Zhao suddenly raised his hand and the cannon was protected by a white translucent mask.

Up. Babel Tower's attack light ball hit the light curtain and scattered immediately. The surrounding buildings were burned by the scattered streamer several times, but the cannons

Stopped intact.

"Fast, speed up." Although Babelta failed to destroy the cannon, he was so frightened that Matsumoto started to urge Japan continuously.

Player acceleration.

At about 2:20 in the afternoon, the class cannon in the center of Hiroshima finally completed the final adjustment and was ready for actual combat.

Passing near Saga. There is still a long way to go to Hiroshima. With the degree of snail crawling like Isinger, I want to reach Hiroshima at least after eight in the evening. But the Japanese artillery is now complete.

"Not good, the Japanese are going to fire." Hongyue cried, staring at the picture sent by the mosquito.

"Quick, activate the shield. Isinger is in a state of first-class readiness."

Masahiro Matsumoto in Hiroshima Castle also yelled, "Hurry up, reload quickly, and speed up over there. Measure the enemy's position immediately and prepare to shoot."

Hundreds of players behind huge railguns manipulated complex lifting equipment to load artillery shells. This rail gun has a caliber of 21 meters

The shell length reached 70 meters. It is simply the volume of a large transport aircraft. Loading such a large shell is very troublesome

thing. If it were n’t for the huge number of giant Warcraft in the game, this cannonball could not be reloaded by any means.

It took a full twenty-three minutes to reload, and the shells were not loaded until 2:45 in the afternoon. Surveyor started pointing with Isinger's latest bearing data

Waving a large group of players to adjust the cannon's steering and elevation angle, hundreds of players ordered their large Warcraft to push the winch to drive the orbital gear set

The muzzle started to adjust the angle a little bit. The first shot needs to be rotated at a relatively large angle, so the delay of the Seal of the Gods was particularly delayed, and it was more than three o'clock.

Finalize the angle.

"It's done." The commander reported excitedly to Masamoto Matsumoto.



All Japanese players in the city squatted down and put on special earmuffs, while Japanese players outside the city were ordered to gather

Ears. There was a loud noise shaking from the mountain. Suddenly the picture of spying on mosquitoes disappeared. But we have given birth to something.

"The enemy fired. The maximum power of the defense system, Isinger added again."

Huge artillery shells whistled towards Isinger, and the signal to detect mosquitoes suddenly recovered after five seconds. Japanese players in the city

Lie on the ground. It was still smoking, and the huge smoke had made the city almost invisible. Japanese players outside the city only heard the volcano

There was a general loud noise, and I didn't know anything. Our spy Ling Yuanbuki reported long ago that Matsumoto Masaka had the Japanese guild assemble in Hiroshima

, But everyone who arrived in Hiroshima did not enter the city, but gathered outside the city. Only a few of them can enter Hiroshima

People, that's why we haven't been able to get information. I have to say that Matsumoto's security measures are in place, if I knew him early

We're working on this here, we should have done it already.

In fact, we are overestimating the Japanese. This gun is not artificial at all in Japan. Its owner is Russian. That sells defense systems

After being scolded by Matsumoto, the Russian kid brought this thing and wanted to save face, after all, the iron curtain device was too shameful. Orbiter

Production is very difficult, and the Russians are just a few. The door that was shipped to Japan was built long ago, but it is just because the volume is too large.

During the big transportation, it had to be dismantled and transported over, so it was only so long that the Seal of the Seal of God was assembled. If the Japanese actually produced this cannon, even if he

We have the technology and the equipment. Even if they start to build it as soon as they see us, they will definitely not be able to keep up with the throne of the Seal of Seven Days.

Anyway, the Japanese assembled the cannon first, and they fired. After a few minutes we heard a huge rump

Rumble. The sound of heavy artillery shells breaking through the ground did not resemble the sound of artillery shells, but came down like a meteorite. There was a shock-like vibration in that sound, every time

Individuals feel that their heart is beating.

The shells flew from the front, but they seemed to have shot up. The warhead did not touch the protective cover. On the contrary, the side of the bomb body rubbed our protective cover

There was a harsh noise and a rainbow of flames rubbing against Isinger's sky.

After the shell passed the highest protective cover, it slipped over the city, and the warhead flew towards the back of the city for a short distance before bursting.

When it landed, there was a violent shaking on the ground, but Isinger in the sky was not affected in any way.

"Ha ha, missed." A Wei and the gold coins hugged for a long time and shouted happily without feeling the shock.

Rose also stood up from my arms and patted her chest. "No, I'm going to watch outside and wait here for my heart to stand."

The general also hurriedly said, "I'm going too, it's too uncomfortable to wait here to be bombed."

I think everyone has this meaning and quickly said, "Anyway, there is a set of communication equipment in the top square, so let's go up together."

"Okay." Everyone reunited together.

Masaru Matsumoto in Hiroshima is thundering. "Why did you do it? It's gone too far. What are you all doing to eat? Quickly reload."

The Russian youth next to him hurriedly advised: "Don't be angry. Accuracy is difficult to guarantee at such a long distance. Even if you can hit it, it's not bad. The hit requirement is too high, right?"

No matter how angry Matsumoto is. Missed or missed, Japanese players had to be honest and reloaded. Carrying such a large shell

It was crazy to come, and a large group of players were busy for another 23 minutes before reloading the second shell. The calibration direction is much faster this time.

The clock is complete. At half past three, Matsumoto Masaga once again issued an order to fire.

We lost the picture again when the gunfire sounded, and it is normal for the mosquito scout to not work properly in such a severe shock wave.

However, it returned to normal after a few seconds.

"Ascent." I issued such a helpless order. I hope I can avoid the attack. With such a volume and degree as Isinger,

Avoiding is something that is almost impossible to achieve. Such a large target, if not hundreds of kilometers away, can be hit by people with their eyes closed.

It may be that we are lucky, maybe the Japanese players are too nervous, or because of my order, anyway, the second shell was missed. This

The second shell flew across the bottom of Isinger's ground, if I had not ordered it to rise, I would have been hit. But this time we got a message

That is, Isinger's defense system has no defensive effect on such large mass objects. Only one of the shields is a physical shield. its

He is all anti-magic. However, the purpose of this protective cover is to resist tens of kilograms of shells or tons of slings. This is not the case.

Plant two or three hundred ton shells. The only use of the protective cover is to reduce the bombardment of the cannon, but this has basically no practical significance.

"Theirs. Get me off." Masamoto Matsumoto kicked the surveyor off the measurement position, picked up the drawing himself, and began to make comparisons. The people who loaded the shells behind were busy loading quickly, everyone didn't dare to squeak. Masamoto Matsumoto is going crazy now, whoever talks is looking for


The loading time of the cannon is about twenty-three minutes, plus the basic calculation is that it takes about half an hour to fire a gun. Around 4 o'clock

The angle that Ben Zhenghe himself calculated finally came out, and a large group of players quickly adjusted the angle. This time, the required range was small, and it was done in a second.

"Fire." Matsumoto shouted again, as if his own voice was the driving force for the shell.

This third shell did not even believe that we could hide from it. In fact, we did not. The third shell broke the cloud

Then, directly hit the middle layer of Isinger Sky Fortress. There was a loud noise accompanied by the strange sound of metal distortion, and Isinger was fierce.

Shocked, all of us fell down. I hugged the rose, and the son of the night caught his grandpa, General, this little guard

It's quite competent.

The sound of metal tearing continued to accompany the sound of explosions, but the vibration only occurred once. Although there were continuous explosions later, the sound

The sound is not very loud. Shouldn't such a big shell be so powerful? We all got up from the ground one by one, and Rose shouted before she got up:

"Report the situation."

In fact, everyone already knows in their hearts that such a strong impact indicates that they have been hit, but the shell must not have exploded, otherwise, otherwise

It will be so stable. The **** quickly reported: "The bomb was shot in the middle storage area, and the shell penetrated the outer armor and the warehouse armored door reached the home.

The settlement was nothing but a bomb. "

About this dumb bomb, our response is naturally very puzzled. When you rushed to the shot area, you saw only a huge iron golem that had been seriously deformed.

Leaning crookedly leaning against the ruins of a building, there are still two black and white figures dancing in front of this iron guy.

"Auspicious? Ruyi?" Everyone knew instantly what was going on. The two lucky gods of our guild actually live in the middle.

Activities in the living area, of course, the shells had to be dumb.

We understand that Masamoto Matsumoto does not. Clouds and fog block the view, and they cannot see the results. The first two knew that they missed because the shells flew out.

After that, the shell did not come out when it entered the cloud layer, apparently it was hit, but the cloud layer still flew by itself, as if not affected by anything.

"Isn't it effective?" Masamoto Matsumoto asked the Russian with doubt and surprise.

This Russian young man had no alternative but to shake his head helplessly, and he didn't know why such a large shell would be silent.

Gone. It is said that if the target is hit, the sound of the explosion should be heard dozens of kilometers away!

In fact, this shell is not really completely useless. Just when all the Japanese were confused why the shells were ineffective, the people in our guild were busy cleaning up

When the dumb shell repaired the armor, an unexpected accident occurred.

The note below Isinger and the Japanese surveillance staff were watching the reaction of the clouds in the sky. They just saw a shell flew in, both

It's been a long time, why is there no movement at all? Everyone is wondering. Suddenly, there is something wrong with the way the cloud rolls over.

The fate seems to have some faint shadows.

"Oh my God! My virgin Mary! What have I seen?" A journalist from a European country called out in surprise, his mouth

Pakistan has completely forgotten how to be peaceful.

The clouds in the sky are gradually becoming thinner. On the side of Isinger's direction, the clouds are being pushed apart by both sides.

Some huge shadows appeared. As that shadow became clearer,

A sky-blue majestic city wall suddenly emerged from the edge of the clouds. It is this majestic wall that scares the poor

Even Maria shouted.

The clouds are not only pushed to the sides, but behind the huge walls are more things. Steel bottom armor layer, exquisite pattern carving, large

Guild logos, lining defense weapons, and colorful shields, all these are shaking the nerves of every audience at the scene.

A player in Hiroshima stumbled to Masamoto Matsumoto: "Come out ... come out. Something in the clouds comes out. It's a city

City, a city. "

"What did you say?" Masamoto Matsumoto didn't respond for a while ~ ~ The player repeated it immediately. "City. The Frost Rose League city hidden in the cloud we hit, one more than ten times the size of Tokyo

An area-level city, a mobile city that can float in the air. "

"Is that a city?" Mrs. Tanaka responded before Matsumoto Masako. He said to himself, "No wonder,

No wonder. No wonder they carried so many air forces, no wonder they dispatched three terrifying giant insects. It turned out to be a city, a

Flying mobile city. "

Compared to the shock of the minds of Japanese players, the horrors of Japanese players are also chaotic.

"What the **** happened? Why did the fog suddenly disappear?"

The soldier reported: "Chairman, the shaking just seems to have broken the wind fog of Shenwu, so the fog disappeared."

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