Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 2: Lian Zong

Volume eleven chapter two-

t; How many cities do you think I'm going to build in Japan? Don't you think it's too much to hoard so many strategic substances? -t;-

t; are you really intentional ?: Park Yin still doesn't believe much, but she already understands how much we can't prepare for a war.

Rose smiled and held Park Yin's arm with a smile: -t; are you not here for yourself? -T;-

t; how do you know? -t;

I knocked on her little head and said: -t; I have thought of your head, we would not have thought of it? -T;

Pu Yin refused to answer: -t; then tell me why I came here today? -T;

Rose immediately said: -t; our guild released such a big news, even if your guild is dull, it should show up. These guilds vaguely guessed that we were going to go to war with the Japanese, and they all wanted to get revenge from the Japanese, so they wanted to make sure that this guess was correct. But in the last Korean homeland defense war, our two sides did not engage in Very happy, they can't save face now and come to ask me, so I will push you out as a representative, at least your guild and our association is the closest -t;

Park Yin-Shin's exclaimed shouted: -t; you actually guessed it, too great, right? Are you really planning to attack Japan? -T;-

t; you guessed it -t; Rose affirmed Park Yin's idea -t; we really want to attack Japan, but we are not ready yet -t;-

t; then you must take us a copy. The last time I was beaten to the territory of the Japanese by the Japanese was really ashamed. We must report this hatred to -t; Pu Yin's indignation was filled with anger, and his fists squeezed tightly.

I smiled and said: -t; I made such a big move to let you know that I plan to fight Japan, and I hope you can come to me automatically. Since you know that the trouble last time, I will go to your people for help Then they haven't lifted their tails to the sky? So you must come to me first -t;-

t; hum, you are really bad enough -t; Park Yin hit me with his arm -t; you now look like an angel like this. If you didn't know your character, you might be fooled by your new look -t;

Rose to Park Yin Road: -t; it is best that you are willing to help, but there are a few things that must be made clear -t;-

t; let's say -t;

Rose counted his fingers and said: -t; first, the war is from the ground of our guild, we have absolute dominance. You have the right to choose to participate or not, but once you participate in the operation, you must obey our dispatch and command. We can't defend if we want to attack you, we can't defend if we want to defend you, and we don't want to make a big mess for us by then. Instead, we might as well do it ourselves. Order is forbidden. This is the basic requirement -t;

Park Yin nodded: -t; you go on to say -t;-

t; Second, during the battle, our guild is not responsible for the supply of strategic materials. If you want to participate in the war, you will bring all consumables such as medicines and ammunition. If you feel that your guild has insufficient transportation capacity, you can buy it from us. Our guilds are uniform Transaction to you at the cost price, if you do not earn your money, it should be transported for you. Third, all the supplies or equipment obtained by destroying the enemy during the war will be handled by our guild centrally, and you can get 25% of them, Previously you were not authorized to deal with any spoils. You can participate in our operations if you can accept these conditions. If you don't accept it, please plan a battle yourself and don't mingle with us, otherwise the two parties might as well interfere with each other -t;

Park Yin thought about it: -t; I can accept it, but I don't know what they think. I'll go back to discuss the specific content, and talk about it at that time! -T;

Rose nodded and said: -t; we may have to decide the final plan tomorrow noon, if you do not inform us before noon tomorrow. I think you are not participating. If time passes, we will not be able to arrange your battle plan -t;-

t; this I can guarantee, no matter whether you participate or not, the money at noon tomorrow will give you a reply. I will go back and ask them now -t; Park Yin is an acute child, saying that the wind is rain, do it when you think. Park Yin will come to guard immediately Notify us that Feng Yimin and Ashford have been waiting outside for a long time.

Rose was a little angry: -t; these guys are really slow. Koreans are here, they just came -t;

I smiled and pulled the rose into my arms: -t; do you think everyone runs with hounds like us? You can see it. Guards, let them in -t;

Feng Yimin and Ashoford have apparently been talking outside for a while. This would be walking in while talking. The two walked to the conference room and stopped. They looked at Rose together and stared at me for a long time. Ashford asked in confusion: -t; what about Ziri? Didn't the guard say he was in Are visitors here? Do you still have a back door? -T;

Rose couldn't help laughing out -t; haha. He's in this room. Find it yourself -t;-

t; I'm not here to play hide-and-seek -t; Ashoford looked around for a while, and found that this conference room is big and there is no place to hide -t; tell me quickly. Where did it go? -T;

Feng Yizhen couldn't help but ask: -t; yes, what about Ziri? -T;-

t; ha ha ha ha! -t; Rose laughed and pushed me out -t; isn't this here? -t;

Feng Yimin and Ashford stared at me up and down for a long time. Feng Yiyi carefully asked: -t; who are you? Is it Ziri's sister? -T;

Ashford also nodded: -t; It's pretty like Ziri, but I always separate men and women, don't make fun of me with roses -t;-

t; you two big fools, this is my trumpet silver moon-t; I can't help but finally say it.

Feng Yi suddenly realized: -t; Hongyue said that you now use the trumpet, since this is it! Oh my God! How is this a personal demon number? -1t; Zero-gt; Is it impossible to apply for different gender characters? ? -t;-

t; who told you that this is the **** number? -t; I patted it on the chest: -t; okay, this is also male-1t; zero-gt; does not allow you to choose between male, female and **** Gender, otherwise normal people will directly decide according to their gender, and it will not be possible to change. My number is nothing but a pretty face and a paler skin. The head is a bit longer and the figure is a bit thinner -t;

Ashoford fussed: -t; are you pretty? My girlfriend is not as pretty as you! The next time you go to me, it is best to bring a few more people to follow, lest my girlfriend see a misunderstanding I. If I really care about it, I will not die unfairly for your misunderstanding? -T;-

t; go. I have no time to joke with you. Say, what are you doing? -t;

Ashoford was so straightforward that he went straight to the point: -t; are you going to fight the Japanese? Don't lose me, I will go with you -t;-

t; we fight Japan, what do you follow? Do the Germans also plan to go to Japan to share a cup? Is it too long to span? You do n’t feel too tired to pan around half the earth? -t;-

t; the words can be said instinctively. You have covered the city to the United States, it is unhappy that we also play a game in Japan? -t; Ashford took a cup of drinks and drank it-t Let's be honest. I want to follow you to make some money. I know who your kid is. You wo n’t do it if you kill someone badly. To be honest, we want to share benefits. Just when I am Invest in your army and supplies into your war stocks, what do you think? -T;

I held the roses forward with both hands -t; the Minister of Finance is here, and I have something to say -t;-

t; I ... -t; Ashford was stopped by the rose as soon as he was about to speak -t; I know what you mean, needless to say, is it acceptable for me to accept it? But first, there are three principles you must first Remember -t;-

t; let's say -t;

Rose reiterated what she had just said to Park Yin. Unexpectedly, Ashford agreed immediately. Rose nodded -t; now that you agree. Then say what you can provide, let us determine the value of the shares you can get -t;

Ashoford immediately said: -t; since it is definitely necessary to build a city to fight Japan. In the first three days after the city is built, we will have 300,000 guards and 80,000 players to participate in the battle. How you use it to decide In addition, our guild will send the guild far east fleet to help you. After three days, our guild will increase the number of troops to 200,000 people. The player guarantees an average online number of more than 30,000. The fleet will retain the entire number to participate in the battle until the end of the seven-day defense. 100,000. About 10,000 players. Half of the fleet. In addition, we will support you 50 million crystal coins at one time before the start of the war, and there are 20 general-caliber cannonball production lines. That's all, how about it? -t;-

t; how do you calculate the consumption of these teams you sent? -t; Rose is really calculated carefully. Ashuford said refreshingly: -t; Players are all responsible for their own consumption, if not enough, you will provide it, I will pay Just buy it. As for the fleet, you can only rely on you for maintenance. Ammunition is the same. Is it okay for me to pay for you? -T;

Rose immediately said: -t; we will not be so tight. The cost of food and medicine consumed by personnel is sold at full cost. Individual weapon maintenance in battle is free. Warships and large combat machinery are free of manual maintenance, but replacement parts must be purchased at cost. We also sell ammunition to you at cost, without hacking your money -t;-

t; how many shares can I have? -t;-

t; how about fifteen percent? -t;-

t; how about the profitability of this plan? -t;-

t; one billion crystal coins are guaranteed every month, your 15% is 15 million crystal coins -t;-

t; transaction-t;

Rose added: -t; before we start, let's declare that although this makes money faster, but it is not a long-term business, the funds you finally recouped should not be invested as much as 300% -t;-

t; what else do I worry about?

Feng Yizhen shouted on the side: -t; what about me? Did you throw me away? Also, the smoke and rain also said that we must insert a foot -t;-

t; Anyone who wants to join can do so, provided that the three preceding items must be followed, and the remaining places are calculated by input -t;

Feng Yi said: -t; I invested 110,000 players and 400,000 troops, 300 warships, how much quota do you give? -T;-

t; give you nine percent. After all, you do n’t have the 50 million sponsorship, our guild is now relatively short of money -t; Rose turned to Ashford and said: -t; your share should also be reduced to 100 Fourteenths, because of the addition of new shareholders, our two shares must decline in the same proportion -t;-

t; I understand this. You do n’t need to explain to me. If that rain or rain joins, we will definitely reduce it. My family also engages in stock group land. I still understand this capital assessment. -T;-

t; Talking to smart people is easy. If you encounter a confusing explanation, you can exhaust people -t; Rose smiles and shakes hands with the two of them: -t; we have a happy cooperation -t;

Ashford asked: -t; what about the plan? At least you let us know that something is ready -t;

I take over the Rose Road: -t; will you let your ground fleet go out, rush to Isinger as soon as possible, and then mix with our fleet and accept our dispatch. Players don't move first, take your two guild legions Send it as soon as possible. I will help you ship immediately -t;

Feng Yizhen said in surprise: -t; when are you going to war? Ship now, don't you go to war tomorrow? -T;

I laughed: -t; This time the transportation is a bit slow and will be out tomorrow, but it will take me to Japan on weekends -t;-

t; damn, what's so slow? today is only tuesday! Tomorrow is Wednesday, and the weekend will arrive. If you calculate it 24 hours a day, your things are not much faster than people? -T;-

t; you will know by then, anyway, send the guards first. I will arrange -t;-

t; okay -t;

Rose hurriedly said: -t; Yan Yu also troubled you to tell him to hurry up and count, otherwise it is too late -t;-

t; I knew you were looking for me-t; I was talking about Yanyu following the red moon and coming in from the outside -t; how misty? I said they had a big action? -t;

Feng Yizhen stared angrily at his sister: -t; your sister is really, so much movement does not notify me. At the end, I finally knew it! -T;

Hongyue jokingly took a very exaggerated pose and said: -t; hey! People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes! -T;

Yan Yu smiled and said: -t; what about Ziri's kid? Ask him to come out, this time we will also have to intervene in the Northern Alliance -t;

Feng Yimin and Ashford quickly flashed to my sides and posed for me in a pleased manner, and Yan Yu had not responded yet. But it soon became clear -t; are you Ziri? -T;

I nodded -t; this is my trumpet. I know the image difference is a little bigger -t;-

t; indeed the difference is a little bit -t; Yanyu nodded and quickly shifted the topic: -t; you must not lose me this time. I heard what you said just now. I have 500,000 and 120,000 players this time, plus 400 large battleships. How do you share the shares? -T;-

t; give you 10%, the misty drop to 8%, and the share of Ashford to 13%. After all, what I need most now is production equipment and funds. Not the most missing thing -t;-

t; no problem. I accept this condition -t;-

t; if you accept, you must prepare as soon as possible, the army will arrive in Essinger tomorrow morning, we will be out at noon tomorrow -t;-

t; Rest assured, we must be on time -t;

This time the news distribution was very successful. At least a lot of allies have been brought in. Park Yin from South Korea soon got the exact news and came back to discuss it with us. Korean players agreed to our request to participate in the war, but they also requested to buy shares. All the guilds in South Korea are added together. I gave them a total of 18% of the shares, and how they share it is their own business. At the same time, the shares on the side of Yanyu dropped to 9%, and the proportion of Feng Yizhen dropped to 7%. Huffford's was reduced to 12%. After removing their four forces, I only have 54% of the shares. However, considering this huge base of funds, it is still considered very cost-effective. We cannot ignore the long-term just for the sake of immediate benefits. Although my shares have fallen sharply, with these allies, we will double our profits, so my actual income should have increased rather than decreased. The more important thing is that the strength expansion can reduce the risk and reduce the losses in battle. These intangible funds should be calculated. It is right for everyone to leave after getting my agreement. The most exciting thing is Korean players. After they went back, they started to discuss how to divide their troops, and at the same time studied the combat strategy I gave them. Of course, at this time there is another land force that is playing an important role in the battle. That's the black dragon back in Japan.

How could the Japanese not know we were going to attack when we had such a big deal? However, our guild is strictly to a perverted membership inspection, which has turned the entire guild into a big iron bucket. The Japanese spies are completely unable to invade our guild forces, so the intelligence only knows that we are going to fight. As for who and how to fight I do n’t know when or when. However, the Japanese will not give up so easily. They have their own forces and talents, and of course they think of some things we think of.

I don't know who we can fight with. Look at the scale of our preparations and the preparation time of the Seal of the Seal of God. We will know the situation. Silly people guess that we are going to fight Japan.

I do n’t know how and when. This can be spy, and our guild can't invade and start from our allies. Ashford ’s Iron Crusades are in Germany. The Japanese ’s intelligence network is not large enough to cover such a distant area, so I did n’t expect it. Feng Yin's misty and enthusiastic alliance is all anti-Japanese zealots. The quality may not be as good as our guild, but the Japanese want to be more difficult for them. The Northern League looks good on the surface, but it's actually not the case at all. This person is actually very powerful. His greatest success lies in the very advanced management system. It is no accident that the Northern Alliance can stand out from so many guilds in China. It is inevitable that Yanyu promoted the militarization system in the guilds. The Northern Alliance is completely a militarized organization. There is a complete set of counter-espionage methods that cannot penetrate at all.

It's not enough in Germany, and it's not in China. In the end the goal was directed at the Koreans. South Koreans have not low feelings of Japanese hatred, but domestic opinions are not uniform.

The Black Dragon will soon find Neiying. The fighting plan that our guild gave to the Koreans was copied by all participating guilds for reference. The Japanese with the Mainland should also get a copy soon.

This plan is unique to the Korean guild. Neither China nor Asheford's Iron Crusaders knew about the plan. I asked them to assemble their troops and tell them to prepare for war at any time, but the Koreans had such a detailed combat plan.

All Korean presidents who have received the plan have been repeatedly told that the plan must be kept confidential, except for the presidents and individual leaders in the guild, which must not be visible to others. This statement has been repeatedly emphasized to convince everyone that we do not want this thing to leak.

Makoto Matsumoto and Makoto Tanaka of the Black Dragon Society began to study this material very quickly. Neither of them was a fool, and they were somewhat skeptical when they got the information. They know our guild very well.

Fighting this way both sides know each other well. Isn't there a saying that it is your enemies who know you best? In this doubt, we and the Black Dragon will do well. Therefore, the first reaction of Masaru Matsumoto and Masako Tanaka was that this plan was a smoke we deliberately put out.

Matsumoto knows that we always like to play tricks, so he believes that we can never be honest offensive this time. He got this information for reference only, and had no plans to believe it. But after watching it, it's different. He and Masako Tanaka were dumbfounded when they saw the inspiring detailed battle plan, which was exactly shocked by the contents of the plan. If the inspiring and detailed plan is really successfully implemented, the Japanese will definitely suffer a great deal, and its combat effect and other results will be perfect.

It has always been suspected that we are deliberately putting on a smoke screen, Masaru Matsumoto and Masako Tanaka began to hesitate after watching this perfect plan. Smoke is possible, but the smoke plan should be a normal plan. But the immediate plan is so perfect that it has even reached the point where the Japanese are hurting their muscles. Mrs. Matsumoto and Mr. Tanaka are more and more scared. If they really let this plan go, they would be miserable. Now Matsumoto Masa no longer believes that this is smoke, they almost believe that this is the real battle plan. The analysis of Masako Tanaka and Masamoto Matsumoto came to the conclusion that this time we intend to use the plan and deliberately put out the true plan so that they think we are the smoke that we have put in the opposite direction and fooled them.

In fact, the plan we put out was not really a waste plan. It was something that all the staff of our guild staff had worked hard for a long time. This plan began to be planned when I first considered the construction of a fulcrum city. At that time, there was no plan to smoke this plan. It was actually a perfect action plan, and it was once one of the three candidate plans. It's just that the plan's miscalculation is perfect.

Our goal this time is to make money, not to destroy Japan. The game Zero is a financial bomb whose role is to transfer funds. What can you do if you step on Japan in the game? Make them angry, nothing practical. If in reality I would not hesitate to choose the perfect plan, because it can why we have achieved a huge victory. But here is the game. What we want is not overwhelming victory, but long-term stalemate. The final result of the plan we adopt now is to form a stalemate with the Japanese in a certain area, and then we will slowly expand and invade the entire territory of Japan a little bit. This process takes a long time, but Rose ’s plan is to make money from it. For this deadlocked battlefield, the Japanese will continue to invest in funds, which is the real victory. If you come up, you will lose the Japanese. The financial bomb "Zero" is equivalent to a nuclear test on an uninhabited island. The noise is loud enough but has no practical effect. At best, I can't anger the Japanese players with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. It is these concerns ~ ~ So we took the best plan to smoke, instead we used the second plan as the real action plan. This is why Masaru Matsumoto and Masako Tanaka still do not believe that the plan is fake, because that plan is too perfect. Without the consideration of this layer of financial bombs, everyone would think that the plan is the real plan.

The number 6 spot marked on the perfect fake plan was not one but two. These two locations are in the Hokkaido region of Japan, one in Kyushu Island, and one in the south and one in the north. This is the most confusing thing, because this perfect plan has an attack plan embedded in it.

A smoke plan is generally not a subsidiary plan, so our perfect plan is even more deceptive. Kyushu Island, which is closer to China in the plan, will become the offensive plan, because most people seem to be here. But the perfect plan says that the real attack point is Hokkaido, not Kyushu Island. This way of looking away from the middle is obviously a trick, which strengthens Matsumoto's idea.

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