Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 44: New Guardian

Volume 10 Chapter 44 The New Guardian

In general, these little monsters that look very close to the fur ball are really as troublesome as Shui Xu said, and they have some fairly defensive but very powerful abilities. In addition to devouring skills, these small things are almost inferior to swords and guns, not that they are very hard. On the contrary, they are too soft to make strength, and physical attacks are almost ineffective. However, they are not really invincible in physical defense. They can also be cut if they find something underneath and then cut with a sharp knife. But incision is not the same as killing. There is a reason these small things are considered by the demons to be the most terrifying monsters. As long as they encounter physical damage, no matter how many segments you cut them into, each segment will automatically generate an adult. That is to say, one cut will change into two. Not only can't kill, but more and more. As for magic damage, these little things have higher magic resistance than dragons, and most of the magic does not work.

With the only thing that could work for them, we quickly reached an agreement with these three monsters, making them the guardian beasts of our guild. Among the three guardian beasts, I captured only the queen, and the eagle swallowed the eagle, and the one who swallowed Awei was only the king. According to their requirements, the three monsters first bred a sufficient number of offspring to become guild The benchmark guardian, this number is one thousand. After breeding, a thousand guardian beasts will be bred for everyone to use.

Speaking of reproduction, in fact, the demon's breeding method is completely different from us. Their breeding is more like a farmer farming. First of all, the mother's body will peel off the magical crystals for reproduction. The crystals look like crystals and have a small size. They first scattered these crystals like a seed, and then thought about instilling magic in these things, and then these things suddenly burst into new adult bodies. According to themselves, demons can also mate and breed like humans, because this is faster and simpler. The breeding mother here is not necessarily the mother land. The king is considered to be one of the mothers when he breeds alone, and the monsters are considered mothers when he does not breed.

Thousands of adults in a batch clone way to our guild to create tens of thousands of little monsters, they are the guardian beasts distributed to other members. However, the guardian beast I equipped as the chairman must be a higher-level leader-level monster, and the prince who breeds through both sexes has become one of my guardian beasts. One of the reasons is that I now use the two numbers together, and even the guardian beasts are two copies, but Yinyue's status is not the president, so although it also occupies a guardian, it is just a normal standard. Anyway, all of my guardians are duplicates.

The values ​​of these little monsters are strange, and they don't seem to have any feelings for the offspring of crystal breeding. They only value the offspring of bisexual reproduction. Ken feels that only difficult production and nurturing can produce emotions! The speed of breeding with magic is too fast, and it is created at once. Just like the factory floor assembly line. No worker should fall in love with something he made.

With the opportunity to distribute new monsters this time, we also sent the last tree monsters together. The new tree demon seed has been issued and the adult body can leave the soil to participate in the war. This time it will be issued together. According to the meaning of the rose, all guild members must be kept secret when they get their guardian beasts. The ability of the new monsters should not be told to others casually. Although it is not a top-secret content, try not to promote them. These small things are only used by opponents. Only when you do n’t know can you make the most of it.

The new tree demon has been tested and has special abilities. The demon's power seems to be all partial. The greatest ability of the tree demon is to restore the original state. To put it plainly, it becomes a big tree. Every tree demon possesses this ability as soon as it is born. And they will maintain this form until they reach adulthood. Only the adult tree demon can pull the master's own roots and run all over the ground, and the more advanced ones can be transformed into human figures. At present, only the tree demon of my number Ziru can be humanized, and only the upper body, and the tree is still below the waist.

There are not many other skills of the tree demon. The only thing that can take the land is to use tree vines to entangle people. This is similar to my rose vines. Another point is that the tree demon's physical defense is relatively high, and the magic defense is similar, except that it is almost completely immune to fire magic. But the tree monster's ability to disguise is unparalleled. Especially in the forest.

The tree form of the tree demon itself is the best camouflage, and they can create a space in their body for the player to hide in and hide. Since our guild has a tree demon as a guardian. That is a tree demon for each person. At that time, everyone's tree demon can pack their responsible players into the trunk, and then the entire guild will become a forest, a forest that will move. And not only players, but also legions can disguise together. The shape of the tree demon can change at any time. It is usually not a problem to wrap up ten people. One player takes a dozen people. So many tree demon are an army. In the process of cultivating the tree demon, we also found that the tree demon is actually a collective name. There are many types of real tree demon, which are no less than animal pedigrees. The abilities of various trees are different, but the basic ability of the big tree form is common. The tree demon received by my Ziri already has a semi-human shape. The basic structure of the tree is still unchanged, but when the trunk is opened, there is a half of the beautiful body in the interior cavity. The trunk is wrapped below the waist, only the top. half. The body of this beauty is all ivory white. Although she can move, her body is basically inelastic, no different from wood. Her facial features are very clear, but the color is the same as her body, without any changes. The most terrifying thing is that her eyes are also done without pupils. Just like a tooth carving artwork. Because there is no pupil, there is no look, and it looks very rigid. Fortunately, she can talk, and can make various expressions, not completely wooden. Her hair is similar to wicker, but very fine and long like a human, looks very pleasing to the eye, but feels thick like sandpaper. Their tree demon and ordinary player's tree demon have only one human face, and they grow directly outside the trunk. They have male and female genders, and they are mostly female.

The tree demon species of the Ziri is a tree species called the tree of life, but usually people like to call such trees called vampires in the big tree. The tree of life is different from ordinary plants. It is a pure robber plant, and it is also a powerful robber. The tree of life absorbs things that can be absorbed nearby to provide magic or vitality support for itself and allies around it, a bit like a power station. They can absorb energy from sunlight, soil, nearby plants and animals, and even enemies into magic or vitality, and then quickly replenish it into the bodies of their allies. As long as you bring this guy mage, you can carelessly throw magic, anyway, there is a power station next to it, and it will be used up after it is used up. The same is true for soldiers. With this thing in, there is not enough blood to make up for it. It is much faster than the priest.

However, although the tree of life is very powerful, it is a very rare alternative species in the tree demon. Our guild has only a dozen species in total, which shows the rareness. Although there are many types of tree demon, they are all uncertain at the beginning, and it can be said that what kind of person has changed. It is said that when the tree of life is opened to maximum power absorption, the soil near him will quickly desert, all surrounding plants will die, the animal's essence and blood will die, and the creatures that cannot resist magic will not be able to approach this plant. Rose they jokingly said that because I am a robber character, my tree demon turned into a robber tree. I am a master-level character who scratches the ground, and the tree demon who assigned me is also a master-level plant.

Although I don't know if this feature that transforms with the owner is correct, the tree demon assigned to my trumpet, Yinyue, does have a feature that exactly matches the image of this trumpet. The tree demon obtained by Yinyue is actually a rainbow tree. Listen to the name and you will know what the tree looks like. This guy not only saw the colorful flowers on the branches, but even the trunk was pink. When I saw my tree demon is this kind of rainbow tree that is rarer than the tree of life, they asked for photos to take pictures at the same time. After all, this is a super rare species. The tree of life is rare, so there are more than ten trees in the whole guild, and there are only three trees in the rainbow guild.

Don't look at the rainbow tree with its beautiful appearance and psychedelic magical fragrance, but don't think it is just beautiful. Like the Tree of Life nicknamed the Plant Vampire, the Rainbow Tree is called the Romantic Killer. The rainbow tree species lineage is actually classified as a toxin, and it is a megatoxin line ~ ~ Its flowers and trunks have aromatic volatile organs, which can emit a charming aroma. Usually, the rainbow tree only spreads the floral scent, and its trunk usually closes the scent and does not emit. But during the battle, the trunk will scent with the flowers. The harmless floral fragrance and the harmless trunk fragrance will produce a magical gas as soon as they are mixed. After inhalation, you will feel like sleeping. People who continue to inhale this aroma will slowly go to sleep and start dreaming, and it will definitely be a good dream. Then the person will fall asleep with a sweet smile in his dream forever. So all the people killed by the rainbow tree died under the tree with a smile, and they were all happy and serene, which is why it is called a romantic killer.

Although the poison of the rainbow tree is very powerful, it also has antidote. But the problem is that the antidote is its fruit, and this guy does not grow fruit unless it is needed. Generally, wild rainbow trees do not grow fruit. Only a rainbow tree with a companion will provide fruit to their companions before the battle. In this way, the companion has already taken the medicine and can fight in the poisonous gas without any impact. Breathing speeds up while fighting, but poisons out faster.

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