Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 38: It's my aftermath

Volume 10 Chapter 38 Is My Aftermath

The Jade Emperor did not work hard for different people. Withdrawal of the army took away useful people, leaving only a large group of heavenly soldiers and a bunch of mess for me to clean up. The work of forcing demons to relocate and dealing with the Buddhism was entrusted to me with full responsibility, and it is also known for its trust in me. Fortunately, I did not work hard. By the way, I didn't need to pay back after extorting the collar of Erlangshen. In addition, I obtained the right to use the exquisite pagoda. We can use it unless the court needs it. This kind of senior baby is just as good as a vacuum cleaner.

The heavenly forces walked forward, and my hind legs reached the temporary hiding place of the demons. Here the demon drags his house with a big bag. It's really similar to fleeing. The four major protection methods are already waiting for me.

"You finally came." Shui Xu took the lead and ran to Kulai, but he stopped only halfway through. "What are you holding?"

"Oh, this!" I raised the tower in my hand. "This is the exquisite pagoda of King Tota Li Jing, how about it? Handsome?" Haha, the newly arrived baby showed it off to show off his joy.

The four defenders leaned up together and looked at it without touching it. "Really exquisite pagoda! How did you get this thing?"

"Cheat. But only the right of use, people have to use it and I have to return it."

"That's also good. Let's get enough books and talk." Shui Xu patted my armor: "It seems to have strengthened again!"

"Hey, you can see it too? New rewards. Too white gold star added me a green seal. Jade Emperor has strengthened it on top. Ordinary instruments can't be close to me at all. Although it took a bit of effort to help you, But it was quite fun to do it, not only copied the Buddhist temple, but also harvested a lot of good things from heaven. By the way, come with me. I will take you to your new home. "

"Are all soldiers evacuated?"

"Rest assured. There are many heavenly soldiers, but all the important sections are mine."

"Where is Buddhism?"

"It's all dead. I burned all the temples in the vast mountains, and none of the Buddhism remained. Now if I go back and gather the Buddha, it will be at least three days after they rebuild. Okay, what are you afraid of? "

"Sure enough, my mind is sweet." Shui Xu nodded: "It's so lucky to have you in our demon tribe. If you weren't we would still be tossing in that gourd!"

"You're welcome, am I considering it for my own benefit! Come, follow me."

With a large group of monsters entering the entrance of Wanxian Mountain, there are a large group of heavenly soldiers guarding the middle of the road, and the monsters are startled. But walked with me under my comfort. These guards are all heaven soldiers I bought, even if they were once the power of heaven. But now she is absolutely loyal to me. Our team of men and women walked past them like invisible people, and the guards of the sky didn't respond at all.

I encountered several such outposts along the way, and started to frighten the monsters halfway to death, but later I got used to it. All these soldiers turned a blind eye to us, anyway, you just walked forward with sway. In fact, the heavenly soldiers left by Tianting were all transferred to the border between Wanxian Mountain and the vast mountains. The mountains here are all my people.

Soon we reached the location of that Lingquan and opened the gate of the Lingquan occupied by the Buddhism. An air of fresh air rushed out immediately. The monsters rushed in with cheers. Only Shui Xu and Yin Ruo were able to restrain themselves, and they slowly told me to enter.

Lingquan is actually not a spring eye, it is just an energy channel. This is nothing more than a cave. There is an area surrounded by arrays in the depths of the cave, about five square meters in size. On the surface, this looks no different from the nearby rocky ground. In fact, this is the spring eye of Lingquan. There are a lot of such spring eyes in this cave, so it is a good place. Whether it's a monster or a fairy, just sit on it and practice. The effect can be multiplied. Even lying in this hole without cultivation can gradually improve the strength.

As soon as I was at the door, the water and silver rumors were still a little bit out of control. Lie beside the spirit eyes and breathe desperately, as if you don't breathe anymore. Click. A strange noise sounded, evident in the quiet cave. The monsters were all inhaling and no one was talking. Such a big cave was as quiet as nobody. I looked around to see that there were no abnormalities. I guess it might be the sound of a rock, so I didn't investigate it.

The demons absorbed the aura in the cave, and it took a while to return to normal. There is no aura in the Qiankun gourd. After they came out, the reclusive governor's spirits only had ghosts, and now they meet the auras like the travelers from the desert saw the water. When they were almost excited, I called the four protectors together into a separate hole.

Bi Tuo was absorbing the aura of reiki, and I was impatient to call it over. "I'm having fun! What the **** is going on?"

Bi Tuo is power-type and has no mind. The other three methods of protection are very savvy. Yin Ruo posted it immediately after seeing my face was not good. "Oh, don't be angry! Bi Tuo has no brain, don't know him in general. Tell us something quickly? I know you must have something important to call us over."

Shui Xu also reprimanded Bi Tuo Xun: "You gimmick, quickly apologize. Don't even think about who in this place knows you will suck, if you cross the river, you will tear down the bridge?"

Bi Tuo looked at Qiong Lin with some grievances, and even nodded Qiong Lin, who had always been quiet. "You should apologize."

"Okay, okay! I apologize. He is a rough man. Brother Ziri don't share my general knowledge."

After listening to the apology, I directly said, "Listen now. The emperor Yutian of Tianting's relaxation plan has officially made a decision. In the future, as long as you don't do anything too brazen. Tianting will open one eye and close one eye when it is not seen. Also Yes, the target of the attack should be near the vast mountains next to you. Occasionally, you can go up and catch a few monks on the vast mountains. Anyway, you are facing the Buddhism. Once you are found. Although you run back. In the vast mountains and At the junction of Wanxian Mountain, a heavenly army is stationed. No matter who you mess with, this heavenly army will help you to block him. Do you understand? "

Yin Ruo nodded: "This we understand. Anyway, as long as it is troubled by the Buddhist Sect, no matter what trouble is caused, there will be heaven in the back."

Shui Xu also said, "So after that, things in the Buddhist ancestors can be dried up boldly?"

"It's not completely blatant. On the surface, the court of heaven still needs to maintain stability, so you can't do too much. First, don't cross the line of defense when outsiders are present. If no one sees it, it will be when you do n’t exist, but if Someone saw it. Natural soldiers naturally want to catch you. Also, you must pay attention to trouble when you make troubles. Do not touch if you are of that level. "

Shui Xu nodded: "You don't dare to move without saying this!"

"In addition to these things, there is always a top priority that needs attention."

"Well, you say."

"Black unicorn is out."

"We already know." Shui Xu was not surprised.

I continued: "But do you know that Black Unicorn is Bi Ling's Wangnianjiao?"

"I don't know. What's wrong?" Silver Ball felt the problem was a little big.

"Bi Ling has been dead for a long time, but the soul still hasn't dissipated. Black Kirin hopes to resurrect Bi Ling, so he is looking for a strong soul everywhere to supplement Bi Ling's disappearing power and help him rebuild his body."

Shui Xu's three faces immediately became dignified, and only Bi Tuo asked stupidly: "What does it matter for us to find his soul?"

Yin Ruo slapped him. "Idiot. Four of us are strong souls, all on the hunting list."

I shook my head: "Tell you this I'm not worried about the four of you. Black Kirin is really strong, but with the strength of the four of you. As long as you don't place a single, you can't beat but run. The problem is to defend you Those three. "

"You mean the demon and the demon king?" Qiong Lin couldn't help asking.

"Your demons have so far refused to see me. In our relationship, I think this is not because they are not polite, but because they simply cannot come out to see me. I guess your demons may also be weak and injured, Or, like the demon king, only the soul is left. "

The water sighed helplessly. "Oh! You guessed it well. The left and right demons left one in the state of soul like the demon king, and the other was seriously injured. Now the only hope for the demons is us four. Thanks to your help before and after. Otherwise we might have been obliterated by heaven! "

"Since I guessed right, then you have to be more careful. The four of you can run away, but the two demon angels and the demon king cannot run away. Heiqilin needs soul power. The demon king loses mana, Does not affect the soul, and the demon king now has no ability to resist. This is the best target for Heiqilin. The four of you seeing Heiqilin is barely safe to escape, and you must not expect to block him. Therefore Your three bosses are better off hiding. "

"What if we hand the three of them directly to you for safekeeping?" Shui Xu suddenly came up with such a method.

"Don't even think about it. The bones of Bi Lingdi are with me, and the Black Kirin often goes back to visit. Sending the soul to me is equivalent to sending the tiger into the mouth of the tiger. With the ability of the Black Kirin, no matter how I seal it, it will still be close It is present. "

"But it's still not safe for us to put it like that!" Shui Xu looked at me with a little embarrassment.

I thought for a while but had no idea. "I can't help it anyway. Black unicorn is too powerful, this guy is not what we can resist at all. Maybe you can ask Cangtian for help!"

"Aren't you so irresponsible?"

"Responsibility? Don't make a mistake. He is the demon king, not my king. You are his protection, I am only your ally. It is good to inform you of this great secret."

Shui Xu nodded: "Sorry, we are too excited. We will guard the demon king. Anyway. Thank you very much for everything you have done for us."

"Since it's done, I'll go back first. If anything, you know how to find me."

After leaving Wanxian Mountain, I returned directly to Isinger. The problem now is to solve Guanyin first. I'm really worried about taking this time bomb with me. I'm in trouble when I don't know when to let her run away.

Rose was in it when she entered the parliament hall, and she ran and pulled immediately after seeing me. But first I took the tower in my hand. "This is Li Jing's exquisite pagoda, isn't it?" Rose's eyes were poisonous enough.

"Yes." "How did you cheat?"

"I just borrowed it for two days, and I have to return it when I want it. And Li Jingken borrowed it for this reason." I took out the bead.

Rose they don't know that Guanyin has been sealed by me yet. Only the two players who helped me in the acting and the emperor, Taibai, Li Jing and Erlangshen were the only ones who knew this. Rose looked at the beads for a long time. "Isn't this the bead you seal Suzakuchi? How did it turn white?"

I picked up the exquisite pagoda and threw it up. The pagoda fell and immediately took both of us in. "As soon as I held the beads, Guanyin appeared between me and the rose."

"Who is she?"


"Guanyin?" Rose looked up and down for a long time in surprise. "I do n’t believe in Buddhism, you ca n’t lie to me like this? This girl is only eighteen when she looks at her. Does Guanyin grow up like this? It ’s called Guanyin? Tearing her skirt short is just a female singer who goes the **** route! You say she It ’s a demon girl. I ’m going to believe. Is Guanyin ... so outrageous! ”

"Whether you believe it or not, this is Guanyin. But you haven't guessed wrong, she is really a nymph."

"Wait a minute, why is Guanyin a demon girl again?" Rose was completely confused by me.

I laughed: "In the beginning I was even more confused than you. These inside stories were all told by the Jade Emperor. It was more fierce than the gossip weekly. This is the thing ..."

It took me a long time to explain the origin of Guanyin clearly. No one can think of the complex origin of Guanyin. It also involves a very dark political struggle. In fact, what Jade Emperor told me is a story that has been selectively abridged. Before the identity of the Three Princesses of the South China Sea, there were still many things that Jade Emperor had deliberately ignored, because those things poured out of Tianting's face did not look good. Rose's small mouth turned into an o-shape in surprise, she did not expect such a strange thing, completely subverting everyone's basic concepts. "So what now?" Rose became anxious after she knew that I had kidnapped Guanyin.

I told Rose the last paragraph with a smile. "Jade Emperor said. The exquisite women are loyal, and whoever breaks her body will follow her forever. No matter who the other person is, she will not disobey."

"Wow! That's not the best thing in a man's dream. Isn't it admired to go back and forth?" Are you tempted? "

"Heaven and earth conscience, but I resolutely rejected Jade Emperor's proposal."

"Huh, that's pretty much the same. But what is she going to do? If she knew, we would be in trouble. Will she be a walking time bomb here?"

I laughed: "We are not alone in our guild. Can millions of city guards not find a suitable one? In fact, the goal in my mind is Vinda, the kid is terribly terrible, If we send him another wife, we should be able to be both sexes in our guild. I just don't know if he wants to. "

Rose also laughed. "If you ca n’t do it, force your marriage, and let Vina press him as an elder sister. You press him as a leader. If you do n’t, then you can drink alcohol and make him lose your morals. No aphrodisiac! "

"Wow. What do you think all day long in your little head? How can gold coins have aphrodisiac? But it really seems to have a reference value if you think about it. Otherwise, don't try it one by one, let's cheat first? He went to drink, and then took an aphrodisiac in the wine, and then threw them both into a small room. Regardless of whether they restrained their medicinal properties, they were overwhelmed by the next day, holding them to the hall to get married. Right Why did I forget Yue Lao. I'll go to him for a red thread later. "

"Hello. Vinda is a European, can't Yue Yue control?"

"When you get to China, you have to do what China does. Anyway, I'll tie them up and see if they can stand up."

"Good way. You have to hurry up with this kind of thing. I'm really uneasy about throwing this bomb here. I'll go over Wina, and you will go to heaven. Vinda's wine will be given to the eagle. The aphrodisiac will let the gold coins go in. Separate action."

Rose and I are both efficient staffs. When Guanyin was trapped in the tower, he could only shed tears. Hearing our two plans, he couldn't even speak against it. When Eagle and Lark heard of my plan with Rose, they immediately started to move. The city where the bank was located immediately spread the news that Vinda was getting married.

In fact, Guanyin is not only a time bomb to our guild, but also to heaven. After I told everything through the fairyland in the painting to the heavenly court, the jade emperor actually sent Li Jing and Erlang to congratulate him, and that guy was brought along in the next month.

The city was lively at once, and there were running mats on the streets of Isinger, which has been connected to the important city gate from the city gate. Any player and freedom can see the banquet at any time, and the wedding has become a carnival. The whole city is boiling, but what about our two newcomers?

Guanyin was trying to dodge with horrified eyes. Gold coins with seven or eight girls are trying to hold her, and a girl next to her is carrying a large teapot. A **** the other side is holding a funnel. The girl holding the teapot opened the lid of the pot and looked at it, "Sister Gold Coin. Is there such a big pot? Is it too much? It's * red, one bite can make Mother Longchun, so she doesn't need to pour so much into it. ? "

The gold coin tried to suppress Guanyin, and said, "What? You worry that she can't stand it?"

The girl smiled and said, "I'm worried that Brother Vinda can't stand it, alas! Brother Vinda is so handsome, but unfortunately, otherwise I'll chase him down!"

The gold coins finally successfully controlled Guanyin's head. Several other girls' arms and legs held hands and legs finally suppressed Guanyin's struggle. "Funnel." The gold coin took the funnel and inserted it into Guanyin's mouth, but she was pushed out with her tongue. "I rely. Actually still resisted. Xiaoju, take the mouth, and ask the one who has a hole in the middle."

A girl blushed and took what was called a mouthpiece. This thing has a strap that can be tied around the mouth at the position of the mouth, but it has a hole in the middle of the mouth and a steel pipe in it. Tie the steel tube to the mouth and strap the belt behind your head to ensure that the other party cannot close the mouth and the tongue cannot be pushed out.

After loading this, the gold coins were inserted into the funnel again, but this time I couldn't spit it out. She reached for the large teapot. "Be careful, you will spray everywhere when you pour. Keep your mouth tight. I will not be responsible if I get stuck in your mouth."

"Be assured, even if you accidentally drink it, it won't steal your home."

"Cut, A Wei won't yell at you! Okay. Shut up, I started pouring."

The gold coins were fierce enough to start, and she drank Guanyin, but Guanyin refused to swallow it. As a result, she pinched her nose for nearly thirty seconds, and Guanyin suddenly started coughing, and the medicine was all in. The gold coin laughed next to him: "Really, do n’t you have less pain if you cooperate with it? Do n’t you be born in the blessing, you do n’t know how to be blessed, Vinda is a fan, you are not lost!"

On the other hand, Eagle and Vinda were drinking vigorously in the high-end tavern of the bank. He didn't know what was being celebrated outside. We didn't tell him. The eagle and Bailing took turns drinking and said what he did for our guild. Anyway, it was a good word. People like to drink under two extreme emotions of happiness and depression. Vinda is dizzy with one drink after another, and Eagle winks at Lark, and Lark immediately leaves the private room.

There was a rose standing outside the door, and Rose had a bottle of wine in her hand. Lark took the bottle. "Is this bottle?"

Rose nodded: "Listen to the gold coin that it is called" red "and its power is infinite. Don't make a mistake. If you drink with the eagle, don't expect to get out of bed tomorrow."

"Also works for players?"

Rose nodded: "This thing was brought back from Japan. It's a contraband on our side. The last two bottles were used up."

Lark looked at the bottle in surprise. "How much did you add?"

"Two to one plus. Anyway, the southeast, northwest, and northwest of Vinda have been drinking can't tell, even if it's all medicine, he can't taste it."

Lark nodded: "What's up with Guanyin?"

"Gold coins will be refilled. This should be over."

As soon as Rose finished speaking of gold coins, she ran up from below. "How's this going?"

Rose looked at the white cloth with gold coins in surprise. "what is this?"

"Guan Yin's clothes. The medicine seems to be too strong, and I started making it as soon as I poured it." She threw the white cloth in one fell swoop. "Well, no, I've ripped my clothes, and we saved them. Now I'm still screaming hot in the tower!"

Lark immediately said with a drink: "Then I have to hurry up." Then he got into the room. She came out again within five minutes. "All right."

Rose slammed downstairs: "Hurry up."

A group of soldiers rushed downstairs and rushed into the room with thick blankets. Vinda was already in a semi-conscious state, lying with her eyes closed and humming. When several soldiers entered, they gently lifted the table, and another soldier pulled Vinda out. A few of them went up and chopped up Vinda, then wrapped them in a blanket and moved out.

The two soldiers resisted the explosive package and transported Vinda in the blanket directly to the parliament hall, and then the girls all quit. I and Li Jing released * Vida from the blanket, and then Li Jing loaded him into the tower.

"Well, now that I have released control of the tower, Guanyin and he should be able to move freely inside, but ca n’t use mana. I have closed the channel and they are trapped in the first floor. . "

"Haha, the next thing is to wait." I took the tower over and put it on the table: "Happy cooperation."

Li Jingyi sighed and said, "I want my divine King ~ ~ President of the Heavenly Gods and Soldiers, I want to accompany you here to commit adultery, really ... wow, I don't know how to say!"

"If you want to get started, we are here to make a couple, to work for the great cause of reconciliation of yin and yang, you should feel glorious. If you think, Yue old is not going to commit suicide? What he does every day is Send a couple of couples to bed. "

He was talking about a moan from the tower. "Fuck. You can hear it? Linglong Pagoda doesn't sound good. I said, King? I think the two of us should go out and have a few drinks outside. Although the newcomers are very glorious, it is not right to hear the corner. Is that right? "

"Agree, let's hurry up! I can't stay here for a moment!" Li Jinggang said a loud moan again in the tower body after speaking in a miniature state, scaring me and Li Jinghong and fleeing .

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