Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 33: Black unicorn returns

Volume 10 Chapter 33 Black Unicorn Returns

With the command of the commander-in-chief of the support group Rose, our plan went quite smoothly. All the items to be delivered were packed in a container and transported to the edge of the sinking sea. Hei Qilin quickly realized the target that needed to be launched, and used his power to easily get the container over. After the huge container appeared in the eighteen floors of **** sky, four huge parachutes were automatically opened, and the container was safe at a very slow degree6. The door opened to my surprise.


Rose opened her arms to me: "Do you like your manual?"

"I love you!" I hugged the rose. "How come you thought you were down? How cold is Yan Luodian!"

"This container uses a closed enchantment, and the internal space is completely independent. As long as you do not open the door after entering the Yan Luo Palace, you will not be attacked by the cold air." Rose looked around: "This is the eighteenth floor of **** Didn't expect it to be so desolate! "

Black Kirin looked at us both in surprise. "Is this your wife?"

Pulling the rose, he introduced: "This is silent, the legendary black unicorn."

"Hello, my name is blood red rose, but everyone likes to call me a rose directly."

Hei Qilin looked sadly, "I really envy you!"

"Well? What's wrong?"

"Your wife is actually willing to accompany you to these eighteen levels of hell. Is there anything more proud than this?"

Rose immediately blushed around my neck: "It feels so romantic to be said by him! Go to **** with the one you love, the real life and death will never be abandoned!"

Heilin's eyes suddenly burst into tears: "Ah! If Jasper loved me like Ziri then. What if I would never leave the eighteen layers of hell!"

"Did you still have a lover?"

Black Kirin nodded: "Jade is a jade unicorn. I once fought for her and a fairy, and for this reason I also lost a human city and I was finally judged as an evil member. When the gods besieged me, she just begged me. But she didn't fight back with me. When I was about to enter the eighteenth layer of hell, she didn't follow me. Instead, she chose the beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Women's winter coats have given up our love on earth! "

"Then you will get revenge on her?" Rose asked suddenly.

Hei Qilin shook his head decisively: "Where is the hate if there is no love? I no longer love her and do not want to find her anymore. I will see her as a stranger in the future, and it will not matter if you don't mess with me. My enemy. "

From the beginning, I noticed that the black unicorn's brain was abnormal. Not only was his thinking radical, but his personality changed over time. At first I thought it was because of the long time in the eighteen layers of **** and the joint suppression by the gods, so my heart was not green. For a long time, the throne of the seal of God was not expressed and a distorted abnormal psychology was generated. It seems that these circumstances are not the main reason, but more importantly the beloved abandonment. An intelligent biological mind will have a distorted morbid psychology once it passes the limit. Hei Qilin is now basically a mental patient and has a certain tendency to violence.

Black unicorn looked at the sky with both hands fists. Let the tears flow: "I ... as long as I leave this **** place, all the **** that offend me then ... what are you doing?" Hei Qilin said suddenly that I and Rose were squatting together with a small bottle Hold the mouth of the bottle against his chin beside him.

"Hey, collect your tears."

"What are you doing?"

Rose said with a smile: "The tears of the Dragons have a strange effect, and they can usually be used to make magical magic equipment. The tears of the Phoenix can make a resurrection potion and can be saved as long as it is not dead. The magic booster of the unicorn; the tears of the unicorn are magic gems, needless to say what is the role? You are also a black unicorn. How to say is also the best in the best, although I have not heard of the special effects of unicorn tears, but that is Because no one can get it, I think the tears of your class creatures have a special effect. Anyway, it ’s no use to shed these tears, why not send them to us? "

"You you you guys ..." Black Kirin laughed for a long time and suddenly laughed, but a sentence came out: "You guys are born a couple, the same wealth fan!"

"Thank you for your compliment." I said while holding a small brush and scraping the last bit of tears into the bottle: "There is still a little waste here."

Suddenly the rose cried, "Oh, Mo, you turned around. It fell down anyway. I know it's useless to you, I'll put it away for you. Ah, there are a few more here. Haha, unicorn hair, Maybe magic reflection. "

Black Kirin was not angry, but instead reached out and gave two white small things to the rose. "Since you like it, this is a meeting gift for your husband and wife."

"Is this ...?" Rose looked at what was in her hand. "Is it your tooth?"

"To be exact, tooth decay. A normal unicorn does not have tooth decay at all, but I have tooth decay, and my tooth decays automatically every three thousand years."

"You have been here for more than ten thousand years, why are there two?" I touched him by myself: "How many more? Anyway, you keep it useless, give it to me!"

"Go!" Heiqilin jumped out of the way. "It's good to send you two. I've refined the other teeth into my own magic weapon. You want something from me so much, I still have half a bucket of urine in the night pot in my room. Would you like it? I was scared to death. "

"Uh ... that's it!"

Rose pulled me aside with a smile: "Still don't be silent, let's assemble these things quickly, there is still a lot of work to be done later."

"Yes, this is business."

The guild did not actually send much, but it was relatively large. The shape of the space compressor looks like a stone tablet. But it works on the ground, and it's about the size of a bus. I'm familiar with the magic light gun, and it's easy to assemble. The rest is a bunch of scrolls, so there are only a few.

After transporting all these things to the room in Heiqilin place, we started to set up the equipment again. Fill the cannon with energy. Rose opened a scroll to look for weak spots in space. After the location is roughly determined, the black unicorn will set up the space channel first. We can't help this work.

After the channel is opened, the work is much simpler, first prepare the compressed space, then add lubricating magic to the black unicorn and me, and finally the continuous shooting of the magic magic cannon. This magic light cannon is not expected to be taken back anyway, so we simply removed the restrictor valve to maximize the output energy. In this way, the magic light cannon can have three times the normal shooting power, but the through-light crystal will quickly melt due to overheating. Once the crystal structure is destroyed, the cannon will immediately explode.

Hei Qilin has not seen the magic light cannon, but he can feel the energy of this thing. The powerful shooting power surprised him. It is said that this is the first time that he has anything that can endanger his safety, and even the original fairies just sealed him. No way to kill him.

Just like our thoughts, the magic light gun began to smoke in the fifth second after starting work. Although the black unicorn added a powerful freezing technique, it still had no effect. This temperature comes from the inside of the cannon. Even if the shell is frozen by freezing, the internal temperature is still standard, and the shell has no time to dissipate heat. The coarse light beam directly enters the circular space channel. The huge energy spell hit the black vicious light curtain, making the whole light curtain tremble.

I didn't think about forgetting to explain the time seal to the throne of synchronizing time with people outside this time. When we went out so suddenly, the seal destruction work outside was not ready yet! As soon as I expressed my concern, Rose stopped me. "I've arranged it long ago." Rose took out a large crystal. "This is the ground-starting device that Crystal Chocolate helped us make. It is a bomb in itself. The energy of the instant of the explosion will radiate to the seventeen layers of **** over there to detonate the impact bomb over there. The seal will loosen for about two to three seconds after the explosion. You must seize the throne of time. "

"I see." The black unicorn returned to his original state and prepared to cross the barrier. Powerful impact is required when passing through the channel, and only the original black unicorn has this ability. Rose and I can't get over this barrier, we must ask Black Unicorn to take us there. For this we have to find a place on the black unicorn to fix ourselves. In the end, the two of us decided to use the black unicorn's ears. For us, Kirin's ears and eyes are similar to a small cave, and the floor space is larger than most of our bedrooms. And hiding here can avoid being directly attacked by the energy storm, even if there is leakage, there should be no power.

The detonating spar was handed over to the black unicorn, and he wrapped it with mana and suspended in front of him. The moment I stood at his ear, watching the magic light cannon waiting for its scrap, reminded the black unicorn to start crossing.

We were prepared for the Seal of Throne only ten seconds. The magic light cannon has begun to be severely loaded. First, the beam of light began to grow thicker and thicker, and the gaps between some parts also began to soar magical energy, and the machine was on the verge of collapse. The frozen shell of the black unicorn plus has melted away, and the shell of the machine itself has begun to melt. Melted water droplets appeared on the umbrella barrel, which was actually not water but liquid crystal. The heat resistance of crystal is very exaggerated. It can be imagined how much the temperature can be melted into a liquid.

About thirty seconds after the power was turned on, the barrel of the magic light cannon suddenly bent down, and the high temperature had melted the clear crystal of the barrel. As soon as the crystal is deformed, the angle of refraction is not right, the rays are directly distorted into the sky, and the top of the hole is blown out of a large hole. Followed by a loud noise, the energy exciter on the magic light cannon went directly to the sky, and the remaining parts melted into a pool of liquid crystal within two seconds.

I shouted directly into the cave, that is, the ear of Black Kirin, "Hurry up, throw out the explosive crystal, and then you start rushing."

"Just click, you're in my ears, and I'm not deaf!" Hei Qilin complained, not moving slowly. The detonated spar wrapped by mana shot into the channel like a bullet, and it was conceivable to shoot such a small amount of east and west with the mana of black unicorn.

A big explosion. The entire black barrier shook a bit. We saw the red seal over there for a moment, even through the black barrier, but the black barrier soon healed again, blocking the sight again. But this phenomenon indicates that the barrier is already very thin. Even on the verge of rupture. Black Qilin struck the mountain wall behind him, and the whole mountain was instantly lost by half, and the place where he stepped off flew out of the mountain directly. Black unicorn sprinted forward, and every step made a big pit on the ground. In a few seconds, the black unicorn entered the compression space and added it again, but a slight mistake was that the addition did not last until the expected time. The degree has been raised, and it should not affect the sprint.

About two seconds after the detonating crystal exploded, we reached the entrance of the passage, and at this time the bomb on the side of the seal just over the passage detonated. The energy bomb has been delayed by one second after receiving the explosive impact of the detonating crystal, so it exploded only one second before we arrived.

There was a loud noise. Six bombs detonated simultaneously. The red Yan Luo seal flickered violently, and the impact storm disrupted its operation. Although it didn't close automatically, it paused for a few seconds. Just when this guy was about to recover, the black unicorn's huge head suddenly burst out of the huge crater-like seal.

This operation was carried out in secret, and the members of the heavenly system did not know the plan. The people sent by our guild were guarded by Vinda, and the bombs were sneakily loaded. After the explosion, our guards all concealed and smiled, and the ghost officials sent by Yan Luo were completely dumbfounded. When the black unicorn's huge head appeared at the entrance of the cave, the first reaction of all the ghost officials was to turn and run away, and some of them passed out. This is the first time I have found that ghosts can be dazed.

The black unicorn's huge body flew out with the roar of the sinking Haitian roar, and a large piece of gravel was taken up along with it. A large number of debris fell on the surface of the nearby sinking sea like a heavy rain. Black unicorn flew out of the channel with a slight difference. The seal suddenly returned to normal as soon as the tip of his tail left, and even cut off a trace of black hair on the tip of the black unicorn's tail. Because of the great impact, Black Kirin directly flew up for tens of meters and then fell from the air, banging on the island with a bang. A large wave of the sea rose around the island and flew towards the surroundings, overturning all the fleeing boats.

Hei Qilin opened his eyes with wide eyes and looked excitedly, and then started to face the soldiers on the ground. I quickly shouted, "Stop!"

The claws that Hei Qilin was going to shoot turned into covering his ears. Thinking about it, I did n’t even cover it in his eyes, so I shouted angrily, "I told you not to be so loud, my ear You are deaf! "

"I see, let us out soon." I shouted into the ear of mischief again. The black unicorn trembled.

Black unicorn tilted his head and shook his head out of both of us. I held the rose and spread my wings to land securely.

I greeted Vinda and said to Black Kirin: "These are my people. If they hadn't installed a bomb here to make the seal temporarily ineffective, don't expect to come back."

Black Kirin nodded: "I will remember your help, but now I am leaving here. The people in heaven will be here soon. Crossing the barrier just consumed too much power and I need to recover."

"If you don't mind, you can follow me." How can this level boss be let go. Even if the strength of the black unicorn is to fight with the four sacred beasts, as long as they do not meet two of them at the same time, they can easily win, and even if they are one to two, they may not win. If he only wanted to escape, no one would be able to keep him.

"It's okay to work with you, but I won't be your subordinate." Hei Qilin said very seriously: "First say, even if I go with you, I won't listen to your words to help you. Want me There must be enough benefits to help, and it must be my willingness, otherwise I will never shoot. If you understand this and still want me to go with you, I don't mind. "

This big guy is too strong, as the saying goes, the slave is bullying the master. Black unicorn is much stronger than our guild. Even if it is closed, it is absolutely uncontrollable. I was worried about whether to continue to invite him to follow us. Rose suddenly said: "Don't be so stingy! Just go to a friend's house as a guest? First come to us for a few days. Then we can stop by the present tense The world tells you, after all, you have n’t come back for a long time, and now you do n’t know anything about this world, even if you are very strong. You will feel a lot of inconveniences. Let us help you understand the world, and you will decide after yourself It's not too late to go! "

"Right." I hurried to help, "You will be seen as soon as you go out like this. Without us, you will be besieged by the heavy soldiers in heaven if you can't even get out of this ghost world. It ’s been a month with ten fingers of your gods, but there are too many gods in heaven, so unicorns ca n’t hold a group of gods! ”

"That makes sense." Hei Qilin nodded: "Then I will go with you first."

Rose and I immediately high-five each other with a smile. Both of us knew that as long as the big guy came to us, even if he did n’t stay in Isinger in the future, he would definitely become a force we could borrow, even if we could n’t move freely, at least occasionally. Come out to hold the scene. At least the last time Suzaku attacked Isinger. As soon as the black unicorn came out of Lima, it could be done. It would be even better if he could be tricked into Japan for hunting occasionally. I don't remember that little Japanese snake with eight heads is not a day or two. Level monsters are all treasures, and that big snake should be very valuable. I wonder if that thing can be refreshed repeatedly. It would be better if you could kill it back and forth a few times.

After the black unicorn broke the seal, the ghost officials from various Yan Luodians were killed. At present, no one has reported to Yan Luodian and Tianting, but this does not indicate safety. Although the seal is disturbed, it may have an alarm capability, so our immediate task is to run fast.

The black unicorn turned into a human form and followed us quickly back to our eleventh Yanluodian, the guild-controlled place. To cover up the news, Rose asked Black Kirin to put on a set of Issinger's armor and mix it with our team. Although the eleventh Yanluo Palace is under the management of our guild, those ghost officials still accept the dispatch from heaven. There is no guarantee that no one will leak it out, so it's best to hide it from them.

He smuggled Black Kirin to our guild and arranged a temporary shelter for him under Isinger. His room is next to Hongyan's room, and both of them are under the palace of Wei Na, so the two strong breathes are mixed together and there is a main **** covering it, it is difficult for ordinary people to show the existence of the black unicorn. .

After dismissing everyone, Rose and I helped Black Kirin find a few history books and threw them to him. "These are things that happened during your absence. You'd better get familiar with them as soon as possible. If you have a need to call a guard, we will try our best to satisfy you. There is no special reason to suggest that you do n’t come out and mess around. We often have heaven People come and go. In the event of a collision, it is not good. If you have to go out, then remember to put a seal on yourself first, and you are not afraid of death and do not involve us. "

"I'm not a fool." Hei Qilin said indifferently: "Relax! I won't leave without watching this thing. In addition. You can help me by the way."

"What are you doing?"

Black Kirin touched a small jade card from his body. "This is a token. You go to Cuizhushan Bibotan to help me find the beast Biling."

I did not pick up that jade card. "What's your relationship with Bi Ling?"

"How do you say it!" Hei Qilin thought for a moment: "He taught me something, but he is not a master. Maybe we should say that we are forgetting to make new years. He may be my only friend in this world! Come, take Yes. As long as you help me find Bi Ling, I will repay you. "

Rose frowned. "You control your emotions and calm down."

"Why? I'm not excited!"

I also advised: "Anyway you control your emotions, everything is the most important thing."

"What the **** do you mean?" Hei Qilin still didn't understand what was going on.

"Bi Ling he ...!" Rose thought for a moment or said it. "He's gone."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Hei Qilin was not excited at all, but laughed. "You guys should also find a good reason for joking! Who has moved him to the Bilingdi power? The two holy beasts are his apprentices. The entire Kirin family is related to his blood, and the four dragon kings of the dragon family are at him After studying art, who do you dare to touch him? Who touched him again? Even if it is natural death, with the life of Bi Ling, he can't die if I die. "

"We're not kidding." I looked at Black Kirin solemnly. "Mum, we won't joke with you on this kind of thing. Bi Ling is really dead, his bones are still in our hands."

Black Kirin seems to realize that the situation is not right. "Don't you mean it?"

"Bi Ling has a relationship with us too, and we won't make a joke about this."

"Cheat!" Black Kirin almost roared out. "How is it possible? Who could kill Bi Ling?" Hei Qilin's eyes began to cry, and he was roaring and messing with things, and we could only watch him leak. We know this is already restrained by him, otherwise Essinger will be taken off by him.

"Mum, you need to calm down." I comforted: "Bi Ling is indeed dead, but his soul does not seem to have completely dissipated."

"What did you say?" Hei Qilin suddenly returned to normal and rushed to me.

"I said that Bi Ling's soul is still there. With my understanding, if there is a proper method, there may be salvation."

"Really?" Hei Qilin grabbed my armor and shook it, almost breaking my neck.

Rose quickly pressed his arm: "Calm down. Bi Ling's soul did not completely dissipate, at least before we had passed through."

"You pass through? So, Bi Ling just passed away?"

"No." I hurriedly explained, "Bi Ling's death has been a long time ago. We haven't actually seen what Bi Ling did before he died. When I first saw him, his bones appeared in a seaside cave, His soul was still wandering in the cave. "

"What did he tell you? Did you tell who killed him? I will kill him in return for Biling!" The last sentence of Hei Qilin almost roared out ~ ~ Biling said he was An eight-headed snake demon chased all the way to Japan. As a result, the locals used the snake demon as a beast to help the snake demon attack Bi Ling together. Bi Ling did not expect that someone would attack him, but the **** was injured by the snake demon, and he died in the cave shortly after returning. "

"Where's that snake?" Roared Black Kirin.

"Still in Japan, now they are the area guards over there."

"Where is Japan? Send me over. I will sacrifice Biling for that dead snake and skin peeling! By the way, first take me to see Bi Ling's remains and see if he can summon his soul."

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