Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 14: Left hand buy right hand sell

Erlang Shen put out five fingers very slowly.

"Five hundred crystal coins? Okay, barely able to accept."

Erlang shook his head: "Add zero to the back door."

"Five ... Five thousand crystal coins? Boss, I bought a soldier, not a magic cannon. Did you get the price wrong? The divine angel of the Bright Temple has only one thousand crystal coins! Is this too expensive for you? Exaggerated? "

Erlang Shen shook his head; "Heaven's soldiers never used to supply the consumption of the world. You should also know our rules. This time, Jade Emperor specifically granted you a license to grant grace outside the law. I know this price is not cheap , But the price is set by the court, not I can change. Otherwise, how about you consider other arms? "

After listening to the words of Erlang God, I thought about it in my heart. A class of five thousand crystal coins, even if it is used as the leader of the class, at least it must have a scale of thousands of people to be useful. A thousand soldiers will cost five million crystal coins, which is a bit unacceptable.

"God. I actually like this arm very much, can't you give me a cheaper price?"

Erlang Shen shook his head: "The rules of the sky, never discussed."

Suddenly my head turned. "Erji Jun, so please trouble me to recommend other arms. The price is set first. I will just look at the situation today. The specific purchase will have to wait for two days."

"That's all right." Erlang Shen immediately recruited a team of soldiers next to him. "This is the second unit I recommend to you."

This second unit is basically the same as the first unit recommended by Erlangshen. The teams in the heavenly courts are all regular troops. Although the armor is slightly modified according to each branch, the overall appearance is not much different, otherwise the mixed formations will look very messy. The biggest difference between this second unit and the first unit is the weapon. These soldiers were holding four- or five-meter-long hook sickle rifles, and the golden rifle was embossed with a dragon's relief, which looked quite heavy. But looking at the bodies of these guys, they know that if they wave these things, they will not be slower than those sabers just now.

"What kind of arms is this?"

Erlang Shen immediately introduced: "Most of the arms in heaven are actually named according to their use. This unit is generally called a broken formation. It is used to disperse the enemy's formation. Don't look at the weapons they are equipped with, they are The real one-on-one arms, but they are fighting faster, if you have the opportunity to use this arm in the future, you will know. "

"That's to say they are specifically used to disrupt the formation of the enemy team, right?"

"This is generally used in team battles. However, it is also good to use the city as a vanguard to enter the city for focused assaults. This unit is very powerful in heads-ups and belongs to the special assault category."

"Do you mean this is an assault force?"

"Yes. It's the assault force, and it also has the characteristics of a sniper team."

"But their weapons are so long. What if they encounter woods or street fighting in the battle?"

Erlang nodded to the team over there, and did not see what the soldiers did, but the weapons in their hands suddenly began to shorten, and finally became a sickle with only one meter long. The soldiers neatly played a set of fighting moves with a sickle. Then the sickle handle began to stretch. The soldiers held a foot under the hook sickle in their right hand, and the left hand held the end of the hook sickle slightly. The rod in the middle of the hook sickle suddenly collapsed and hung down on the ground. A closer look turned into a chain of chains. The hook sickle became a sickle-shaped chain knife and was retractable. Type. Under the eyes of Erlang Shen, these heavenly soldiers played a few beautiful skills of throwing swords. Then shortened the chain of the hook sickle flying knife, and pulled both sides firmly. The lock in the middle stretched quickly. As soon as the chains were straightened, they pressed their hands toward the middle, and the chains were pushed together and merged into a bad gun. Then the weapon in their hands grew into a bad sickle with a length of four or five meters. .

Erlang Shinto: "How about? Not to mention street fighting, it's okay to be short in the room."

"Heaven is really strong."

"That's natural." Erlang smiled proudly.

"How much does this cost?"

"This is cheaper than that." When I heard Erlang said it was cheaper, I just wanted to be happy, and then he said, "Each 4,000 crystal coins."

"Fuck! This is also called cheap? Do you know what a cheap army is in other forces?" Erlang shook his head. I went on to say: "In other religious forces, the price is less than one hundred crystal coins. They are called cheap arms. The higher arms are generally between six hundred crystal coins and twelve. You are better here, one thousand four thousand. Buy a bunch one by one. "

Erlang Shen said a little bit unconvincedly: "It is you who say you want the best, and I will help you recommend the higher arms. Besides, yours are air cavalry, not the general garbage arms, you have cheaper, we also have that one over there. Tier melee, 500 crystal coins each, is it cheap enough? "

"Is that the cheapest soldier?"

Erlang Shen shook his head: "That is the cheapest of the armies that can ride horses. Haven't the 6th war troops just been removed? Among those 6th war troops, there is also a simple rune soldier, which is the lowest and cheapest arm in the court of heaven, each 300 Crystal coins. "

"Halo. Do you know how much the cheapest soldiers elsewhere sell?"

"how much?"

"Sinner warriors in the Temple of Light only sell 15 crystal coins each, and the dead corpses of the Dark Temple sell 10 crystal coins each. The miscellaneous soldiers recruited from the city are usually 5 crystal coins per person. You are the best, the cheapest is others. The price of intermediate arms, conventional arms are at the same price as others, let alone advanced armies, let's catch up to the magic guide! "

Erlang Shen immediately argued: "You have to consider the cost performance! You spend four thousand crystal coins to buy four hundred dead corpses, and I can bring them all down in five minutes with a hook sickle."

"Yes, have you ever fought against the Temple of Light before? I remember when you had an army of Light killed by you. Was this the case?"

"Yes, what do you ask this for?"

"I want to know how effective your soldiers are against angels? How about the hooked sicklemen and angels?"

Erlang Shen thought for a while and said: "The sickle spearmen did not participate in that battle. After all, it was an attack force, and we did not dare to own a lot of equipment. However, the long knife hand over there participated, and there was a long knife hand. The captain alone cut more than thirty divine angels and hundreds of daytime envoys, but he was only slightly injured. Of course, this is the captain of the long-handed sword, which is more exaggerated, but the average long-handed sword cuts down a dozen Theocratic angels should not be a problem. "

If Erlang Shen is not exaggerated, according to his combat effectiveness, the high-level arms of these heavenly courts are definitely more effective than other religions in terms of combat effectiveness. Although a long sword is worth the price of four divine angels. However, a sword-hander has at least the combat power of a theocratic angel. This is not expensive, but cheap. But I do n’t have enough money, even if I know it ’s cheap, I do n’t have money to buy it!

"Erlang Zhenjun still help me recommend the next army!" I plan to record everything I need first, calculate the price and go back to raise funds. If it doesn't work, find a Northern Alliance and other friendly guilds. Really, such a big trade would be so mixed. What a pain!

Erlang Shen invited a team of soldiers to introduce. "This is the unit you need most."

I just glanced and nodded: "Archers are indeed the best arms for air combat."

These soldiers have lighter armor than the first two branches. And each of them carried this golden bow, carrying an arrow box behind them. Unlike European arrowmen's quiver, these soldiers' quiver is a rectangular container with at least ten times the volume of the quiver. A row of small boxes hung on the waist of these soldiers, which looked strange. These small boxes are about the same size as pencil boxes. But slightly thicker.

Erlang Shen walked in front of a soldier and said, "This is a spirit archer, and there is a certain difference from ordinary archers. You pay attention to these boxes around their waists. These are dimension storage boxes, which are filled with written spells. "

"What does the charm spell do?"

Erlang Shen patted him on the shoulder: "Show it to him."

The soldier immediately dismantled the golden bow and pulled out a feather arrow from the back, but instead of firing immediately, he looked at me and asked, "What kind of charm do you want to see first?"

Erlang Shen interjected: "He hasn't seen it before. Try it out one by one."

Immediately, an archer applied a stick to the leftmost box, and a golden light flashed on the front of the box. And that arrow had a yellow rune wrapped around the shaft. It turns out that the function of these boxes is to stick the rune paper stored in it directly to the arrow shaft. The archer nodded after putting the arrow on, and a soldier took a stone and threw it into the sky. The archer immediately raised his arrow, but the direction he aimed was much different from that of the stone. I saw his hand loose, and the arrow flew out immediately. The strange thing was that the arrow flew towards the stone in a major tone in the air. With a click, the stone was passed through the heart, the arrow and the stone landed together, and the stone was worn on the shaft.

The archer immediately said, "I just showed the tracking symbol. Before the shoot, the archer fixed his eyes on the target, and then thought of the target. When the arrow flew out, he would continue to track the target in a season of incense unless the target can For a while, the Seal of the Seal of God continued to dodge, and after that the arrow lost its power, otherwise the arrow would run after the target. "

I rely on, tracking and guiding arrows, and it is the kind that doesn't care after shooting.

After the archer said that he could not lie on the table, he showed the remaining few runes in succession, and explained the purpose of each shot.

The second rune is a blasting rune. The arrow after shooting is just a cannonball. When it hits the target, it explodes immediately. The power is not small.

The third is a fire rune. It will not explode until it is exploded, but it will adhere and burn for ten minutes near the target. When I showed it, the fire charm simply burned a shield and turned red, and the shield was soft like noodles, and then it should be melted.

The fourth rune is a power booster. To demonstrate why it is called power boost, this time they also specially made a house-sized stone as the target. The arrow flew 200 meters and shot through the 70-meter-thick stone. Then it passed through the back of the stone and broke through five layers of shields to get stuck in the sixth shield. Shooting people across the wall.

The fifth character is more common. But the power is terrifying. This is a five thunderbolt. I have seen five thunderbolts on gold coins together. Where the thunderbolt is posted, the sky will drop a thunderbolt to attack this position. This time the five thunderbolts were shot with the arrow. The hit was still the stone, but the penetration of the arrow was very ordinary Now, just plug in about three inches. But as soon as the arrow hit the stone, a sudden flash of lightning fell in the sky without warning, and the stone was cracked on the spot. What surprised me even more was that this five thunderbolt is not the same as the five thunderbolt of gold coins. After the thunderbolt fell, it immediately blossomed, and the arc flashed in all directions.

The sixth rune shows no effect. But it is said that this is Zhang Po magic charm. The arrow with this charm becomes a broken magic arrow. Any magic, Taoism, hex, spiritual power, anyway, as long as it is not formed by physical power, the protection is all right. Regardless of your body's magic shield, it will become a piece of paper when you encounter this arrow. This thing is simply a master nemesis.

I've decided after all six symbols have been demonstrated. No matter how expensive it is to buy this arm. Is it simply a class of arms!

Erlang Shen immediately smiled when I heard the price: "This unit is also very expensive, each is 5,000 crystal coins."

I couldn't help but take a breath. It really is a good price! "Why is it so expensive?"

Erlang Shinto: "These soldiers are just **** archers. There is nothing special except that they are very accurate. But the bow on them is very expensive. The cost of that bow is 1,000 crystal coins, so the arms are relatively It's more expensive. And these archers are part-time Taoist priests. They make their own spells. But they can only do these six types of amulets.

"The Rune God Archer can also make spells by himself. No wonder it's so expensive. By the way, what's so special about that bow that costs 1,000 crystal coins?"

Erlang Shen exaggeratedly said: "That is a golden bow, with its own ballistic stability and vitality extension.

Just to let you see clearly, all of them performed at close range. In fact, the range of these archers is far longer than all the mage and siege weapons. The power is not what you can imagine! "

"So strong?"

"It's not the archer's problem, it's all because of this bow. Give them an ordinary bow. The range is tens of meters away from the average archer, but the golden bow can make any archer reach the original ten This range is so expensive. By the way, the arrows of these archers are not ordinary arrows. Their arrows are marked by storms, and they will not deviate from the flight path due to air currents even in high winds. "

"Sure enough, it's a price and a price."

"of course."

I looked at other arms: "Is there anything else to recommend?"

Erlang Shinto: "From the standpoint of a friend, I suggest that you use these three pawns to coordinate an army. The other armies are not useful if you have them. The air cavalry is not the same as the troops on the ground. Heavy heavy forces such as shields The soldiers are not suitable for horse warfare, as long as these three types of assault forces are strong. "

"Then do you have a unit that is suitable for defending? You don't need to be able to ride horses and participate in city defense."

Erlang Shen thought for a moment and said, "Heavenly has rarely fought defensive battles. We have always attacked others. Heavenly court's defense is offense. Besides, heavenly court has nothing to keep."

"That would be bad." I nodded. "Can you take me to see Jade Emperor? I want to tell him something."

"Of course. But these soldiers ...?"

"I don't have any money now. I'll look for you when I go back to raise funds."

"That's fine."

Erlang Shen soon took me to heaven. Jade Emperor is also very kind to me now. I heard that I would be ready to meet immediately. It is not so convenient for most people to see the Jade Emperor.

Immediately after seeing the Jade Emperor in the Royal Garden, I ran over. The Jade Emperor greeted me to sit and let Erlang Shen wait outside.

"What's going on this time?" The Jade Emperor asked.

"Actually, I want to discuss a small deal with you."

"Oh? Talk to me about the deal? Listen to it." Yudi was obviously interested.

"Don't you hope that Sun Wukong and the Purple Bamboo Fairy can be rescued from the Buddhism?"

"of course."

"You said last time that if I could save them, could you give me a reward, right?"

"Yes, as long as you can rescue them, I will naturally reap the rewards."

I nodded: "I just want to ask if I can designate a prize myself?"

"What do you want?" The Jade Emperor looked at me and said, "There are some things in heaven that can't be delivered. I can't give you anything you want."

"This is natural. The thing I want is actually a soldier. Just now Erlang Zhenjun took me to the barracks in Tianting. I really like those soldiers, but the price is ..."

The Jade Emperor understood immediately. "You think the price is too expensive, hoping to change a few soldiers back with reward conditions, right?"

"Roughly what this means, but instead of letting you send me a few soldiers for free. Rather, I want to ask you for a discount. The war always kills people. Although the soldiers are powerful, they can't have zero casualties. They need to be replenished if they die. I will not be able to afford so many soldiers at that time. I was wondering if you could give me a permanent discount. I will buy soldiers at this price in the future so that it can be cheaper and I can afford it when I replenish the army. . "

"Interesting." The Jade Emperor thought for a while and said, "It's the first time I've heard such a request from others. But if you can really rescue Sun Wukong and the Purple Bamboo Fairy, it's not impossible. If you rescue them both, When you come back, I will give you 20% off when you buy soldiers. "

I smiled cheekily and said, "Don't conceal you. The price of Tianbing is too high, and I can't afford 20% off!"

"This is an exception." Jade Emperor did not intend to give in.

I thought to myself and said, "Then I will start to take the credit of the Lao Lao Nest, and trouble the Buddhism? I have already planned out a detailed strategy."

"Let me talk about your strategy."

"Then you have to promise, if you adopt my plan. In the future, I will give me a discount when I buy Tianbing."

"You are too greedy. What's the difference between Yizhe and Baixian? Counting Tianbing's equipment, Tianting is discounting! Even your plan is as good as possible. I will give you up to 50% off."

"Since we don't agree with each other. What about a compromise?

"A compromise? You really miss it!"

I thought about it: "Then to show Jade Emperor's lofty status, I gave in. Let's move closer to your price, but we can't ignore my opinion at all? How about 40% off? Add another 10 and get 1 free .I've been a bit tight recently. It's not easy to get mixed up! "

Jade Emperor thought for a long time before agreeing with my suggestion. "If you get 40% off, you get 40% off, but buy ten get one free and change to sell one get one free."

"Maibai get one free?"

"Don't worry, I can't lose you. I will give you a **** beast when you buy a hundred soldiers."

"What level of beast? The beetle pulling the cart is also a beast. Don't fool the honest people!"

"You are just like Renjing, you even call yourself honest!" Jade Emperor shook her head and said, "Except the top beasts, you can jump as you please, is this the head office?"

"Xie Yudi's gift." I immediately said: "In fact, you are not losing. My plan is very simple." I began to tell the Emperor that the strategic plan I had told Shui Xu at first, of course, some parts need to be modified Say, you ca n’t let the Jade Emperor know that I have a connection with the monster,

After listening to my plan, Jade Emperor was very happy, and promised to add one to my home on the original reward. Send me two Xuanming chariots. Although I don't know what this tank is used for, the Jade Emperor only sent two, which shows that this thing should be more powerful.

After leaving Jade Emperor Erlang first took me to the warehouse to pick up the two chariots. This is my reward for the heavenly court, and it can be cashed now. When I saw this Xuanming chariot in the warehouse, the first thing I felt was that there were more crafts than war equipment. The chariot's frame is a four-wheeled hull. Its shape is very similar to that of a large horse-drawn carriage in Europe. However, this chariot has many carved objects, and because the surface is all gold, all look luxurious. The wheels of the chariot are in the style of a Chinese horse-drawn carriage. The large roulette does not have a rigid thread like the current bicycle. This wheel is a single solid disk. A lot of things are depicted in relief on the disk, but it is not clear whether it is painting or text. Because the body of the car is very large, it seems that the wheels are not only small but rather small. In fact, the diameter of these four wheels is almost one meter nine, which is higher than my size. There is a staircase structure like Beijing Temple of Heaven on the frame, and a small altar above the mouth, about one square meter in size. In the center of this altar is a huge blood jade with a diameter of half a meter, and a circle of yellow Qinhuangshi is surrounded by the blood jade.

"This is Xuanming Chariot?"


"What is this thing doing like a float?"

Erlang Shen asked, "Will you help magic? Cursed and blessed."

"of course."

"Then you add me a few evil curses and then you bless them."

I am puzzled by adding several power weakens and a magic extraction to Erlang Shen, and adding a power boost to yourself. One injury bounces. After looking at me, Erlang Shen climbed into the car by himself, and then stood on the red blood jade himself. I saw the staircase-like stairs on the car slowly rising from the top to the bottom, and then the flames started to rotate. The bottom circle was counterclockwise and the top layer was clockwise. So the singular level is the same as the first level, and the even number level is the same as the second level. Suddenly, the blessing magic on my body was gone, and the curse on God Erlang was gone.

The flames in the car soon stopped turning and went out layer by layer. Erlang Shen also jumped down. "How? You know what it's for?"

"It turned out to be magic dispel."

"It's not just a magical dispel, it's a conscious dispel. The person sitting on top can use his conscious control to dispel the positive magic on the enemy and the negative magic on his own. It also has a certain resistance to attack magic. Although it cannot be offset, it can make the enemy's attack magic decay rapidly with the increase of the Seal of Throne. For example, the magic missile. It will continue to shrink from the release. If it is too far away, it may disappear halfway. , This magic should be stable before the time limit, but with this mysterious chariot, the flame wall will burn down and become weaker, and eventually extinguish itself. "

"Is it as useful for Taoism?"

"Of course, as long as the mana is all effective. And the wheels of this tank are capable of flying. As long as the weight of the vehicle body is equal to zero after starting the tank, you can use the two horses to move fast in the air.

"What is the radius of action?"

"20 miles."

"That's 10 kilometers, which is not bad."

After his introduction, Erlang sent several soldiers to help me pull the car back to Isinger. Although these big cars are not small, as long as they start to lose weight, they can float forward a short distance with a slight blow. After returning to Isinger, he sent away Erlang Shen and hurried to find roses.

The guard who asked the lower parliament hall knew that Rose was in Steel City, and when he arrived at Gangcheng's teleportation array, he hurried to the ground. This is now the busiest place in our guild. Almost all engineering staff and non-combat players in the guild are busy. As for 1 laborer, that's almost as many as ants.

The huge construction platform at the top of Steel City has doubled the area. Dozens of huge gantry cranes are lined up in the new construction area, and countless workers are busy up and down. A large number of alchemists on the ground are welding metal parts with magic. You can never imagine the spectacle of more than 100,000 people squatting together on the ground to play the magic welding machine. The sparks on the site are like fireworks. In the warehouse next to the elevator, a large number of heavy loaders were pulled in and out of the warehouse by Warcraft, and the player in charge took a simple trumpet of iron rolls to the bsp; "You are coming?" The construction site came and saw me standing next to the lift.

"Woma! It's so lively here!"

"I want to be quiet. I have to be free! Five million laborers! You see, it's all a mess! Just relying on the hundreds of players to direct so many people can't get busy."

"Didn't you transfer some managers?"

"Yes! Yesterday, there were 20 administrators. As a result, there were 700,000 laborers and 100,000 alchemists. The management gap was even larger!"

"You work harder! No one can send me here. After Isinger's opening, those players have treated us here as a tourist mecca. More people are more troublesome. Just yesterday, Isinger was born. After three thousand batches of malicious player pk incidents, Vinda chased me and asked me where the security captain had been. "

Woma laughed when she heard it. "What did you give me, Vidal's sheriff?"

"what's wrong?"

"I said these guys almost didn't pull me to be the city management team. It was really a mess. Fortunately, the foresight had only opened the outer ring and central ring of Isinger on the ground. If the inner ring and the sky Isinger were also opened It is estimated that Vinda directly tied us all to the security team. "

"Haha, who asked you to suddenly take over such a big project for us."

I looked at the manufacturing site and asked, "How is the progress?"

Woma raised her right finger to the back of me: "The big guy over there is the Giant Butterfly City of the Butterfly Family, which was just finished last night." She turned her hands behind her like: "The one behind me is the long tooth dance claw The wasp fortress of the wasp tribe. "She pointed her hand to her right again." The one with the large wingspan on my right is the dragonfly castle of the tribe. That thing caused us to use three thousand tons of fiberboard and the number of roses. My hands are shaking when I have money. "

"What is this semi-finished product over there?" I pointed to the thing on her left.

"Oh. This is the snot castle of the Minamata."

"What? Snot Castle?" I looked at the long tubular structure, and the workers seemed to be rubbing a brown object on it.

Woma Road: "The structure of the snot castle of the Minamata is the simplest of all the castles, and the material of this thing is also cheap, so we plan to build it first."

"What are you putting on it?"

"It's mud."


"It's mud. After mixing the soil and water, the blender is enough to paste it. This Shui people's castle does not require any valuables. Just use a soft rattan to weave a rough shape, and then put the mud on it and wait for the mud to dry. After half dry, wipe the second layer, and then wait for the second layer to dry quickly, then wipe the third layer. Repeat several times to finish. This is just a desert area, the sun is stronger. The buildability can also be relatively fast. a little."

"Where are the other castles?"

"The ant's army ant fortress is being modernized in an underground warehouse. Demonstrators and weapon systems are being added. The other groups are still parts. For the time being, there are not so many humans to assemble together. Assemble so many castles. "Woma suddenly said:" Are you so anxious to wait to use them to attack Japan? "

"The army also supports them, and only if they are allowed to fight is it really productive. I want to re-establish the Fulcrum City. These large war machines must be assisted to block the counterattacks of Japanese players, let alone new ones Pegasus can't be wasted! "

"I see, I'll let everyone speed up."

I nodded: "It's all here for you." I looked around again: "The guard said the rose is here, did you see it?"

"She counted the goods in the warehouse over there. The quality of the thing that the guild with us last time sold to us was bad, and Rose was telling them about the return."

"Okay, then I'll go by myself. You can go your way."

When I ran to the warehouse, I just saw a team of laymen leaving. Those people didn't seem to be very angry, and they were probably slaughtered by Rose. I ran into the warehouse, and Rose took a note and was checking the numbers with several players in the guild.

"Husband, why are you here?" Rose seemed to feel the same, but she turned her head to me unconsciously.

"I'm looking for you."

Rose handed the book in her hand to the players around him and asked a few more words before coming over and holding my hand out. "What's the matter?"

"I want to ask how much money can be mobilized in the next meeting."

The rose jumped away like an electric shock. "What are you doing?"

"I want to send more troops."

"Is there not enough troops in the guild?"

"It is enough to keep the status quo, but I want to erect the Fulcrum City again. The Japanese's spirit of resistance is no less than us. If the entire army is filled in, the local defense will be a problem!"

Rose held me and continued to walk and said, "You also make sense. But the selection of funds for the guild is now very tight. Recently, I have dug the eastern wall to fill the western wall, and it ’s a bit overwhelming to work on large projects Now, unless you want to slow down the construction of these thirteen fortresses. "

"No. The construction of Fulcrum City requires the support of this backing. No more troops without 13 mobile forts can stop this Japanese player's crazy counterattack."

Rose thought for a long time and said, "If I'm hard, I can barely make it up. The question is how much do you want?"

"Heaven now has three arms suitable for air combat, two of which are one for five thousand crystal coins and the other is one for four thousand crystal coins."

"What soldiers are so expensive?"

"Mysterious soldier."

"That's too expensive! How much is our law enforcement knight?"

"I discussed it with Jade Emperor. As long as I help him complete a task, he can give me a 40% discount."

"40% off? That's not cheap!"

"That's great. Most people don't even want to save when they go to a copper plate. But really, the heavenly arms are really powerful."

"Strong?" Rose looked at me. "How does it compare to our current legion?"

"Let's put it this way. Our current army is an elite force. The combat effectiveness is absolutely very strong. But the heavenly forces are more like special forces. The individual combat technology and our troops are not on the same level at all. The three I chose this time There is a long knife in this unit, which is just a meat grinder. Use them to form the first echelon to charge, and no enemy can still maintain the formation. There are also archers. You can use Daofu to make explosive arrows, and Their golden offensive range is long. They are all micro artillery. "

"That's really cost-effective." Rose suddenly walked in front of me and asked me, "Tianting Yun is not allowed to resell?"

"That's not said."

Rose's eyes flashed at once: "Look, the loopholes have come out? Since the court has not stipulated, we will resell it, even if the court later added this clause, they will not be able to hold the part sold. We should be It ’s a one-time deal, and you make a profit. ”

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it. Then we will go to the buyer."

"Buyers don't have to think about it," Rose said directly to my nose. "The Northern Alliance is the only guild with this financial resources, and their relationship with us is OK. Sell them assured."

"Then go now?"

Rose quickly grabbed me and said, "Don't worry, in this case, you first go to Heaven and buy 10 units of all the arms back, and then we take this unit to the Northern Alliance to show them. As long as the strength of the Heavenly Army is really strong, the Northern Alliance Don't care about price. "

"Then how much do you plan to sell?"

Rose smirked and said, "This is not easy. Let them try to fight with other forces 'forces. A heavenly soldier defeats other forces' guards. We will set the price for the heavenly soldiers, and we can even increase them. Noble, not much expensive. If a heavenly soldier can destroy ten ordinary soldiers, even if it is higher than the price of ten ordinary soldiers together, it is worth it. Because you can concentrate the fighting power of ten soldiers, so Troop mobility and supply problems are much smaller. If the soldiers are strong enough to use the transport array, the transport array is charged by weight, not by combat power. "

I couldn't help but kiss my head holding Rose's head. "It's still my family staff. Wait, I'll go back to Heaven to buy some samples."

The problem of buying soldiers is simple. Anyway, I have permission to sell as long as I pay for it. But Erlang Shen was a little curious about why I bought ten of them, but he didn't ask, so I wouldn't naturally tell him. Because the task of rescuing Sun Wukong and the Purple Bamboo Fairy has not been completed yet, I cannot get a 40% discount for the time being. Anyway, there are only 10 of them, which can not cost much.

After returning to Isinger, I took the 81 species and a total of 810 people to the Northern Alliance with Rose. This time I want to let the Northern Alliance know what a high-level army is. It's best if they get hot and buy me eight thousand.

The Northern Alliance was surprised by the emergence of both brains in our guild. As a result, Yanyu rushed back to the headquarters of the Northern Alliance from various cities with his eight guild executives. As soon as Yanyu entered the headquarters, he saw the neatly arranged 810 Heavenly Soldiers. Rose and I were fighting in the room window and looking at the doorway ~ ~ The expressions of the smoke and rain had made me know that it was time to make such an offer. Yan Yu's eager eyes represented demand, and there was value when there was demand. This is the law of the market.

Yan Yu quickly removed his eyes from the soldiers, but he still looked at these soldiers from time to time. He had better rush into the room with his men.

"President Ziri! What wind is blowing you to our Northern Alliance?" Yan Yuke approached and shook hands with me.

"Hey, this time it's blowing me up."

"Buy for the wind?" Yan Yu was choked by me.

I narrowed my eyes out the window. "Do you want it?"

Yan Yu first followed me mechanically, and then suddenly understood. He stared at me with wide eyes: "These are standard army units you can buy?"

"What else do you think?"

"I thought it was your magic pet just now! I heard that your magic pet has always appeared in groups."

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