Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 101: Mysterious city

I walked in the forest with the son of the night and started to regret it. The covenant goddess is not around, we don't know how to move forward in the forest. To us, these big trees are almost the same. No matter how you go, they seem to be spinning in place. After the system was upgraded, the map system became a paper system. Each player's map was drawn on paper. He tried to carry it on his back or put it in items with space storage capacity. Different players can meet each other where they went Copy the map to your own map so you can exchange the map. As for the compass, that thing has become a real compass when it was last upgraded. Take it out when you need it. But this thing also has serious flaws, such as now.

Night Son and I walked very far with the compass in the specified direction, and now we always circle around one place. In the end the circle we walked was getting smaller and smaller, until we stopped at this point five minutes ago.

Night Son looked around. "Strange, why are we here to go around *?"

Yeyue smiled and took my compass for a long time. "Can this little thing really point to the south?"

Ye Zi shook his head helplessly: "Although it does point to the south in most cases, it does not rule out some cases that do not guide."

Yeyue smiled holding the compass and kept changing positions. "Speaking of which, it looks like the big tree."

"Big tree?" I looked at the direction of Yeyuexia, and there was a strangely shaped tree. This big tree seemed redder than other trees, and its surface was strange. It seemed to grow a lot of pupae. "Check it out."

I walked over to the tree for a long time and suddenly felt something abnormal. Pushing the mask away, I took a closer breath and took a hard breath. "No way?"

"What's the matter?" Night Son didn't know what I was smelling.

I knocked on the trunk with my fist hard, and the gloves of the demon dragon armor hit the trunk with a loud voice. The child of the night came up in surprise and felt it. "I rely. Steel ground?"

I nodded. "Good. And it's magnetic."

The son of the night could not help but cursed the swear. "I ......... It's magnetic steel. We're stupid, just grab a compass around it *."

Yeyue circled around the tree a few times. "This thing stands here. The compass is useless. How can we go out?"

I looked at the big tree for a long time. "You cover your ears."

"What are you doing?"

"Just cover it up."

Yeyue and the son of the night covered their ears melancholy, and I turned eternity into a hammer. I lifted a sledgehammer and smashed it with a hammer that ran out of power. When ..., I felt my hands numb.

There was a lot of iron falling off the trunk as it rained. This place is relatively humid. Although the plant, steel tree, is a demonized creature, the steel on its surface will still rust. The knock shook all the rust.

The children of the night looked at me in surprise and didn't know what I was going to do. I waved the hammer again. The big tree was so loud that the ears were almost deaf. After gritting my teeth a few more times, I dropped a sledgehammer on the ground. "Yueyue, look at the direction of the South Needle."

"Well! Don't refer to the big tree anymore."

Night Son took out his compass and looked at it in surprise, and it turned out that he did not point to the direction of the tree. "How did you do that, Ziri?"

"Cut, your kid mustn't go to class normally."

"What does this have to do with my class?"

"This is a junior high school course. I do n’t know how to go back to school and ask your physics teacher to go." Putting down the sledgehammer, I took the compass back and looked at it. "Good guy, it's all messed up. We've been heading north just now. Hurry up and don't walk for a while and the compass jumps again."

"Why?" Night Son looked at the big tree. "Don't you remove the magnetism?"

"This is temporary. At most twenty minutes, the magnetism will slowly recover, and if we haven't left the range of the magnetic field, we will definitely go back."

Yeyue immediately hurled me to jump on the steel claws. "Then let's run away."

"Child of the night, hurry up." I called out the child of the night and jumped on the steel claws and began to leave quickly. If we cannot leave the magnetic field within 20 minutes, we will come back to the big tree again because of the compass problem.

Without the interference of that big tree, our forward direction was clear. After running a short distance, it was confirmed that the magnetic field was roughly boring, and our degree gradually slowed down. The night child picked a fruit from the side and threw it to me. "Try it."

"Do you dare to eat this thing?"

"That's why I let you eat first."

"You bastard, let me be the experiment?"

"Anyway, your toxins are so resistant, even if you are poisoned, there is no problem."

"Is that still ... who?" I suddenly felt someone behind the tree, and when I raised my hand, it turned into a sword whip and wrapped it around the trunk, gently. The trunk was cut off by the waist, and the towering ancient trees collapsed.

Yeyue didn't move slowly, she was still sitting behind me, and she just reached behind the trunk. The scene freezes instantly, and Yeyue uses his skills to create six arms. At this time, the six-handed snake sword is on top of three people, while the other two are silly beside him and dare not move.

"Jibeyar?" The son of the night recognized the woman who was held by Yeyue's neck with her two swords.

"Zi Ri?" Gibejar also came out of us.

"You guys?" Yeyue also met Gibejar, and she remembers them.

"Really you?" Lauder and Licard came out of the trunk, "I never expected to see you again."

The son of the night suddenly turned to Gibejar. "Did you not go to the Temple of Imoda? Why did you come here?"

"It's a long story," said Gibejar, frustrated, "After we separated from you, we encountered the pursuit of a large monster. After finally running out of the monster's pursuit and lost the compass, we began to It turned around here and met you. "

"You guys are really unlucky." I looked at the forest ahead. "Is that monster thrown away?"

"We were trapped and ambushed." Lauder pointed to his ragged armor. "This is its masterpiece."

The son of the night asked, "Isn't that temple in the swamp?"

"No." The cute mage mm Santa Maffeina stared at me angrily: "That's a monster nest, we almost didn't come out."

I didn't even see Santa's face. "What are you going to do now?"

"We are too underestimating the danger here." Gibejar asked helplessly, "Can you take us out of here?"

"No problem, we are about to leave."

"Sister, we go out ourselves." Santa Maffeina was obviously still angry about what happened when she arrived.

"I believe very much what Miss Santa Mafiana said. In that case, let's go alone. Yeyue. Come back." She was angry that I just didn't take her, and it was troublesome to carry this kind of bottle.

"Purple Sun." Gibejar hurried to catch up. "Santa Mafiana has always been like this, do you still take us?"

Yeyue looked at me and looked at Gibejar. "Miss Gibejar, if you really want to leave, at least make sure that this is your collective intention and not yours."

Hearing this, I looked at Santa Mafilana with Gibejar, but Santa Mafilana turned her head. "I don't."

I made a helpless gesture to Gibejar. "So I have to." I threw my compass at Gibejar. "This is for you. I have another here."

Santa Mafiana grabbed the compass and threw it back: "You keep it, we don't need it."

I didn't pick up the compass, it was flying too high. Little girl's strength is not small. The compass flew directly over my head and hit a big tree behind us. The location of the big tree was hit by a small wooden frame suddenly sinking a bit, but no one noticed such a small change.

Gibejar was apologizing to me, and Yeyue suddenly reached out to signal her quietness. I now behave abnormally, and look at her nervously. "What happened?"

"Magic move." Yeyue looked around carefully. "Something has been activated, and the magic is walking around us between trees, as if the energy of a magic circle is gathering."

Likard took his Berserker's Greatsword and looked around, "What is it? Monster?"


Suddenly, a green magic array floated on a large tree near us, and then the surrounding trees lit up one after another. The magic light clusters between these large trees shot at each other's light clusters. The light beams form a polygonal frame, and we are all surrounded.

Yeyue suddenly swept a few leaves under the ground with her tail. After the leaves were swept away, the slate was exposed. I quickly jumped down and swept away the leaves. It turned out that there was a large slate underneath, and there were patterns on the slate. At this time, these patterns turned on.

"Damn, we're standing on top of a magic circle."

Gibejar asked nervously; "What kind of magic circle is this?"

"Whatever it is, just don't let it start." I said to Steel Claw, "Smash it open."

The steel claw suddenly stood up with both hind legs, and then smashed heavily with the force of undershooting, trying to smash the ground, but this did not help. The magic on the slate obviously strengthened the slab. "The steel claws go back, the tank comes out." I retracted the steel claws and summoned the tank. There is not much space in this place to stop two giants at the same time.

As soon as the tank came out, I got the order to smash the ground. The two bone hammers on the forefoot of the tank were the most destructive. I saw the tank lift the hammer and slammed the ground. With a bang, we just felt a jump on the ground, and we all jumped to the ground. The son of the night and Adepana also sat on the ground.

I looked at the ground and it was okay. The tank watched me waiting for the cloth order. I pointed to the ground: "Continue."

The tank immediately slammed the hammer and smashed again, this time it seemed to be working. The hammer fell to the ground, and an iris quickly spread out around the ground. Upon reaching those polygonal frames, they suddenly started to extend upwards, apparently already wrapped here. The whole space suddenly became abnormally dazzling, and we couldn't keep our eyes open.

Only a few seconds after the light suddenly flashed, it dimmed again. The surroundings returned to normal again. All of us are stupid.

"Where is this?" The son of the night said to himself, letting us recover a little.

We were in the forest before the light shone. The towering ancient trees around it shield the sun like skyscrapers, and we can't see anything except the forest. But the current environment can still be considered a forest. But the forest just now is obviously not an area anymore. We are standing on a huge hexagonal platform. Each of the six corners of the platform has a pagoda-shaped statue of about three meters, and a small flame is beating on top of each pagoda stone carving.

This platform is surrounded by a forest, but the trees here are normal and sparse. The trees are covered with lush plants, and it is obviously a tropical rain forest climate. Just the wrong place. We must have encountered a long exhausted transport array just now, but the problem is that it started again, and even worse, we were in the array when it started.

"Oh my God! Look at it." Licard was surprised and pointed in the direction behind me.

We all turned around and there were very few trees in that direction. From the top of the trees we saw a huge artificial building. The building in front looks a dozen kilometers away from us, but you can see the huge building from here. It may be a city, and it is a very large city. Compared with it, trees are like shrubs, but you can imagine how magnificent it is.

The son of the night asked: "Shouldn't this be the ruins of the temple of the **** Imoda?"

Gibejar's stagnant hands were in the direction of the building: "I ... I don't know what to do ... how to describe my mood now."

I pat Gibeyar: "Don't be too happy first, what is the icon of the **** Imoda you are looking for?"

"There is a circle of bones above a bull's head."

"That's unfortunate to tell you. This is not something Imoda teaches. I think this is bigger."

"Anyway, let's go over and look at it first." Night Son took the lead and directed his steel claws to run over there.

I withdrew the tank and turned around and asked Gibejar: "Are you going there?"

"Don't bother you." Santa Mafiana took out a little thing and I was thrown into the sky before I knew what it was. The thing flickered into a huge bird-shaped silent beast, and WoW fell down and took them flying towards the city.

I shook my head with a smile and summoned Yeying, to see Yeyue think about it or send Yeying back in exchange for luck to bring us two up in the air, when the son of Lu overnight stayed in the sky and stopped to bring him along.

When we flew up again, Gibejar was gone, and I guess they had landed. The distance of more than ten kilometers was not too far for the flying thing. When we crossed the woods and reached the vicinity of the artificial building, we suddenly saw Gibejar standing on a branch of a large tree, bouncing and shouting desperately, something she pointed at from time to time.

The night child stretched his head and looked for a long time before he said, "She seems to have something to say."

Yeyue also said, "They don't look quite right."

I also looked down, and I always felt that Gibejar meant something wrong with that building complex. But what could be wrong? Suddenly, a small piece of wood fell near the tree, and the white bird-shaped Warcraft was lying between the trees.

"That big bird's posture is weird?" Yezi looked at it. "It doesn't look like 6, it seems to be shot down."

"What? Shoot down?" I reacted suddenly, "lucky to look ahead."

I saw a place in the middle of the building suddenly light up, a white beam of light came straight. Fortunately, he rolled away from the attack at a high angle, followed by another ray in the other direction. Fortunately, another rollover risk was avoided.

"Fast landing."

The dragon has four legs, which is the advantage. We hit it directly in the dense forest, and with our strong limbs, luck was still stable. I knocked on the lucky back. "Look out and see what is attacking us?"

Fortunately, he looked for a while and said, "No, we can't see anything attacking us at this angle. The outer wall is blocking that thing inside."

The night child crawled over and said, "Did you see what it was?"

I shook my head: "It's some sort of air defense system anyway. Did you see Yeyue?"

"I saw a white light."

"Are you all right?" Gibejar they finally rushed over.

Fortunately, he turned his head and looked at Gibejar: "I'm not that stupid bird. It's too early for me to hit such a thing."

I jumped from my lucky back and asked Gibejar: "Did you see anything attacking you?"

Gibejar shook his head: "When we saw a flash of white light, we fell down. Santa Maria's mount was fatally hit by a blow."

"I guess it's an air-to-air interception facility similar to a beam launcher," Lauder said.

Likald also said: "Just from the air, this place should be a city, and the area is not small, and it is normal to have defense facilities."

Adapana asked, "What do we do now?"

"Of course I walked by." Yezi became smarter this time. "That's an air weapon. We're safe from the underground."

"It's a few hundred meters anyway, just walk over." Gibejar also agreed with the son of the night.

"okay then."

I took back luck and walked directly with you to the periphery of the city. The forest ended more than a hundred meters outside the city walls. The walls are not very exaggerated. The city walls made of ocher rocks are about ten stories high. This one is considered high in ordinary city walls, but after seeing the walls of Isinger, this wall is no different from the garden fence.

From this point of view, there was no one on top of the city wall, but maybe the enemy thought we were shot down, so we did not step up our vigilance. But no one left, and the strange installations under the walls of the city walls seemed difficult to deal with. That's something like a street light. The lower part of this kind of thing is a pillar of about thirty centimeters in diameter, which protrudes from the ground about three meters high. On the top of the pillar is a yellow tray-like thing, which is slightly thicker than the pillar and has a good gloss. Although this thing looks like gold, I think it is gold-plated at best. Although the gold in the game is not as valuable as the outside, it is not cheap enough to be used to repair the city wall. Above this tray-like component is a clear crystal. The crystal is olive-shaped, but it is relatively slender and has many facets. The crystal is suspended up to a height of about thirty centimeters above the tray. It does not have any contact with the tray. It just floats there, and is still turning slowly.

There are countless such pillars, and there is one every ten meters along the wall root of the city wall, all of which are visible in the range we can see. Even if the yellow parts on the top of the pillar are not gold, those crystals are probably worth a lot of money. The crystals floated above, and were spinning. This shows that it is magical. Such a huge facility, and there is magic, unless it is a sacrifice facility, it must be a defensive weapon.

Likard wanted to go out but was pulled back by me: "Don't move, those pillars look aggressive."

"No, right?"

"That may be wrong."

I pulled down a feather from my wing, and the feather immediately turned into a goblin. Under the control of my will, the bee swiftly left my hand and flew towards the city wall, but when it was nearly 70 meters away from the city wall, the crystal on a pillar nearest to it suddenly stopped turning.

Seeing this change, I immediately made the goby stop approaching, but hovered in place. The crystal didn't do anything other than stop spinning and stayed still. I let the bee fly back for a while. When the distance increased to 80 meters, the crystal resumed rotation. I turned the Wasp back again, and as soon as it approached 70 meters, it stopped turning again.

I pointed to the pillar: "See? It responds to objects approaching."

"But it's not necessarily a weapon."

"Then let's try again."

I let the Wasp continue to approach, and the crystal stood there calmly, and as the distance approached, the nearby pillars stopped. It can be roughly estimated that as long as the distance is close to 70 meters, these crystals will stop.

The bee slowly approached slowly. When the distance was close to 50 meters, the bottom of the pillar suddenly lighted up, and a blue light cluster appeared to move up quickly inside the pillar. At first I thought the pillar was made of stone. Now it seems that it is not made of stone at all, and it is hollow, and the surface material seems to be translucent.

The blue light mass moved quickly. It flashed almost from the bottom of the pillar to the golden part on the top of the pillar. A few arcs suddenly shot from the center of the golden part and flew directly into the crystal. Uchiha turned into a dazzling light bulb. When the light reached its apex, the crystal suddenly dimmed, a white beam of light shot out from one facet of the crystal, and my goblin was directly turned into a plume of smoke. Without the target, the crystal column resumed rotation. These things make it clear that the automatic defense system.

"Light prism?" We were all dumbfounded. This thing just shot is exactly the same as the beam of light that hit us at first, except that the beam is thinner and probably less powerful.

Gibejar pulled me and asked, "So ... that thing just attacked?"

"Well ~ ~ attacked. My goblins have been completely steamed."

Ye Zi asked: "How do we approach such a powerful thing?"

"Try it out." I picked up a small stone and threw it hard at one of the crystal pillars. The stone just flew about 50 meters away from the pillar, and the situation was the same. After a white light, the stone turned into stone powder and fell to the ground.

"Probably not easy to get in," Gibejar said.

"That's not necessarily true." I shot the revenge crossbow at a crystal pillar again, and this time it was the same, and my arrow was intercepted. There is no deviation in the target of this thing, and the physical weapon Da Kar is not easy to approach. After thinking about it, I summoned Ling. "Ling, come and help try to deal with that thing."

"What is that?" Ling had never seen this thing.

"Anyway, it is a defensive weapon that will automatically attack nearby objects. You try to shoot a magic in the past, it should be no way to magic."

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