Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 74: Distribution plan

Volume VIII Chapter 74 Distribution Plan

Jakarta was one of the first cities to be captured. The second echelon of the Americans was here for the 6th, so the occupation of the throne of the Seal of God was relatively long. Now the entire Jakarta has been renovated and the facilities in the city have been restored to pre-war levels. In fact, we can make cities more complete than those owned by Indonesians themselves, but considering that we have not yet determined who these cities are, we don't plan to build them too well for the time being.

The presidents of the various guilds got together and started to discuss the issue of contribution value that everyone was most concerned about. Because there are many people and Jakarta does not have a conference hall as large as Essinger, we can only stand in the square to discuss, anyway, this is not something that needs to be kept secret.

Standing around this square are the main leaders of the guilds, and the inner circle are the guild presidents. The most central are Ashoford, Feng Yin Piao Miao and me and Rose, and there is another American called Sanhe people. Ashford is the representative of the German guild, Feng Yin Piao Miao is the representative of the Chinese guild, and Rose and I are the organizers. After all, we got it together. Of course, Sanhe is the representative of the American Guild. This guy is a Chinese American. I do n’t know why Americans let him be the representative.

I signaled everyone to be quiet, and then I took the paper from Rose. "Everyone, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on your successful victory. Although Irian is currently under Indonesian control, it has nothing to do with us. Players in Papua New Guinea will slowly swallow the entire island. We No need to worry about it. All we care about is the banknotes in our hands. "

"Oh ...!" There was a cheer below.

After the voice stopped, I continued: "According to the prior agreement, we will use the auction method to divide the results of this battle. First, I hope that everyone can quickly call an interested guild to participate in the auction in the past two days. Plan, the more buyers you find, the higher your income will likely be. So everyone must work hard. "

"Of course, we certainly won't be able to live with money," one Chinese guild shouted.

I nodded with a smile and then continued: "The contents of this auction include occupied cities, city interior materials, seized cannons and warships, and some technical scrolls. At the auction, if you have what you want, you can talk to other buyers. The same shot. "I saw someone raise their hands and seemed to have something to say. "Excuse me, does the friend over there want to talk?"

"I want to know why we have to pay for what we lay ourselves?"

"The reason is simple. This is done for fairness. How much is a city worth? How do we divide it? By area or quantity? This is not fair at all. So we decided to auction. If anyone likes it, pay for it yourself. Actually. But after all, you are insiders, so you can get a 5% discount. No matter what price you shout at the auction, you only need to pay 95% of the price you shouted. When all After everything has been auctioned, we have a ratio of war proceeds. Direct cash distribution is more convenient and fair than using items. "

Everyone * head.

I went on: "This can't be directly divided than the proceeds of war. You need to remove the war input first to get a net profit. Below is Miss Rose to eliminate all kinds of war losses for everyone."

Rose took her own note and turned it over: "Let me calculate the war loss for everyone, for the sake of convenience. We applied to the system for a public reading system.

You can open the property panel to view the war loss settlement table in the emerging project. "

Those chairmen opened the properties and started to check. Rose continued: "Everyone listens to me while listening. First of all, we have to calculate the investment of personnel, each player's battle costs are lost, everyone should understand." People around nodded. We fight as mercenaries, and we ca n’t count wages because we are the beneficiaries!

"Everyone's playing cost is calculated based on the individual level, the type of service, and the playing time. The conversion formula is at the top of the second page of the form you see. And we have applied for a system to help us calculate your playing time. The Indian throne, this result is systematically calculated. We have not intervened ourselves, so we do not doubt its fairness. "

We are well prepared this time. In order to avoid scratching back and forth at this time and hurting peace, we have long applied for the system to calculate this thing, so there is no dispute.

"Well, everyone, in addition to these things, there are damages in addition to personnel costs. Battle injuries and deaths are lost in the various teams, and of course we are the same here. All players who die in battle will be based on their own level and The number of deaths is used to calculate the compensation. After all, the meaning of a level 300 player dropping a level and a level 600 player losing a level is completely different. In addition, players who have equipment explosion in the war must also be compensated according to the loss. This calculation It is also responsible for the system. The system has recorded the equipment of all combatants before the war. This record is confidential. After all, the personal equipment is also a secret. Our guild does not know the equipment and the system will directly loss. The attributes of the lost equipment are recorded. We will compensate according to the system's price multiplied by 130%. As for the drugs consumed by the war application, those drugs are provided by our guild, with a total value of 2.37 million crystals. Currency, this number has been verified before you start, I don't think anyone will object?

After seeing the following, she accepted, Rose continued: "After the calculation of the personnel consumption is the equipment consumption. The battleships, artillery and various equipment that the Bank will invest in this battle all require funds. Materials lost in the battle For example, the fired shells and sunken warships are compensated according to the cost price. The unlost warships and artillery will be charged according to the combat power and the use time of the Seal of Throne. It is as if everyone rents these things together. You can see it in the arrival table. Do you have any comments on this arrangement? "

To my surprise, there was no objection. I thought there would be many people here.

Since there was no objection, Rose began to explain: "The next item is bsp; our guild has a lot of defense this time and can't charge the same as the player. We intend to do this. Finally, we will take five thousandths of the gross profit from the auction. As our appearance fee, do you have any comments? "

"No. No." The guilds cooperated surprisingly.

Rose continued: "The occupied cities have been beaten up completely. In order to sell for a good price, we have been repairing these two days. The repair work should be completed before the auction. The repair cost must not be allowed for our family. So It should also be neutralized from public revenue. The repair is still in progress. When the end is over, we will list the consumption costs during the repair to everyone.

This should be no problem. There is also one last diplomatic expense. In order for New Guinea's people to help in the war and for neighboring countries to agree not to send troops to trouble. We used a little tricks. The consumption in this process is about 2.76 million crystal coins. You can see the specific usage in the list. Well, that's all for the consumption part. "

I continued: "According to the consumption part that Rose said just now. As long as the total profit is divided by those parts, you can get the net profit. In this battle, the system has calculated the contribution value of each guild for this time. This time the net income It will be allocated according to the proportion of the contribution value of each guild in the total contribution value. In this case, if you buy a city that you knock down, the final income should almost offset the purchase cost. So you do n’t actually Without spending extra money to buy your own city, Tak is just a disguised distribution method. "

"So what shall we do now? Will the auction begin immediately?" Asked the chairman of a small guild.

I replied: "We started the attack in the early morning of Saturday. The first city we occupied was on Saturday morning. According to what we know, the time for the revenge of the Seal of the Seal of God in the foreign country was seven days later, which means this There will be a counterattack on Saturday morning. I am afraid the guild of the newly bought city will not be able to adapt to the new city, so it is necessary to familiarize them with the environment one or two days in advance. That is to say, it is best to sell the city on Thursday morning. give them."

"It's late at night on Monday, and it's not long before the throne of Seal of God on Thursday morning!"

"So be quick!"

Sanhe suddenly jumped up and said to the bosses of the American guild: "Everyone heard that, if you want to get more money, go to get more customers. The more people buy, the more fierce the competition. The higher the price, the higher we will be. The more money you make, the harder it is to work for our crystal coins. "

I quickly stopped everyone: "Don't worry. Take this before you go out." I pointed to the open space next to it, and there were a lot of carriages there, filled with brochures.

"What are these?" A German president asked.

Rose walked over and took a few copies and said, "This is a promotional album we printed, which contains all the auction items, not only photos but also text descriptions. After you go back, give this to those who are interested, so you It is easier for people to understand. "

"Your guild is really conceived!" The presidents of those American guilds hurriedly took a whole lot of them to choose and pass on.

Ashford stood beside me with a booklet and said, "You guys are so amazing, you even think of this thing."

"Our guild is not the first big auction."

Feng Yin Piao Miao came over: "They have been traitors for a long time. At the beginning, they changed their armored ships and sold the wooden boats. Recently they fought with that Bright Alliance and sold so many cities. By the way, our guild is now The Sky City hosted by them is also theirs. They actually used it for contracting. Do you say they are traitors? "

Ashford said with a smile: "We are not used to such complicated things, but it is better to be simple. You are busy here first. I will go back to Germany to see the situation. Maybe I can get a few good buyers. . "

"Then you don't delay, go quickly."

Within two days, all the lines of our temporary alliance in the Seal of the Seal of God ran all crazy crazy, and the brochures were everywhere, and all the promotional channels of the entire "Zero" can see the content of the promotional auction. The Americans ran a strange advertisement one by one, and the content was like this. "Do you want a colony? Worry about the shortage of troops? It doesn't matter, we meet your wishes. As long as you pay the starting price, you will find you in the tropical island group of beautiful women's winter jackets. A piece of land. What are hesitating? Come on! The tropical seashore of the beautiful women's winter coat m is waiting for you. "

When other guilds pull people, of course we can't rest. This auction is actually for the whole world, and any country can buy it. We knew we couldn't control the land, so we just broke it up. If the entire Indonesia is controlled by hundreds of countries, then we can get more help in the subsequent guard wars, so that we will not worry about the defense failure. In order to allow more countries to participate, we have also specially dispatched propaganda personnel to countries around the world. Anyway, we can't miss the areas we can reach.

Publicity is in full swing outside ~ Indonesia's cities are also busy.

Some of these cities are badly damaged and cannot be auctioned directly. We have to hurry to repair. While Woma was busy working on the construction, Rose rubbed the sun there and made a miserable account. We can't lose money on the construction costs this time. Rose is helping us to make a bigger profit from our accounts. It is not easy to get a complete account of such a large project cost, so Rose has such a headache.

Although on the surface everyone has their own tasks, I am actually the busiest.

I need to coordinate the intersection of the various guilds, and the internal affairs of the guild are also incredible. Now on this route from Indonesia to China, our fleet is running back and forth like a conveyor belt. It is similar in the cross-border transport industry. Buyers who look at the city situation are endless.

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