Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 45: I am fighting

Immediately after the teleportation, without seeing the surrounding terrain, I saw a beautiful woman bump into my arms and knock me over. The nephrite Wenxiang is full of freshness, but the beauty seems to be working harder, she almost did not flatten my nose, I really regret not putting down the mask!

"Oh! Ziri! Are you okay!" The beauty who got up from the ground was actually Ziyue!

"Be careful behind!" Came the cry of roses not far away.

At the same time I heard the cry, I already saw the guy who was rushing towards us. I turned Ziyue, who was still pressing on me, aside, then I rolled to the side by myself. With a bang, a huge axe in the attacker's hand plunged into the ground between me and Ziyue.

I heard a bang before I got up, and the eagle rushed over from the side and knocked the soldier out, then looked at me sideways: "Are you all right?"

I got up from the ground. As soon as my waist was straight, I heard the eagle shouting, "Bend over!"

I bent forward sharply, and the eagle's spear swept past my helmet. There was a scream of a guy behind, and it seemed to hit!

"Be careful!" I couldn't hear who was shouting, and the eagle and I looked up at the same time, but saw a guy falling from the sky with a huge axe. In this posture, the eagle and I must have been split together. But just as he fell, a flashing golden arrow flew beside him. A loud bang accompanied a ball of fire, and the muscular man grabbing the axe was blown out horizontally. The eagle gave a thumbs up towards Lark, who was still holding the bow, and then Lark returned a kiss!

"Fans apart!" The eagle suddenly pushed me, and then backed away again, and another muscular man rushed into the middle of the two of us. The eagle rolled away and ganged up with a few others. The muscular man turned and walked towards me. His height is estimated to be more than two meters, and the two giant swords he holds are longer than mine. The width of the sword body is thicker than my arms!

肌肉 This muscular man came to me with a scornful smile, and I stepped back subconsciously, but hit a stalagmite! This is actually a stone forest! Seeing me hit a stalagmite, the muscular man's smile became even more arrogant. I suddenly regained my composure and quickly transformed into a werewolf form. Although the crystal beetle made me lose the ability to recover, it was no problem to support my 1-hour battle with my magic value!

A muscular man with a smile on his face looked at my body that was getting bigger and taller, the smile on my face gradually disappeared and finally turned into an expression of fear. I raised my right hand in front of me, and with a movement of my fingers, he shook, and the long blades came out! This time it was my turn to scare him. First, a loud wolf howling from the sky, everyone's attention on the battlefield instantly focused on me. Immediately after grabbing the muscular man, he realized this time that he would resist. But I was much faster than him, feeding, the blade claws opened three large parallel openings on his stomach. He covered his stomach in panic to prevent the contents from flowing out, but that was futile! I don't want to care about this debilitating guy anymore, he just threw him aside and turned to start looking for the next target.

The battlefield only recovered at this time, and those who were still in shock returned to battle. A few howls of beasts sounded, and a row of dozens of various beasts rushed at me. These things are almost all animal-shaped Warcraft, and they seem to be the opponent's pet or demon servant. Seeing the Warcraft rushed to me and bent over, the Warcraft that slammed me flew over my head. After they flew over my head, I stood up sharply, grabbed my hand and pulled back the last Warcraft that took off. This is a devil wolf, and the level is not very high. I grabbed its tail with one hand and dragged it back, then threw it to the stalagmite next to it with a turning force. It crashed the stalagmite into several pieces in the loud noise, but it did not move any more!

的 The beasts who rushed over turned around and rushed back again. This time they learned to be clever, and fluttered up and down, but unfortunately no one is smart! With one hand, a wall of mercury appeared in front of me. After a scream of chaos, the Warcraft all hit the mercury wall and fell to the ground. Withdrawing the Mercury Wall, I shot instantly, and the blade claws on both sides acted together, and the World of Warcraft in one place was immediately ended.

Wu Ziyue appeared next to me and looked at a place of Warcraft: "You really do! Beast than beast!"

靠 "Fuck! Are you bragging about me or scolding me?"

Ziyue smiled and rushed towards another group of people, leaving only one sentence: "It's a boast of you! Really! ... beast! Hahaha!"

Before I thought about what she meant, I saw a flash of light in front of me, and I stepped back instinctively, and a broad sword was cut down against the tip of my nose! The sword-holder who emptied the sword rushed in front of me in an unstoppable manner, and I kicked him and kicked him out.

The guy threw something at me in the air before landing, a silver light flashed in front of me, and the mercury shield helped me to block this hidden weapon. It turned out to be a silver needle. Before the silver needle landed, I heard the sound of wind behind me. I turned around and tried to avoid it, but I saw a giant shield smashing down. It's impossible to dodge, you can only do it!

Open your hands forward to prepare for the impact, and return the blade claw to prevent yourself from getting stuck! But the shield did not smash like I expected, so that the shield guy did not know where the strength came from. The huge shield was suddenly retracted to the side, exposing the two men behind the shield who sprinted with spears. These three people must be playing together regularly, this trick does not know how many people have overcast! My hands, which were ready to receive the shield, were too late to take the spear, and watched the two spears pierce against me.

The demonized mercury quickly formed two defensive areas on my chest, but the penetration force of the spear was too large, and unlike the flying weapon, this was a spear with two people holding hard behind, and the mercury was just blocking it. The speed of the spears, they eventually passed through the mercury and directly inserted into the armor.

But to my surprise, the spear did not pass through the armor of the demon dragon suit. The two spears left two sparks on my body and slid across the sides of my waist. This kind of attack without penetrating the armor is generally called a defensive success. The opponent's attack effect will be halved. Although it costs blood, it will not be too much. The two spear-bearing guys couldn't stop the momentum of the forward rush. Although the spears slipped off, the two of them rushed up. I bent my hands, and the claws came out of the sheath again, sending them out against the stomachs of both people at the same time.

Xiabu! I only heard one dynamic, and with the power of two people's own forward, they easily knocked them together. It is supposed that this life can't be killed, but the two guys immediately turned black and fell on my arm and stopped moving, but I was supporting the weight of two people!

Like the gymnast stretching his arms at the end of the movement, he stretched his arms to both sides, and the two bodies were thrown to me by both sides, then fell to the ground and rolled a few times to stop moving! The two guys apparently hung up, but don't know why the body did not disappear! But anyway, the two guys aren't moving anymore, and I don't have time to study the body and turn to look for the guy with the shield. This guy is not far away, he rushed towards Bingbing, and seemed to want to interrupt Bingbing's performance.

Bing Bingbing backed while playing the flute, Rose stood in front of her, but what can you expect a nurse to do in front of a shield soldier with the highest proportion of power? when! Rose was hit and fly without suspense, Bing Bing, because she hid too quickly, didn't stand firmly and fell out. The song that was about to be completed was interrupted, which is really bad luck!

Although Rose failed to block the Shield Warrior, this delay has brought me nearby. The Shield soldier saw that I was approaching and knew that it would not be cheap, and he turned and prepared to fight against me! I rushed straight at him while pulling out the holy dragon's tooth from the waist. The shield soldiers defended themselves against high blood pressure, and raised the shield against my attack. It was a pity that he encountered the tooth of the holy dragon, snoring like a tofu, and the shield in the hands of the shield warrior was halved by me. Let you know now that the Dragon's Tooth cannot be stopped!

The Shield Shield soldier's shield only hesitated for a few tenths of a second after he split, and he quickly put on a tomahawk and hit me. I lifted my sword to resist, and with a sound of gold, the tomahawk became a short stick, and the axe partly spun out of the distance and got stuck on a stalagmite. The two blows made the muscular warrior understand. He looked at the half axe in his hand with surprise, and then looked at my sword.

"Are you holding an artifact?"


I did n’t stand attacking in front of him because I was playing cool, and my hand was sore and painful just now. This guy has too much power! When I heard his question, I didn't answer directly. I glanced at the ground, hooked the half-shield that he discarded with my toes, and held the shield above the sword. With a loose left hand, the shield fell freely, and there was no sound. The shield hitting the blade fell to the ground like two leaves. Originally I wanted to perform blown hair, but unfortunately it is not suitable now, so I use a shield instead!

His eyes changed in a few seconds without knowing how many times, then he suddenly laughed. "Can die under the artifact, I will not lose face!"

I know what he means, he is mocking me for relying on the superpower of the artifact to defeat him! It is said that most people will take away the artifact with great effort, and then rush to fight for his place with him, but I will not. I didn't have his PK strength. He really relied on artifacts, and I have nothing to be convinced. Besides, is it true that the defeat of the king is not true? If all depends on strength, everyone still spends money to buy equipment, fight to kill the boss to get equipment?

I ignored him, but quietly put my left hand behind my back. Silently communicating with the crystal beetle, "Did you see that guy? Eat him up!" No one saw a few small objects crawling into his armor under the ground, and then this guy suddenly began to roll. . I didn't have time to admire the bugs, and turned to find new targets.

Su Ying was suddenly beaten up from the side, and I quickly helped him up. Eagle looked at me and said, "You don't need to be here, go to the front, A Wei is trapped inside! We can live here!" After finishing speaking, he returned to the previous battle group.

I said why I haven't seen A Wei and gold coins for so long! The relationship between the two is still in the stone forest! I turned around and rushed directly into the forest. The battle situation outside did not have to worry. It was more dangerous for Awei and Gold Coin to place an order.

As soon as she rushed into the depths of Shilin, she saw that Ziyue's sky fire was merging with a group of Yalongs. Although Skyfire was a genuine dragon, the number of Yalongs had a clear upper hand! The gold coins were in front, and I could see her scurrying around in the stone forest like a white shadow. Suddenly it felt like someone was approaching, but when I turned around, I saw gold coins. I pointed at her in surprise; "You ...!"

Gold coins looked at me strangely. "What's wrong?" I pointed at the fast moving shadow, and the gold coins immediately understood. "That's not me! It's another super-speed player. I can't see the fast ones! Be careful!" As he said, the shadow flew over. I pushed the gold coins aside, killing myself with the shadow.

影子 The shadows of the two regiments turned into a mass immediately. Because the speed was too fast, it was impossible to see exactly who was hitting whom. I can't help if I want to help! Turn around and look for A Wei. If the gold coins can't help, find the one who can help!

When I walked around Tianhuo, I saw Awei. The boy was standing there and directing a large group of skeletons and zombies to fight with several players. It seemed that he was about to faint. I suddenly noticed what was behind A Wei. Seeing A Wei's defensive formation was protecting this thing. I recognized the thing at a glance. It was the door of truth "smuggled" from Japan! Now everything is clear! No wonder so many of them will be blocked here.

Ai Wei was covered with blood all around him. It seems that there was just a big fight here now. The eagles should have been ambushed here, and then moved out of the forest while fighting with the group of people. At the sight of A Wei, he couldn't hold it anymore, and I rushed forward.

He leaned directly behind a mage, raised his sword and dropped his hand. He relaxed the mage easily, and then cleaned up the surrounding mages by the way. It doesn't take me a second time to deal with the mage with my attack power. Three, five, and two eliminated the opponent's mage chop melon and chopped vegetables, and then turned to deal with fighters fighting with zombies and fighters.

Because my speed is too fast, the soldiers have only noticed that the mage behind is gone. When they turned around and tried to deal with me, Awei's zombies and skeletons got entangled in their scorched heads. I quickly summoned three dragons, rose vines and tanks to support Skyfire, and I brought the ghost knight directly to join Awei's battle. With our powerful foreign aid, those stupid people are not opponents at all, and all enemies are solved in three minutes, except the one next to the gold coins!

The battle power of the Zhengzheng Dragon and Yalong are indeed not a grade. The 4 dragons successfully solved all the Yalongs with the help of rose vines and tanks. The problem now is the gold coins. When we walked over, the eagle suddenly asked on the guild channel: "Zi Ri, how is it over there?"

"Basically resolved, but the gold coins met a speed player! Both were too fast, we couldn't get started!"

"What? Speed? Is anyone faster than gold?"

不 "I don't know! I only saw a shadow, and the two of them almost became two phantoms! Do you need support over there?"

"No, it's almost the same. You asked A Wei to come over and change Ziyue to the door of truth first!"

"Okay!" A Wei could also hear the conversation on the guild channel, and he just turned around and ran out.

I walked over and looked at the two shadows and said, "Gold coins, exit!"

Bai Ying flashed, the gold coins stood steadily beside me. "Huh! This guy is too fast!"

The shadow on the opposite side did not stop moving because of the withdrawal of the gold coins, he still maintained the speed just now and just ran there without stopping. The gold coin adjusted her breath: "I don't believe it, my shadowy assassin loses too much in speed!" She rushed up again, and the two mingled again!

大型 It's useless to deal with such large speed pets. I put away the ghost knights, tanks and dragons, summoned Xiaofeng and darts to prepare for a cooperative battle. With Phantom and me fit, there should be no problem with their own safety. The speed of the darts is not lost to that guy, the rose vine is braked statically, and Xiao Feng is attacked in a large area. Such a combination should be enough to kill speed-type enemies.

As if it was arranged for me, I was just ready and I heard the gold coins screaming out of the shadow group. She was too fast and rolled out after landing, and Rose Vine created a slowdown net to take her down. The gold coin climbed up by herself, and it didn't seem to be hurt, but she kept her right hand over her left shoulder. When she came over, I could see that there was a long steel needle inserted in that place, and the needle tip had penetrated from her back.

相 I helped her pull up but was stopped. "Don't move, there is a mechanism in this dart, it will explode when you pull it out, and my blood will run out and I will be killed!"

"Rest assured, give this person to me! Go to Rose to help you with blood treatment!"

"Can you do it? This guy's speed is exaggerated!"

"Relax!" I said to reassure the gold coins, in fact, I was not very relieved myself!

The gold coins ran out of Shilin, and the guy who was constantly moving had no intention to chase after him, obviously he was waiting for me! "Animal trainer! Very novel profession! Interesting!" The other side spoke suddenly, and what surprised me even more was not the other side's voice, but the other side's voice. She is a woman! Sounds young, at least not as big as me!

"Who are you? Those outside are not your accomplices?"

"I'll tell you if I win!"

The other person suddenly rushed over to me, and the sudden surprise attack surprised me, but the magic pets responded significantly faster than me! A wall made of rattan was completed in an instant, and the opponent smartly rebounded on the rattan and returned to the starting position.

"Very good pet! You are the first person I can't reach!" The other party praised my magic pet.

"If you are not their group, please don't oppose us, I don't want to do anything with you!" Such people should reasonably be the object of solicitation, even if they cannot be used for their own purposes, at least they cannot become hostile forces!

Unfortunately she doesn't give me face. "You don't want to do anything with me, but I want to do something with you!"

"Please note, I'm not afraid of you, I just don't want to give us trouble!"


"It doesn't matter! I just like trouble!" The other person suddenly started to circle around me, and the speed is getting faster and faster. She just couldn't make a surprise attack. This time, she intends to take advantage of speed to play sports with me! "I'm going to see if your magic pet can really protect your airtightness!"

While she was talking, the mercury around me suddenly formed a shield in front of me, only to hear a dingling, and a silver needle fell to the ground. She fired a dart while moving. It was too fast. The rose vine and the dart in my arms didn't notice the hidden weapon, but the phantom without vision didn't care about her speed. The Mercury Shield successfully intercepted the hidden weapon first!

"You have a lot of stuff on me!" I'm almost sure now that she's talking to me to distract me. "You can catch a dart, don't know how much more?" As she finished speaking, the mercury around me suddenly formed three shields, and a ringing sound, and three silver needles landed at the same time. "It's good! Three of them can also be accommodated. I don't know what will happen again?"

Suddenly the shadow began to accelerate. This time I even saw it. A large dart flew from all directions. I did not expect her speed to reach this abnormal level. It seems that she has been playing with gold coins just now. Gold coins have hung up at this speed! Whatever the reason, she did not kill the gold coins directly but I am grateful, but now I have to find a way to defeat her first!

I reverted to a human form, she is a speed type, and I ca n’t change my body, and my attack power is much higher than him. I might as well save the magic power for the mercury defense shield. "You better not do this. My defense is impeccable. Unless you have a heavy weapon that can penetrate my mercury shield, it will block every attack you make!"

"Nonsense, my speed is impeccable!" Her voice was nothing, but her actions exposed her fear. She actually threw out a small dagger. It seems that she hopes to test my defense limit with a relatively large thing, but it is a pity that unless it is a weapon held by someone, or else you only want to break through the mercury protective shield. Something powerful! But I was really scared about her speed!

Quietly asked the phantom: "How many targets can you pick up at the same time?" Mercury will not drop even if the defense is dispersed, but it is a question whether there is an upper limit for the phantom's tracking ability. Once he can't find what is attacked, I will be hit in! Although only two darts can't treat me, but more troubles!

Phantom's answer was as expected. "Master, I can take up to 23 to 25 targets at the same time. No matter how much, the defense success rate will decrease significantly as the number increases!"

"Heavenly girl scattered flowers!" The girl across from me suddenly shouted such a name to make a big move, this time it was fatal! I only saw a piece of white flying over. Phantom couldn't handle so many darts. Finally, he simply built a mercury wall in front of me. The rain-like darts crackled on the mercury and made a bang. But suddenly there was a pain in my back. I instinctively looked back. A beautiful face with some innocence appeared behind me. I'm sure this is the lady who scatters darts, but now she gave me a knife from behind!

"You are strong! I like you very much, but you are the target of this mission. I can't let you go! After hanging up, let's go to the clove bar in Lilac City for a date, right?" After the head, the dagger was still in my body and said he was going to date me! She suddenly changed her face and said, "Okay, you go to the resurrection point now! I will wait for you in the bar! Yes, remember my name is Xueshui" After she said, she suddenly pushed back the dagger. Then shouted the name of the skill: "Vital Assassination!"

"Ah!" Xueshui was blown out by the huge and thick rattan of the rose vine, and her dagger capital could not be pulled out.

I pulled out the dagger hard and swallowed a few pills quickly. Think about how long I haven't taken medicine in battle! Throw the dagger to the ground and smiled, "Unfortunately, you can't wait for me!"

She was standing near the tip of a stalagmite not far in front of me, and her white tights perfected her curves perfectly, or else when she was fighting gold coins, she saw nothing but white! She sorted out her long black hair that had been lost when she was hit by a rose vine. "I have to admit that you are the most difficult task for me to take! You have broken several records of me! You are the first person to catch my sneak attack, and you are also the first to force me out of that trick Scattered flowers, you are the first one who was hit by my slay attack without hanging up. In the end, you are the first one to successfully hit me, even the girl who just touched me. ! "

"Don't be a girl! You look like someone else!"

"I don't care! Anyway, she is not as powerful as me, strength is everything!" Well, I met another strengthist!

"You better end this meaningless battle, I can't meet you, you can't kill me! It doesn't make any sense if we consume it like this!"

"But I don't want to! It's a rare encounter with such a good opponent as you, and I'm so sorry not to discuss with you!"

"It's you who forced me. Don't cry after you!" I'm almost impatient. What's going on with the eagle? I'd love to see it.

"You have what it takes to make it happen? I don't care, you can't touch me anyway!" She was so confident in her speed.

I shook my head helplessly. "You forced me. Since you're fast, I have to use the crowd strategy!"

"Crowd of people?" She looked at the left and right mockingly. "Where is the man? The sea? Come to the sea! I am so scared of the sea tactics!"

"You really don't know what to do!" I took a step back, with my left hand back to the back, and a huge army of beetles under the ground was gathering. I have more than 100,000 little bugs these days, I believe it is enough to deal with her! The movement of the beetle army under the ground has caused a slight vibration on the ground. The rose vine is making a channel for the beetles. As soon as I order, tens of thousands of beetles will break out of the ground. !!

I may be feeling something ~ ~ Xueshui suddenly started to turn around and run. Now that I have decided to deal with her, I can't let her run. Xiaofeng quickly created a large sea of ​​fire around, and the flames of Phoenix were not so easy to pass through. She opened the teleportation reel immediately after finding out that she couldn't get out, but a flash of white light, her hands became empty immediately, and a dart stood on my shoulder holding the reel. I took the scroll and looked at it. "Clove City? That's your city!"

"You!" She didn't expect that I had a magic pet that moved so fast but never used it. In fact, I knew that the darts had too low attack power and could only be used for this kind of auxiliary work, so he never let him attack.

"Rose Vine!" During my call, the ground suddenly opened up a few holes, and the flood-like crystal beetle swarmed out of the hole, and the snow water immediately turned around to run. The rose vine took over the fire wall and gradually narrowed the encirclement. The beetles approached her from all directions like tide. No matter which direction she runs, the beetle will immediately block the road, no matter how fast she is, there is no way to escape in the beetle army without gaps at all. Xueshui screamed don't come over while dodging everywhere, but in the end the snowy water that was desperate was still flooded by the black beetle flood.

After I walked by, I only saw a carpet formed by beetles, a glittering piece. Snow water had been knocked down, and the place where she was lying was now a slightly protruding part. I didn't let the beetles really bite her, otherwise she was already a pile of bones, I just let the beetles fix her.

Under the command of me, the beetles spread around, revealing the snow water below, and she was curled up there. I felt something was wrong. Her body was shaking and she squatted down beside her. Sure enough, she was crying! The little girl is a little girl after all, she was so scared! Here comes new trouble!

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