Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 17: Real Isinger

"The sound does not come from the direction of the city, it seems to be the sound from the other side." Su Mei pointed to the opposite direction of the city.

"It's really not coming from the direction of the city! But why are there such cavalry?"

一边 As we said, the cavalry brigade over there had already rushed over. The number of cavalry brigades coming is not high, but the quality is high. Although the equipment is not very neat, at least their mounts are high-level war horses, and there are no strange things like camels and wild boars.

素 Su Mei and I leaned to the side of the road, the magic pets have been taken back by me, and by reason it will not attract others' attention!

The sound of rumbling horseshoes gradually approached, and the neat four-column column ran on the charge. As we expected, the horse team was not aimed at the two of us, and the cavalry rushed past us, without even looking at us. One of the knights on the side of the cavalry was not in line, and his horse stopped suddenly as it passed by us.

"Hello, I'm the Dark Lancer. The chairman of the Modo Mercenary Regiment."

"Big brother!" Su Mei started to show the image of innocent little angel in front of others.

"Oh! What a lovely little sister!" The Dark Lancers couldn't help but pat the little witch's head (Su Mei is still holding it in my arms, it's not surprising that the Lancers can take her head immediately) "Are the two from Skycity?"

恩 "Well!" I nodded.

"That's great. I heard that a large-scale collective PK happened outside of Yunxiao City, don't you know the brothers know?"

"I know, I know, but I didn't go there. The chaos was very messy. I couldn't bring my sister!"

"Well! So which city gate is it? My brother is also stuck inside, he asked me to help him PK, but he only said at the gate of the city, he did not say which gate! We later contacted him He never returns! "

We are now in the northeast direction of the city. From here to the city's east gate and north gate are the same distance, so this knight wants to ask the specific location. "The scuffle is at East Gate, but you better ask if he is in or out of town."


"Because the center of the melee is the city gate, there are people in and out of the city, and the road is completely blocked. Even if you use a cavalry to dash, you ca n’t go in! If your friend is in the city, you better It ’s good to go around the other city gates. You ca n’t get in from the outside! ”

"That's awful. We contacted him now and he didn't return. It is estimated that PK with others is fierce. I don't have time to read the information! I don't know if my brother has seen my friend? A big horn is easy to recognize. "

"Horn?" I thought for a moment. "Sorry, there are too many people, I didn't notice!"

Su Xiaomei suddenly called out. "I saw that brother is so fun, there are two goat-like horns on top of his head. I think it's fun to look at it!"

"Do you know the exact location?" The Dark Lancer jumped from the horse and asked.

"It looks like it's in the city, it should be some distance away from the gate."

好的 "Okay, thank you little sister, you are so cute! Goodbye!" The Cavalry jumped back immediately and shouted, "Take the South Gate, we will go around the city!"

Looking at the cavalry running away, the two of us quickly summoned the night shadow to escape, and it was not good when they understood it! Su Mei was laughing all the way in front of me, really a cheerful and lively girl!

"Brother? You have a guild badge, do you have a guild?"

当然 "Of course! What will I do with the badge without a guild?"

"What kind of guild are you? I don't seem to have seen such a sign. Is your guild small?"

"Well! It's not that big." China's current population is 1.5 billion (the protagonist's era, not us now), and the "Zero" players in China have now exceeded the 400 million mark, with an average online population of nearly 90 million There are 70,000 and 60,000 guilds, and the average number of guilds is nearly 10,000. Relatively speaking, our guild is really small, and guilds with thousands of people are still below the average level!

"What's your guild's name? Is it our Baihua Valley?"

"My guild is called Frost Rose League, only a few thousand people, how many people in your hundred flower valley?"

"I don't know the specifics, about 10,000 people! Your guild is really not many people!" Su Mei suddenly held out a finger. "Will you take me to your guild station to play? I haven't seen other players' guilds like this!"

"This ...!" To be honest, I was a little bit embarrassed. The reconstruction plan of Demon Isinger was temporarily suspended due to the issue of the approval of the Dark Temple, which means that anyone can now register for a city on that land first, so this place The fewer people you know, the better. But since Su Mei was going to see it, how could I lie to her!

"What's wrong? Don't you have a guild station?"

"Is that right?"

"What is it right? If there is, there is no, there is no, whether it is there or not?"

"I have the address of the guild station, but the city has not yet been built. But the city wall already exists."

"That's it. There is a city wall, and the basic structure of a city is almost the same. I can also help you design the urban layout and architectural style."


Xiao Xiaomei said in an airy manner: "What's wrong with me? I chose civil engineering in my university. It is not trivial to help you design a city layout!"

"Oh! The little one has eyes and no beads, I don't know it is an expert!" I deliberately made Su Mei happy, and the little girl looked super cute.

"It's almost the same! Go, take me!"

Essinger is still far away from here. Even if the night shadow is fast, it will take an hour to run, so we still directly transfer to the city near Isinger and then fly by lucky. Although the nearest city is the sacred city under the Bright Temple, I really do n’t want to go there again. Although I am not afraid of those sacrifices, I took Sumei to visit my guild station this time. I do n’t want to branch out.


In the end, we decided to run out of the holy city's teleport station. There was really no way. Other cities are too far away to say. In the end, we have to go back to the holy city to enter the magical forest. This holy city seems to be an outpost deliberately placed at the entrance of Isinger. I think the holy city is not very big anyway, as long as I run fast, I will be hit by the enemy!

I took Sumei out of the city and did n’t stay connected. I immediately called the night shadow and rushed towards the gate. The phrase "narrowed by the enemy" does not know who invented it, it definitely makes sense anyway. No, this made me encounter the terrible sacrifices. However, this time things seem a little different. Thirty people in the other side crowded together and leaned to the side of the road, apparently giving way to me. Of course I'm not polite, and immediately let Night Shadow walk from the other side against the root of the wall.

Although the ghost knight was chased by them last time, the round of projection of the ghost knight took ten sacrifice for them. The actual damage is still their loss. So seeing me this time, they are obviously not as arrogant as last time. In fact, in addition to the demon knight, now the night shadow also helped. I was still carrying Scot when I ran away last time. This time suddenly there are so many monsters that they are not afraid of it!

After passing that special section, we quickly ran out of the city. As soon as I got out of the city, I called for a job to replace Night Shadow. There are too many monsters in the forest, but it is more practical to fly over! With the previous experience, this time we passed much faster and easily passed through the forest and entered the Isinger area.

The plague landed smoothly (gravity enchantment in the forest, don't forget it), I jumped off the ground first, then hugged Su Mei, who was already stunned. "Welcome to the future magic capital, the paradise of dark forces!"

"Wow!" Su Mei was surprised for the first time, her mouth turned into a cute O-shape. "So big?"

"Of course, the magic capital!" Although I didn't build it, this will be my city in the future. Pride is inevitable.

"I thought it was a city like our Feihuacheng! It was so big? This ... this ... it's a capital!"

"Originally the capital! Why do you think it's called Modu? Isn't it the capital of the dark forces?"

"Great! The area of ​​this city and the three main cities of the system are almost the same! It seems to be slightly larger!"

"Of course, there are three main cities in the system, and one of my demons is one. If I do n’t make it bigger, wouldn't it be more shameless?"

"Take me over there."

I hesitated. "The grooves on the walls are all skulls, aren't you afraid?"

"What is a skeleton? Isn't it just a human support system? What is there to fear!"

Oh my god! Is this a little girl? Shaking my head, I took her to the edge of the city. As soon as I reached the wall, Xiao Sumei jumped down from me and rushed to the foot of the wall. She stood by the wall and put one hand on the wall and looked at the top of the wall. I walked over and followed, looking towards the top of the wall.

The height of 450 meters is also equivalent to more than one hundred floors. Standing at the foot of the city wall and looking upwards, it feels that the city wall extends all the way to the sky. The only slight inclination of the city wall does not affect the overall feeling, but makes the city wall more imposing. Magnificent.

The place we are standing at is the entrance to the city, which is the passage. The 30-meter-wide channel looks like a ray of sky here. The super-high mountain makes the channel appear extremely narrow. In fact, the gate of the main city of the system is only 16 meters wide. This channel is almost twice its size.

Su Sumei knocked on the wall suddenly, then turned around and reached out to me. "Give me something sharp."

"What are you doing?"

"Forget it, you come!" Su Mei pointed at the wall, "Slam it hard here!"

"Oh!" Although I was puzzled, I did so, took the dragon gun and pointed at the wall for a while. When Jin Ming made a blast of sparks, the dragon gun was ejected. "Fuck! What artifacts are blocking it?"

Su Sumei looked at the place I just hit, then stuck her finger in her mouth to taste it, then nodded. "really not bad!"

"What a great thing? You always tell me what you want me to do?"

"Your city has a great location!"

"Crap! I don't know if you don't say it!"

"The entire city wall and foundation of this city are made up of a single piece of crystal rock. Such a large piece of crystal rock is really rare! When we built Feihua City, it took a lot of effort to buy a little crystal rock to build the city's parliament hall. I never thought your entire city was made of crystal rock! It's not fair! "

"Is this crystal rock very precious?" My auxiliary occupation is not a miner, and I don't know anything about digging stones.

"Crystal rock is of course very precious, because the system store doesn't sell this thing at all. Players usually buy stones from the system city's stone mason NPC to build the city, but the stone mason doesn't sell this crystal rock at all. Our crystal rock They are collected from the players. The output of this thing is very small, and even if it is found, it is only a little bit. There is no way to collect it in large quantities. It is very lucky to use it to build a parliament hall! "

"Is there any advantage to this thing?"

"The advantage is that it is hard. This thing has a very high defense force. Even if it is directly hit by the magic crystal cannon, it can only blow up a little fragment. To completely penetrate the crystal rock wall of that thickness in ordinary cities, you need the magic crystal cannon to point at one. Repeated attacks dozens of times. If you're a city wall, I guess the magic crystal cannon may not be enough with a magic crystal! I'm afraid the city walls haven't passed yet. The magic crystal has run out of magic first! "

"Oh! I didn't expect my wall to be such a good thing!"

"There is no moat in Essinger, the walls are probably stronger to make up for this defect! Okay, take me in and see!"

I summoned the night shadow and took Sumei and jumped up. Although the entrance of the passage is blocked by the rocks, the current night shadow is relatively large, and you can easily jump between the rocks. After crossing the rocky area with ease, we entered the smooth road smoothly. Su Mei saw the Juling Tower in the center of the city at a glance. The thing happened to be in the center of the city. From this passage, you can see there.

"What is that?"


"That's the tower of concentration, the center of the city. It should have been the Temple of Darkness."

"Oh! It really is a very good design!" Su Mei anxiously urged me to speed up.

Immediately after leaving the aisle, Su Mei felt the hugeness of the city. The area of ​​this behemoth already has the area of ​​a large city. The empty city is full of rubble. Although it is very chaotic, it allows us to see the whole picture of the city.

走 "Go, I'll take you to the top of the tower to see."

"Wait!" Su Mei suddenly went down.

I had to take her down to the ground, Su Mei ran directly to the rubble on the edge of the street and turned up. After a while she turned back to me and said, "Help me lift these things up!"

看着 I looked at the large tile he was pointing at and had to help open it. Although there is a lot of rubble, the area we need to clean up is not large, and it will be over in a while. Su Mei studied the ground intently, and she even groped with her hands in the ditch on the ground.

I couldn't bear it anymore, stepped up and asked, "What are you looking for?"



"Essinger has a good drainage system and impervious layer on the ground. These things are not needed in ordinary cities. The only possibility is that there are underground buildings here!"

"You mean Essinger has a city down town?"

"I'm afraid it's not just as simple as the lower city! My auxiliary occupation is architect, now has risen to level 18, but at such a high level, my skills can't even see the city's drainage system design! Press The reason is that I can easily see all the design structure drawings of a city at my level, but I can't see anything except the structure of the city wall! "

"Isn't it so mysterious? I told you that I thought I was looking for a mysterious Mayan civilization!"

"Don't say anything, maybe there's really something down there!"

"But there is no entrance here!"

所以 "So I'm looking for it!" Su Mei began to explore the surface ditch again, all the way down the road to the center of the city under the Lingling Tower, the surface drainage channel did not flow out of the city but all gathered under this platform. We circled around the base of the platform a few times without seeing anything weird. The flat platform without gaps at all did not look like the entrance!

Hey, isn't Ling a **** of darkness? Maybe she knows the structure of the magic capital! I summoned both Ling and Scott, both of whom are high-level members of the dark forces. These things should be known to some extent. "Do you two know that Isinger has something like a dungeon?"

"Dungeon? I don't know. I'm not Essinger's guard!" Scott might not be high enough. He didn't know these things!

Ling Ling's answer was beyond my imagination. "You mean a dungeon? Isn't Isinger just a dungeon?"

"What? Isinger is an underground city? Except for the high walls here, it is no different from ordinary cities!" Su Mei asked her in disbelief.

"It was originally a dungeon! We are standing on the rooftop of Isinger, and the real city is still underground. This is just the original range of the dark temple. The wall you see is only the inner wall. We There is actually an outer city wall! The outer forest is the original urban area. "

This is really explosive news! The huge Isinger is just the tip of the iceberg, and the real city is still below the ground!

"Is this city the way it is or is it sinking?" Sumei seems to be holding the key.

"Essinger's main part was originally on the ground. Later, in the battle of light, the Shrine of Light used the supernatural curse at the cost of sacrificing 3 Lords of Light and 3,000 high-level angels. As a result, the entire Isinger sank 500. There are so many meters, so the original city has sunk underground, and the part that was supposed to be a temple was mistaken for a city! "

靠 "Fuck, don't you need to be so exaggerated? According to you, isn't Essinger's actual area more than ten times what it is now?"

"Exactly 9 times more, and that ’s just the surface area. In fact, even if it does n’t sink, Essinger has a dungeon. This is a two-tiered city. There are two identical cities on the ground and underground, just The underground part is upside down! If you can lift Isinger as a whole, you can see that Isinger is actually two cities connected together bottom to bottom. "

"Terror city!" Su Mei was almost talking to herself.

"Is there a way to raise the city from underground?" What I hope most is that I can raise the entire city. Think about it, 9 times the area and double-walled walls. Isn't this the first city in the world!

"The answer is yes, but it's a bit troublesome!"

"You said!"

"As long as there is a light star in the Temple of Light and a dark star in the Temple of Darkness!"

靠 "Fuck! The Dark Temple is okay to say, the Light Temple? Isn't that going to kill me?"

Su Sumei suddenly cried. "Did you not accompany me to the Temple of Light when I was mistaken for that sacrifice, didn't you mention a ring?"

"You said that ring of light?"

"As long as you get the ring of light, you can enter the temple upright, and then by the way, get the star of light out, won't it?"

"You're dark enough, this is what you want!"

"Should we still look at this city?" I looked at Su Mei.

"What else are you looking at now? The city area is 9 times the size here, and the underground city is 18 times. I also looked at it in vain, or I have to find a way to get those two stars. By the way, I want to join you Yes, you take me into the club! "

"Joining? Didn't you have a guild?"

"I will resign now!" Su Mei immediately transferred to the guild function to apply for resignation, and then contacted Hongyun with a private chat to help her resign. Once you join a guild, you cannot leave easily. You can apply for or quit the guild. Application for withdrawal requires the consent of the guild president and more than 50% of the elders. Such withdrawal does not affect personal attributes. Forcing a retreat, you don't need to say hello to the elders, you can just lift it, but this will directly reduce the level, and the evil value will increase! "Well, my resignation is over, you accept me!"

"Why do you want to join our guild? Isn't your Baihua Valley more than my guild?"

"What's the use? We're going to die poorly. The money to build a city is made by everyone. It's hard to build a city and it's just a place like a county. It's like yours." A city is almost a municipality, no, it will be bigger than a municipality after all of them are on the ground! "

"Did you come to my city for a long time?"

切 "Cut, if you want to find a beautiful woman these years, you have to have a ticket, a car, a house. I'm a beautiful woman anyway, just because you have everything, of course I follow you!"

Dizziness I was talking about ~ ~ What are the children's heads thinking about these years? "Where do I get the tickets, cars, houses?"

"You took me to Sky City to buy so many things, always asking for things first and asking for a price, and you never bargained, which means you are rich!"

"I'm dizzy! I'm just like this. I don't like to bargain when buying things. Men basically have this problem!"

"You do n’t need to say, you have a lot of money anyway, this is certain! On the way, what is the night shadow of your dragon, then the algorithm can be used in the game, no one will run after it, absolutely Fragrant car! And you have a lot of dragons, but that's a private jet! "

"It's okay?" Ye Ying can't run any faster. As far as the algorithm is concerned, all the planes that fly can become private jets. What are Arana and Ling? Personal secretary?

"The first two don't care, what is this Isinger's count as your city, right? I hesitate about such a big house, the whole game will not be bigger than your house!"


"No matter, you have to let me join! Or I will cry!"

"Okay, don't you cry, you can't hold the wolf!"

Invited Su Mei to join the meeting, she nodded to accept, and then jumped to me happily. "Brother is so nice, come and help you stamp!" He said a kiss on my face, really a little ghost! But these things on 10-year-old Su Mei just make her feel cute, without the tenderness of those adult girls. The child prodigy is a child prodigy. After all, she is only 10 years old, and her life experience will not be the same as that of adults!

After finishing the work, I brought Su Mei directly to the Lost City. Our goal this time is the Dark Temple. Whatever we do, we must first get approval for the construction of the city.

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