Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Dragon Riders

After coming to the street, Scott and the other ghost knights laid the dragon eggs on the ground, and then each of them dropped a drop of blood on the egg shell with their own fingers. When the black blood of the demon knight came out of the body, it still carried a blue flame outside, looking like a drop of oil on fire!

A drop of demon blood dripped on the dragon egg, a crack appeared in the egg shell, and a small head emerged from the egg shell. As soon as it hatched, the small heavy armored dragon had a pair of sharp eyes, and it was curiously massing everything around it with its own small eyes.

The demon spirit knights completely opened the rest of the eggshell with their own hands, and the little one jumped out immediately. Immediately after the egg shell emerged, the little one's body immediately gave out a clear wave like a water ripple. After the ripple, the small things began to grow like a gas doll, and 15 adult armored dragons appeared after 15 seconds. In front of me, the big guy more than three meters tall screamed as soon as he came out, I quickly blocked my ears. Residents of the Lost City passing by on the road looked at these monsters somehow. When they heard the sound of heavy armored dragons, they closed their ears and fled. Small things may be too excited at birth, the louder and louder they are! The window glass on both sides of the road finally couldn't withstand the ultra-high frequency sound and burst open together, and the entire street's windows were blown into broken glass!

The evil spirit knights also knew that the heavy armored dragon was in trouble, and they pulled their own armored dragons to bow their heads and be quiet. After all, there was a master-slave agreement, and the "little things" were quietly squatting on the ground and no longer disturbed. As soon as they had calmed down, a team of city guards ran over, and the cavalry Lisuo headed off and dismounted. "How did this happen?"

"Sorry, sorry, these heavy armored dragons have just hatched so excited!"

"You can't bark like that! You have to pay for these glasses!"

"Oh! Can't I pay for it!" Honestly paid 100 crystal coins (including fines) to solve the problem!

The Evil Spirit Knights are all 850. These small armored dragons are 750 creatures, so as soon as they hatch, they rise to their own level limit of 750, so they are overjoyed!

Clark ran out of the house, and it looked a little shaky when he walked. It is estimated that the noise of the heavy armored dragon was noisy just now! When I got there, Clark gave me my dragon suit. "Is your heavy armored dragon just calling?"

恩 "Well! These things sound awful and screaming. They don't say that the sound is loud!"

"Wait a while, I'll make something for you!" Clark rushed in a pile of armor in front of me.

I took a look at the armor on the ground. The attributes of the armor did not change, except for the attributes of a few gems. But the attributes of all four gems have changed. The ice crystals on the right arm sparkle, and the direct attributes in the attributes have not changed, but the same as the fire drill, the summoning attribute has a problem, and the other ones are the same. The Dragon Set can demonize any gems that mingle with it.

镶嵌 The fire drill inlaid on the belt has not changed, but it has more attributes: it can manipulate magical mercury at will, and it is also a semi-passive skill. This semi-passive skill can be used actively, but it will automatically take effect even if it does not meet the requirements. For this manipulation of mercury, it is equivalent to that I can control the mercury defense. When I do not control, it will automatically defend if it is attacked.

The summoning attribute behind Wu Bingjing changed from the original summoning snowman to summoning the snow demon. I called out the phantom and asked, "Do you know what the snow demon is?"

"Snow fairies are class 400 dark ice creatures. They have no entities and are not afraid of physical damage. The main attack method is magic, and they only return a few kinds of magic. They are all ice magic, but because they can Not many, so the power of a single magic is amazing. The Snow Fairy is inherently a frozen specialization, so the ice magic is in their hands, the power is terrible! "

After listening to the introduction, I continued to look at the poison crystal on the left arm armor. Poison crystal is inlaid on the left arm armor of the dragon head, the dragon's forehead position, the dark green poison crystal is inlaid on it like the third eye of the dragon. The properties of poisonous crystals are similar to those of ice crystals, and the summons have changed. The thing called by the poisonous crystal stone changed from the king butterfly to the demon butterfly. It looks the same and asks Phantom to help explain it.

"The demon butterfly is a level 350 **** creature. The best attack is the venomous mist. It can create a dark area in the area that makes the enemy completely invisible. In addition to disturbing the line of sight, the mist itself is toxic, and it also It has a corrosive effect. But the most terrible thing is that the demon butterfly can find the target in the black mist and carry out physical attacks. The person who is hit will have a short dizziness and a long plague! If you don't find the light sacrifice or use advanced detoxification Drugs will carry the plague and slowly weaken until they die once they die. "

Sounds pretty good, as long as the other party does not bring high-level antidote and no sacrifice there, as long as I let the demon butterfly stick to him, he will be dead. However, "Zero" rarely explodes, and the carrying capacity of each person seems very large, so normal people usually bring a lot of medicine out, even without medicine, there must be sacrifices around them!

Finally he held his helmet and looked at it. The fire drill at the center of the helmet's eyebrow has been changed to the belt, and now it is a shining black crystal. This is the treasure of darkness, and I'm sorry about it without putting my head on the mountain! The black crystal was originally a summoner of bones. Now it is not right at first glance. Now it has become a summoner—the war skeleton.

也不 The phantom didn't wait for me to ask this question, and started to explain himself. "War skulls are 200-level undead creatures. Unlike ordinary skeletons, war skulls wear a full set of armor and carry sabers and metal shields. Although the attack power is not very high, and there is no magic, but because it is an undead As long as they are not completely broken, they can climb up an unlimited number of times, and they generally do not rely on personal strength to win. Skeletons generally use human sea soldiers, relying on absolute quantitative advantages to consume the enemy! Also, war skeletons are not afraid of toxin , Dark, cursed, spiritual, wind, and water magic. Fire magic does little harm to them, and only light magic is their nemesis! Generally there is nothing to fear as long as you don't encounter a large number of light sacrifices! "

Hehe, so aren't skeletons more powerful than Silver Bee? The number of skeletons summoned is 10 times the player's level, which means that I can now summon more than 3,000 skeletons at a time. Level 200 is not high, and even a few thousand head dragons must be considered!

I wanted to summon all kinds of things to see, so I started putting a magic dragon suit on my body. After I put it all on, I went into the store and wanted to take a look at the mirror. Clark sells all armor here. Customers will see how it looks when they put it on, so there is a big mirror in the store. But when I came in, I found a piece of broken glass. Then I remembered that the heavy armored dragon shattered the windows just now, and this mirror did not survive the death! But the solution was conceived by people, summoning Ariana to let her release a mirror of water. This magic is used to reflect magic, but because the surface is very smooth, it works well as a mirror!

I took a picture in front of the water **** mirror. The overall appearance has not changed. The few gems are more conspicuous. On the black armor, these red, blue and green gems are very bright, so they are very conspicuous. Although the black crystal on the head is black, it has a good gloss and looks very beautiful. I first experimented with the operation of mercury. My heart moved, and the fire drill on the belt suddenly flashed. The white silver line began to flow to the whole body along the grooves carved in the armor. The silver-white mercury was very black on the black armor. Conspicuously, for a few seconds my entire body of armor, including the helmet, was covered with mercury. Because the mercury is in the pattern of the armor and the grooves of the runes, it is equivalent to re-marking the patterns and runes with mercury. The black armor is shiny with silver runes to be beautiful, and it has increased. A lot of mystery!

I tried it a few times. Mercury can be manipulated by me in the air into various forms and even my own appearance, but the mercury on my body can't go back anymore. Although the black armor is bright, it is beautiful. But it's too eye-catching. Is it too arrogant to go out in this way?

Mercury can't go back but I have to ignore it first. I started to summon the Snow Demon, because it's not a battle just to see, so I only summoned one out. A white mist suddenly appeared in front of me, and the temperature in the room was obviously down by a few degrees! After the white mist spread out, it turned out to be a translucent beauty, not just the clothes but the whole person. She was completely translucent. I could see through her body what was behind her! Seeing her body emit a faint blue light, it looks like an ice sculpture, but she is more vivid and beautiful. Phantom said that she had no entity. I wanted to feel it, but I felt a terrible cold as soon as I reached out. I thought about it and it was forgotten. Frostbite was not worth it!


Recovered the Snow Fairy and summoned the Demon Butterfly. As a result, I underestimated the size of this guy. When it appeared, it knocked me to the ground. The body of the demon butterfly is not like a normal butterfly at all, but a very scary black armored insect. It looks like a large mosquito in armor (see the Air Force insect in the Arach Warfare in the Starship Fleet. Image)! It has two pairs of butterfly wings on its back. Speaking of wings, this guy's wings are a bit scary! The wings are beautiful and colorful, and there are a lot of glittering sequins on them, but they are a bit oversized! Behind its body was a pair of large wings with a wingspan of more than three meters, just because its wings were too large, it just hit the head without flying in the room just now!

This thing is quite heavy, I can't get up. Phantom suddenly said: "This thing can actually be transformed. Now this is the original form. You won't be so big if you make it into a demonized form!"

Can I still transform? I hurriedly thought about turning it into a giant insect and it changed shape, but it appeared as a beautiful little girl. At first glance, the body of this demon butterfly looks like the daughter of the owner of the city, and the volume is almost the same. It feels like a little girl has a pair of butterfly wings. What surprised me the most was that this little girl-like monster butterfly actually held a small bow and arrow in his hand. No wonder Phantom said that this thing can be physically attacked in the dark fog. For a long time, it used bows and arrows! The demonized form of the demon butterfly has become much smaller. There are only two pairs of wings over a meter behind the body of the little girl's body. Anyway, it does not affect my standing!

Put away the demon butterfly and experiment with the skeleton last time, this time I still carefully came to the street to summon, in case something happens again, I will be in trouble! It turned out that the skeleton was normal and nothing happened. After I called the skull, the ground's bricks suddenly moved, and the ground was suddenly pushed away. A white skull's claws hit the ground, and then the whole skull climbed up from the opened bricks. I still remember to cover the stone back, I really have a sense of public morality, and I am afraid that others will fall into the hole!

The skeleton that came out was a little humpbacked, but despite this, it was one meter eighteen to one meter nine, and I really wonder if it was a human skull! If it stands upright, it may not be two meters high! In order to verify whether it is an individual phenomenon, I summoned 9 more, and as a result, the 9 skeletons are exactly the same length, it seems that the general size is relatively large, and the high-level skeletons are just different.

The upper body of the skull is covered with a rusty light armor, which is the kind of armor without sleeves, and the lower body is full-covered combat boots and leggings. The bag is quite sturdy, but unfortunately there are So many holes! On his head is a helmet without a face, which looks very earthy, and there are many holes! Behind the skull is a large round shield, the shield is golden yellow, with many green spots on it, it is estimated that it is made of copper! As for the wide-bladed machete on its waist, it's even more black, but the black thing on it doesn't seem to be rust, but human blood has dried for too long to become black. It comes from the volume of its large-handled knife. It doesn't make much sense to see the sharp edge. Anyway, it is estimated that such a large volume can also kill people!

After all the pictures were collected, Clark ran out, clutching a large belt in his hand. "What's this for?" I took one and found that it didn't seem to be a belt. The leather thing was fixed at a lot of connection points. It looked a bit like a saddle holder, but it wasn't!

Clark greeted a demon knight to take a heavy armored dragon, let the heavy armored dragon lower his head, and Clark put his hands on it. This time I can see what it is, this is a mask! It's the kind of leash cover that dogs and hounds often wear, which can be used to seal their mouths, let alone yelling, they can't be opened! Clark gave me 20 of these things. Night Shadow was not used anyway, he had a high intelligence and would not bark.

Look at the things on your body, now they are basically armed and neat. Summon Night Shadow to equip him with a saddle with a transfiguration stone, and then transform him into a heavy armored dragon form, which is really powerful! Although it is prestigious, it gets very troublesome to get up. Fortunately, I have wings. Otherwise, the big guy who is more than three meters tall really doesn't know how to get on his back! The demon knights behind are coming fast. After the heavy armored dragon crouched down, they stepped on the dragon's front claws and kicked up. It looked terrible, but unfortunately, the night shadow did not cooperate, and I had to climb by myself!

I rushed out of the lost city with the demon knights. My goal was to go to Duling City and upgrade the blood pool of the demon knight cannon to a **** knight. As for my level, I do n’t have to worry too much. There will definitely be a lot of monsters in the mountains and mountains, and it is estimated that if you kill them all the way, you can also upgrade a lot! The matter of leveling can't be rushed, anyway, I find a place to stand and kill there is not much faster than this mobile operation!

As soon as I reached the gate of the Lost City, I encountered a problem. The gate was open, but the bridge was gone! Shiqiao originally descended below the lake surface, but the lake water was drained during the battle. During the subsequent artillery battle, Shiqiao was hit by a magic crystal cannon in the middle. Now the long bridge was divided into two parts and could not rise. Ye Ying suddenly said: "This transformed armored dragon looks like I can fly. You are seated, I will try!"

"What? Try?"

I have n’t finished shouting that Ye Ying has jumped out of the gate of the city. The gate is now 20-30 meters away from the bottom. Ye Ying jumped out of the city gate and immediately spread the membrane wings on her body, but we still fell down, just as we were about to fall on Daddy, Ye Ying suddenly had a wing, and we actually flew in the huge wind.

Yeying turned back to me and said, "This body is very powerful, but the flight ability is not very good. Takeoff may need to run up, and the empty time should not be too long!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, players are on the ground, not many when they want to fly, really not lucky, they are lucky!"

After landing out of the city, we landed quickly. Although the heavy armored dragon can fly, it is still a ground creature in general. Running is its best. Along the way, we saw 11 heavy armored dragons rushing on the plain, which felt better than riding! The heavy armored dragon runs very fast, at least a lot faster than the war horse. Soon we went to the dark forest. I have walked here two or three times, and getting lost will not happen. I walked through the forest with ease and solved a lot of skeleton soldiers and demon woods. When I rushed out of the woods, I bumped into a player group.

A large group of cavalry stood in front of me. The huge team surprised me a little. It ’s not that I have n’t seen a big scene, and the lost battle just ended is more than this scene, but the first time I saw a team of so many players. There are a lot of people I see in Little Japan, but Little Japan is just a little bit so that it is impossible to compare it with ours in China! The team of players in front of me says there are 50,000 or 60,000 people, and they are all cavalry. Why do I know it is a team of players? Too simple, NPCs will not be so colorful! The team in front of us is messy, and the tall, short, and fat people are strange, not to mention the war horses, and many people are riding camels! Not to mention the equipment, it is not easy to have the ability to gather so many players, but it is not difficult to uniform the equipment!

Since it's just a chance encounter on the road, there is no holiday, so I don't want to provoke them. Lala reins instructed Ye Ying to turn around and walk a few steps in the other direction. I was obviously giving way to them, enough for my face! The ghost rider also followed me back to the side of the road to let out.

人 People near me looked strangely when I got out of the road and looked into the woods, but there was no place. Only then did I notice that their direction of travel did not seem to be in the dark forest, but rather along the edge of the forest. Instead of head-on with them, I just rushed out of the woods in front of their team, so it felt like I was here to intercept them, or else they all stared at me alertly!

Since they are not going to enter the forest, it makes no sense for me to make way anymore. As soon as I pull the reins, the night shadow of the heavy armored dragon turned around and ran out of the forest, and the ghost rider behind him followed closely.

"Wait a minute!" There was a sudden cry from behind ~ ~ I motioned Ye Ying to stop, turned around and looked at the several knights that were catching up, the demon knights circled beside me in a semicircle. Around these three knights after him. The three of us were trembling slightly as we spoke around. The armored dragon was too tall. The warhorse stood beside the armored dragon like a small rhinoceros next to a mammoth. The three people surrounded by us could only look up at us. "Are you a player or MPC?"

Both the demon knight and me are black body armors. Although the dragon set is made of many silver lines by mercury, it is still black. In addition, we all ride the same heavy armored dragon, which feels like a NPCBOSS belt. A group of younger brothers came out and swayed. After all, players rarely have such cattle fork equipment, or 10 sets are exactly the same!

"I am a player, what am I calling?"

"It's a player!" The three of them clearly breathed a sigh of relief, and their bodies were quite straight. "How many levels are these brothers? This thing is so good! And this sitting dragon," he said, reaching out to touch the head of a heavy armored dragon next to him.

The squealing screams rang immediately, and the horses in the back collectively collapsed to the ground with their soft legs, and the three of them even fell on a dog! The mouthpiece made by Clark didn't look handsome enough. Besides, the armor of the heavy armored dragon was also used in combat when it was critical. It was inconvenient to put on the sleeves, so I put them together in the wild. Join the war. Besides, the heavy armored dragon does not bark under the control of the demon knight, so it has not been brought. I don't know if this guy really wanted to touch the armored dragon, but the little guy was frightened and called out in protest.

的 The demon knight on the back of the heavy armored dragon calmed down and finally restored the calmness of the heavy armored dragon. If not, it is estimated that the heavy armored dragon will be ready to bite the fool!

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