Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 86: Round trip

What I don't know is that a total of eight such tunnels just appeared in the magma cave. The rising magma flowed in all directions along the eight channels. I was rushed into the depths of the cave along the lava. The powerful lava flow was similar to the mudslide in terms of physical attack power. I could not stop at all and could only be carried around with the waves.

After floating for a while, the lava finally reached the end of the passage. Here is a small cave. The lava filled the cave quickly, but the Pentium's lava was not willing to stop there. They constantly hit the rocks in all directions Wall tried to find a vent. Soon, cracks appeared in the ceiling of the cave. As more and more facial features flowed in, the impact of the facial expression gradually increased, and the cracks on the ceiling began to grow larger.

In the end, the ceiling failed to withstand the impact of the lava. With the violent shaking of the ground, the entire roof collapsed, but they failed to fall. Increasingly fast lava rushed to the ground with broken roof fragments. The high-pressure lava suddenly found a venting channel and rushed to the exit happily. I was carried by the lava and sucked out of the cave entrance. The huge pressure produced an unimaginable impact force. I and the magma rushed upward at unimaginable speed.

Suddenly, the pressure around me suddenly reduced. I obviously felt that I had left the cave, and the inertia brought me magma and flew with me for hundreds of meters to gradually slow down.

——Japan, Heilonghui station, than Liangcheng——

Kusatsu Matsumoto has just returned to his gang hall from the hall of resurrection and is sitting in the hall getting angry. "A bunch of waste was hanged by that **** Chinese again! All waste!" In the hall were all the guild bosses who had just gone with Matsumoto.

A ninja justified: "This can't blame us, that dragon is a level 1000! Do you want us to kill dragons?"

Another warrior also said, "The adult dragon is not something we can defeat at all, isn't it that you yourself have also been seconded?"

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Tanaka came up and pointed at the soldier. "Neither of us is a meat shield profession. Of course, if you encounter such a powerful blow to your soldiers, you should be ahead!"

"It depends on what it is! That's the head dragon! How do you want us to stop? He hit us all with one tail, we are not a level at all!"

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore, don't shirk each other's responsibility when things are already this way!" Matsumoto Masahiro stopped the quarrel that was about to escalate into groups.

Just when he was about to say something next, the ground suddenly started to shake, and the tea cup on the table swayed from the middle of the table to the table and smashed as the cup fell to the ground. Everyone stood up. The Japanese earthquake was normal, but in the game world of Zero, there was no earthquake in Japan.

Matsumoto ran out of the hall first, and the parliament hall of the Black Dragon Society was as high as the Pope's Hall. Standing at the entrance of the hall, Matsumoto could clearly see the whole city. The ground was shaking more and more, and Matsumoto was almost unable to stand. Suddenly, the Tower of Truth began to tilt to one side. The Tower of Truth, which was riddled with holes in the last battle, had not been completely repaired, and the wounded Tower could not stand such a shock. After a few seconds, the Tower of Truth finally lost its center of gravity and fell to the side. The towering tower suddenly drew towards the ground like a whip, and the Japanese players below were flustered and didn't know how to dodge.

状况 After the collapse of the Tower of Truth, the chamber behind Matsumoto also began to show up. A crack quietly climbed up the hall's stone pillar, and the crack gradually extended to the zenith. boom! A huge impact sounded along with the billowing smoke and the ceiling of the chamber collapsed, and the Japanese Samurai sculpture used for the front door of the main hall was crushed to the ground.

Suddenly Matsumoto yelled, "What's going on? Who did it? I want to kill his family!"

Before Matsumoto shouted, another high-rise building in the city, the Resurrection Hall, collapsed. Immediately after the collapse of all the buildings in Biliang City, the walls fell into the moat in the roar. There was a sudden muffled sound in the city center. A large area like Tiananmen Square suddenly rose up, and the surrounding ground arched up. Broken house fragments and people who could not run away flew into the sky, followed by red. Of lava sprayed like a fountain.

The lava sprayed by the puppet caught up with the fragments that flew up and hit them to the sides. The top of the lava continued upward until it reached an altitude of 800 meters before it turned into countless fragments and fell in all directions. The falling magma was cooled in the air, and the shell of the magma quickly turned into a hard stone, but the boiling magma was still inside. After these super fire bombs hit the ground, they rolled and opened a flame passage in the house that had already been ruined. Finally, the fire bombs hit some of the uncollapsed building debris and exploded into numerous fragments, scattering the burning lava inside. Look around.

The whole Biliang City was almost baptized by a large area of ​​meteor fire and rain. The entire city was burning. Some of the buildings that survived the earthquake were not able to run away. They all collapsed and became helpless in the fire. Pile of charred garbage.

The eruption lasted for less than ten minutes, but the entire city of Beliang was completely ruined. The original neat streets and houses no longer exist, leaving only a large swath of smokey ruins, gray rubble piles and uncooled lava on the city, creating a scary red line. In some rubble piles, there are still many injured people moaning. From time to time, there are white flashes hanging from players to indicate that the death toll continues to increase!

Nagatsu Matsumoto was completely stupid. He stared dullly at the hard-built Than Liang City in less than ten minutes into a burning ruin. If it weren't for the fact that the Black Dragon would not be dismissed because there were other places, Matsumoto would have thought of committing suicide!

In fact, not all of the magma in the lava lake went to Biliang City. At that time, the lava became eight branches and flowed in eight directions. In addition to this road erupting under Biliang City, other roads also found places and rushed out of the ground.

有 Five of them found a breakthrough in the open space outside the city. Although there was no outbreak in the city, a large number of nearby levelers were burned to death.

There are two lava flows far away, one of which rushed out below a port city called Sipingfang. This not-so-large port turned into a pile of rocks after eight minutes of lava baptism. The sea-cooled lava cast a black rock cliff here. It is unlikely that it will be rebuilt into a port here!

The last road ran the farthest, more than an hour after the attack on Liangcheng and the port, the lava reached its destination-Tianhuangcheng, this small city is the residence of Gongrongshe. The lava spewed out from below the Jingu Shrine located in the middle of the Emperor City. The place where the entire shrine was located was sent to an altitude of four or five hundred meters by the lava and then disintegrated into more than 100 million parts in the air and scattered to the entire city. The group of stupid idiots were smashed by the spirits they worshiped.


Now the camera returns to me. I followed the magma and sprayed out from under the Emperor City. After a few heads in the air, I quickly stabilized my body. Spreading the wings of the demon dragon out of the magma's jet range, I quickly landed on the ground. Now all around is the little Japan fleeing. No one has noticed me from the sky.

As soon as I landed, I saw something that fell after me, and I picked it up. Souls? A portrait of a little Japan is painted on something like a longevity card. Although I don't know who it is, it looks like his clothes are Japanese military uniforms during the war of aggression against China.

I looked back at the sky, a huge building complex was actually sent to the sky by the force of the magma eruption. On one of the relatively complete torii gates are the four large characters of Jingu Shrine. Isn't this the Kyoei Shrine? Why did I rush here?

I was thinking, with a loud bang, the Jingu Shrine in the sky suddenly broke into countless fragments, and a lot of black spots fell in one of the rooms. I guess those little black dots are the same spiritual bit card in my hand. OK, you like to worship war criminals. I will help you to worship them. I raised my hand to open the automatic picking function of the space wrist wheel. I put the spirit card on my hand and chose to pick up similar items. As a result, the spirit cards that fell in the air rushed to me and were all sucked in by the bracelet, although It was burned a lot by magma, but more than 90% of the spiritual positions came to me.

Look at the pile of spirit bits in the bracelet. I smiled badly. Go back and help you build a "respect for the nation". Welcome all Chinese players to come here for convenience! Oh! It doesn't seem to be convenient to use in the game, but that's okay. If it's not convenient, it doesn't mean I can't repair the toilet! Go back and build a beautiful big toilet to put these tablets in the pit, and then pay for the visit! Instead of paving the way, we also build a martyr's monument or something, and paving these tablets on the way to the monument.

Maybe it was discovered just when the card was closed. A large group of people ran over to me, and I quickly summoned the demon knight to let them take me to run. Because the lava erupted, the emperor's city was very chaotic, and those who chased me were quickly thrown away. Out of town is my world. Standing on the hillside not far and watching the Emperor City burned to the coke city, that sense of accomplishment in my heart is really good!

"Boss? Where are you?" Ouyang was impatient to wait outside and used private chat to contact me to ask the situation.

"I am outside the Emperor City of Gongrongsha, and let you watch the fireworks show!" I opened a video chat and explained to the city like a news broadcast. The crater is located just below the Jingu Shrine in the center of the city, and the entire shrine was burned down by magma. The poor in the city suffered heavy casualties, and the number of deaths is still increasing. "Hearing my report Ouyang and Xiaopan have already put Mouth became O-shaped. "Don't bother to squat, just leave there and wait for me in Baishui City, and say I want you to go."

"We're not there anymore!" Ouyang explained when I asked him to transfer: "Fuji Mountain started a volcanic eruption shortly after you went down, and the magma rushed down the mountain and we were forced to evacuate!"

"That's right, you guys go! I'll be there soon!"

I cut off the communication and suddenly found that the status bar is always flashing, usually only when the character upgrades the status bar will flash. Am I upgraded? I opened the status and saw that I was already level 208. Wait, I did n’t blame? How could it be upgraded? By the way, the old monster of Esmer just died after I was reborn. The experience value should have been added to me. But that's not right! Jumping to kill monsters does have a bonus, but even if the 1st level kills 1000 BOSS at most, it is 3 times the experience value. It is intended that the old monster has more experience value, and the triple is not enough. I rose to 200 in one breath. The above! It is very difficult to know that the chop at level 200! unless……? I hurriedly looked at the experience bar, and sure enough, the experience bar is still growing. It seems that the little Japan killed by the volcanic eruption is on my head! (Because the distance is too far away, the little Japanese experience value that was killed was not added to my head mountain. Only the little Japanese experience value of the Emperor City was added to me, but I didn't know at that time that the magma flooded more than this place.)

Sitting on the back of the monster rider boss, we rushed to the nearby city. Because this is my teleport ring in Japan, I ca n’t get the correct coordinates, so I ca n’t teleport. Night Shadow ca n’t ride because I ’m down, so I have to follow the demon Spirit rider rides a horse! It seems that I need to find a place to level up as soon as possible. Although my level has risen to more than 200 due to magma, the experience value is transmitted in one direction. The monster pet kills monsters will share some experience points to me. Can't get it, so although I'm all 208, Yeying they are still 20!

Fortunately, the speed of the ghost knight is not slow. We rushed directly into the city gate. I originally wanted to put away the ghost knight, but considering that my level is too low, it is very dangerous without them to protect, so I had to Let them take me into the city. Fortunately, the Japanese people's soft and scared character makes them not dare to find a job. The saying that you take a step back can only be in China. When you take a step back in Japan, they will go ten steps. If you pretend to be a grandson, they will think they are grandpa. As long as they are fierce, they will become grandchildren! That's what the demon knight is doing now. Ten horses lined up in two columns and ran on the road. Many pedestrians were hit and rolled to the side of the road but no one said anything. Individuals who wanted to show off their strength were shot by the demon knights and put on the roadside shop. On the signboard.

He rushed all the way to the teleportation array, and directly transmitted to Baishui. Ouyang stood next to the teleportation array with Xiaopan and Feier.

"Why are you here?"

Wu Feier first said, "You two friends said you will be here in a while, so we are here to wait for you."

走 "Go, don't stand here, find a place to sit and talk!"

"Oh! Okay, come with me!"

We followed Feier up to that room. I did n’t say anything about my downgrade along the way. I do n’t want people to know that I ’m very vulnerable now. My actions in Japan these days are enough to scare most people who have misconduct with me, but as long as they know I ’m downgraded, I will definitely not be able to run out of Japanese territory!

When I reached the living room, I briefly talked about how I got the national utensils. Of course, the grade was omitted. After that, I discussed with Feier about leaving. "Are your people gathered almost?"

"All have ruled."

"Why didn't I see anyone along the way?"

"We are notified to leave tomorrow afternoon. Before that, everyone will go offline to handle some leave issues. We will leave time tomorrow afternoon to the next morning to follow you!"

"That's OK. I'm going offline, too. I won't come up until noon tomorrow. We will leave after I go online again." I turned to Ouyang and said, "Will you go?"

"I'll stay in Japan! I won't be able to resist Japan!"

"That's OK! Let's separate for a while, anyway, it's time to start a national war system in five or six months, and I'll fight back by then!"

I said goodbye to Ouyang and I also went offline. Now that the level is so low, it is dangerous to wander around outside. I still have to go back to China to consider the matter of leveling.

I regained consciousness, and I was still floating in the huge protective cabin, but there were people standing outside, my dad and mom were inside. Dad picked up the microphone: "Are you finally out? We are planning to call you!"

"What happened?"


A researcher next to him took over from Dad and replied, "Your recovery is much faster than we expected. You can now leave this training chamber."

"Can I come out? Great, I drank here for so long and drank the nutrient solution every day. I forgot even the taste of the meat!"

好 "Okay, you are ready first, we are going to drain the water, because you have been in it for too long, your muscles may feel a little weak, and you try to stand on the back support."


Researcher pressed the drain switch when I was ready. The liquid level in the tank quickly began to drop, and my feet quickly touched the ground at the bottom of the tank. The feeling of landing on both feet was very strange. It was like a leg cramp, which could not be controlled at all. As a result, I stood in the jar in a very strange posture. After the water was drained off, the glass in front opened automatically, and the researcher quickly came in and helped me to pull out the large and small pipes.

After all the tubes were removed, I was taken out by a researcher. A wheelchair was quickly pushed over. I felt like a newborn baby. The muscles of the arms and legs were difficult to control. After finally getting into a wheelchair, Dad pushed away the researcher and pushed me out of the room.

I was sent to a lounge, my mother took out the clothes prepared for me and helped me change them, but I was surprised to find that they were short! The trousers that my mother took turned into mid-length trousers, half of the legs were outside, and the tops were similar. The original fitted clothes were turned into navel clothes, and the sleeves were also half-cut!

"What the **** is this?" I looked at the short, nonsense clothes. "Did I grow taller or my clothes shrink?"

A researcher next to Dad said: "The re-synthesized bones may have absorbed too much nutrients and stretched the body. Because of this, your muscles are very tight and you ca n’t control your body temporarily, but do n’t worry about it. , The muscle tissue grows very fast, and it can basically return to normal in at least two days! "

那就 "That's good! I don't know how tall I am now!" I'm finally no longer a dwarf!

According to the researcher, I can't go out these days. I need to rest. B13's transformation of muscle tissue has not been completely completed. These days, I need to eat a lot to supplement the huge consumption caused by the body's extraordinary metabolic rate. Of course, this is not bad news for me, who would be too delicious!

Of course, resting does not mean that I have to count the ceiling while lying, of course, continue to play games. But today is not necessary. After so many days, I asked my mother to push me out for a walk to take a breath of fresh air. The mixed air delivered by the oxygen machine in that big jar had a strange smell. My nose has been smoky these days! Out of the underground base and saw the long-awaited sun, that feels really good!

逛 I was pushed back to the lounge casually for a while, and chatted with my mother for a while. Rose also came during this time, and it was already evening when they all left. Meimei fell asleep, and now I find that lying down is the most comfortable! The next morning I was called by the researcher. This guy pushed a large car to seduce me. Of course, I did n’t want to eat it all, so I do n’t need to lose weight!

I sent the researcher away. I logged in to the forum and wanted to see how Little Japan responded to the volcanic incident. It really surprised me. The headlines on the front page of the International Forum are that Japan was hit by a rare volcanic eruption, three cities were razed to the ground, more than 70,000 players were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and two leveling points permanently disappeared. Except for the Emperor City that day, even Liangliang City was destroyed by a volcano! I really wanted to laugh at the distant view of Liangcheng. The original bustling city now looks like Hiroshima bombed by the atomic bomb on textbooks. Little Japan finally got retribution!

后面 There was actually a message from Masamoto Matsumoto behind this message, and he gave me 1 million crystal coins as a reward for my real address. Ha ha, really interesting guy, want my real address to kill me? It is estimated that it is possible to have a special division! There are many posts from other countries. Most of them are good from some Asian countries. Japan's international reputation is too bad and basically belongs to the type of mice crossing the street!

Later, I also saw a British man named Rezard commented that he was more like a disaster star than me. He said that he had created a forest fire in the UK and killed more than 3,000 people! It's really big in the forest!

泡 Soaked in the forum until noon, and the researcher prepared another meal for me! After dinner, it was already more than one o'clock in the afternoon (too many things and ate for more than two hours), I quickly went online. When they appeared in the hall, there were already a circle of people around, Feier, Xiaopan, and the five captains of the Sakura Club. When I appeared, they were discussing what was going on, but as soon as I appeared, they calmed down.

"Are you all here?"

Wu Feier ran over immediately. "It's all here and I'll wait for you. The sisters are so excited that they will be online early!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Riding on the horse of the demon knight, followed by more than a thousand MMs, it felt really ... strange! We are not on the road now, in order to reduce the danger we must try not to be found, but a large team of more than a thousand people can not be easily ignored without notice!

But Fei Er made arrangements in advance. She went with me to see the place where she got off the boat. We decided to go in three directions. Many cherry warriors at the Sakura Club have horses. These are the demon servants they catch. These soldiers with horses followed me, and the other two teams teleported to two cities closer to the landing site. Although this is still very conspicuous, it is not as good as a large team of thousands of people now. Swagger.

I do n’t know if it ’s because our two deadly rivals, the Black Dragon Club and Gongrongshe, have just been burned out of the city and we ’re too busy to get lucky. Anyway, we arrived at our place on the mountain shore so safely. There is a shoal here, and many players level here. Sakura Club has expelled those people with a strong attitude on the grounds of chartering. Although these people are more than Sakura Club, they are not a guild. Of course, they dare not mingle with such a reorganization. Fighting!

I took Xiaopan and the leaders of Sakura Club to touch the past and found the speedboat that we left when we came (don't ask me why the speedboat has not been refreshed for so many days, and the speedboat is also considered a ship, I have n’t heard Whoever made the ship refreshed after a few days). The four speedboats just pulled eight of us to sail deep into the sea, and the Biling stopped at a place not far from overseas. No flags were hung on board. This is my request, so it will not be easy for small Japan to find out. They will see ships without flags and think they are other Japanese players.

Because they are using speedboat for the first time, they are not used to it, and I dare not drive too fast. The people on the Bi Ling may have seen us, and the Bi Ling was slowly moving towards us. When I got to the side of the boat, I asked them to prepare a rope ladder for the ladies behind. I did n’t dare to let them dive directly into the cabin like we did when we came out of the speedboat, but it was a difficult action and they did n’t know. Where is the door!

We got on the ship very quickly, and the eagle that hadn't seen for a few days would hug when I came up, I quickly separated him. "Wait, there are still a lot of people behind you, send all your speedboats to pick me up!"

Because the Bi Ling is too large and the shore is shallow, we cannot rely on the shore to be too close. We can only use speedboats to transport people back and forth. Fortunately, speedboats are fast and there are a lot of them. People at the side picked up. After taking back the last person, Bi Ling turned around quickly and evacuated the beachhead. Little Japan's side was too dangerous!

The members of the sakura club were placed in the cabin by us, leaving only those five captains and Feier. You can see what ecstasy is when you see Fei's expression now. This girl is already happy to know what to do, and her five captains are almost the same ~ ~ Only the bright moon lily is better. , After all, older.

My old friends stood on the deck one by one and greeted me for what I have done these days, and of course I told my glorious deeds. Everyone was cheering when it came to the eruption of the volcano. Ziyue regretted that he didn't follow me but came back first.

I introduced Feier to them one by one. Feier sighed: "Is this a Chinese friend?"

Everyone looked at her strangely: "What is a Chinese-style friend?"

"Japanese friends will not be so enthusiastic to meet. Although everyone is very polite, in fact the distance between their hearts is very large. Those friends and their friends are more appropriate to me as partners! But you are different, I can feel That feeling! It's so touching! "

We all nodded in agreement, the Japanese formal etiquette is actually more appropriate to call hypocrisy.

"Oh! By the way, Ziri, is there something wrong with you?" Eagle asked me suddenly.

"how do you know?"

The eagle pointed at the captain's sign on his shoulder. "Yesterday, the chief officer suddenly told me that the captain's level is lower than level 50 and he cannot continue to serve as the captain, so the captain's position was automatically transferred to my deputy captain. What the **** is going on with you? Are you not over 400? Why does the chief officer suddenly say you are not 50? "

"I ..." I was about to explain the problem of the grade drop that day. A shell suddenly burst into the sea on our side. A ten-meter-high water column flew up, splashing us all!

"Enemy! Everyone! Ready to battle!" Eagle's command is skilled and powerful, and it really suits me! I walked towards the stern and watched the fleet appearing on the sea.

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