Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 78: challenge

As soon as the hail was over, I hurried out from behind the rock, and the hail outside was half a foot thick.

"Is there anything wrong!" Xiao Pan glanced around, the whole Mount Fuji has completely turned into a white world.

"Little Japan has run out, and it is estimated that they will not have any action today!" Ouyang watched a wolf-like gathering point under the mountain. Things that weren't burst out from Little Japan are still there, and most of them seem to be things like mage's staff.

I picked up an apple-sized hail. "Not only today, I do n’t think they will come until these things are gone! It ’s all over this place and there is no way to walk!"

"What's up in the sky?" Xiao Pan looked up at the sky.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to the sky too.

After the hail ended, the unusually clear sky suddenly began to appear dense dark clouds, and huge clouds rolled and crashed into larger clouds. The feeling of black pressure makes people feel a strong sense of oppression unconsciously. That is not ordinary power. The irresistible power of nature always makes people have extreme fear.

"It feels like it's going to rain!" Ouyang said looking at the sky.

Xiao Xiaopan immediately said, "Did you not do it before?"

"Whatever it is, it's disastrous anyway!" I quickly summoned luck and jumped on its back. "All come up, we fly above the clouds, no matter what it is, as long as we are not under it, it cannot treat us!"

Ouyang Lisuo jumped up, but Xiaopan looked at luck and didn't dare to move. "This ... Is this a dragon?"

"Of course it is a dragon, is it a lizard? You should come up soon!" Seeing Xiao Pan didn't move, I called Xiao Feng directly. "Bring her and follow us!"

Xiao Xiaofeng directly turned into a combat form and grabbed Xiao Pan's shoulders to lift her up. Fortunately, she also opened her wings and rushed to the sky.

刚 We have just left the ground, and the signs of bad weather have begun to appear in the sky. A huge lightning flew past the lucky wings, and the rock we just avoided from the hail was turned into a pile of scattered gravel by the recent lightning strike. After the lightning, the wind began to suddenly increase. Fortunately, he showed us his superb flying skills, spreading his wings against the wind, without having to flap his wings, the wind was enough to lead us to climb high. Although Xiaofeng next to her body is much lighter, she does n’t have such a large proportion of wings as lucky. The wind is not enough to drive her to climb high. She must keep flapping her wings to keep up with us.

About to approach the clouds, the lightning suddenly began to become denser. A dazzling lightning flew over a dozen meters in front of us. Although there were still a dozen meters, the strong voltage caused a lot of static electricity. The blue arc on the surface of my armor flashed as if I were a light bulb! "Be careful!" Xiaofeng cried suddenly. Fortunately, we rolled sideways with unimaginable flexibility, and a dazzling white light ball surrounded by an arc rubbed our side and passed.

"What was then?" Horrified Ouyang opened the helmet mask to wipe sweat, and I took a photo of his helmet mask.

"It was just a ball lightning. It was a highly compressed charged plasma. The pulse gun in the army fired this thing. If you do n’t want to become a goose, do n’t open the armor on your body. Your metal armor can block the current, although the armor There is a lot of charge on it, but you will not feel it, but if you open the armor, the current caused by the potential difference will burn you instantly! "

"Will your magic pet be fine?"

"Don't you see that I only summoned them both? The black dragon ignores all magic. Although this is lightning, most of the mage's attacks are lightning, so luck is not afraid of electricity. Besides, it is only static electricity, and no electricity flows. It won't hurt! As for Xiaofeng, she is born with magical resistance, which won't hurt her!

"Be careful!" Xiaofeng cried again. A thunder fell from in front of us. Fortunately, we turned a corner in the air and passed the electric pole, and we almost became a barbecue!

A series of thunderbolts fell more and more densely around us, with a large amount of spherical lightning in the middle. However, with Xiao Feng's sensitive feeling and lucky super flexibility, we actually passed through dense thunder and lightning and flew above the clouds. As soon as we passed out of the dark clouds, Jin Chanchan's sunlight immediately covered our whole body, and the dark clouds below were still shining with electric light, but that was nothing to do with us. The top is much safer than the bottom!

"Look over there!" Xiao Pan pointed not far away.

I looked in the direction she was pointing, and a black monster was floating not far ahead of us. This guy's body is somewhat like a Chinese dragon, with a long body densely packed with fine scales, and the tip of his tail resembles a shark. But the head of this thing is a bit scary, the huge head is almost half the length of the body, the huge mouth looks like a bird, but the horrible teeth on the outside of the mouth show that it is definitely not vegetarian! Above this terrible head were three huge red eyes. The eyes on both sides covered half of the face and looked like flies. Although the middle eye was smaller, it had an eyelid. The closed eyelids from time to time indicated that this eye is likely to be important to monsters. The monster does not have things like legs and claws, but has a pair of fins at the junction of its head and body. In general, this thing should be an aquatic animal, but I don't know how this thing flies above the clouds!

突然 I suddenly discovered that the monster was still riding on his back. The yellow robe looked familiar. I turned on Xingtong's telephoto function and aimed at the person on the monster's back. This made me startled, wasn't this the soul-stealing mage with the same profession as me? "Ikeda Rideo!"

"What? What?" Xiaopan looked at me nervously. "Is that Ride Ikeda?"

I nodded. "This time I can be sure that his deterrent mage's profession is my devil demon master!" The monster in front of him is either a demon servant or a magic pet. If he can bring such a large thing, he must have something else! I don't quite believe that others are as lucky as me to pick up a dragon back, so his thing must have been caught later, then he must have something else in the early days.

Satoko Ikeda also saw us. Fortunately, it is not easy for such a big man not to be found! It may be that we are the Japanese who came to take refuge. He drove the sitting monster slowly towards us.

"What shall we do?" Ouyang began to get nervous.

"It's okay, we have an advantage in heaven!" I jumped up too. "Ready to fight."

Suikeda floated to the front of us and stopped suddenly, he still saw that we were not Japanese. All blame Ouyang, the kid's armor has a Chinese flag on it, and that thing can be seen far away!

"Chinese !!!" Ikeda manipulated the monster to float in front of us.

"What are you calling your grandpa for?"


"Hum!" Ikeda shouted in disdain. "Don't be proud! I know you're the big purple sun devil who killed more than 3,000 people in Matsumoto!" Well, I'm a big demon again! "The ones under Matsumoto are soft eggs, and your strength is just average. Today I will kill you and take your body back to tour the street! Yes, I heard that you have a lot of magic pets, I do n’t know how it compares with me OK? Come on out! My magic pets! "

As soon as Ichida Rando called, the space in front of us suddenly began to distort, and I knew it was Matsumoto who was scaring people. The appearance of the magic pet is usually a sudden appearance with no effect. He summoned this way obviously and the last time I was lucky to scare others is a meaning. The distortion of space is getting more and more severe, and soon three black holes appear in front of us.

The first black hole narrowed rapidly, and a huge flying bird appeared in the air. This guy looks like Xiaofeng, but it has red flames on his body. I immediately realized that this was a real fire phoenix, and Xiaofeng, the **** black phoenix, was just right! As soon as it appeared, Fengming flew to the side of Ikeda and confronted us. It looked like this was also a highly intelligent magic pet. I let Xiaopan go offline for a while, and then let Xiaofeng fly in front of Fire Phoenix and face it.

The second black hole also quickly began to shrink. When the black hole disappeared, a huge golden insect appeared all over us. This guy is a flying ant that has been magnified many times. The giant pliers-shaped jaw is very powerful at first glance. This guy flew in the air and made a buzzing sound like a bomber. It also flew to hover beside Ikeda.

"Tank!" I summoned the tank to confront the giant flying ant. Fortunately, the tank was significantly larger than this flying ant. Besides, the tank had once eaten a dragon. The evolved tanks deal with this dead ant. It should be effortless. When the flying ant is leveled, the tank and Xiaofeng should be able to get the fire phoenix together quickly.

I was closing the third hole of the wishful thinking abacus, and a purple fairy dragon appeared in front of us. This fairy dragon is very similar to Lucky, but its color is bright purple and its eyes are relatively large. The fairy dragon was quickly in place. I had to spread the wings of the dragon to fly away from the lucky back and let lucky confront this fairy dragon. Of course, Ouyang was also asked to go offline first. Lucky is about the same size as Fairy Dragon, but this only means that Fairy Dragon is higher than Lucky. After I got lucky, I have carefully checked the setting script from my dad (privately). Fortunately, Dragon belongs to the Holy Dragon series with comprehensive strengths. It is terrible regardless of defense and attack, and it is scary with many lives. After being demonized by my attributes, fortunately, he became a dark holy dragon, so that he has the characteristics of the black dragon's disregard for magic and brutality. Because both types of dragons are large dragons, the ultimate form of luck should be large. But the fairy dragon is a petite dragon with magical attack power. The fairy dragon of the same level should be much smaller than the holy dragon or the black dragon, but the fairy dragon has grown to be as big as lucky, which only shows that it is higher than the lucky level. But I'm not too worried about luck. How can he say that he is also the Dragon King? He won't be afraid of any dragon family under that crown. The luck of doubled all attributes is definitely a meat grinder!

Fortunately, the monster that Ikeda sat on sat down and flew over by himself. Ikeda summoned a big bird again. It looked very low-level. It is estimated that he sat down this is a high-level magic pet. The bird that is riding now is what kind of magic pet it used to be.

I quickly summoned the little dragon girl and the monster to stand opposite to each other, no matter what you touched the dragon is not dead! Judging by the current situation, the possibility of victory is very high. Xiaofeng and Fire Phoenix are probably tied. That ant must not be able to beat the tank. Fortunately, it is only a matter of time before the fairy dragon is leveled. The only variable is that the monster in front of me doesn't know what to do, but as long as the other side joins in after the victory, that monster can't be more powerful. It can be not on the ground, or it will save you from summoning the demon knight!

"You have a lot of magic pets!" Ikeda Sato said ironically: "This is all my magic pets. Fortunately, my magic pets are all flying! Hahaha! I have thoroughly studied you from Matsumoto. It seems that your demon servants ca n’t fly? Now let you see my air legion, come out my demon servants. "

I was really wrong, this guy's demon servants were all flying. The sudden appearance of 8 thunderbirds surprised me. These things are very fast, and the physical attack magic attack plenary. Although their magic attack only has a thunderbolt, the thunderbird's thunderbolt is much more powerful than the average mage's thunderbolt. These All the guys put compressed thunderballs!

The addition of these 8 Thunderbirds made some problems in my wishful thinking. It doesn't matter if Ikeda Tachio separates these 8 Thunderbirds into four groups or collects them to kill me as a magic pet first. This is a bad luck for me! By the way, my bee dragon, I am now 479, 958 bee dragons should be enough to entangle 4 Thunderbirds. When I think of it, I move, and the fire drill on my head flashes a silver light. No familiar flame appeared with the bee dragon, but a mercury flew out. The mercury that flew out gathered into a mercury ball three meters in front of me. A thin mercury ribbon on the mercury ball was connected to the fire drill on my head. Mercury was still infused into the mercury ball. A mercury ball nearly two meters in diameter appeared in front of me.

After the mercury ball grew to two meters, it cut off the connection with the fire drill. Then it divided into countless small mercury droplets floating around me, and each mercury droplet began to flash silver light. After two or three seconds, the small mercury droplets suddenly exploded, and a huge bomber-like sound suddenly appeared around me. This sound actually overwhelmed the noise of the tank over there and the flying ant. I watched what appeared after a small droplet exploded in front of me. These guys are all silver and white and look like sterling silver! Overall it still looks like a wasp, but with more exaggerated pliers on the head, and the tips of all legs on the body are sharp silver needles, and the front is a mantis-like sickle. The most frightening thing is that these guys now have a length of more than one meter each, and they are twice as big as bee dragons. Flying there looks like a large group of large migratory birds! The conical stab foot on their tail is a foot long, and the silver appearance makes it sharp and not scary.

I hurriedly asked the phantom who had been with me and the body. "What are these?"

"It should be something evolved by the bee dragon that was stimulated by the mercury absorbed by the fire drill. I don't know what it should be now. It should be in the system prompt. You can see it."

I quickly turned on the system prompts and scrolled down, and sure enough, I saw a large row of prompts after a few flips. It turned out to be information that reminds the evolution of bee dragons. Because there are too many bee dragons, they pull out a lot like brushing the screen. Go to the top and finally see the property prompt.

Silver Bee: 300-level creature ~ ~ high-speed mobile type, attack power second to none in the same level of monsters, with automatic revival ability.

The prompt is short and there is no specific value, but this attribute alone is scary. Although the level 300 monsters are not very high, I can summon almost a thousand at the same time! This time, I have to bite this Ikeda man into a fat man! Hahahaha!

"Do you still have anything to summon?" Ikeda Toshio was startled when the silver bee appeared. Last time there was no such thing as Silver Bee, so it was impossible for Ikeda Toshio to inquire about the news from Masaru Matsumoto. Now it is strange that he suddenly found so many things to join. Yet. You know, 958 silver bees fly up, but occupy a large area of ​​a football field! What's more, the sound of these guys flying can scare people. Now we are just above the clouds, and the sunlight shining on the body of the silver bee reflects a dazzling white light even more deterrent!

"Kill them!" I watched Ikeda tell me the simplest order. All my magic pets rushed up at the same time.

The fastest moves are Xiaofeng and Fire Phoenix, which are 1000-level bosses. They are of noble origin and belong to the agile type, so they first hit each other. After all, the lucky fairy dragons are dragons, and their bodies are too big to start one step slower, and the second one bumps together. The silver bees have inherited the characteristics of the bee dragon's fearless death, and a swarm of bees rushed up, and 8 thunderbirds were immediately surrounded in the middle. The tank and the flying ants are the magic pets with low IQ. The two guys chose the most direct method-head-on. The two giant insects slammed together, and the flying ants were immediately knocked out. The impact is still the highest in the world! The little dragon girl and the unknown monster are obviously both high-IQ magic pets. Both sides did not charge but started preparing magic separately.

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