Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Cat

After soothing Rose for a long time, she cried and left with her mother. Dad came up to explain and left, and only me was left in the room again! Now I don't want to sleep, soaking in the jar does not consume any physical energy, so I'm not sleepy at all!

When I was bored, I started to play with the instruments in the room through the nerve connection lines on my head. I remember that Dad said that the instruments of Long Yuan all support the operation of brain waves from time to time. Controlling the surveillance camera aimed at myself in the jar, the image was directly reflected in my brain, I always wanted to see what I am now! It's better not to look at it! Without the support of the bones, my body contracted into a circle due to the muscle's own tension. Now I am only about 70 cm high, and it looks like a pile of rotten meat, or else the rose just cried so sad! And I saw my eyes. When I got up that morning, my eyes just turned red. Now my pupils have become completely purple, and my pupils have become vertical pupils like cat eyes. Now it looks like I really Much like a monster!

I researched for a while and felt that I had really changed a lot. I started to study myself by controlling the things in the room through neural wiring. I first performed a brain wave test and found that my brain wave was free to control and accelerate to 50 times the previous speed. When I received the data from the brain point analyzer, I controlled myself to accelerate my brain activity to 50 times the original speed. Suddenly I lost all the image information and the entire neural network system was disconnected from me.

So I started to study why I couldn't receive the signal that the computer transmitted through the wires on my head. It felt like a long time and I finally figured it out. It is probably that my brainwave speed is too fast and it is beyond the machine's response range! After I figured it out, I started to slow down. When my brain wave speed dropped to 50 times the normal value, the signal suddenly returned to my head. After repeated attempts, I was more sure of my opinion.

I was thinking that the doors of the room suddenly started to rise slowly. The doors of the laboratory were all the kind of upward-moving gates, and they were all automatic. I remember that these doors were fast, why the door in front of them seemed to be stuck. Rising up just as slowly? The door has not been fully opened. Dad and a large group of researchers rushed in at the same speed as the slow motion. I didn't know what they were doing when I watched their funny moves.

After Dad rushed in, he lay directly on my jar and smashed the glass desperately and shouted something, but unfortunately I couldn't hear it, but his movement was really too slow! Other researchers rushed to their posts in slow motion and began to fiddle with the instruments. A flustered researcher accidentally knocked off the microphone on the stage. I watched the microphone fall slowly off the edge of the table and fall to the ground, and my brain suddenly realized something.

According to the laws of physics, the speed at which a thing falls is only related to two values, one is the gravity acceleration of the planet it is on, and the other is the ratio of its mass to air friction. The weight of the microphone is not light, the relative friction can be ignored, and the gravity field of the earth is also certain. It is reasonable that the microphone should immediately fall to the ground instead of such a slow drop as I see. Is this how it feels on the moon! Conversely, the speed of the microphone's falling has not changed, that is, my consciousness is wrong, not that the microphone is falling slowly, but my consciousness is getting faster! It must be caused by the acceleration of my brain waves. I am equivalent to letting myself enter the time stream 50 times faster than others. No wonder everyone's speed has become so slow.

突然 I suddenly realized the danger, and quickly reduced my brain wave to normal speed and typed on the screen: "Quickly lower the temperature of the native fluid by 10 degrees!"

我 When I recovered the brainwave speed, the speed of the surrounding people also returned to normal. Although the researcher did not know why, he did it quickly. Dad remembered that I couldn't hear it, so he turned to look for a microphone.

儿子 "Son! Are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

忽 Suddenly I felt dizzy, and the taste felt like a lack of oxygen in the brain and a feeling of dizziness when I had a high fever. Reluctantly controlled typing: "I'm fine, I just did some experiments, I almost played!"

"What the **** are you doing? I was about to leave just now and suddenly heard the researcher responsible for monitoring said that your brain waves disappeared, I thought it was brain death!"

"No!" I typed two words and started breathing hard to relieve my headache. "Increase the oxygen content, I'm choking!"

Dad didn't wait for the researcher to press the oxygen switch himself to increase support. "What the **** are you doing? The oxygen input has reached the upper limit. Why are you as if you just carried out a physical exercise, your biological oxygen consumption is almost catching up with a running elephant!"

大量 The large amount of oxygen sent in makes my brain no longer painful, and the drop in water temperature also reduces my dizziness and drowsiness. "I just found out that I can adjust my own brain wave frequency! As a result, I accelerated my brain activity. When it reached 50 times the normal value, the machine became unresponsive, so you thought my brain was dead, but it was actually my brain. The wave has exceeded the frequency and the machine can't receive it! After I speed up, I feel that my thinking has also accelerated, and your movements have become slower, but this seems to be very energy-consuming and will overheat the brain. I now feel my head It ’s like a hot water bottle! You'd better lower the water temperature by two degrees, I still think my head is hot! "

"Okay!" Dad quickly adjusted the temperature. "Don't do such a dangerous thing in the future, scare me! And after you come out, you must not speed up your brain thinking without an oxygen cylinder and ice cap."

"It doesn't matter, it just added too fast just now, if you only use two or three times the speed, you can still afford it!"

"Anyway, you pay attention to yourself, you are now an adult, and you need to know and think about some things. Men have a lot of responsibilities. Don't just enjoy the rights of men and not fulfill the obligations of men!"

"Obligations of men?"

Dad rushed all the research out before turning back: "Are you with Rose?"

"You knew already?"

"It was your mother who saw it from Rongrong. I didn't have that eyesight. I didn't believe it at the beginning, but it seems to be true now. You have to remember that men can be fraternal but never rotten, your ice is still What happened when there was a red moon? "

"This one……?"

"A man must hold up a sky for his woman, and use his arm to shield them from the wind and rain. As a man, I don't object to your wife, I've been young, and it's everyone's to hold and hold Dreams, but you must be worthy of each of them, especially Rong Rong, no matter how you spend it, this is my daughter-in-law. If you are sorry for Rong Rong, please take care of me! But as a father I hope you can focus on your life Not in love, you can fall in love with many girls, but in the end you can only go to the end of your life. As a father, I hope you can take hold of this partner who can go through life with you! So much to say, how to hold you up to you!"


爸 "Dad! Where did you go? Bingbing and Hongyue, I have never thought about it!"

"Don't lie to me, I don't know who you are! Lie your dad, don't think about it in your life!"

"Hum, pull down if you don't believe me!"

In the end, I actually talked with my dad all night. I didn't say much in the previous ten years! It was already early in the morning when Rumble was asleep, I don't know when Dad left! I woke up in the morning and connected directly to the game. I made an appointment with Ouyang today to prevent Little Japan from getting Chinese artifacts.

When I was online, I actually stood in the monster pile. My freak, who rarely participates in regular games, actually made a rookie-level mistake. I went up and down the empty refresh point that day, and now it is around It's all strange! Fortunately, these are all monsters called Japanese soldier rats. The area of ​​Japan is small, and even the monsters are very short. It is estimated that the Japanese are too short, and they are not good to fight because the monsters are too big!

出现 My presence flashed aside the soldiers and rats nearby, but they quickly turned around and rushed back. I didn't even bother to call them to start lucky to start roasting rat meat with Longyan. Anyway, Ouyang hadn't arrived yet, so it was better to practice the level first. After a large number of soldiers and rats were easily obtained, all the soldiers and rats disappeared without a trace. As I was preparing to find another place to level up, the ground suddenly moved, and a giant monster got out of the ground.

"Cat?" I can't help but scream.

猫 "Cat? What cat?" Ouyang just came online to hear me.

就 "Just this one!" I pointed at the huge weird cat who had just crawled out of the hole in front of me. Although the weird cat in front of him looked like a cat, he stood on the ground with two backs. He is now one meter tall. The round head of the fat body is full of fun. (You can refer to Garfield for the shape.) "It's really strange. I just hit a group of mice. It should be a boss like Mouse King now, but it's this cat."

"Boy, don't scream at this cat, this cat, I'm the great demon cat Toyota Jiro!"

"I can only talk!" I came to spirit.

Ouyang held up the knife in his hand and warned carefully: "Boss, be careful! Those who speak can run up to level 500!"

"It's okay! I'm not afraid of tigers, and I can scare cats!"

"Bold! I actually insult my Lord Toyota Jiro, and the samurai all came out." A large number of soldier rats suddenly appeared after the fat cat's fat claws moved, and unlike before, these mice were wearing armor holding the ninja knife .

"Dizzy, this year is really a money-making death, the mouse is a cat bodyguard!"

"Kill them!" The demon cat shouted. Many soldiers and mice rushed up, but unfortunately the gap was too large. The soldiers and rats themselves are more than four hundred levels, and they belong to monsters that win by number. Of course, when they meet people like me who are extremely defensive, their group advantage will of course disappear.

Lucky still plays the role of a pioneer in the way, the flames spray all the way to the head, you can have a low level of soldiers and rats and experience too low! Thousands of mice were soon cleared, and the demon cat stood looking at us stupidly. "What are you doing?"

I walked towards it step by step. "We don't do anything. I'm asking you to borrow something! Although you are very crap, you are a BOSS, so you should have a lot of good things!"

When I heard that the demon cat immediately covered her belly: "No, these are my lifeblood. It took me a long time to lie to me from the Hydra. I can't give it to you!"

没 "It doesn't matter!" A crisp metal friction sound, the blade claws slipped out of the machine box. "You die and use nothing!"

好 "Okay! You wait!" The demon cat suddenly made a pause gesture (claw). "Okay! I will, but the heroes will spare me!"

"It depends on the quality of what you give!"

好 "Okay! I'm out this time!" The cat demon turned out a whitish bead from the fur on his stomach as if he had made up his mind. It turned out that his belly was a pocket!

"What's this?" I asked darts to help me get the beads back. This monster is so mischievous, it must be very intelligent. If it makes it cheat, I will lose face! So it's safer to let darts go.

Dart put the beads in my hand, and I picked them up and looked carefully. The white dumplings are dropping dregs straight, how do they look like dough! "How are you playing with me? Give me a dough as a pearl?"

"Ah! I got it wrong!" The demon cat quickly turned out a white bead, but this time the bead looked like a baby, because it showed a faint golden light as soon as it appeared.

Darts got the beads back again, and I took a look at them. Attributes are short: "Evolution Beads-Magic Pet Feed. Feeding them will allow them to evolve, and the amount of evolution is randomly determined."

Ouyang was also surprised to hear that I finished reading the attribute: "This is a good thing! Brother, you have so many pets, keep it for yourself!"

"What a pity!" Although I really want it, I don't like it alone! Turning to the demon cat, "What else have you left?"

"It's gone!" The demon cat quickly waved his hand.

I winked at Lucky. Lucky immediately went up to catch the demon cat and turned it upside down. The demon cat really hides a lot, and was lucky to fall off a bunch of tattered. I really doubt that the pocket on its stomach is a space bag for the robot cat!

"I said no!" I stepped forward and picked up the underground things and looked at them. It was all rubbish. Except for a few gold coins, all the **** equipment was worthless. I wanted to make something more for Ouyang, and I can leave this evolutionary bead. Now pouring out a bunch of junk, not to mention that the value is not enough, even if it is all for Ouyang, he can't hold it! "Yes, you have no magic pet, Ouyang?"

"No! The magic pet in" Zero "is too difficult to catch. My subsidiary occupation is not a breeder, and I can't afford it!"

I said to the demon cat: "How many levels are you?"

"I ... I am 800!"

"Don't you lie? Do you have such a trashy 800 boss?"

"Actually I'm not garbage at all, just timid! Wait ~ ~ What do you ask? You don't want to ...? You promised!"

"I just said I wouldn't kill you, and conquering you wouldn't be considered to kill you!" As I said, I pulled off my gloves and started using the capture skills.

The demon cat trembled on the ground scared by my actions. I used two captures without success. Just before the third use, the demon cat suddenly stood up, shaking its head with its two front paws and desperately shaking. I felt that something was not right.

Suddenly the cat suddenly lowered its claws to the ground, the whole body arched, and its golden yellow fur all stood upright. I can clearly see that the size of the demon cat is increasing. It turns its head towards us. The yellow eyes have completely changed into the **** red blood of the demon, and the eyes that have been slit into a slit because they are too fat have become very large. Looks like two bulbs! The demon cat suddenly screamed from the sky, and the sound sounded like a tiger. The main thing was that when it opened its mouth, two sharp fangs were exposed. The fangs reflected the sunlight in the air like a metal texture!

"This is a big game!" The demon cat completely demonized and stared at us quietly. In his eyes, he could not find the lazy and weak eyes just now, and now the blood red eyes only had the extreme desire for killing!

"Boss, this thing doesn't seem to be easy to deal with!"

"I know, but its level is not very high, because it can be easily solved. I thought that my tank was a 900-level BOSS at the beginning, so it was difficult to get it! You are watching, I will subdue it!"

I was saying that the demon cat had taken the initiative to attack. I haven't reacted yet. It has already rushed to me. This guy is terribly fast! I turned backwards sideways for two consecutive times, Ouyang responded slowly and was swept away by a claw. It seems that this thing is not bad in attack and speed!

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