Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 70: One vs six thousand

"Oops! Little Japanese troops are here, let's run!" I said to the red and purple moons below. "There are more than a dozen people outside the tower, you can easily get it!"

After I jumped down to the ground, Hongyue looked at the door of truth behind her: "What about this thing?"

"I'm afraid this thing can't be taken away! We don't have time to move it. Besides, this thing doesn't look too light, it's probably not easy to transport!"

"No! We need to take it with you! You can't just take two scrolls at once! It's too cheap for Little Japan!" Ziyue resolutely said.

"Wait a minute!" Time did not allow us to discuss slowly. I directly transformed into a werewolf and walked in front of the huge gate of truth. I tried the size, opened my arms and hugged both sides of the gate, and my legs lifted up sharply. Because I was too strong, I couldn't help but send out a bright wolverine, the guards outside must have heard the sound and rushed in. When the red moon by the door was ready for magic, the seven or eight people who rushed in were immediately blasted out, and the remaining few were shot flat by three or two purple moons, which was not a level at all!

My strength was exerted on my side, and the huge door of truth was lifted by me after an unwilling sound. "Red moon! Blow up the tower door!" The door of the tower of truth is obviously not as big as the door of truth. We can't get out without blasting the door!

Wu Hongyue is also a master. As soon as I finished talking, the tower gate became a large hole under the action of a series of magic missiles. I rushed out against the door of truth. "Purple moon! You take Red Moon to ride the sky fire and leave, and by the way bring the door of truth."

"What about you?" The two asked together.

"Don't I drag them and you run away?"

"But ...!" Hongyue is more sane, and what she wants to say has been carried back by herself. She also knows that if we don't leave personal restraint, we will run away!

Ziyue was more impulsive than Hongyue, and she shouted directly. "No, you go with us, we can't leave you and run!"

"Don't say it, you go right away. Although the teleport ring has no coordinates in Japan, it can't be teleported, but I still have phantoms, and I still have a great chance to run away after a few short-distance teleports." I changed back to human form quickly The summoned all the magic pets and demon servants came out. In addition to the tank is still in a weak state, my 8 magic pets and 10 demon knights are all here. "I'm not alone! With so many younger brothers, they won't be able to treat me for a while and a half. Besides, I still have a werewolf form, and they can't run mine!"

The evil spirit knight also said in unison: "I wait to swear to protect the master's safety, and swear under the name of the great dark star! Destroy everything, leave no grass! Dead war, never back!"

"Then you have to make sure you run away as much as possible, don't fight with Little Japan!" Hong Yue finally asked not to worry.

"I'm not Wuyu! Rest assured, I will be careful!"

"Let's go now!" Seeing a bunch of men behind me, Ziyue was a little more relieved, calling out the sky fire to bring the red moon to hang the gate of truth and fly to the sky.

站在 I stood in front of the tower and looked at the sky fire that flew into the sky. Suddenly a bright white light pointed directly at the sky fire like a searchlight. The intense white light left a dazzling white beam of light in the dark night sky. Immediately afterwards, a row of magic missiles flew neatly, and their goal was to climb the sky fire. The magic missile is a nasty thing. Even after launch, it still needs a mage command. In other words, it actually looks like a wire-controlled missile. As long as the mage commands it behind, they will pounce on the target, and even if they are blown away, they will come back again. attack.

However, now it is night, as long as the mages can't see the sky fire, they can't aim, so I stare directly at the magist who released the directional lighting. That guy is in the sky not far away, and he is actually riding a bat-like monster!

幸运 "Lucky! Can Long Yan bomb hit him?"

Fortunately, he looked at him and said, "You can hit more!" After speaking, he opened the dragon's mouth at the mage in the sky. A string of more than a dozen Longyan bombs flew out almost in sequence. The mage in the sky did not know that I was still on the ground. He thought the enemies had fled and there was no defense at all. Attention will be life-threatening, and the mage immediately experienced the consequences. I don't know if the lucky sight is too good or the mage is unlucky. He lost 8 ash bombs in one breath and didn't even have ashes left.

The guiding mages who had lost their beams lost all their targets, and the sky fire that had already been flying quickly disappeared into the dark night sky. When the first lighting mage was killed, there were only seven or eight seconds of interruption, and two lighting mages began to use the beam of light to direct the firepower, but it was these seven or eight seconds that saved Skyfire. When the lighting mage started using the beam of light again, Skyfire was no longer in the original airspace. Two huge beams of light searched for Skyfire in vain, but they could not find it. I count the time now, even if it is found, it's okay. According to the dragon's flight ability, it should have been out of the magic missile range for such a long time, and they can't fight it when they are found!

After I stopped worrying about the safety of Hongyue and Ziyue, I started to worry about my safety. Almost when I looked back from the sky, the rumbling sound of running around finally arrived. Thousands of little Japanese rushed into the square where this tower of truth was lined up in a neat line. Instead of rushing up, they split into two lanes and ran around the edge of the square to the other. Surrounded in the square. The troops that followed immediately ran another round along the first lap of the wall, so that the lap of the wall was thickened to the eighth floor and all the little Japan finally entered the square.

I prayed silently to Heaven, if I only help me once in my life, I hope it is now, let me leave safely! There are more than six thousand pairs, if I can run away, I will be God!

The little Japanese leader who entered the gate of truth with us also appeared. It seems that he is probably the boss of this guild, at least a cadre-level figure. The little Japanese around me took the initiative to separate a passage, and the little Japanese leader came out of the crowd of soldiers.

"You are a very powerful enemy, and I have to admire you!" Little Japan first bowed to me like a body mourning. "But as an enemy, I can't let you go. My name is Masamoto Matsumoto, and I want to know the name of my enemy, and I want to know how you look!"

I smiled. "The two of us are only destined to live one, I don't think it's necessary to know the other's name, right? Also, I'm a handsome man who makes you look afraid of your inferiority, so don't look at it!"

"You ...!" Matsumoto was almost fainted with congratulations, and I was glad to see it, not to mention it. Even if I plant this today, I will be mad at you! "I respect you as a warrior, but you don't know how to deal with it, so forget it! If you are glad to be a mouse, I will deal with you by dealing with mice!" Masamoto Matsumoto shouted. "Indy team, kill him!"


Immediately, 13 ninjas came out of the team, and they gradually faded into their presence. Will it be invisible? Just now in the gate of truth, it was too late to open the anti-stealth function of Xing Tong, which made them bore, but now I am not afraid. After turning on Hiromi's anti-stealth function, the 13 stealth ninjas immediately appeared in front of me, but Little Japan didn't know what I saw. Thirteen fools still thought they were invisible and slowly approached me.

I kept the magic pet and the demon servant from moving, and I stood still without moving. A ninja finally couldn't help but quietly leaned in front of me, he slowly raised his knife and aimed at my head, ready to be covered. Just as his knife suddenly fell off, I gave it aside, and the ninja slashed the whole person forward. Fortunately, a long time ago, the paw picked up the ninja with an unstable center of gravity, put it to his mouth, and bit the unlucky head like a sugarcane.

As soon as I reached out to a ninja, a finger moved, and a feather arrow penetrated his chest directly. People around saw only a feather arrow floating in the air, and a drop of blood flowed down the shaft. As soon as I shook my hand, I was thrown out by the dragon tendon flying rope, and the flying rope was directly wrapped around the ninja's neck, and I dragged him easily in front of me. "If you want to fight, just grab the mouse secretly? You really think I'm a mouse?" I kicked him hard and kicked him out. The guy flew over a distance of nearly 50 meters and knocked over a wall of the side of the field. I can't get up afterwards. According to the setting of "Zero", the corpse will not be refreshed during the guild war. Now that the Black Dragon will hit me with so many members, the system has entered the guild war state by default, so the guy still has the corpse even though he hangs. (When PK, the total number of players participating in the battle reaches a certain value, do not apply for automatic entry into the guild war)

"I am a demon, a demon who can eat people, you wait to go to **** with me!"

The remaining 10 invisible ninjas around looked at each other and rushed towards me together. I didn't say anything. The ten ghost knights behind him tidy together, one blocking the path of a ninja. Rushing forward, reaching out, pinching the ninja's neck, pressing hard and clicking. All the movements were like one person. Ten ninjas were pinched and their necks fell to the ground in the same posture. Matsumoto looked at the 13 members who immediately hung up and immediately became angry. "Kill! Give me all and drown him!"

"Hands on!" I also gave orders to the demon servants and magic pets at the same time.

The little Japanese around me rushed up and a string of magic flew over. Unfortunately, I was the magic terminator. Not long ago I learned that the Dark Dragon Set is actually the Black Dragon Set, and the biggest feature of the Black Dragon is to ignore any magic. Although the magic dragon suit does not ignore magic like the black dragon, but it resists all magic, magic damage will drop very low on it, plus its own damage absorption ability, I am basically not afraid of magic attacks. Now after so many magical intensive hits, I only reduced my 3000 blood. Although my total blood volume is 5600, it is not too much, but it will not hurt my bones. Besides, I still have the blood jar of luck. !! It's 11:30 now, as long as I can stick to it for 30 minutes, I can summon the tank after 0 o'clock, and by the time it's amazing that he blew up the whole square, and 6000 people gave me enough support.

After a round of magic attacks, the mages stopped their firepower. They were using the biggest magic just now, and now they are drinking the blue magic. Although the mage stopped, the soldiers rushed up. I transformed into a werewolf form, and the exaggerated height made the soldiers charge in one formation. I took out the Dragon King Sword and crashed into these soldiers crazy. Flying Dragon Sword rushed into the crowd in response to Dragon King Sword's call.

A warrior rushed to the front. He used a tomahawk, which was a heavy weapon, and it was probably a powerful barbarian. Although I did n’t fear his strength after being transformed into a werewolf, I did n’t want to fight against him. There were many of them. If they were harder than strength, even a wheel fight would kill me. My only goal is to kill the enemy. Get rid of his tomahawk and hit him in a circle. The entire face of his helmet has been dented by me. It is estimated that the face inside is similar!

Kick this warrior, turn around and draw a sword. A sword runs through a ninja leaping in the air, and by his falling inertia and his own weight, he swings the sword and chops down a soldier who just rushed to the front. half. Lifted his foot and stepped on his stomach to pull out the Dragon King Sword. Before the sword was lifted up, another fighter rushed up. I directly hit his stomach with his left fist. The blade claws quickly under my control. He walked in and out of his stomach three times, pushing away his softened body and blocking the knife from behind.

跳过 Skip directly over the wall of the soldiers in the front row and jump into the ninja pile behind. "Sword Blade Storm!" A sword flower flew together with an eight-handed flying dragon sword. The ninja with low blood resistance was an opponent, and I was immediately dropped by one. I cleared this ninja and turned to kill the one in front of me. That row of soldiers, I don't want to suffer the enemy!

One-handedly sent the Dragon King Sword into the body of a soldier who had just rushed up. The wrist was pulled out again and again, and the Dragon King Sword was pulled out with his internal organs. The soldier watched in surprise as his stomach collapsed. But then another soldier rushed up to me and was stabbed by him. With a straight punch, Ariana blasted the soldier, covering her face, and flew out, knocking over a group of people.

10 There are 10 demon knights back to back in a circle, and all of their 850 lances are outward. Little Japan can't get close to their formation. The most advanced players are not enough 550. The gap of 300 or more makes the ghost knights easily wipe out every time they attack.

The little dragon girl flying in the air and facing the outside mage group is a chain of lightning bolts. Xiaofeng opened the road with a flame next to the little dragon girl because of the two of them, so until now the second wave of the little Japanese mage attacked I haven't figured it out yet!

Rose Vine's attack is also a covert sneak attack harassment battle. Some people in Little Japan often fall for some reason and are trampled to death by their own people. The mage group often performs the trapeze trick. The mage who just finished the spell flew into the sky .

Ye Yingying's lightning magic was too late to hack. He simply stepped on the hoof. Thanks to the fact that I helped him install the war horse to step on the human iron, Little Japan was trampled after being overthrown. When there are too many people, Ye Ying will kick a few people out to make room.

The task of dart dart is very simple. He specially launched attacks in the mage heap to those who are about to read the magic spell. Thanks to his close cooperation with Xiaofeng and Dragon Girl, I was protected from the magic storm.

Ariana always stood behind me and helped me to block those enemies I couldn't see or couldn't get over. Her attributes were similar to those of a combat priest, her melee attack power was similar to that of a soldier, and she recovered her magic, and sometimes helped me. Add auxiliary magic or blood to other magic pets!

Phantom is the most leisurely, and after I and the body, just use the telepathic command from time to time to fight other magic pets!

Now we are the luckiest and most busy. He opened his mouth and took a spit of Dragon Yan, and then burned it. His huge tail turned away and swept away a group of people, not to mention his giant claws. The person who trampled on was no better than Dragon Yan. How much less burned!

My side is the most strenuous. Little Japan knows that I am the head. As soon as I kill my magic pet, it will disappear automatically, so they focused on the attack on me. Just kicked one fighter, and the other rushed up again. I quickly pulled out the Dragon King Sword that was still inserted in another person and inserted it into the soldier's body. But before I drew the sword again, a warrior next to it had already cut it with a slash. I lifted my elbow up and blocked the attack with a shield over my shoulder, but somehow there was another sword. I have no time to dodge. When the long sword failed to penetrate my armor and was shaken aside, I kicked him out by the way.


After the full melee lasted for 20 minutes, I had been covered all over. The Dragon King Sword didn't know where to go for a long time. I guess it's still stuck on whose stomach! Without the Dragon King Sword, the Flying Dragon Sword does not know where it is, I can only replace it with a blade claw to attack. However, I find it more convenient to use this thing. The blade claws are better controlled than the sword, and the high attack of my werewolf form just solves one person at a time. Sometimes it ’s too late for me to grab people and throw them out. Little Japan was short. When I was a werewolf in the shape of more than two meters, I looked like a child.

I started with some methodical attacks, and now it has completely turned into a group stand, leg-holding, waist-holding, and biting. I can see that people are anxious and crazy than dogs! Maybe I'm afraid to bite out a few Japanese werewolves, otherwise I will bite these little Japanese out, and now I have to grind it with my claws!

After half an hour, there is no black part on my body anymore. The **** water has completely dyed me red. I am definitely the number one in the game now! I don't know when Matsumoto was congregating in the crowd and approached me, and I was unaware of his approach.

I was suffering from a stomachache when I was smashed by a little Japanese on the left and right, and a sharp blade came out of my stomach. I turned back in surprise, and I should be backed by Ariana! But all I saw was the smiling face of Matsumoto Masayuki, and Aona was not at all. This girl just hung up so silently, she didn't say a word until she died, strong enough! But you tell me at least that my back is empty!

Matsumoto, who smiled a little, tried to pull out his katana, but as soon as I tightened the muscles in my abdomen, the knife couldn't be pulled out at all. I turned around and faced Masamoto Matsumoto. This guy is short in Japanese, and now he's right in front of me. I pulled out the katana from behind, and with both hands, the long sword broke into two pieces. Several Japanese samurai behind rushed up and wanted to sneak in on me, maybe this guy's guard. I didn't even look back at a person who slammed into the elbow.

面对 Facing Matsumoto again, he stepped back scaredly. "Do you want me to die? I want to pull you back to death!" I was about to go up and tore him up, and suddenly burst out, lucky to fly over and fell to the ground. Matsumoto, who was in front of me, was instantly smashed into meat sauce. .

I was lucky to look at me, "Sorry, I'm sorry! Accident!" After running, he quickly ran away and continued to kill.

After getting lucky, I suddenly found my Dragon King Sword, which was still stuck in the stomach of a Japanese ninja. I pulled out the Dragon King Sword in the past and sensed the Dragon King Sword's response. 8 flying Dragon Swords flew from the surrounding crowd.

"The sword of Dragon Sword Dance!" I put the Dragon King sword in front of me, and 8 flying dragon swords flew together in front of me. The sword handle rounded the edge of my sword to the periphery. With my command, the sword wheel consisting of flying dragon swords began to spin at high speed. With this flying sword wheel, I walked into the pile of people. The sword wheel was set at a height of about one meter and six meters. Now when I enter the crowd, I immediately start working like a lawn mower. The blood spring turned into a headless corpse.

爽 My secant phantom suddenly reminded: "The demon spirit knight can't hold on to it!" After Ajana hung up, we have no blood-supplying people, and the level of the demon spirit knight can't stay high. For nearly 40 minutes, they have been depleted of their health by archers and wizards. I quickly took them all back, these guys died and can't be lost.

Immediately after the Wraith Knight recovered, my pressure surged. The darts next to me could not stand up and hung back. I didn't dare to summon him again. 10% of his health value was dead. Immediately after that, Xiaofeng was beaten down by the ice mage who was called by Little Japan with a round of ice blade storm. Fortunately, she could be resurrected once. After the resurrection, her first thing was to use a lava **** to put those dozens of ice. All the mages have been pitted! But unfortunately, Xiaofeng who just flew up again suffered a concentrated attack from a Japanese mage and died.

Xi was defeated like a mountain. After Xiaofeng's stroke, Xiaolong was also shot down by the concentrated attack of the archer and mage. The only unfortunate thing was the rose vine. He was besieged by the Japanese ninja with earthen sacrifice, but anyway, before he hung up, he used a sky-scratching pit to bury more than 200 ninjas, watching so many hands and legs on the ground. Outside, the other little Japanese hurriedly started digging the companions below, but unfortunately all they dug were corpses.

In the end, luck and Ye Ying failed to escape the calamity, and I became the last target to stand. The whole little Japan gathered around, and my sword wheel chop could not be started because the magic power was exhausted. In order to maintain the shape of the werewolf, I still need some magic power!

坦克 "Tank!" It is now 0:30, and the final trump card of the tank is finally available. "Magic bombardment!" I actually shouted out to scare people. I just shouted out when I saw that Matsumoto was resurrected. He had seen the live ammunition of the magic crystal bombardment in the gate of truth, and knew the power of the magic crystal bombardment, so when I called it out he would be afraid. But he did not know the harsh requirements of the magic crystal bombardment. Now we are surrounded by people. It takes 20 seconds for the tank to be fully prepared. During this period, anyone who hits the tank will not be in a complete state. What the magic crystal bombardment requires is When launching the tank, all attributes must be in full state, even if one drop of blood is used for a little magic value. So at this time the tank couldn't shoot at all, and shouting out was frightening.

"Fast back!" Matsumoto shouted as I expected, it seems that the shelling of the tank that killed him hundreds of elites still makes him remember!

的 Little Japan next to me evacuated the site at a much faster speed than when rushing in, leaving more than 3,000 dead little Japanese corpses and nearly a thousand wreckage of pets in the entire square. Just now there are not many complete corpses. In order to kill the enemy to the greatest extent, we use big moves (here it is understood to be a big move). The surrounding corpses are either lacking arms or legs, anyway, complete Almost nothing. The most neat are those who were strangled to death by the demon knight. They just have a big hole in their stomach (can pass through a hole as large as a volleyball). The worst thing to die is those who were fortunately killed, either burned to coke or bitten and torn. Fortunately, there was only a pile of burnt black ash and ground meat pieces at the place where luck was standing. What can be recognized as a human component!

Now that Little Japan withdrew from the square, I noticed that I had killed so many people. Will it be considered by the players as a perverted killer in the future! No matter how much, while scaring away Little Japan now, I have to evacuate quickly and turn around and take a leap. The goal this time is to jump to the top of the tower. With the powerful athletic ability of the werewolf, jumping out is safer than flying. I am not as fast as Long Fei. I will be caught by those searchlight-like mages and not become those mages. Archer's moving target!

I was thinking about the sudden mutation. My take-off was unsuccessful. A huge force came from my ankle. The original take-off not only failed to get me to the top of the tower but hit the half-waist of the tower. I banged through the wall of the tower of truth and fell Tari.

The head full of Venus shocked by the impact of the force, I climbed out of a pile of stone fragments, and my foot was still holding a broken arm from the elbow, it seems because I just caught me when I took off Ankle was pulled by my strength. I got up angrily and walked to the side of the wall, kicked the wall and walked out directly from the direction I came in. I wanted to see which one would kill me, and dared to pull me!

But I was dumbfounded as soon as I came out. Suddenly there were many people in the cleaned square, oh no, there should be many monsters, many ... zombies? The corpses on the ground were gone, and now there were corpses with few arms and legs standing on the square. These corpses are those that have just been found on the ground, but fortunately, the violent means we just made most of the corpses are incomplete. Now there are only seven or eight hundred of them that can stand up ~ ~ More only Climbing underground, some even ca n’t even crawl, can only twitch like cramps on the ground.

After I came out, the corpses approached me actively, but some of these guys didn't have their heads, and some of them also pulled their heads. They should be invisible. But now they actually react to me, then these things must not be moving by themselves. Someone is manipulating these things. This is not something like simple zombies. These should be corpses that are controlled by someone. What character should be in the vicinity to control these things, but who in the society can have the ability to manipulate the body?

Is it an undead mage? No, the undead mage manipulates skeletons, and even zombies have summoned them from specific places such as graveyards. I haven't heard that they can directly summon players' bodies! Even if it is possible, these headless zombies should not appear! The zombies summoned by the undead mage are like creatures, relying on their eyes, nose, and ears to find targets and attack, but these monsters don't look at me at all, some don't even have their heads, and even more terrible are those rotten intestines It is also shaking, and all the biological debris around is moving! What the **** is this doing! Is it a variant of the Undead Mage?

Just when I was puzzled, suddenly I saw Masamoto Matsumoto standing in the distance, and there was a man wearing a Taichi gossip costume standing next to him. He looked like a Taoist, but felt a bit wrong! The Taoist priests gave a sense of innocence, but this person gave a sense of uncoordinated depression. I am 100% sure this is definitely not a Taoist in China!

突然 I suddenly remembered the career situation of Japanese players introduced by Yuzhe. It seems that there is a profession similar to him, is he? Wouldn't be so coincident! Actually let me meet the Japanese of this profession!

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