Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 64: Behind the enemy

Fortunately, he took me over the enemy fleet. At the beginning, Little Japan tried to intercept us with bows and arrows, but unfortunately, above them were the least powerful directions of bows and arrows. Not to mention that there is no speed after the arrows flying upwards reach our altitude, the dragon's scale armor alone is far from being shot by bows and arrows.

"Be careful!" I was lucky and crossed the periphery of the enemy ship and flew towards the biggest flagship, and suddenly Ziyue called me to be careful. As soon as I looked down, I saw a tail of smoke flying up. rocket?

"Fortunately, let's get out of here!" Fortunately, as I reminded, the wings were easily passed by the rocket. Fortunately, animals are not airplanes. It is weird that small rockets can hit us!

But what surprised me was that the rocket suddenly fell off and flew back after flying over its head. How could there be a missile? Is there a computer in the game? No time to think about it, the following tracking missiles have caught up again, so fast!

Fortunately I saw a tail followed by a turn and easily let go of the attack again, but the missile came back again! "Xiaofeng!" I directed Xiaofeng rushed up. Xiao Feng's slender figure was even better than lucky flexibility. After flying around the missile a few times, Xiao Feng grabbed the missile with one claw.

Although it was caught, the missile seemed very powerful. Xiaofeng couldn't completely control the movement of the missile. I commanded Xiaofeng to keep her body as steady as possible, fortunately she rushed up and cut off the tail of the missile. The flame-sprayed tail spun out with smoke, and was blasted by a lucky dragon.

The rocket that lost power was ripped apart by Xiaofeng twice, and I was shocked! A Japanese wearing only a novice outfit appeared in the intercepted missile warhead, a living missile? Suicide attack? After all these years, does Little Japan still like this boring tactic? This warhead is obviously a newcomer, and the newcomers at level 20 can already leave the novice village, and they have no punishment after death. Even if they drop off, they can practice quickly. Little Japan let such people be used as a tracking system in missiles. Although inhumane, it is a good way! But in front of this guy, he was holding a large bundle of fuses. The other end of the fuse was connected with a large bundle of zha medicine, and his other hand was actually holding a flame.

"No! Flash!" I hurriedly let Xiaofeng throw away this human body missile, and Lucky and I turned around and evacuated quickly.

The little Japanese actually got up from the inside and shouted a lighted fuse, I guess he was shouting something like Long Live the Great Japanese Empire! Another fanatical activist!

Lucky and Xiaofeng just exploded as soon as they left a certain distance. Because there is no need to worry about the problem of igniting people's lives, the fuse is an instant explosion type, and it will explode at one point! Fortunately, neither Xiaofeng could run away a sufficient safety distance, and the enemy's fire was indeed too much! A violent, almost materialized shock wave carried us with violent airflow, tumbling around and flying away. Fortunately, she was lost in direction and carried into the sea. Xiaofeng fell directly on a Japanese battleship. But Xiaofeng was okay, quickly got up and fanned his wings to bring up a flame storm, Xiaofeng successfully rushed into the blue sky again.

幸运 Luck and I are relatively miserable. They fell into the sea too fast. The two of us sank into the water after twirling two tens of huge waves on the sea surface. The soft and docile water surface was hard like a rock at this speed. All of my flying dragon swords flew and even my helmet was knocked off. Fortunately, he instinctively folded his wings and protected his head under the wings!

Under the water, I had a headache that was hit by the impact, but I still braced to the surface. The Dragon King Sword came out of the sheath, recruited the Flying Dragon Sword, and then used the recovery ability of the Dragon Set to retrieve the helmet that flew out. The surface of the water not far away suddenly strung up and rushed towards me quickly, I felt lucky under the water at that time. Fortunately, I crossed from below to take me out of the water to fly to the blue sky, but we are now next to the Japanese fleet, and all the guns are sounding, countless water columns are rising beside us. Fortunately, we flickered in the cannonball rain and evaded us. Before Little Japan fired a second time, we had pulled up beyond their shooting angle.

Ziyue followed nervously. "All right?"

"It's almost over! I actually killed a 20-level garbage!" Little Japan replaced my life with a 20-level newcomer, and it really counted! "No!" I suddenly thought of the fleet behind. I do n’t know how many of these missiles are in Japan. It is not a problem to see if the speed and flight capability of this thing are two to get one ship. Is our warship dangerous? Since this thing is a rocket, I think the range should be more than 15 kilometers.

I was thinking about turning the fleet, but it was too late. Suddenly several flames burst out on the Japanese battleship below, and more than a dozen living missiles flew up.

"Stop them!" I shouted to Ziyue. At the same time luck also rushed down with me.

Xiao Xiaofeng rushed directly into the missile group and turned himself into a big fireball. The high temperature directly detonated all the missiles, but Xiaofeng himself was also hung up because more than a dozen missiles exploded nearby. Fortunately Xiaofeng can be resurrected once!

But Little Japan seems to have the same human life as money, and it is a dozen missiles taking off! The entire front deck of the battleship below is a vertical missile array. Looking at the dense wellhead, there are at least thirty to forty!

The situation was urgent, and Ziyue directed the sky fire and rushed up through the missile array. White light flashed into a continuous explosion, with flames, debris, and dense smoke everywhere. After the smoke cleared, Ziyue never flew out, and the sky fire disappeared.

But the lower silo spewed flames again, and watching the missile take off again, what can I do? Rush to block like Ziyue's body? There was also a flame on the battleship next to it, and more than a dozen missiles took off. There are more than one missile boat in Little Japan. Looking at more than a hundred missiles being launched, I don't know what to do!

Ana suddenly appeared behind me without calling. "Are those things under human control?"

"Ah? Well! Do you have a way?" I hope Ariana comes out because there is a way to deal with these things.

"I try!" Ariana ran to Lucky's head and held her lucky crown with both hands to fix herself. "Ah! ..." Ariana actually sang, and it was scary in high tones, and the sound frequency was still rising. In the last few times, it turned into the harsh sound of a heart that made when scraping glass with metal. This sound frequency remained for a few seconds, but the sound suddenly disappeared, but it seemed that Arna was still singing, and it seemed that the sound wave had exceeded the frequency of human ear sound waves! As I desperately covered my ears against the extremely uncomfortable sound, the missile in front of me suddenly began to sway. Then a missile suddenly exploded into a rising fireball, and the missiles next to it began to explode one after another. Although some missiles did not explode, they fluttered around, many missiles were planted into the sea and never came up again.

I was surprised to see the explosions on the warships below that could launch missiles suddenly, and the flames flew out. Countless little Japanese who were on fire were running around on the boat and jumping into the water with some panic.

At the end of the noise of 20 seconds in total, I immediately ran to the side of the lucky wings and stretched my head to start vomiting. This **** is an ultrasonic weapon! It felt like two armies were fighting in the head. The harsh sound caused me severe headaches and nausea. Aona is still my magic pet, many mask effects are definitely blocked, the following little Japan is estimated to be worse than me! I was spitting out and suddenly I was lucky and fell down.

三个 The three of us fell into the sea again. I swam quickly to the luck that was sinking deep into the water, summoned the little dragon girl to drag the luck, and I dived in and looked at the luck. His eyes were full of circles, and it seemed to stun the ultrasound. Seeing the four corners of the sky still bubbling fortunately, I all want to laugh!

Ana swam over to look at the lucky and sorry: "I'm sorry, I should find something for you to plug your ears!"


I used Phantom to communicate with Ariana: "What was that just now?"

"My sonic weapon, a dual-frequency sonic cannon! What you heard just now is a gradual increase in sonic energy concentration, and then when you can't hear it, I enter the dual-sonic attack of ultrasonic and infrasound. The infrasound belongs to the psychic attack. It can cause dizziness, and ultrasound can directly detonate the zha medicine! "

"It's very practical, but next time tell me first, I'll sing away and you sing! I almost didn't spit out my stomach! Well, Xiaolong, take us back to Bi Ling, let's go underwater!"

Although the attack was not completed, I really couldn't complete it. Fortunately, I was severely injured in a coma, and I also had a headache. It was the right thing to go back for treatment.

I barely climbed back to Bi Ling. I was surrounded by everyone as soon as I got on the deck.

Rose asked everyone on behalf of me: "How is it? Are you all right? We saw that you finally fell down, how did you do it?"

"It's okay! It wasn't beaten down. It's lucky!"

"What? Your dragon is dizzy?" Chuang Wang asked in surprise: "Is the dragon dizzy?"

靠 I leaned on the side of the ship and said, "Please! Let me go, okay! My head is going to blow up, I want a doctor!"

Everyone noticed that my condition was not good, so I asked Rose and Bingbing shelf to rest.

刚 As soon as I arrived in the cabin, I heard the roar of the magic crystal cannon firing. It seems that we have entered the range, and it is estimated that the first shot was fired by the lunatic of Wuyu again. I fell asleep in my nausea. The infrasound just now was uncomfortable, a little like motion sickness, and a bit like a headache after getting drunk!

———————————————————————————————————————————————— ————

"Zi Ri! Zi Ri! Wake up soon!" I was woken up, standing next to Zi Yue and Rose.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" My head doesn't hurt much anymore, but it's still a little heavy.

"It's okay!" Rose quickly soothed: "It's okay, we've killed the Japanese fleet. Rona is carrying the pirates to move things. The carrier you want is also left."

那就 "That's good! By the way, how are our losses?"

"We have kept ourselves within the range of 15 kilometers to 20 kilometers and consumed by the Japanese. They run after us and they chase after us. You killed their only weapon with a range longer than ours, and our battle was very easy. .The only regret is that the Korean fleet has been killed, we arrived late! "

"Zi Ri!" Chuang Wang came in. "We want to ask, what are you going to do next?"

"Next step?" To tell the truth, I have no plan at all, and everything is solved after encountering it!

"Yes, the next step!" Eagle also came in. "Should we kill each other's remaining 6,000 warships first, or will we go to Japanese ports first?"

"Let's do it together!" I said the third option that everyone didn't understand. "You took the fleet to the sea to battle the Japanese, and I went ashore to see what happened."

"How do you do that?" Eagle first objected. "You are the captain!"

"But I don't command! Yes, I do contribute the most money, but I don't really command naval battles. The Clash King command is much better than me, so let the Clash King command me." And said to Chuang Wang: "You have rich experience in naval battles, and you want to fight against the Japanese. You used to have a bad ship. Now I'll borrow you Bi Ling, it's up to you!"

"That will not work!" Rose also opposed my opinion. "You are too dangerous alone!"

"Depending on my strength, can I still run without running?" I am very confident in myself. I have a teleportation ring and no one can catch up with me!

"At least bring me!" Rose did her best.

"It's okay to bring people, but I can't take you!" I patted Rose's shoulder. "You are a nurse-like occupation, and the combat effectiveness is too poor, if you are found by the little devil, you will be easily caught!"

"I'll go with you!" Ziyue stood out. "I have Skyfire and Daming Xiaoming. Are the fighting powers strong enough?"

"I will go too!" Hongyue also squeezed in. "As the first combat mage in mainland China, am I always strong enough?"

I look at the two of them and then look at the roses. It seems that they will keep up with me without their roses. In contrast, it is safer to bring a few high-attack personnel. Anyway, Ariana will use almost all water magic Most of the coincidence water systems are auxiliary and healing magic, so Ariana can also be regarded as a half sacrifice! "Both Red Moon and Purple Moon follow along! And blue wind, are you a hunter?"


"Will you make a trap?"

当然 "Of course, hunters eat food by traps!"

"Would you like to go with me?"

"Long ago!" Lan Feng shook his bow. "Zheng worry you won't take me there!"

"I will follow you too!" Wu Yu volunteered.

"Forget it!" I quickly interrupted him. "With you, I'm afraid we won't be hunted down by all Japanese for less than 30 minutes!"

"Relentless, gold coins, and philosopher, three of you come with me! These are high-attack professions, and you need a few agile and high-spirit pioneers! Yuzhe is just a ninja. Ninjas in the team are less likely to be suspected!"

"OK!" The three nodded together. The gold coin still smiled and said, "This time my theft can be upgraded! Oh roar roar!"

"How did you get there?" Eagle Watch couldn't stop me. I had to help me think about the problem. "It's not close to the beach here!"

"Let's ride by speedboat. Seven people and four speedboats will do. It ’s safer to have fewer people. After landing, we pretend to be a leveling team. A few of us do n’t have Chinese-style occupations. As long as we do n’t speak, gold coins do n’t use Taoist skills, no one knows. we are Chinese!"

"Simultaneous translation should also be bought." Red Moon reminded: "Although the tone of the simultaneous translation is strange, it will be recognized as soon as we speak, but we can listen to what the Japanese say, at least know their intentions! All the conversation is handed in To the philosopher! "

药 "Medicine!" Bingbing suddenly said: "You need to bring more medicine, it may not be easy to go to the city to buy medicine after you go to the island, so it is best to bring more! Everyone bring them the medicine!"

Looking at everyone starting to dig, I quickly stopped. "No. I prepared for it after I was badly beaten last time!" I took out a large pack of medicine from the space wrist to show them. "It's enough to eat for ten and a half months!"

靠 "Fuck! Who are you? Carrying so many medicines with you?" Wu Yu and Warsong, who didn't know my inside story, were shocked. Usually they would n’t bring so many medicines in leveling! How could they know that I was lazy and didn't want to run back and forth in the drug store!

"Let's go now!" Hongyue was very anxious.

别 "Don't worry!" I jumped up and said to an outside sailor, "Go and bring the carrier pigeons in the conference room!"

The sailor ran away quickly, and then he ran back again. I picked up one pigeon and the other rose. "You are at sea, you can't use private chat. If you have any problem using this connection, you can go offline and call me outside, come in after speaking!"

"Screaming outside?" What did we mean when Eagle didn't respond for a moment?

Ziyue interjected immediately: "Rose is on a bed with him, and she can play the emotional hotline when she turns over!"

"Ziyue!" Rose hummed to Ziyue.

Others immediately understood that they came over and agreed very much, "Oh!" I was embarrassed with Rose!

I cough twice. "Well, that's it. Let's go first!" Hurrying out with five of them, Ziyue, and five of them.

In the bilge, seven of us sailed out in four speedboats. I drove a boat with a purple moon, a blue wind drove a boat with gold coins, a heartless drove a boat with a red moon, and Yuzhe went alone. Three speedboats rushed out of Biling's cabin and headed towards the sea.

After opening a certain distance, Hongyue said: "Zi Ri, we are too short now. The waves have affected our sight, so it is easy to rush into the enemy fleet!"

"I let lucky go to scout!" I summoned lucky to help me carry out high-altitude reconnaissance. Although I may not be able to insist on our shores with lucky stamina, anyway, I have more magic pets.

I call fortune pointing forward. "Lucky, fly high, help us scout in front!" But, instead of flying forward, Lucky dropped his head and flew backward. "Lucky! Fortunately, it's the front, not the back! Where are you going?" Seeing that luck ignored my order and burned the buttocks in the opposite direction, I really felt inexplicable. Lucky is 100 for my loyalty! It is said that the loyalty to this index is to let him jump into the fire pit and he will do it!

I saw my lucky run away and Ziyue looked at me strangely. "Isn't your lucky loyalty enough? Why don't you take orders?"

Merciless also leaned against the ship. "How did that happen? Isn't that your luck? What did he fly there?"

Lanfeng also ran over, "What happened?"

不 "I don't know! My magic pet flew away! It never happened before!"


I was talking and saw that luck suddenly flew back again. "sorry Sorry!"

"What were you doing there just now?"

"I'm going to make it easier! The couple of dragon riders who eat in the morning seem to be smelly, I have a diarrhea!"

I'm dizzy! Fortunately, Little Japan ate too much in the morning, but it was a bad stomach! It seems that Little Japan has no recycling value for meat, and it is junk food when it dies! Actually ate the diarrhea of ​​the lucky dragon with such a strong body!

Lucky suddenly showed a painful expression. "Master! Just wait for me!" After that, another one flew away!

I rely! I didn't stop there!

The six guys next to me are all laughing and leaning back and forth, laugh and laugh, you do n’t have a time to run away? The baby dragon is sick and doesn't care about two words! I thought about the ruthless words next to me: "Zi Ri! Little Japan is indeed an unhygienic thing, and I will tell lucky to eat less!" He laughed more loudly.

"I despise you!" I just said lucky and finally flew back, but it still looks bad! "Forget it, let's go back to rest! By the way, let Xiaofeng come out!" I reluctantly let lucky return to the pet space. Seeing him pull like this, he can't fly anymore! Can dragons get sick? What a weird thing to do every year, this year is especially many!

Fortunately, Xiaofeng is all normal, Xiaofeng flying high in the air starts to provide us with early warning services.

倒 Nothing happened along the way. Very smoothly, we reached the coast of Japan. You can already see the land from a distance, but before that, you have to go through the shallow water area with many players. Here the monsters are dense and it is a good place for players to level, so many Japanese players gather here. Japan is indeed an island country, and China cannot compare its developed fisheries! The shallow water area with players everywhere is much scarier than the empty leveling area over China. No wonder Japan likes to run to China! Their geographical environment is indeed not comparable to China!

But now we do n’t have much time to lament the environment of Little Japan. What we have to consider is how to land! It's impossible to drive the beach directly with a speedboat. It can indeed go ashore quickly, but it will expose the speedboat, and the speedboat will not be able to keep it down!

Wu Hongyue looked at both sides: "Why don't we run along the coastline? It's too close to the port, and there should be fewer people farther away!"

"Okay! Run and see!"

七个 Seven of us quickly started running along the coastline, but after we passed two ports in a row, we realized that this method was impossible! The number of Japanese is unimaginable. Leveling players are almost rowed from one port to another. There is almost no gap in the middle to facilitate us to dock! The population density of Little Japan is really high! I thought that there were enough Chinese people, so when I looked at Little Japan, I knew what it means to have fewer people and more people! Even this seaside leveling area can be as crowded as Xinshoucun. A dozen people grab a monster!

"What shall we do?" The gold coins looked around. "So many people, there is no way to shore!"

"Can you go underwater?" I want to see if everyone can go down the water.

The blue wind looked at the shore two or three kilometers away. "At the speed of a speedboat, it shouldn't be impossible to hold your breath in one go!"

"I mean, hide the speedboat here, let's dive in!"

"What a joke? So far, even in the game, it takes a long time to go! We can't hold our breath for so long!" Gold coins seem to be afraid of water!

"What then?"

有了 "Yes! Ariana!" I summoned Ariana. Then take off the helmet. "My helmet can breathe underwater, we still hide the speedboat, and then we swim to the dark side by side and let Arona pass the helmet back and forth!"

"Aye!" The first coin called. "I can't swim without this oxygen mask!"

I helped everyone to hide the four speedboats and swim first. Ariana hugged me from behind to help me speed up. With the help of her mermaid, I was also very fast in the water, but I slowed down in order not to bring too obvious tracks.

I reached the shore smoothly. There were not many people here. After all, the monsters were still a distance away from the shore. After I landed, I gave the helmet to Ariana and quickly ran into the rubble beside it to hide. Unfortunately, my armor was black and shiny, and it was a little conspicuous in this place full of white stones. Fortunately, the Japanese do n’t seem to be as enthusiastic as the Chinese, and they just do n’t care about me as a strange person.

I waited for a while for Hongyue to be sent up, and then Ziyue, so all seven of us reached the shore. Everyone carefully pretended that the team who came back from leveling was mixed with the crowd and headed inland. Fortunately, no one around us noticed us.

Finally landed on the land of Japan. Looking at the Japanese in strange costumes around, I was so excited that I really wanted to find a place to bury a bomb! How is sweat like bin Laden! After walking a bit, I found a problem. Little Japan is so short! My self-esteem is fully satisfied. My short man with a height of only 172 is actually quite high among the Japanese. People walking around are rarely taller than me, and most of them are half shorter than me. head!

I now have some regrets for bringing ruthlessness and blue wind. These two guys walk in the middle of the Japanese like two electric poles. They actually lifted their chests and raised their heads, posing great. I went up and punched each of them. "You two haven't hooked your waist yet, you are doing so straight, I am afraid that others do n’t know that you are Han. Yamato is tall? See how Yuzhe does, learn something! "The two guys softened immediately, but unfortunately the effect was not obvious, especially the blue wind. This kid is too tall, and many very short Japanese people only reach him. shoulder!

The next three women were giggling aside, and I went over and said, "You also pay attention to me. Japanese women are walking with their heads down. What are you doing so high? Also, Japanese women are walking behind men, don't Go to the man! It ’s taboo, it ’s easy to recognize that it ’s not Japanese! ”

The three girls didn't know if I was talking about it or started pretending to be a Japanese woman, and all of them followed us like quails. In order to look like I even started to imitate the ring-shaped legs of the Japanese who have been kneeling for a long time, unfortunately, the effect is not good. How do you look like a duck!

7Although the seven of us are awkward, let ’s get out of the way, and out of the densely populated seaside, we hurried to the small road. Soon we reached the sparsely populated area. I do n’t know where it is. After the system map arrives in Japan, only the coordinates are displayed but no name, it may be because I am not a Japanese player! It's really difficult to find a no-man's land in Japan. After walking for a long time, there are fewer people here. This is just a relatively small number! We can barely talk.

7 of us are pretending to use the team channel while pretending to play monster leveling. Lanfeng and Hongyue are not ours, they ca n’t use the guild channel!

"What shall we do next?" Hongyue asked.

Gold coins didn't want to say, "Find a place to let me steal eighteen million!"

"I think it would be better for me to inquire about the Japanese shipyard! Isn't it strange that there are so many weird warships and weapons in Little Japan? I want to know how it was made, maybe we can get it. Blueprints, or simply burned them out, making it impossible for Little Japan to make them! "

"Just do what you say!" Yu Zhe said that the problem of this warship has really troubled us for a long time, since it has come up, it is better to study this problem clearly. "Well, by the way, ask what happened to their so many magic crystal cannons. They shouldn't have gotten so many, as we have sunk more than 30 in this way!"

"Okay!" Yu Zhe ran quickly to the nearby cities. For safety, I let Blue Wind follow. Anyway, the simple trap of Blue Wind can still be used as a starting point when escaping! In order not to reveal our identity, we try not to stay close to other leveling teams around. But there are still too many people, and occasionally several teams will still crowd us. Even more thrilling is that some people talk to us. Although we can understand it with the help of simultaneous translation, we dare not answer. Fortunately, the other party just asked if we were going to level together. We shook our heads and got confused!

Where we ca n’t wait and ca n’t wait ~ ~ Finally, a few little guys ran out. Seeing a few of us on our side immediately gathered around, and the lead of me was embarrassing: "Ladies, it's not fair to have so many people with a man? Let's share with us!"

I just remembered that because the helmet I had just exchanged for water was full of water, I already put it aside and let it cool! Now these guys think of me as a woman, and there is only one ruthless man in the team!

We dare not come forward to the theory. A few small punks saw that we didn't talk and thought we were afraid of them. The small puppets who took the lead even boldly reached out and touched my face. Just when I was going to quickly kill these guys, Yuzhe finally rushed back. "Sorry, everyone, this is my man."

"It turned out to be done! That's exactly right!" A few babies shouted. Although I was angry to explain this, I don't dare to say anything now.

The lead idiot said: "How much is this girl once?"

Slang philosopher pretending to be serious: "10 million crystal coins once!"

"What? Are you robbing you?"

Sang Yuzhe turned and squeezed her eyes, and then pinched my face with a smile on the face. "You look at this merchandise, right? This is the best! Have you ever seen a lady who is so punctual here? Look at her armor, it's all artifacts! I spent so much money to cultivate it, but the combat power is better than you I'm much better. Think about this kind of superb beauty, the combat power is very high, you can ride it at that time, it's not good! So, ten million crystal coins, not expensive at all! "

"It's a pity! I don't have enough money! Brother, I don't have enough money, I'm from the Black Dragon Club, can I owe it first?" The bastard-head asked kinkyly.

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