Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Attacked

I finally ran back to the hotel lobby. Manager Wang saw me coming in holding a small hill and was taken aback, and quickly brought a group of people to help me share the things. In fact, let alone a few clothes for my muscle strength, it is not a problem to hold three people. The main reason is that too many clothes are blocking the sight and not easy to walk!

Someone's help is convenient, we just carried everything into the elevator. Quickly returned to the suite and gave the waiter some tips. This was just picked up from the cash machine. It is appropriate to give some tips in such an advanced place. I stopped a waiter. "Do you have a network interface here?"

"Yes!" The waiter asked my needs. "Where do you need to use network equipment? We have three power interfaces in each room (the network interface and the power interface are overlapping). If you have special needs, we can also provide wireless network equipment for free."

"I want to play online games, I need an interface that can be connected in bed, and we have four of them!"

The waiter walked to the bed and opened a cover under the bed. "There are two interfaces here, as well as two in opposite places."

好的 "Okay, thank you!" I gave him some extra tips for him to deliver some food later, we haven't had dinner yet! The snack in the afternoon was long gone!

When the waiter brought the food to her, it happened that Rose three of them were back. They bought four universal full-cover helmets, which looked good. After eating something, we went to separate places to go online. With Ziyue and Lin Yue, it ’s not good for me to squeeze on the bed with Rose. Although the big bed is enough for four people to toss, I still painfully moved a reclining chair and placed it at the end of the bed, oh oh ~ my two people are finished It's up!

After I went online, I came directly to the port. Ziyue and Rose came faster than me. The sight in front of me made me stupid, but how did it become less than a day after leaving? The sky is full of smog, and the sun shines on the smog into a very dissonant orange yellow and is very depressing. Thirty-seven warships lined up not far from the sea, and their muzzles were constantly blasting flames. "What a joke? Shelling the port?"

Ziyue grabbed a player. "What's going on? What's going on with those warships?"

"That was the Japanese retaliatory action. Last time, the Japanese fleet suffered heavy losses in the naval battle. This time they heard that our warships were being repaired and took the opportunity to retaliate against us!" The pulled player ran away.

"Let's go to the dock!" I ran to the dock, and Ziyue and Rose followed.

Soon we arrived at the dock. The sight in front of us was not much better than the port. The entire dock was filled with holes shot by shells. Fortunately, the Japanese did not know that the Bi Ling stopped in the dock. Otherwise, if they concentrated on the dock, The battleship is likely to be sunk directly into the dock.

When we rushed into the dock, the staff inside was still rushing to repair the Biling, and seeing how they looked like death, they filled the ship with wood and tools in the sky! The eagle welcomed us when we saw it. "You're finally here!"

"How's the situation?"

"That's it!" Eagle reluctantly said, "We can't use the guns in the dock. Besides, we don't have cannons anymore. The magic crystal cannon at the bow can be fired, but we can't fire, as long as we fire Japan will know that our warships are parked in the dock, and now there are gates blocking them from seeing them. All flying in are stray bullets. Once the position is exposed, they will be fired by artillery fire! "

"But we are waiting so sooner or later, the shells will still land on top of us!" Ziyue said excitedly. "The Bi Ling is all our hope, we can't let it sink in the dock!"

"But we have no guns!"

"Did you see the long-range cannon from the blacksmith?"


"They copied it?"

恩 "Well! It was created, but a new artillery requires 100,000 crystal coins, we can't afford it!"

"That guy is crazy? 100,000? I can buy a boat!" I couldn't imagine it was so expensive! "Isn't the fortress gun only 3,000 crystal coins? You can buy 33 for 100,000!"

"In fact, I don't think this is a loss!" Eagle said: "I saw the performance of the new artillery. They added Chinese technology to the original Indian and Japanese artillery fire. Now this kind of gun is named stamped dragon gun. , The range is up to 20 kilometers, the rate of fire can reach 10 rounds per minute, and the power is almost catching up with the magic crystal cannon! "

多少 "How many gun chambers do we have now?"

"We removed most of the ship's pulp chambers and only retained 40 of them. Now we have a total of 1,300 gun chambers! We have also increased the sailor's chamber to 1,000."

"Oh my God! It would take 130 million crystal coins to match the artillery alone? What about the shells? What about the sailors?" I started to feel soft.

"One cannonball with 3 crystal coins is relatively cheap!" Said the helpless Eagle.

"It's still cheap? One salvo will cost 3900 crystal coins, who can receive it. This boat can fire 39,000 crystal coins in one minute. I won't live anymore!"

"Is there no other way!"

I said to Ying: "You wait here first. I'll see if I can transport the guns first and pay later."


I brought Ziyue and Rose to the Weapon Shop, and the boss saw that we actually rushed up. "Your boat is big, right?"

"Well! What's wrong?" I don't know what he meant.

"I heard that you need artillery, do you want these ramming cannons? Now the pirates attack us, if you can bring cannons to the sea, I don't need to be so dangerous here!"

He is anxious about feelings! That's easy! "We miss it too! But we have no money for the time being!"

"It's okay! I can borrow it for you without interest, as long as you repay the money as soon as possible!" Hehe! Just agree with me! Originally I was planning to use soft and hard foam on my face. I didn't expect the boss to take the initiative to speak. Don't pay any interest. I really made it!


Wu Ziyue looked at the cannon next to her and began to worry. "How can so many cannons be transported?"

"I don't know!" I started worrying too! Last time, it took thousands of sailors to move 600 guns and it took five or six hours. This time, it was 1,300, and we don't have so many sailors! What should I do!

"It doesn't matter, you go to the director of the Sailors Association and tell him that I said it. I guarantee you that you will borrow enough sailors to operate the cannon first, and they will find someone to help bring the cannon to the ship."

行 "Okay! Thank you!" I didn't expect the blacksmith to be so interesting. Are the ironsmiths more honest?

With the help of the blacksmith, we hired 3,900 artillery gunners from the Sailors Association. In addition to the necessary sailors on board, we have a total of 4,600 sailors. Now we have 800 sailors' chambers, which means we can hold 16,000 sailor. Remove those 4,600 people, we can still hold 11,400 combat sailors. In the end, we hired 4,000 heavy swordsmen, 5400 rockets, and 500 mages in each of the four families.

In this way, I bought 130 million cannons and owed 130 million crystal coins. Each cannon is equipped with 1,000 rounds. A total of 1.3 million rounds and 3.9 million crystal coins are owed. The 3900 gunners owed 39,000 crystals. Coins, 4000 heavy armor swordmen owe a total of 2 million crystal coins, 5400 rocket soldiers owe a total of 2.7 million crystal coins, 2,000 mages owe another 2 million crystal coins. In this way, I have accumulated a total debt of 1406.39 million crystal coins. This is finished, so much money is equivalent to two ships of gold!

I finally came to the dock with a deep feeling of pain. Behind me was the NPC's transportation brigade who moved all my belongings. This is something I got out of my debts! Eagle looked straight at the things I commanded from the NPC.

"You do it, say, how did you lie?"

I'm crying face. "Did you lie? I was fooled! I owed 146,639,000 crystal coins! How can I pay it back?"

"Don't you get gold from Atlantis?" The gold coins came over and just hit me when I heard the complaints.

"What do you know! Atlantis didn't give me gold in vain, they bought my magic crystal with gold. The magic crystal wasn't white, I also paid for it with others! Atlantis The magic crystals needed will cost 7 ships of gold, and they give 10 ships of gold in total, which means that only three ships of gold can be used! This time, the full upgrade of Bi Ling cost me more than 100 million crystals. This is almost two ships of gold, plus this magic shield and the magic crystal cannon I plan to buy. In this way, we may not only end up with a few cents, but also tens of millions of crystal coins! "

"Wow! That's not clear in my life!" Gold coins' eyes were almost coming out. "You think of a way! We are a guild, and I have a share of the money you spend on boat accessories. I don't want to accompany you with your money like this? I don't do it! You think of a way! "

"It seems that there can only be war support!" Rose helped me out.

"What do you mean?" We didn't all respond.

Rose explained to us. "We can destroy some Japanese warships, and then drag them back to repair and sell them to other guilds. Anyway, there were many warships lost in each guild in the last war. We will need a lot of ships in the short term. We do n’t worry about no one buying. , We can collect the equipment blasted by Japanese players killed by Japanese warships and auction them. This should be able to barely support some consumption. I believe that as long as the results are good, it will not be a problem to control the debt amount within one million crystal coins! "

"Isn't that a lot owed yet?" But the gold coins were so fatal that asking her to spit it out to pay off the debt was more uncomfortable than asking her to die. The most classic motto of gold coins is: "Rather be raped than be robbed!" It can be seen how high the cowardlyness of this super-gold worshiper!

"I'm not finished yet!" Rose went on to elaborate on her plans. "We have a large magic shield and four small magic shields, because the effects of the magic shields do not stack up, so we want so many useless, we just leave the big one, and we can sell the remaining four If the effect is good, it will not be impossible to do business in the future! As long as we can sell those four small magic shields, we can guarantee that we will not only be in debt but also earn at least hundreds of thousands! "

"Good way! Rose is so smart!" Ziyue praised.

那 "Of course, my rose is the smartest."

Rose said modestly: "I'm studying economics. This is my specialty. It should be planned in this regard!"

Everyone watching the gunfire flying outside while directing the people below to load the ship, I suddenly saw a familiar figure. I jumped off the boat and ran straight over. "Chuang Wang? Why are you running around here?"

"Did you see my battleship?" Chuang Wang's look was agitated and a little out of control.

"Are you talking about the Highway?" The Eagle also caught up.

"Did you see?" Chuang Wang grabbed the eagle as if he had caught the life-saving straw. "Tell me, what about my boat?"

The eagle pointed helplessly at a mast exposed from the sea in the port. "The first ship that attacked after the Japanese arrived was your Highway. At that time, there were still a few people on board. They originally wanted to sail the ship out of the port to meet, but the enemy completely hit the Highway with a round of salvo. Sinking! But they did a good job. Because the Haiwei delayed the Japanese bombardment, the coastal guns in the port had the opportunity to sink several Japanese warships. At first, there were more than 40 warships. . "

"What about other warships?" Chuang Wang continued to ask.

"The enemy came at dinner time, and most people were not online, so many ships were sunk directly into the port. Although we saw it, we couldn't help it!" The eagle was helpless, keeping the green hill of Biling Only in this way can we continue to resist Japan. At that time, you can't take it easy!

Xun Zheng said that a cannonball flew over and landed next to us, and a loud noise accompanied the shock wave to blast us all into the sky. The nearby eagles, roses, and kings hanged on the spot. Ziyue and I were lifted into the sky but survived. I was because of the high defense and high health, and Ziyue was because I was standing right behind me, and the power of the cannonball explosion was blocked by me for most of it!

This serious loss is entirely because we are too careless. So many of us are standing on the empty dock and talking to each other. We must know that the Japanese were still shelling the port! Although the shelling began to become irregular and purposeless after the ships that had been leveled at the beginning, did so many of us gather at the docks to clearly prepare a target for the Japanese! Fortunately, gold coins, cauldron rice, and Yu Zhe all directed the loading on the ship and did not follow, otherwise this time our entire guild would have to drop collectively!

I picked up Zi Yue who was fainted and ran into the dock, but the gunfire followed me and started to focus on the dock. I quickly put down Zi Yue and ran out of the dock alone to run on the opposite mountain. Sure enough, the bombardment always followed me. A row of fireballs rose behind me. These Japanese rabbits, use me as a monkey! I just wanted to stop and swear that a shell fell short of my back and I was frightened to continue firing.

At the same time, on the Japanese ship, a few little Japanese were watching the wolf howling and crawling, and I clapped and applauded to run away in order to avoid artillery fire. What they felt was teasing the Chinese again!

I ran away in a depression and actually ran to the edge of the cliff. I just wanted to turn around and a cannonball landed next to me and sent me off the cliff! "Lucky!" I called for luck to land directly on his back. The desperate command was fortunate to pull up. The Japanese's artillery still refused to let me chase after me, but fortunately, the luck in the air was much more flexible than mine.

We flew directly in the direction of the Japanese fleet. Due to the close distance, the cannons in the Japanese cabin could not aim at me. When I was close to a few hundred meters from their horizontal distance, only the cannons on the deck of their ship were left to erect gun barrels to blast me. I ordered lucky to fly directly above them, but the stupid Japanese cocked the cannon at right angles and aimed the cannon straight up at me. Then they actually fired, and I couldn't figure out what was in their heads, and they dared to fire at this angle!

The artillery shell flew straight, but flashed off with luck. The upward-moving shells finally reached their highest point, and the shells that lost their inertia began to fall. Because it was fired vertically, the shells fell straight with almost no horizontal displacement, and they accurately dropped back into the barrel that fired them.

The following little Japanese who were watching my monkey show just now watched a lot of artillery shells flying up, but when they found that the artillery shells fell again, they all started jumping into the sea. But they were still so late, the shells arrived before them! Balls of fireballs rose, and my laughing stomach hurt on them. These stupid people actually shot me upright!

I know what it means to take it as soon as you see it. Although I just let the Japanese sink a boat by themselves, I do n’t think the Japanese would be stupid to the surrounding warships and learn to shoot them into the sky, so I chose rationally. retreat. Of course, I still have to take revenge before leaving. My revenge plan is to direct the lucky one to release N Long Yan bombs, but because we dare not get too close, most of the Long Yan bombs fell into the sea. It did a good job igniting several ships.

At this time in the air, I saw a large fleet on the distant sea sailing over. It turned out that the fleet of nearby cities came to the rescue. Seeing nothing cheap, the Japanese set sail and retreated. Although the rescue fleet fired a deterrent attack, it eventually ran away with 33 warships. The Japanese paid the price of only a dozen warships to clean our entire city! We used to laugh that the American Pearl Harbor incident was so badly beaten by the Japanese ~ ~ We have experienced the same experience firsthand. The entire port fleet was completely destroyed in the port. From beginning to end, we all Failed to organize effective defense! If the rescue fleet didn't come in time, or if the Biling had been swallowing and hiding in the dock without fighting back, I am afraid the loss would be unacceptable!

At least now we have at least saved the cost of making Little Japan ’s blood debt and blood, and we have kept the Bi Ling! Looking at the city full of damage and the port full of broken pieces of wood, I really do n’t know what to say. Now the city can only be described by ruins. The entire city can hardly find complete buildings, and the dock can be preserved. It's all thanks to its so messy construction that it is unexpected that it is a dock, otherwise it must be the first to suffer!

Wu Ying They finally came out of the Temple of Resurrection, but instead of returning to the port, they sat down and looked at the ruined city full of visions. Everyone had such a nameless flame in their hearts, and now everyone is planning our next move-revenge!

We have never been beaten so badly. This is the first time, and hopefully the last time! The 135 warships from various guilds and thousands of small fishing boats for training have become a pile of rotten wood chips. This loss is too serious!

I spoke to the eagle and was ready to take revenge and went offline. My mind needs to be calm. In this situation, I am likely to make a discrepancy with the actual judgment! I need to be awake and discuss long term!

刚 I just went offline and Ziyue and Rose retreated. They just sat up and took off their helmets. Both of them looked at me and said nothing. I can see how they feel. Rose's eyes have tears, and Ziyue's eyes are burning with flames, hatred flames

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