Starting from Zero

Vol 4 Chapter 49: Broken city

"Eagle?" I heard a strange voice suddenly after my private chat was connected.

"Zi Ri ... Ah! What ... something?"

Howling gasp, eagle won't be doing business with Lark? "Well ...! Can you come and join me outside the South Gate of Tianjicheng after you're busy? I need help!"

给 "Give me 10 minutes!" Eagle Huo cut off the call in a hurry, it seems that people are really doing business, you shouldn't find him just now!

After I contacted Ying, it was A Wei. This kid happened to be with Ziyue and it was all my business. They called them all.

I waited outside the city gate for about seven or eight minutes and Ziyue rushed out of the city. I waved to them by the edge of the forest. Shura Ziyi immediately saw me and greeted everyone to come over.

"What happened?" The first sentence Ziyue rushed over was to ask about the specific situation, which was not clear enough in the private chat just now.

"Rose and Bingbing were caught, and the magic crystal and magic shield we bought were robbed!"

"What? These are all anti-Japanese materials. Who is such a bastard, are they all robbed?" Ziyue almost did not jump when she heard that the anti-Japanese materials were robbed. "Tell me who I am and kill him back to Novice Village!"

I refer to the city behind her. "The other party is a guild called Tianjimeng. They built this heavenly city. Their boss called the sword and killed many people!"

"It's him again?" Awei shouted.

Gold coins said strangely: "Do you know?"

A Wei said angrily: "I don't bother to know him! Such people hate it when I see it! I have been maliciously hacked by him before, and my boss has avenged me!"

"Does it still look the same?" The eagle's voice suddenly intervened. The boy actually arrived at this time, isn't it terrible?

"Are you finished?" I looked at Lark and Eagle in good faith and asked.

Lark's face scolded flushed, "Are you going to die?"

The people around me didn't know what was going on. Looking at the three of us didn't know what we were playing.

I focused everyone's attention again. "Even if something is dropped, it's a small matter. The key now is that Rose and Bingbing are trapped. If the other party has a cage in it, they can't run away. Now Rose and Bingbing have been arrested, and even Xiaofeng has been locked in. "

"Isn't Xiaofeng your favorite pet? Can't you summon it?" Bailing asked.

"I tried it, I can't summon it! This cage isolates all teleportation capabilities, including protective teleportation by female players!"

"What? So what kind of sword can kill them ...?" Lark was also anxious.

所以 "So I'm so anxious!"

"What are you going to do now?" Eagle asked my opinion.

"I tried it. The city guards didn't let me in. This is a city built by the guilds themselves. All orders are issued by their guilds, so my only way is to rush the city!"

"You said attacking the city?" Passer-by ran up. "We have now entered a guild. According to the system, when more than 30% of the guilds attack another guild station, it will automatically become a guild war. If we defeat our guild, we must pay all the losses. If the payment is insufficient, You will be forced to dissolve the guild! "

Gold Coin said: "Dissolve and dissolve, anyway, our guild will have no resident, no industry, even if it dissolves, and will not lose anything! It was added in the beginning to save the trouble of teaming up every day. Even if we dissolve, we have no substance. Isn't the loss? "

"Gold coins are right. Our guild was originally of no practical use. What can we do if it disbands? Besides, will we lose?" Yu Zhe also agreed to the war.

"We won't have to vote, we agree to raise our hands." Ziyue took the lead in raising his hands and let everyone vote. In the end, it was passed by all votes. "It won't come out! The offense will be!"

Relentlessly interrupted Ziyue, who was about to rush in: "Are we looking for a League of Gods or a League of Blood to borrow some soldiers? Although all of us are masters who can compete with one enemy, ten, but the other is a city. Guild, did you see the magic crystal cannon in the city? Although there is only one, you all know how powerful it is. Besides, although the NPC in the city will not reach the scale of tens of thousands like the three main cities , But there will still be one or two hundred? Do you think we have played one or two hundred and 800 NPCs? "

"Relentlessly makes sense, we are too few people, even if our personal strength is outstanding, we will not be overwhelmed by human tactics!" Bailing also agreed to this point. "I think it's necessary to help Feng Yin Piao Miao to help. If we don't pay money according to the number of people, it's a mercenary! What do you think?"

"No need to give money, as long as the elder brother is willing to sell a hue and a red moon, he will bring the entire Goddess League to peace!" A Wei ridiculed me aside.

"Go to death!" Kicked him to me and said to Lark: "The method is understandable, but I ...!"

"You're ashamed to say it's me." Ziyue was simply. "Just decide, how many people do we need?"

"How many people we can't decide depends on the online population of the League of Goddess and the Blood Alliance, and it is unlikely that the other party will drop all of them!"

"Then I will contact them first, and the others will discuss the decision." Ziyue immediately connected to Rose's private chat. "Is Red Moon?"

"Are you Ziyue, right?" Because the visual communication was turned on, Hongyue recognized the Ziyue exactly like me at a glance.

"it's me!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Speaking of something, I need your help!"

"What is the matter? Let me help, as long as I can help!" I was listening while wondering, when did Hongyue become a scholar!

"We need to attack a city, but you know our guild ...!"

"Is it for someone?" Hongyue immediately guessed our intention. "How many people do you need?"

"This?" Ziyue didn't know how to answer.

Wu Hongyue knows that we lack experience in this area: "What kind of city is the other party? What guilds are stationed and how many are they?"

Bailing squeezed into the flower surface and said, "We only know that the opponent is a city established by the player himself."

"Is that the heavenly city where the sword kills a lot?" Hongyue said the result before waiting for Bai Ling to finish.

"How do you know?" Bailing and Ziyue asked strangely.

"Most of the killings of swords are the second-highest players on the first rank and the second rank. It is normal for our guild to follow his movements. Besides, the Tianji League he formed is still the third largest guild in the mainland! And now the whole There is only one guild in China with its own city. "

"Aren't you the second largest guild? Why does he have his own city by himself?" Ziyue didn't understand why the third was better than the first and second.


"This is a long story, anyway, because of a series of reasons, our guild and the **** union construction bank resident have failed one after another, but the result has not yet been established, but let them take the lead! But since you want to destroy him, I will Glad, so no one is more than me! "Red Moon has been calculating her own interests for a long time and has a future as a businessman! "Based on the strength of the Tianji League, I now recommend that you do not attack and wait until the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

"Why?" I couldn't help but squeeze in front of the camera. After seeing me, Hongyue obviously got stuck and recovered quickly. "Because on Saturday, the day after tomorrow, it will be easier for us to mobilize personnel. Besides, my brother is not online today. If the offensive can only be attacked by the Alliance of the Goddess. Although all the members of the Alliance are known, there is no way to mobilize me alone! "

"How many people can you have in your guild now?"

Wu Hongyue didn't expect me to be so anxious, she turned back and said something to someone around her and turned back. "I can gather 20,000 combatants for you in an hour, and I can't help it any more!"

"It's better than nothing! Thank you!" I thank her. Hongyue also smiled at me mildly for the first time, and I felt the atmosphere strange, and hurriedly said, "Well, please as soon as possible! See you soon!"

After cutting off the private chat, I began to intensify the time preparation. First of all, I had to notify the unrelated personnel in the city to leave quickly. Once the siege war started, the teleportation array in the city would be invalid. At this time, the personnel in the city would not be offline unless they were offline. It will become a hostile force, although the next notice will make the Alliance of Heaven and Earth ready, but this still has to be done, otherwise the siege will be considered as a sneak attack on the enemy's resident and add a hundred evil points to the guild. Although I have covered myself Wrist wheels, but the guild is not! It's not good for our guild to be divided into the area of ​​evil forces!

I ran to a nearby city directly using the teleport ring and went to the guild office to declare 1,000 gold coins to fight. Brother NPC is very proud to say that as long as we are willing to bring their accompanying reporters, we will reduce half of the preparation time for the war. Of course I agree, starting the war early will allow the sword to kill a little bit of preparation time.

When I talked about the conditions and returned to Tianji City, Hongyue's team was almost there, but this scene really made me a little confused. In addition to the 3,000 men and women fighters brought by Red Moon, Yishui was actually a female sacrifice to the goddess officer. No wonder it was called the Goddess League. Looking forward, there were more than 15,000 women who were women.

I ran next to the eagle in front of the team. "what happened?"

"This is my army!" Eagle didn't come to speak, but the voice of Red Moon came from behind me.

哦 "Oh! You're here!" I saw her awkwardly. "This one……!"

"This is the most elite army of my Goddess League, my family is here, don't you lose me!"

"You have half a thousand soldiers and half of them are women. How can you call us?" I really don't know which one is wrong for her. What should I do with more than 10,000 nurses!

Tong Hongyue said unhappyly at me: "Don't underestimate my nurse army. It will let you know how powerful it is!"

"Thank you anyway, I will compensate the people lost in this battle, and I will be reimbursed for the consumption of medicine!"

"I don't want you a penny. I want you to complete my request and help me occupy a Japanese city for a day. This is my biggest request."

好的 "Okay, I will do it!" I held out my hand. "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

"Come on both of you! The opposite cannons are up!" The hawk shouted at us from a distance.

红 Hongyue and I also hurried to the past. Sure enough, the opposite Tianji City not only closed the gate, but the magic crystal cannon in the middle of the city was slowly turning towards us. "Can't let it fire, my troops can't withstand this attack!" Hongyue cried anxiously.

"I see, rest assured!" I summoned all the pets and began to prepare. "Tank, get ready to shell that cannon in town, hurry up!"

The puppet tank quickly unfolded on the ground and reached out his own barrel to aim at the magic crystal cannon. "Fire!" I ordered the green cannonballs of the tank to roll and flew out. In an exclamation, the shell hit the magic crystal cannon in the center of Tianji City accurately. A small mushroom cloud accompanied the shock wave and swept the city. Many players on the city wall were lifted down by the shock wave and fell into the moat. .

Although the results were good, the tank was forced to be taken back by me. Fortunately, Tianjicheng had a magic crystal cannon. Red Moon used the guild channel to order the following Goddess players. "All offense!" The messy team behind suddenly started the charge towards the city, but what surprised us was that the charge was only the more than 3,000 soldiers, and the more than 10,000 nurses in the back didn't even move, and Red Moon Does not seem to care about it.

This is a question for others' guilds, and I do n’t know how to ask, so I rushed to work on my own. "Eagle, let's go!"


I rode on the night shadow to take the lead and rushed out. Although the three thousand players in the front of the League of Gods had a messy formation, after all, the area of ​​three thousand people for a city was relatively small, so I simply went from the gap between the assault teams Rushed over. Ziyue rushed on riding the sky fire, and my luck followed her. The two-headed dragon was baptized by arrow rain before it reached the city, and the arrow rain that covered the sky suddenly filled the sky.

But the two dragons rushed forward because of the thick skin. I saw the lucky life drop down, but the white sacrifice in the rear sacrificial team flashed a lucky injury and quickly demobilized. I now know what happened to Hongyue's so-called strongest nurse team.

Luckily and Tianhuo cleared the flames on the top of the city wall. Two dragons sprayed along the top of the city wall and sprayed on both ends. Countless players were ignited by the flame and fell into the moat. One of the two Titans in Ziyue grabbed a big tree and used it as a stick, and hit the gate three times. At this time, we also rushed to the edge of the city, and the gates of Tianji City could only be blocked by NPCs. I first ran into the NPC guards, and the two guards attacked at the same time. My health reached the bottom instantly, but Fortunately, they helped me share my life, so I haven't hung up yet. But as soon as I raised my hand, I just felt that the white light flickered on me, and my life was instantly full, and the semi-transparent summary data floating in front of me showed that not only me, but fortunately their lives were quickly full.


I saw the hawk next to me and looked at my body with confusion, sure that he had the same situation as me. I was divided by the NPC guards and gave me another sword, but my health dropped down and immediately returned to full. I don't want to stand for people to chop. Two consecutive heavy punches knock down the two left and right NPCs. After that, they hit each other. In the form of werewolf, instead of using the unskilled weapon, it is faster than using no weapon!

The demon spirit knights are more powerful. They directly collided with the guards of the gate to knock the guards out of the distance and took the player with the ticket behind them. "Master, these enemies don't seem to have a level 800! The strength is much worse!" The elder knight boss asked over. "Should we change the goal?" I had given them the task of clearing each other's NPCs before the start of the war, because NPCs are all level 800. Even if we players buried him with sea tactics alone, the loss would be very high It ’s so big, so I have the level-eligible ghost knights responsible for cleaning up NPCs, but now these guards do n’t have the expected performance, and I can barely single out an NPC.

I punched a troublesome guy on the old avenue of the ghost rider: "Wait a minute, let me see!" I took a look at the few remaining guards next to them, all of which are 550-level NPCs. High level, but a big difference from the demon knight. I estimate that the NPCs in the gangs will spend money to hire them. Most of the killings must be because there is no money to hire high-level guards to hire some low-level guards to fill the facade. Anyway, no one dares to move the NPC's idea.

Wu Bailing rode a pegasus in the air to pull the bow and shoot arrows. Her main goal was to clean up the mage who was mixed in the crowd. These guys are very dangerous in the melee and must be cleaned up first.

Wu Chong opened the gate guard to stop us and entered the city. At this time, it was the regular ground battle with the players of Tianji League. I now see the power of the nurse. Hongyue mobilized more than 10,000 sacrifices to add blood to the soldiers in the city. Our health cannot be dropped at all. As long as there is a slight loss, it will be filled up immediately. Otherwise, it will never die! That is, because there is no need to worry about being killed, the impact of the soldiers of the League of Goddess can be described as very horrible. They don't care about their life value, as long as they kill all the way forward.

Suddenly a white light of death flashed in front of the Goddess League team. I immediately rushed forward. In this case, someone's death indicates that he has encountered someone who can kill the player, and this person is likely to kill a lot.

I brought the demon knight quickly towards the other side and let the players of the League of Gods step back, and soon a thin and tall warrior appeared in front of me, and I recognized at a glance that it was a big killer, although he changed it. Outfit, but I just recognized him. At this moment he was chopping people with a large knife.

神 Under my command, the soldiers of the Goddess Alliance retreated behind me, and the ghost knights lined up beside me and blocked the entire street. "meet again!"

"Do we know each other?"

推 I pushed up the mask to cancel the werewolf form and return to its original form. "Are you impressed now?"

"You are the purple sun! OK, I remember you!"

"Bullshit doesn't make much sense, come on!" I lowered my helmet and raised my spear. "The demon knight! Charge!"

The demon spirit knight boss also raised a spear. "Guide of the Demon Knight!"

"No grass left! Kill!" Ten war horses and my night shadow ran out at the same time. The 11 of us happened to fill the street, unless we hid in the street shop, we would be hit by anyway!

We rushed to the front of the sword to kill many people, but he suddenly screamed. "Dao Meng returned!"

A little soldier suddenly jumped off the roof next to him, and this guy just hit me directly and knocked me from Ye Ying's back. After we landed, he actually hugged me and let go, his mouth was still crying to make me want to commit suicide. "Boss, you go, I'll drag him!"

"You let go!" I punched me on the waist of this guy named Dao Menghuan who hugged me, but he just hugged me without letting go. "The demon knight! Help!" I had no choice but to ask the demon knight to help, but this guy is entangled in me. The demon knight is not good at using too rough methods and had to use his hand. This guy just held on tightly and killed him without letting go!

"Come on!" A warrior next to the Goddess League carefully crossed the guy's body with his sword, pressed the sword around his neck, and then picked it up. The pain in the neck finally let Dao Meng loose his hands. I took the opportunity to kick him away and quickly crawled out. I have never seen anything so terrible!

It's a pity that I haven't crawled away and the guy pounced on me and hugged my waist, but this time I can move my hand. I quickly opened six large holes in his back with the blade claws. Splash finally let go of his hand and stopped moving. But when I got up, I did n’t know how long the knife was killing!

"Show him good!" I said to the goddess soldiers behind. "The demon knight chased after me!" I re-launched and took the demon knight down the road. I met a lot of people on the road, but they were all deserted and deserted soldiers. The nurse brigade turned the frontline fighters into an invincible state. Those who have the opportunity to resist, have left the front line and ran out. In fact, the main reason for their psychological collapse should be that the gates fell too fast. The most severe stage of loss in the regular siege battle should be when they hit the gates, but we were blasted by the super magic pet to kill them in large numbers. The personnel magic crystal cannon also used this shock to make the locals burst into the air to make the two dragons penetrate at a low altitude. The archer troops that should have exerted their greatest power in the siege battle only got one round of arrows because of this time delay. The rain was burned by two evil dragons!

"Master! There!" The demon knight suddenly found the target. Three cages hung in the air stood in a small square in front of them. Rose, Bingbing, and Xiaofeng were kept in three cages, and the cages were Just below is a silt pond with a foul smell!

The stabbing kills many people and stands on the rope of that rack. As soon as he cuts down, three cages will fall into the mud pool below ~ ~ How about? If you dare come, I'll let your two women and this benzene bird go in for a few bites of mud. Do you want to try? "

"Do you think you can?" I beckoned. After flipping a few bubbles in the silt pond, countless rattans grew out and covered the entire pond. Rose vines are fertile sludges. "Just chop it!"

The guillotine kills many people and sees that the entire pool is dried up by the rose vine and immediately turns around to run. Fortunately, the sudden fall from the sky almost hit the ground and sealed the entire back road. The little dragon girl also suddenly appeared at another exit, and the only three exits in the entire small square were all blocked by us.

"If you are still a man, we will have a fair duel!" Suddenly, the sword killing suddenly appeared. "You will let me go if I win, and will not hold me accountable this time."

"What if you lose?"

"Lose?" It seemed that he was not convinced that he would lose. "If I lose, I will dissolve the guild. I will delete the number and change my character and practice again, and I will go around seeing you in the future!"

好 "Okay!" I'd like to see where the No. 1 bull in this long standing list is! "How do you compare?"

"Single-to-single, self-provided weapons, no magic pet and waist servant! Do not take medicine!"

"Haha! You will have conditions! No one around you will be one-on-one. If you have a good weapon, you must prepare your own weapon with me. If you do n’t have a good pet and demon servant, you will not use it. I ’m not allowed to take medicine? The abacus is a good one! However, I will complete you, and I will do it according to your requirements! If you lose, it ’s okay if you do n’t abide by the treaty. Until you delete the number, as for this guild, anyway, this time it will dissolve this time, so I do n’t have to work hard. Okay, come now! "

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