Starting from Douluo, random golden fingers are given every year

After sleeping for a long time, I have an unbearable headache.

I also vomited, so I had to ask for leave and go for a run. If that didn’t work, I had to go to the hospital.

Speech about headache: I can’t finish writing it. Let’s have fun watching it.

After running for half an hour, my headache was gone. I felt this. Please don’t sleep for a long time. I don’t know why I slept for thirteen hours. When I got up, I just felt a little sleepy, and then I felt a headache. It was no big deal to watch videos. Just thinking about the plot gives me a splitting headache.

As soon as I searched on the Internet, meningitis, good guy, I was scared to get sick even if I wasn't sick. I immediately started worrying about gains and losses and didn't want to believe it.

I thought maybe I didn’t sleep enough and I just wanted to sleep for a while. (Now that I think about it, I just want to be lazy and don’t want to accept the reality.)

I lay down for half an hour and couldn't sleep because of my headache, which was getting more and more painful. I thought it was time to ask for leave... I obviously just asked for leave yesterday, and it had just been put on the shelves two days ago. I was afraid that if you didn't believe it, it would affect my grades, so I didn't think about it at first. Ask for leave.

As a result, after writing a dozen words about asking for leave, I went to the toilet and vomited up my dinner. This scared the author because meningitis written on the Internet showed symptoms of vomiting, and the guilt about asking for leave disappeared immediately.

But I couldn't stand the headache, and I didn't want to believe that I got sick for no reason, so I went out for a run. I tried to exercise several times but failed to persist. As a result, I had a headache. I ran for two miles without sweating (it was windy and cold) I didn’t feel tired (my head hurt more). When I felt tired, I walked back. Then my head gradually stopped hurting and I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, it was confirmed. The high intracranial pressure caused by sleeping for a long time, which in turn caused the headache, was gone by the time I got home. I just expected to have to eat dinner again in a while. I will finish writing the two missing chapters today. superior.

Above, tell the truth, the author personally taught me that you must not sleep for too long!

Gan! On the first day of April, the leave request slip was missing one page for no reason, fuck (*≧m≦*)!

God is just kidding me on April Fool's Day. I hope everyone is healthy and safe.

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