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Chapter 227 Cherish the last moment

Since you have broken the agreement, you have to bear the consequences. This is not a child's play. Locke feels that the patriarch of the Delacour family is really getting better and better.

"If this is all you want to say, please go back. I will only discuss this matter with the head of the Delacour family. There is no need for you to get involved."

After all, the other party is also a beauty, and her personality can be regarded as decent. Locke did not say anything bad, but his tone was a little tougher and asked the other party to leave.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Locke, I just wanted to thank you, but could you please let our family go this time..."

"Ms. Delacour!" Locke's tone became a little harsh: "I will not talk to you about this matter until you become the patriarch of the Delacour family, so now you should go back to the dormitory first. Well, it’s gate control time now.”

Locke said, making a gesture of please, and drove the aggrieved Fleur out of the office. Although it was quite ungraceful to treat a beautiful woman like this, Locke had no intention of letting Delacour go easily just because she asked for permission. family.

He opened the door and drove Fleur out of the office. At this time, he found a black cat standing at the door of his room. He didn't know it was the pet that the student brought to school.

Most students at Hogwarts bring their favorite pets to school, the most common of which are owls, and cats appear quite frequently. Locke knelt down and observed, and found that the black cat did not seem to be afraid of people. Seeing him approaching, he meowed softly.

"Sure enough, he is a smart cat." Locke smiled and lifted the black cat up, and then found that it was a female cat, but this action seemed to offend it, causing a violent struggle.

Locke put it down casually and returned to the office. Most of the pets brought by Hogwarts students have the blood of magical animals. They are very spiritual and will probably find their owners on their own.

Unexpectedly, when Locke walked into the office, the black cat also walked in, jumped along the seat and onto the desk, looking at Locke with his eyes.

"Why do I feel that something is wrong with this pet cat?" Locke frowned slightly, but did not drive the cat out immediately. He just said: "You can stay here for a while, but don't run around and bark, let alone Open defecation.”

With that said, Locke still transformed into a soft cushion, took out some dried fish and placed them in front of the other party, but it seemed that he was full, and the appeal of these dried fish was very limited to him.

Then Locke seemed to no longer care about the cat, picked up the book and started reading. In fact, he was distracted to observe the other party's situation, and found that the cat was lying on the soft cushion and seemed to be asleep.

"Am I too sensitive?" Locke thought after seeing the cat's behavior. He looked at the time again, cast a few surveillance spells, packed up the things in the office, and ran away. I went to sleep in a lounge separated from the office.

The next morning, Black Cat, who was still dreaming sweetly, was suddenly picked up by Locke and walked out of the office.

"I'm going out, you go back to find your master." Locke said, putting the other party on the ground in front of the office door, and then left.

As a result, Locke discovered that the black cat might feel comfortable in the office and would come here for the next few nights, as if it was treating this place as its own nest.

Locke was suspicious, but he didn't chase him away. Anyway, there was nothing special in the office. They were all magic books he usually read. He would not leave the truly rare and precious books in the office. He would just collect them if he didn't read them. Dimensional space.

Now leave this black cat here and see if there is really anyone behind it.

"Ms. Delacour, I have made it very clear before. There is really no need for you to come again. It is better to let the person in charge of your family come."

That night, Locke was in the office and met Fleur again who came to visit.

In fact, Fleur was also very embarrassed at this time. Locke had saved her, which made her full of gratitude. She originally wanted to find a chance to express her gratitude, but unexpectedly, she suddenly received a summons from home asking him if he knew Mr. Locke.

She told Locke about saving her by the way, but she didn't expect that her father seemed to have a bigger reaction than her, and asked her to come to express her gratitude.

Fleur had been smart since she was a child, otherwise she would not have become a contestant in the Triwizard Tournament. When she noticed something was wrong, she began to ask questions, but her father only responded perfunctorily and refused to tell the real reason.

It wasn't until she asked her mother privately that she learned that the family was facing a bankruptcy crisis. If Mr. Locke didn't get forgiveness, the liquidated damages from one business deal could cause the Delacour family to fall apart.

After hesitating for a long time, Fleur finally came to the door, but Locke seemed to be very angry, which made him even more flustered. If he really couldn't get Locke's forgiveness, the Delacour family would really be in trouble.

Fortunately, although Locke looked unhappy this time, he still let her into the office. She encouraged herself in her heart and said, "Mr. Locke, I hope you can let the Delacour family go..."

"Since the contract is signed, it needs to be abided by. And as far as I know, the Delacour family didn't really have no goods to give to me at the time. They just temporarily handed over the goods prepared for me to others."

Locke said slowly: "Perhaps the Delacour family at the time thought that I was just a small person, and if I was bullied, I would be bullied. It was no big deal, and they didn't dare to ask you for liquidated damages.

It wasn't until I eliminated Voldemort that I hurriedly wanted to ask for mercy, and I asked you, a little girl, to negotiate. Do you think your request is worth six hundred thousand gold galleons? "

"Six hundred thousand!" Furong couldn't help but cover her mouth. She just knew that the amount of liquidated damages was high and might put the family in crisis, but she didn't expect the number to be so big.

"And Ms. Delacour." Locke said slowly: "If you break the contract but don't get the punishment you deserve, what next do you think someone will think I'm easy to bully and do the same thing? Then? Do you want to continue my business?"

The assets of the Delacour family may exceed this figure by a lot, but assets are just assets, and compensation for liquidated damages requires cash.

Moreover, when selling assets at this time, those who know the plight of the Delacour family will definitely try their best to lower the price. They may not even be able to sell for half the price by then, so in desperation, the Delacour family can only find a way to make Locke raise his hand. .

And after learning about Fleur, Locke guessed that the Delacour family had some special intentions, but the girl in front of him didn't seem to know that she had been betrayed by the family.

Thinking of this, Locke felt a little pity and softened his tone slightly: "Ms. Delacour, this matter is no longer something you can interfere with, so you should cherish the last time you have as a guest at Hogwarts. .”

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