The original plot had some changes because of Snape's whim and Hermione's intervention. But what Locke didn't expect was that after he left, Professor Lockhart was too embarrassed to stay, but Snape still took over the next demonstration.

He arranged for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy to compete on stage, and the result was that Harry Potter's ability to speak Parseltongue was exposed. Because of this incident, everyone began to distance themselves from Harry.

It's no wonder that these people have scruples. There are many signs that Harry is closely related to everything that has happened recently, especially the reappearance of the victim a few days later, which has plunged Harry into a whirlpool of public opinion.

Harry's incident also made Lockhart's incident become inconspicuous to some extent. During this period, he kept a low profile and did not make any more troubles. He even tried to avoid Hermione a little bit.

Unknowingly, it was Christmas vacation again. Unlike in the past, when some students often stayed in school, this time students who were worried about being attacked chose to leave the school, which had become unsafe.

Because of these turmoils, parents of students also began to express their dissatisfaction, especially since Lucius Malfoy was still jumping up and down at this time, accusing him of negligence in this matter on many occasions.

Lucius Malfoy was determined not to give up until he ousted Dumbledore from the position of headmaster, and Dumbledore's external performance seemed to be really distressed.

Private undercurrents were surging, but on the surface everything was running as planned. A few days after the holiday, Locke was walking in the corridor of the school, preparing to go to the principal's office to discuss the next move with Dumbledore, when he suddenly stepped forward. Pause slightly.

"I didn't expect that I was also targeted." Having long been accustomed to always turning on his magic perception, Locke instantly noticed the basilisk at the corner of the corridor in front of him, and there was also a slight rubbing sound.

The basilisk seemed to want to ambush him, hiding almost motionless around the corner. If Locke's five senses weren't extremely sharp, he wouldn't have been able to detect the subtle breathing and rubbing sounds.

"Transfiguration!" Locke cast a magic, and a person who looked exactly like him suddenly appeared next to him. This magical shape even had a certain texture. It was not a simple illusion, but its qualities were ordinary in all aspects. Ordinary, easily broken up.

Controlling the phantom, he slowly approached the corner of the corridor. Suddenly, the basilisk rushed out and hit the phantom directly with its huge body.

"Poof!" The huge force instantly shattered the phantom. Before the basilisk could figure out what was going on, Locke's attack had already arrived.

"God's Blade Shadowless!" This magic looks simple, but its power is actually quite good. At this time, Locke cast it, flying across a distance of several meters and successfully hitting the huge head of the basilisk.

"Hiss!" The basilisk let out a painful cry, and then seemed to be irritated. Obviously, the basilisk's naturally tough skin gave him strong protective capabilities. Although the Shenfeng Wuying just hurt, it didn't cause anything. Serious injuries.

The irritated basilisk discovered Locke, and suddenly accelerated its speed. With the sound of friction, it opened its huge mouth and bit Locke.

Watching the basilisk's movements, Locke felt extremely calm. Using gun and martial arts calculations, he came up with a suitable response plan in an instant.

His legs suddenly jumped hard, and then he turned around in mid-air. His hand shook, and there was a heavy metal sword in his hand.

The basilisk pounced in the air, and then Locke pounced in the air, stabbing the basilisk directly in the eyeball with his giant sword.

But what Locke didn't expect was that he didn't notice the feeling of the sword piercing, but instead felt a soft touch. This made Locke know that his sword did not cause harm to the basilisk as expected.

Frowning, Locke didn't expect that the basilisk was stronger than he expected. He knew that the basilisk was very resistant to magic, so he thought of using physical methods to deal with it, but he didn't expect that the physical defense was also very powerful.

The sword that struck the basilisk's eyelid just now only caused it pain. In the ever-changing battle, Locke's mind was racing and he was constantly thinking about how to deal with it.

After being stabbed in the eyelid, the Basilisk immediately raised its head in response to the severe pain, and its head hit Locke in mid-air.

Fortunately, through gun martial arts, Locke had already taken the basilisk's reaction into account. He turned his body slightly, just in time for the basilisk's head to hit his feet, and then used the force to run diagonally backwards more than ten meters away, reaching the snake. Weird tail position.

After landing on the ground and stabilizing his body, Locke watched the basilisk constantly shaking due to the severe pain in his eyeballs. Locke was thinking about how to deal with it.

Of course, powerful modern weapons cannot be used in Hogwarts. If he makes a big fuss and demolishes the school, even if he can recover, he will not be easy, so he can only use appropriate magic.

The basilisk is very resistant to magic. The magic blade that Locke used just now was able to cut through even iron plates, but it did not cut through the basilisk's skin. From this point of view, Locke did not have many choices.

Unless he uses top magic such as the Divine Fire Curse, Locke can only use physical means to entangle it.

With this thought in his mind, Locke was about to recite the spell, but unexpectedly, at this moment, he heard footsteps coming from not far away, thinking about what he had discussed with Dumbledore, not to expose too much strength for the time being. , the curse in Locke's mouth became: "Be careful, don't come over!"

Then, Locke thought of some of the habits of the basilisk in the plot and used an onomatopoeic spell. A loud rooster's crow echoed in the long corridor.

Hearing this sound, the basilisk's body suddenly shrank, and it opened its huge mouth and hissed twice without knowing what it said.

Perhaps the sound of the rooster's crow had an effect, or perhaps it was aware that someone was approaching. The basilisk suddenly turned around and rushed to the corner. Locke followed carefully and found that the basilisk's tail disappeared into the mouth of a pipe.

"What happened!" Perhaps because there was a lot of commotion just now, professors including Dumbledore and the four branch deans arrived one after another, and then began to ask Locke about the situation.

"I have nothing to do, I just encountered an attack." Locke hesitated here and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore understood what Locke meant. He had been deliberately concealing the matter about the basilisk before, and Locke was asking if he should tell the truth.

"It's a basilisk." Dumbledore thought for a moment before choosing to tell the story.

"Basilisk?" Snape was slightly stunned and did not react immediately. After all, unlike Locke, he already knew the plot and naturally understood who was behind the basilisk.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's go to my office and talk slowly." Dumbledore said.

"Would you like to send Locke to the infirmary first?" Professor McGonagall interrupted at this time.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine." Locke said, "Because I found out in advance, I was already prepared, so I was not attacked."

"Okay." Professor McGonagall looked at Locke, whose clothes were not messed up, nodded, and stopped asking.

"Okay, let's come to my office first and discuss this matter together." Dumbledore said in a timely manner.

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