A few minutes later, Locke looked at the knight leader with anger and unwillingness in his eyes, and put all the knights' weapons and armor into the dimension space.

After thinking about it again, Locke included the bodies of these people and quickly came to the vineyard of Little Red Riding Hood's house.

Smelling the aroma of ripe grapes around him, Locke came to the room, slowly looked at a room, opened the door and walked in.

"The King of Werewolves of Golden Bloodline, I would like to say hello to you on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Lawrence." Looking at the werewolf in front of him, Locke said straight to the point.

"Are you from the Black Witch Queen? I thought you were from the Holy See." The Big Bad Wolf, who was about to take action, was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What does the Black Witch Queen want from me?"

"Her Royal Highness the Queen wants to invite you to the Kingdom of Lawrence to fight against the Holy See." Locke did not beat around the bush and directly stated his purpose: "As for the people who came to hunt you down from the Holy See, I just killed some of them."

Locke said, taking out a few of the corpses he had just collected and throwing them in front of the big bad wolf.

The armor and weapons of these people were put away by Locke, but the Big Bad Wolf still recognized these knights who had been searching the town to hunt him down.

"Hahahaha..." The big bad wolf couldn't help laughing, with excitement in his tone: "The corpse is still hot, which is good. Now we are friends."

"So are you ready to accept Her Royal Highness the Queen's invitation?" Locke asked.

"I can agree to form an alliance with the queen, but there are conditions." The big bad wolf said: "You must provide me with someone for dinner every day, and I don't like old people, it is best to be a young girl."

"This doesn't seem sincere." Locke stared at the big bad wolf and said, "What the queen wants is not an alliance, but surrender."

"Submit?!" the big bad wolf said, glaring: "The Black Witch Queen thinks she can make me, who has golden blood, surrender. Are you kidding me!"

"Ha." Locke sneered: "Because of the pursuit of dozens of Holy See knights, the golden bloodline became like a lost dog?"

"Damn wizard, don't think you can insult the great golden bloodline." The big bad wolf's eyes turned cold and he stared at Locke faintly.

"It seems that some people still don't understand that he only has value as a dog!"

As he spoke, the Lord of the Rings in Locke's hand shone with light, and a blue rope made of water flow instantly tied him up.

Then Locke's figure flashed and he was in front of the big bad wolf in an instant.

"Bang!" Locke punched the big bad wolf hard on the head, which immediately made him dazed.

"Asshole, you shameless sneaker, it's impossible to make the great owner of the golden bloodline surrender." The big bad wolf stared at Locke angrily and roared.

"It seems that someone is very tenacious." Locke said with a smile: "But I'm not in a hurry, after all, I am best at physical persuasion."


"You despicable wizard!"

"Bang bang!"

"damn it……"

“Bang bang bang!!!”

"Okay, now let out the old lady you just ate!" Locke said.

"What did you say?!"

The Big Bad Wolf couldn't help being stunned by Locke's words. Then he saw Locke's raised fist. His body trembled. Thinking of the experience just now, he said with a sad face: "I'll let her out right now!"

Locke knew what was special about the big bad wolf. The queen once told him that the big bad wolf with golden blood inherited the special ability to "devour the world."

The body contains the size of a world. When this ability is used, even the world can be swallowed into the stomach and slowly digested.

Of course, what the big bad wolf has is just a simplified version, and the space in his body is not large. At most, it can only swallow a dozen people before it can fit inside.

This also reminds Locke of a version of Little Red Riding Hood. The hunter used scissors to cut open the belly of the big bad wolf and rescued Little Red Riding Hood and his grandmother.

In other words, Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother has probably not been digested yet.

Although Locke is not a good person, he doesn't mind doing something that can save someone easily.

Seeing the big bad wolf vomiting out Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, Locke didn't pay much attention. He pointed at the corpses of the Holy See soldiers and said, "Can you eat these?"

"Of course!" The big bad wolf looked at the corpses of the Holy See soldiers who had just been killed. These were much better than an old woman, and they could also provide him with more magic power, allowing him to recover faster.

"Then eat them all." Locke said: "You must also be careful when serving the queen in the future. You can eat your enemies as you like, but you cannot attack innocent people. Do you understand?"

The big bad wolf felt dissatisfied. When would the descendant of the great wolf king need to be restricted from eating one person? But thinking of Locke's fist, he still nodded reluctantly.

People under the roof had to lower their heads. When they returned to their heyday, they would definitely make this hateful wizard look good.

"Okay, let's leave now. After killing so many people in the Holy See, they will definitely go crazy." Locke said slowly: "We can't stay here for a long time."

The day after Locke left, the town's priest and a group of knights came to the vineyard and asked Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother: "Poor lady, please tell us your experience in detail..."

The 'persuaded' Big Bad Wolf, in order not to attract attention, Locke also put the Big Bad Wolf into the dimension space. He hid and dressed alone, walked on a remote road, and accelerated back to the Kingdom of Lawrence.

But what he didn't expect was that just when he came to a woods not far from the border of the Kingdom of Lawrence, there was suddenly a light around him, and the Holy Light version of the forbidden magic space appeared again, and then he walked out of the woods. A group of Holy See knights surrounded him.

"My magic induction didn't find any trace of anyone around me. How did these people suddenly appear?" Thinking in his mind, Locke became vigilant.

And he noticed that the armor on the leading knight at this moment was more gorgeous, and the golden patterns on it were more complicated.

After Locke was surrounded, a priest wearing a robe came out, holding a gold plate in his hand.

Looking at the patterns on the priest's robes, Locke judged that the other person was the bishop of a diocese.

The highest ruler of the Holy Light Church is the Pope, who is known as the spokesperson of the Lord of Holy Light in the mortal world.

The next level down is the cardinal, who is generally in charge of important affairs of the Holy See or responsible for the faith of large empires with vast territories.

Below the cardinals are the archbishops, who are responsible for the faith of the kingdom, and the diocesan bishops, who are responsible for the faith of the principality, as well as the priests at the lowest level!

The person in front of me should be a bishop in charge of the principality.

And this knight is the most senior holy knight in the Holy See.

Holy Knights are specially trained, possessing strength and speed beyond human limits, no sense of pain, terrifying recovery capabilities, and most importantly, the ability to use divine magic.

These abilities make the Holy Knight an efficient killing machine and a powerful protector of the Holy See in the world.

Obviously, Locke was detected by the golden compass. These people guessed that he would take this route and ambush here in advance.

No wonder the magic induction didn't detect it. It would be strange if the Holy See didn't have a way to block the magic induction.

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