Mindy landed in the building first and saw at a glance that there were gunmen guarding it.

They turned around when they heard the noise and saw Mindy suddenly appearing. They shouted and reached for the gun on their waist.

Locke, who had not yet landed on the ground, waved his hands, and two guns appeared in his hands.

"Bang bang!!"

There were two more overlapping gunshots, and the four nearest gunmen fell silent. Locke himself landed on the ground, moved quickly, and instantly hid behind a pillar, observing the situation here leisurely.

On the other side, Mindy also took out a special pistol, which Locke specially modified for her. It requires less force to pull the trigger and is more suitable for her to use.

He pointed the gun at the gunman who had just arrived and pulled the trigger, causing the guys to scream and fall to the ground.

Her accuracy was not as good as Locke's. Each gunman was shot several times and had several bloody holes in his body. Some of the gunmen had not closed their eyes and were moaning silently with their mouths open. The scene was miserable.

After the shooting ended, Mindy hid behind another pillar a few meters away, separated from Locke, and began to change the magazine.

Hearing the gunman shouting and moving quickly towards this side, Locke looked relaxed compared to the serious look on the little Lolita's face.

There are more than a hundred gunmen in the building, and they are not very strong. If he really goes all out, he will kill them all in a short time.

But this is the revenge of Damon and his daughter. He is more cooperating with them to ensure the smooth operation so that they can better fulfill their long-cherished wish.

The emotions accumulated by Damon and his daughter over many years of blood feud can be vented through this battle. For Locke, it is just a warm-up game, and he can get the mission reward at the same time.

In addition, the funds Damik has accumulated over the years can make the accounts of his overseas companies richer.

"Bang bang bang!"

These trafficker gunmen reacted quite quickly. In just a short time, eight gunmen arrived, hiding behind sofas, tables and chairs, and opened fire on the two of them.

"Coming!" alerted Mindy, and Locke appeared from behind the pillar where he was hiding, moving quickly while shooting at the gunmen.

"Bang bang bang."

Locke's shooting skills were more accurate, and he fired three times with both guns in his hands. The six gangsters fell silently before they could react.

Mindy's movements were equally fast, her small body rolled, and she jumped out from behind the pillar. The two guns in her hands fired intensive bursts of fire, hitting the two gunmen close to her.

Then he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the entrance to the side passage, aimed at the two gunmen who came for reinforcements, and pulled the trigger again.

"Bang bang!"

The two gunmen who were still advancing rapidly only saw a figure flash past, and before they had time to react, they were both beaten to death in the corridor.

Ignoring Mindy's side, Locke quickly ran through several rooms on the floor and fired several shots at the door. The gunmen who were hiding behind the door and wanted to sneak attack were immediately relieved.

For Locke, who possesses magical induction, these gunmen are as conspicuous as bright lights in the dark night.

Sneak attack?

It’s just overthinking.

After dealing with the enemies on this floor, Locke and Mindy changed their magazines and looked towards the stairwell.

"There are probably quite a few people." Listening to the sound of people stamping on the stairs, Mindy smiled and said, "Do you want to use smoke bombs?"

"No need." Locke shook his head: "Smoke will also affect our sight, so let's deal with it directly."

While talking, Locke entered the stairwell first and saw seven or eight gunmen rushing over at a glance, and the gun in his hand fired again.

"Bang bang!!" The two gunmen who ran ahead and raised their guns and were about to shoot were instantly shot in the head.

Locke did not stop, swinging his arm, and several bullets crossed the arc. Before the gunman behind him saw anyone, he froze and fell down the stairs with the help of the inertia of his forward motion.

The remaining gunmen were startled. They fired randomly with the guns in their hands. Bullets flew randomly, scraping a layer of white ash off the wall, but none of them came close to Locke's position.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Locke's two guns fired without any miss, knocking down the remaining gunmen one by one like cutting wheat.

Seeing Locke's graceful movements, Mindy's eyes lit up. This shooting technique was really accurate and handsome.

The interest arose, and the little figure rushed forward and quickly reached the twenty-eighth floor.

Just as he emerged, he heard several gunshots.

These were the shots fired by several gunmen who were left behind and were scared to death.

But their accuracy was poor. When they saw the figure flickering, they subconsciously fired without knowing where the bullets went.

Relying on the armor on her body, Mindy's small figure moved around, shooting dense bullets from the two guns in her hands.

After a while, the gunfire stopped, and the remaining five gunmen were beaten into sieves, with blood flowing all over the floor.

Locke followed behind and watched Mindy's performance, thinking that this little loli was really violent. After Damon's training for so many years, Mindy has become accustomed to this exciting life. I'm afraid it will be difficult to return to peace in the future.

"Hurry up, don't waste any time, the enemy has already reached the twenty-eighth floor."

Shouts and footsteps soon came from the stairs above: "The other side is difficult to deal with. The one with the explosion shield should be in front, and the people behind him should follow."

After all, he is a big dealer in New York, so he has no shortage of weapons and equipment. Naturally, the members of Damico's gang have all kinds of professional equipment, including anti-riot shields and other police equipment.

In other words, there can't be too much noise in New York City, otherwise various RPGs would have been released long ago.

This configuration is difficult for Mindy to deal with, but as for Locke...


He just waved his arm casually, as if he didn't aim at all, and the gunman in front who was holding a blast shield had a bloody hole in his right foot.

With a scream, the gunman rolled down the stairs and was shot in the head by Locke. The second half of the scream was also suppressed in his throat.

The gunmen who followed the guy holding the explosion shield didn't react yet and went downstairs inertly.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

The next moment, with the sound of several gunshots, the four gunmen who were advancing faster were shot in the head one by one, and then rolled down the stairs with a grunt.

The gunmen who were leaning back upstairs stopped immediately, sweating on their foreheads, and no longer thought of rushing down.

The fat leader standing behind them didn't know what was going on. When he saw these people stopped and didn't move, he yelled loudly: "Why did you stop? Come on!"

These gunmen frantically greeted the fat leader's mother, explaining in their mouths: "Dam was killed, and Tommy and the others who followed behind were also killed because they had no cover."

"How is that possible!?" The fat leader exclaimed, "What Dam is holding is a professional anti-explosion shield. Even an ordinary rifle can't penetrate it. It's not a showman."

These gang members usually bully ordinary people, but when they are really in danger, they have no courage to fight to the death. One of the frightened guys stepped back and said loudly:

"The guy below is so powerful. His marksmanship is extremely accurate. He shoots one at a time. Even Dam, who was holding a shield, was killed in two shots."

Seeing that the fat leader continued to urge, everyone hurriedly agreed: "Tommy and the others died miserably. I can see their bodies lying around the corner. They were all shot in the head. The guys below He’s a sharpshooter.”

Locke was listening to the movement above, but thoughts were spinning in his mind.

Mindy is still clearing out the remaining gunmen on the 28th floor. This little loli can become a super-killer girl, and her talent is extremely amazing. Otherwise, Damon would not be able to reach his current level no matter how hard he trains.

According to Locke's observation, her nerve reaction speed is extremely excellent, her movements are flexible and her body skills are sensitive. If she is well developed, she can become a top elite in the future.

The key is that because of Damon's upbringing, Mindy has become a violent little loli and it is impossible to return to the life of an ordinary little girl.

Just like the sequel to Kick-Ass, Mindy still hasn't given up training and teaches those gang members a lesson, because she has been crooked by Damon and has become a violent person.

Next, if you cultivate it well and spend a few years, you will have a trustworthy helper.

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