Start with a Cat and Mouse Game

Chapter 785: Exaggerate the facts

Since the liberal school will definitely become the mainstream in the United States, just be the initiator of it.

I was ridiculed for a while, won praise for the next 20 to 30 years, became a pioneer of a school, and even affected the American economy, politics, and even the White House. No matter how good this business is, it is a bargain.

Therefore, among those present, even if they disagree with Li Changheng's statement that the capital world will break out for a long period of time.

But most people think about the desert areas and the outbreak of 4 wars, and the view that the situation will be more severe still makes everyone uneasy and silent.

Seeing that no one spoke, Li Changheng said frankly, “I don’t think government intervention can solve the entire capital world brought about by the oil crisis, and the industrial production value will inevitably fall.

However, now that these are said, three days and three nights can not be finished.

However, how to avoid the recurrence of the fifth crisis that endangered the safety of Yisellie is what Yisellie should pay most attention to in the future. "

At the banquet today, among the more than 200 people present, at least half of them were of Jewish descent.

Therefore, everyone around Li Changheng looked at him nervously and intently.

"As early as the Second War, we knew that whoever occupies the sky can win the war. With the upgrading of airborne radar and air-to-air missiles.

The experience in the Vietnam War tells military-industrial groups that in the past, aerial fighting to determine the victory or defeat has turned into the first to spot the enemy plane and use missiles to destroy the enemy plane within more than ten kilometers. "

This theory may be the first time that ordinary people of this age have heard of it, but it is not a secret for those who have the ability to understand cutting-edge technology.

Even, many people quickly thought that Li Changheng said these words in order to promote the f14 fighter.

Li Changheng doesn't care how others think of himself, anyway, getting the order is the most important thing.

Once he helps Boyin obtain excess profits, when he wants to buy a stake in Boyin in the future, he might agree with Boyin without even thinking about it.

"Since the major powers are striving to develop over-the-horizon fighters, in the future, whoever has the stronger interception capability can win the war.

So those multi-functional fighters that can be airborne and grounded, don’t they seem impractical? "

The Spear and Shield project promoted and upgraded each other alternately, which was actually very easy to understand for those present.

In a certain period of time, whether any weapon equipment can be favored is determined by the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy's equipment.

More than ten years later, f14 became a tasteless one, but at this moment Li Changheng's words made people feel that what he said was right.

The interceptor kills the opponent's fighters, and the rest is handed over to various bombers, as well as special ground attack aircraft.

These words immediately made the people of Grumman and Boyin ecstatic.

F15 can be ground and air-to-air, and it is indeed more practical in terms of function, but if the mainstream thinking does not accept it, what use is there no matter how many functions you have?

The f14 represents the fighter with the strongest beyond-horizon interception capability in this era.

While Grumman is profiting, Boeing, as the largest U.S. bomber manufacturer, will also gain the favor of the U.S. military and various allies.

The only problem is that the Americans will never sell the b52 super hegemon to allies.

But other bomber orders are enough for Boyin.

Even, give the two companies a few years to use the current technology, whether it is to upgrade the f14 or to develop a new fighter.

In material science and technology, it will be more advanced than f15 and f16.

Moreover, by taking a large order first, there will be enough funds for research and development.

Boyin’s people can only be regarded as overjoyed, while Grumman feels that relying on Li Changheng is definitely a super cost-effective business.

The arms purchase representatives such as Farouk have already favored the F14, and now there is hope of getting a bomber, of course, there is no need to think about it.

However, just as Li Changheng expected, Farouk and the people behind him are also worried that Yilang will get f14.

"Henry, can we talk alone?"

"Of course." Li Changheng, Boyin and Grumman immediately understood what the other party wanted to say.

Four people came to a small hall, and Li Changheng was satisfied with the result of the negotiation.

Although Farouk felt that the purchase of 50 F14s in the first batch, 3.5 billion of the 10 billion follow-up assistance was too much.

Some are not as accounted by other military-industrial groups in the United States. Fortunately, fighter jets are the most expensive weapon.

And even if Shilei is willing to buy, other military-industrial groups cannot come up with suitable fighters.

Because in addition to the f14, the f4 ghost fighters that have been in service on a large scale are also Grumman products.

And Grumman is willing to help Yi Shile produce f4 ghosts, but Farouk is not stupid.

You only need one-third, or even one-tenth, of the price to buy from the U.S. military. Not to mention hundreds of f4 ghost fighters, one hundred and eighty are no problem.

Even crying and crying poor, shouting that the situation has reached the most dangerous point, and the US military's large number of F4 fighters staying in Yuemen will soon be able to rush to Yisulei.

When the war is over, the Americans will definitely not bring support over and fly back to the U.S. by f4.

Even, at that time, I may have long looked down on f4, let alone, but worried about how to maintain these free-of-charge second-generation f4 fighters.

As for the pilots, among the Vietnam War pilots who have been fighting for several years, it is only a call to find dozens of Jewish pilots who have retired in situ and participated in the war in their private capacity.

Waiting for the f14 Tomcat, the world's number one fighter in this era, to be installed in a series to deal with the desert tyrants. The MiG-17 and MiG-21 fighters bought from the red polar bear are more than enough.

In other words, the MiG-27 bayonet can threaten the f14, but the red polar bear will never sell the fighter plane that was tested last year to the desert tyrants in the next one or two years.

Therefore, from the 22 fighters that Farouk can buy f14 and delivered to the U.S. Navy, 8 fighters can also be deployed on the aircraft carrier and have been tested for one year.

I rushed to the desert area and formed a squadron's combat effectiveness. I was still very satisfied.

Unfortunately, in order to get Li Changheng’s personal promise that he would not sell the f14 to other countries in the desert area, he would have to buy 100 improved models in the future.

And The subsequent 100 frames are not a fixed price of $70 million.

It made Farouk and others feel that the cost of spending more than $10.5 billion to purchase 150 fighters was too great.

Fortunately, in terms of national security, to be the first to obtain the most advanced fighter jets will have more advantages than disadvantages for Israel.

After all, no amount of money can be exchanged for safety.

Although Boein and Grumman were pleased that 150 fighters were involved, they even had an oral agreement for 20 bombers as long as the U.S. government agreed in the follow-up.

But the restricted fighters can only be sold to Farouk. Although the two companies are not reconciled, they can only look forward to future sales. As Li Changheng expected, the US military and other allies will follow to buy f14.

Of course, if this side is restricted, Li Changheng will definitely benefit from other places.


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