Start to live forever, live till the end of time

Chapter 636 After ten years of reading paintings, it’s finally time to write!

"Come on, breathe calmly. Warriors also pay attention to a certain state of mind. Don't be anxious. Just follow me.

"Yes, Brother Xun."

"There is Qi in heaven and earth, Qi sinks into Dantian, and the heart enters heaven and earth, and they complement each other."

"Brother Xun... I don't understand."

"Look into the distance, take a deep breath, empty your mind, and don't think about anything."


Zhou Guangyi followed Chen Xun's example. Although it was very awkward, it was good to blow in the morning breeze and look into the distance, but his heart slowly calmed down.

Half an hour later, the bright sun rose with a golden light. Every household in the alley became busy, and the greetings of the neighbors in the alley could even be heard from the rooftops.

Zhou Guangyi frowned slightly, feeling a little noisy, and his originally quiet heart became a little restless.

"Go and practice martial arts. This requires persistence. When you don't feel noisy, you have entered the next state."

"Yes...Brother Xun."

Zhou Guangyi whispered, licking his lips. The wind made his mouth dry, "Then be careful when you come down."

"Haha, I know martial arts skills."

Chen Xun raised his eyebrows at Zhou Guangyi and blinked, "Look at my 'Great Sun Wandering Dragon' movement technique!"


A gust of morning wind blew by, and Chen Xun fell from the roof lightly. Zhou Guangyi's mouth was wide open, and he was stunned in place like a piece of wood. This was definitely Qinggong! !

His eyes flashed with intense excitement, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

He has no access to qinggong now, but he knows that people who know qinggong will be highly regarded by others when they travel around the world.

"Brother Xun, I'm coming down!"


Chen Xun nodded and smiled, "Come down quickly."

The two came to a crane tree. Chen Xun taught him many weird postures and practiced them first. Zhou Guangyi was in great pain, his face turned red from holding back, and each posture was more bizarre than the last.

Especially when Da Hei Niu and Xiao Chi were still watching the fun, their cries were completely mocking!

Zhou Guangyi didn't dare to doubt anything. After all, Brother Xun was doing it too. Xiaohe also covered her mouth and smiled softly on the stone bench. Fortunately, Brother Xun figured it out, so she quietly put down the book and took a peek.

Time also passes quietly, day after day, year after year.

Zhou Guangyi continued to grow in pain and took medicinal baths to recover from his injuries.

His physique is also getting stronger day by day, especially the stick dance that is superb, and even the true energy has appeared in his body!

His aura is getting stronger day by day, his eyes are very sharp, and his face is upright, just like the legendary ninth-grade warrior!

But five years later, Zhou Guangyi has grown into a young man.

He also packed up his luggage and took a wooden stick made by Chen Xun himself to say goodbye to his family for the long journey. Chen Xun's family also said goodbye in person at the entrance of the alley.

Zhou Guangdai and Zhou Guanghan were already in tears. The eldest brother had been gone for who knows how many years and could only exchange letters. Their parents also sent him far, far away with concern.

Chen Xun's face is also getting older, and he no longer looks like the twenty-year-old youth he once was. He has grown a bit of a beard. The old blind man's body is still strong and healthy, and he is free from illness and disaster.

Aunt Wang has some gray hair and her eyes are a little cloudy, but she never stops talking and is more energetic than before. In the past few years, many families have moved into the alley, and many families have left.

Chen Xun gradually gained some experience, but he still carried a teacup and the big black cow through the streets. He often watched the old blind man paint without anyone disturbing him.

Xiao Chi is still the same as before, with no less energy, but after Zhou Guangyi left, there is one less child to bully, and he seems a little lonely.

However, Nangong Heling's beauty spread throughout the alley, and many people came to propose marriage. Aunt Wang was so angry that she was so angry that she even found a group of old sisters to point fingers.

What a beautiful thought, you guys!

However, Aunt Wang was still concerned about Nangong Heling. With such a big girl, why don't you really find a husband?

But there are many women who die alone in this big world. They are not as traditional as in the small world. Nangong Heling said it was not necessary, and Aunt Wang and the others did not force it, and were very reasonable.

The next day.

Zhou Guangdai also picked up her bags and left the alley. She was going to a big city and wanted to follow a teacher.

However, Zhou Guanghan almost fainted from crying at home when he wrote back letters every month, and shed tears every day.

One of the eldest brother and the second sister went to work in the world, and the other went to the big city. Now she was the only one left in the family, and her parents were getting older. She was really afraid that she would not be able to support the family.

There have been a lot of people coming to kiss her lately, and her parents are starting to think about it and asking her to take a look.

The mortal world here doesn't pay much attention to the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. They just pull the strings and respect the wishes of both parties.

Zhou Guanghan is also very prosperous now, but as soon as her eldest brother and second sister left, whatever mood she had was blocked away.

She couldn't help but have some selfish thoughts in her heart. She hoped that Brother Xun and Sister He Ling would not leave. It would be good to stay in this alley and take care of her parents.

The sky in Qiongyang Town was a little dark today, and it was drizzling.

The old blind man was still selling paintings, and Chen Xun was still sitting next to him. People were hurriedly walking on the street, and the voices of conversations were much quieter.

Chen Xun raised his head slightly and said calmly: "Old sir, it seems that the weather is not good today. It's raining, so we have to close the stall early."

The old blind man was still waving his brush, unmoved: "It is just right for this spirit to moisten the world in the painting. I am very happy to paint in the rain."

"Sir, after the rain, the ink becomes dirty."

"Chen Xun, look at this painting. The heaven and earth in the painting that have been moistened by spiritual energy are not made by me, but by the world that I have never seen before. It can only be appreciated by you."

The old blind man suddenly smiled happily and quickly waved his pen and ink on the drawing paper. He actually felt a fusion with the drizzle, and it felt like it was completely natural!

Chen Xun's eyes gradually became focused and he began to observe carefully.

After a stick of incense, suddenly!


He looked horrified and stood up suddenly. Thunder exploded in the sky outside the town, and purple dragons spread all over the place. Suddenly there was a storm, heavy rain, and the paper was breaking!

It's as if the scene in the painting has escaped from the paper and merged into the real world, everything becomes extremely magical and thrilling.

Chen Xun felt a powerful surge of energy, as if connected to heaven and earth, and an unprecedented surge and excitement surged in his heart.

After ten years of looking at paintings outside the alley, it’s finally time to pick up a pen!

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